This is literally the greatest game and FPS of all time

This is literally the greatest game and FPS of all time.

How the fuck did Bungie do it bros, and more importantly, why were they never able to surpass this title?

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Watch the making of. It has more passion put into it than any game ever made. To release day the devs were telling themselves it could be more fun.

They wanted to make a good game and had the means to.

>halo finally coming to PC where it fucking belongs, over a decade later
>mfw modern companies are struggling to replicate the awesomeness that was the original halo trilogy all this time later
guess we'll be finishing the fight in 2022 at this rate.

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>halo finally coming to PC where it fucking
belongs, over a decade later
>halo finally coming to PC where it fucking belongs,
>PCfags begging for scraps


>console FPS
>"greatest game and FPS of all time"
You can just tell this is a faggot in his early 20s

I liked halo 2 better

halo 2 and halo 3 are objectively better than any of the classic arena shooters like quake and UT

I just beat Halo 2 the other day and it was the worst shit I've ever played. Everything about it was inferior to Halo 1, that was way better. that said, neither of them come close to PC fps.

>the superior version with 60 fps better textures and mouse/keyboard controls

thanks for beta testing cuck

beta test hehe

Thanks for beta testing

Not even the best Halo game. Its predecessors blow it out of the water. Only 3babies disagree.

ok boomer

I'm talking about player vs player, not storymode.

oh, so you're a retarded zoomer. that's all you had to say.

>played 3 and loved it
>played ODST and still liked it
>played Reach and loved it anyway
>played 4 and wish it didn't exist
>see how 5 fucked up everything and don't regret avoiding it
Fuck you 343. You're why I got a PS4.

I'm turning 24 so inbetween millennial and zoomber but I still played all the classics with my older brother. halo on the whole stomps all over damn near every PC fps barring tribes.

>every argument devolves into boomzoom shit
I fucking hate this timeline

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Differences in opinion come from different tastes which are defined by when and where you grew up. It's excessive much of the time, but the only people still talking about arena shooters are people that grew up when they were popular enough to still exist as a genre. These differences will never be reconciled because you can't change the fundamental tastes imparted upon you, so the natural result after arguing incessantly over it is to group people accordingly and understand that they'll never agree. There is no argument to be had, the boomzoom is an agreement to a stalemate if anything.

>he says while wojackposting

>begging for babies first fps on pc
lol just stick to your point n click cs

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The culture around Halo 3 was top tier. The custom games alone carried Halo 3 imo

Their one and only priority was to make the best game they could. No politics. No social media drama. No social justice. No edgy kids. No telling themselves that what they did was good enough, because they knew it wasn't enough. They kept going until they weren't allowed to, because Microsoft wanted it to come out in 2007, and not later. Things like Halo 3 happen when people are honest and genuinely care, and are given the resources they need to get as close to the best results as they can achieve.

343 is not honest, and they are wrapped up in people who are more concerned about the drama surrounding game development, than game development itself.

Bungie purposely fucked Halo over with Reach. Hence the armor abilities, introduction of loadouts, etc. They did this in hopes of giving a final fuck you to Microsoft while simultaneously getting the Halo fans that they knew would hate it to transition to Destiny. It backfired so now everybody suffered. Bungie created a masterpiece, but was also responsible for ruining it, and 343 continues to shit on it when they have the potential to do so much better.
Also, CE was the purest Halo. Every true Halo fan knows this.

Except the numbers don't lie. Halo 5 is getting beaten by games that came out years before it. Whereas Halo 3 was competing with COD in its prime, and every other game and genre. Halo put dents in movie ticket sales. 343 gave us black and female spartans.

>Except the numbers don't lie. Halo 5 is getting beaten by games that came out years before it. Whereas Halo 3 was competing with COD in its prime
lol i feel bad that people are still falling for this and using this arguement when it should fucking go without saying




>people like Halo now

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I love Halo 1-3 but what I dont like about 2&3 is how the guns look and feel like actual peashooters. Also the FOV for H3 is so fucking bad I cant believe everyone was fine with it back in the day

It's their time now