Show me what you got, Yea Forums. Link's responses are welcome too.
Show me what you got, Yea Forums. Link's responses are welcome too
Have a template.
These always feel like some lonely guy's waifu simulator
They arent?
Post the Link one as well
why is ocarina of time like that
isnt she into link in the game?
listen, you tell georgie boy im in a position to scratch his bush if he'll scratch mine, capiche?
This is a black thing, isn‘t it?
As black as it can get, all that's left to drive it home is for them to kill flies with chopsticks.
Playing with my micropenis
We're 100% BLACK
Cdi: statement
wow you guys arent very funny
And this is to FEEL even further beyond!
post the link ones, those are way funnier
>post the link ones, those are way funnier
Well, aren't I a filthy zoomer
Me too
Fuck you for doing this.
>tfw you will never have girl who cares about you like this
Stop it you motherfucker, I've done nothing to you, why must you hurt me?
>not a single one is just statement
Why is he still smiling after what just happened?
she's the best punchline
> code lyoko
I went to laugh and then accidentally inhaled some spittle so now im coughing.
I really don't understand why people write OoT Zelda as cold or shocked.
She was literally more involved in Link's journey than anyone other Zelda, Tetra coming in as a close second. You really expect me to believe that with the amount of time she spent waiting for him to return just so she could stalk him, that she didn't have some kind of attachment?
animated series link is a fucking treasure
why is cd-i link so based? he shouldn't be based. You're a faggot. also og link liking attack on fagan? lol what a twat you are.
Code Lyoko isn't a real anime.
CD-i link isn't a real link.
dats da joke
Fuck you. It's real to me, that was good shit. We need a show like Code Lyoko again.
Yeah. And I'm explaining it to him.
holy fuck
thank god im not stupid, it must be real embarrassing
Reminder these responses are just based on how the characters reaction looks rather than their actual personality (if any).
Which is stupid, because the reactions should be based off of the personalities.
Hey, I don't like having to state the obvious either.
But sometimes, someone has to do it.
ocarnia of time is the only good one as always
All we can do is laugh
She has no actual personality so they just made her the normal one, same for Young Link.
>Show me what you got
>code lyoko
>not boondocks
>not black dynamite
>best Zeldas have the best taste
>She has no actual personality
The bitch speaks to you in poetry half the game, bullshit she doesn't have a personality. I'mma rattle off some traits off the top of my head
There. That's your OoT Zelda.
gacha = not worth mentioning
Big zooms
it's meant to be EDGY you fucking retard
we don't deserve CD-I link
im not the one who made it
if I did I would've included BOTW
not him but dude, can you relax? It's always been stoic.
Hi. Just wanted to say NONE of those edits were even good or even ok. Keep sucking Yea Forums!
>cartoon link not saying diesel
why is cdi link so based
I see CD-I link is a man of taste
Breath of the Wild Link is smooth as fuck.
So she ends up being nothing but slightly polite which is how she's written anyway, got it.
Their personality is based more off what specific image was used.
The skyward sword zelda is too wholesome in these threads. Is she like that in the game? makes me want to try to emulate it.
>I’m not letting you sleep tonight
What does she imply?
Pretty much, yeah.
Congrats, you've reduced her personality to a point that her plot makes zero sense. Faggot.
botw link is some forced shit
There was a while where the threads were almost entirely reposts, so BotW Link was an attempt to shake things up and introduce some new content. It's arguable how well it worked.
>implying every little trait matters when all she gets is one liners
>calling others faggots while you're bitching about poetry
Spotted the actual delusional faggot.
You could have just used the template, you fool.
>>implying every little trait matters when all she gets is one liners
Let's briefly analyze Zelda's behaviors and decisions in OoT through the lens you've provided.
>Why did Zelda believe Link was the chosen one?
Because she was polite.
>Why did she plot with Link to get into the Temple of Time?
Because she was polite.
>Why did she wait 7 years for him to come back?
Well, obviously, it's because she's polite.
>Why did she train to become a ninja in the meantime?
She's just that fucking polite.
