I hope you nazis are proud of yourselves

I hope you nazis are proud of yourselves.

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>checks it
>people are yelling over the merits of “Ogay” being hateful.

Idek what’s more annoying. People legit calling this something like a hate crime if the developers who think this is ok like Shark tale coming up with “Fish King” to parody Burger King

can i get 700 Based in chat right now? if we get 1000 OP will show his feminine cock


Always proud of who I am and what I am.

Its always a good day when good prevails over evil.

Just another game that can't be discussed on Yea Forums due to forum drama

as a christian I think "hello" is quite harmful and should be changed to "heaveno"

>Patricia Hernandez

But your kind is purely detrimental to society. They offer nothing if value to the world.

pretty sure it'd hardly be discussed at all otherwise

You replied to the wrong post bro, the journo is up top.

As a Jew I find that kind of thing horribly offensive. Even moreso than the usual remarks I get when I say I'm a Nazi Zionist.

Is it a she or a """she"""?

I hope ogay becomes an actual insult.


Reminds me of they way Donkey Kong says "Okay!" in DK64

Somebody want to give me a quick rundown?

Don't lie. Trannies make up 40% of organ donors. A very respectable role..we should help raise that number.

>you Nazis are getting mad over a soap bottle LOL
Week later

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Organ removal not donation.

its someone who posts screencaps of her own """journalism""" and posts them here all the time because its guaranteed (you)s from people with no self-control

>Patricia Hernandez
Wall now.

Cartoons can adapt to the times. Why not vidya?

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We did it Yea Forums

Are we sure it’s not 0gay, as in zero gays allowed?


hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle. The joke jumped over user's head

How can you be proud of being a genetic dead end

This type of back tracking doesn't mean shit. They should have never KEKED to begin with. Fuck this faggot studio and their shitty game (which I never even heard of until this kotaku horseshit)


If you have to say it's a joke, it's not. Even when dealing with the terminally stupid.

Based Netflix killing everything it touches.

Horseshoe theory wins again!

Why the fuck is "heteronormative" even a fucking word?
It's literally natures fucking design. It's as normal as normal can be. 99.9% of sexually-reproducing life on this planet is dudes fucking chicks.

There was a fair amount of hype prior to its release and there were plenty of threads talking about the game itself before all this blew up. It's not a bad game, just lacking a bit in weapon and enemy variety compared to the Build engine classics. The possibility of user-made levels gives the game some longevity. Now though, if you mention the game two years down the line all people will talk about is ogay and trannies.

>why should we have words to accurately describe things?

Fucking cringe

Saying a joke went over someones head due to stupidity doesn't make it any less of a joke, retard

Don't worry user. Netflix won't be around in the next year or two

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Can someone explain to me how 'Ogay' is homophobic? Gay is not a slur.

because there is already a term for "heteronormative", it's "common sense"

These shows are going to age like milk because kids literally do not care about the problems being overblown in this shit. They make such niche fucking commentary that's out of place in the mouths of faggy low effort block-figures. Its not even a lesson or moral told in a joke, its just preaching and grandstanding

>your words can't accurately describe the things unless I can inject my shitty bias into them

>actually Polygon
kotaku alumni get passed around like STDs

Very, fuck the homos

We do. That word is "normal".

The episode about manspreading was even worse. Trust me.

lmao, even the word checker knows it's a made up word

They're still donating money to save trannies, so that's a yikes from me

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they keep flipping and flopping

lmao they hate that they are losing their power

The same way chanting a child's gender is just transgender fear mongering but "doesn't actually happen"

This shit is like the DARE shit that Millenials had, it will wind up backfiring because of it

I can't even tell who's shitposting anymore

الله أكبر. قد تكون زوجتي مخلصة دائمًا خشية أن تواجه الحجر.

i have learned more about drugs from DARE then i would have learned naturally

why do they always call this stuff "homophobic"?
I dont fear gays
gays fear me

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Hey don't knock Dare. Without Dare how else would i have known how awesome pot and LSD is?

i came across this word a few years. i never thought i could hate a word.

This has to be a fucking joke, right? I dont watch this gay shit so please tell me this isn't something in a retarded children's block cartoon.

They made a cartoon about masturbation, do you really think they would stop at manspreading?

It wasn't even a slur. It was just a pun on L'Oreal.
This is the biggest fucking non-controversy of the year so far.

I never paid attention to DARE. I just saw that blurb on arcade cabinets that says "Winners don't use drugs" and went "yeah that probably makes sense" and never bothered.

Fags literally only know how to play the victim. Eventually people will stop feeding their delusions and get them the help they need in being neglect.

>It was just a pun on L'Oreal.
I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be Olay.

There you go, looks like they're not in my country so I just went for the one that kind of resembled it.
An obvious pun on something, is the gist.

people opposing censorship = nazis ?

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As an atheist I'm offended by your proposal and want it changed to "Cheerio"

It must be a fairly significant issue if there's near constant threads on Yea Forums about it.

"Nazi" has lost all meaning now. It now basically means someone who doesn't agree with me

I'm agnostic and I think it should be "Demiurgo" instead.

No amount of money will stop trannies from killing themselves.

heteronormative is a non word

heterosexuals are normal. It's gay people that are not normal

Common sense itself is a term created because it's not as common as it should be

I really should learn arabic

To be fair, tranny means the same thing.

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The difference is DARE was actually funded by drug companies. it was literally a false flag to get help get kids into drugs easier. That's why every ad they ran was "How do you do fellow kids?" level shit and generally boiled down to "Just because EVERYONE ELSE INCLUDING ALL THE COOL KIDS are doing drugs doesn't mean you have to, you fucking nerd."

It also made their opposition look silly because they could point to the DARE shit and pretend they're helping.

if it's a non issue then why remove it? come on, i already know your answer. you gonna move that goal post there weren't you big guy? oh you slimey snarky guy!

Anything isn't me or sucking my dick and calling me master of the universe is a nazi and should be exterminated.

You know what’s even worse, that nigger replaced the guy on the left for no reason

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>if it's a non issue then why remove it?
Where did I say to remove it, when I was rolling my eyes at the headline for trying to make this out to be a controversy at all?

Go argue with yourself somewhere else.


What the fuck are those arms? He's like lanky kong but somehow more gay.

>that long ass arm

>even worse
Look at that dude! Look at his arms!

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oh good i thought someone was unironically reading kotaku

Holy shit I remember seeing a pilot for this like ages ago. I remember the villain in the skin tight suit made my pee pee hard

Resetera trannies absolutely seething.
their actual audience have way more power than you whiny fucks. sorry.

we already have a word to accurately describe it though. you psuedointellectual faggots just love stringing words together in long blocks to stroke your pretentious egos.

i think you just offended me by insulting my god

>tiny Jewish and LGBT minority in the US.
>incredibly overblown representation and control over the media

Nah, they don't have an agenda. They aren't trying to control our thoughts at all