>Why does she intentionally avoid mincing words with Link?
Anyone got the "Finding out TP Zelda's Design isn't in Smash U" one where TP Zelda is dressed as Sheik?
JJL is unironically great though
stands are fucking retarded
only part 1 and 2 are good
3 is tolerable because polareff and that's it
I'm Henry Firth.
that defiantlt wouldn't be ocarnia of time zeldas reaction
animated link is correct, stands are stupid. beating shit up with mystical breathing sun radiation is way cooler than imaginary friends.
>all the scenarios are either based on context alone or fit perfectly
>>all the scenarios are either based on context alone or fit perfectly
That's called "being an integral character", user.
It's what happens when your character ISN'T a cardboard cutout, and their personality is revealed through their actions because they directly interact with the plot.
>It's what happens when your character ISN'T a cardboard cutout
You really don't get the point of these threads, do you?
Links as criminals
And you obviously don't get the point of this chain.
But Dad aren't some of those banks?
CD-I Link never fucking fails.
Just wanted to thank the anons here for sharing these. I had a good laugh tonight
ALTTP Zelda is best Zelda
Ill take LoZ as a victory.
I do, it's just retarded to expect loads of characterization in a single panel.
I'm not expecting loads of characterization.
I'm saying that the characterization itself is wrong.
Pretty good
Then do one yourself to set an example and see if it sticks.
TP Zelda+Link always have the best taste.
Post the ganondorf edits
Why does Skyward Sword always give the best responses?
... what?
No, dammit, I'm specifically referencing the template these are all originally based off of. When did you get the impression that I was talking about the memes based off of it?
based cdi
>tp link not liking russ
shit you're right
version where she is asked to suck the readers toes pls
but also orcarnia of time zelda and legend of zelda link
Because that's been the biggest contention of these threads since the whole BotW Link fiasco.
Wasn't the template originally just the one fanart and people built it from there? Anyway, using her actual personality for the art would make her just a combo of SS and LttP.
Based OG Link.
Actually Yea Forums related
>Wasn't the template originally just the one fanart and people built it from there?
This is the original fanart. Its translation is identical to (You). I don't know if that answers your question.
>Anyway, using her actual personality for the art would make her just a combo of SS and LttP.
That's the thing though. I think she'd be a lot more reserved than either of them, but still reciprocal. Excited, but not eager.
are there full body versions of these zeldas by this artist?
toon link is accurate as fuck
cd link should have said XIII
>Last one
the face
Possibly. But probably not.
The rabbithole goes kind of deep. These zeldas aren't even an original meme in themselves, and are based off of a template for reactions to being told "I love you" that have been used across Japan. The alternates like "I want to break up" are derivatives of this older meme in itself and has been applied across a variety of series. I suspect that the person who drew these profiles did it strictly for the meme, which then spawned off and took a life of its own.
For the record, the template ACTUALLY reads as following:
>... huh....(?)
And was replaced with the LoZ titles in english.
Also works, but spirits within is better
>OoT not VII
>LoZ not VI
Into the trash.
I've never wanted TP Zelda so much until now.
What the fuck I love SS Zelda now??
Marry me.
Why you gotta do that to a guy
wtf i hate twilight princess now
THATS NOT what i posted
Time for some OC
No, it is stoic or dudebro, edgy/hardcore is TP link
Hey, you don't TALK to my wife like that.
Gimmie SS gf
skyward sword eternally best
kill yourself nigga
based skyward sword
Post Zeldas catching you crossdressing.
I don't judge your kinks, do I?
how are animated and cdi so fucking based
windwaker link is based and also redpilled, hamonfags are braindead
>Twilight Princess
What did she mean by this?
Now post the original.
>tfw no one to hold hands or cuddle with
just end it already
Last one should have been "I already am, cuck".
I hate these fucking charts. TP Zelda is a sad, melancholy character, who surrendered the moment enemies stepped into her castle. She's not some masochist or dominatrix. If anything, she's the opposite.
>but she's a boss!
Wrong. Ganon is the boss.
SS Zelda is fucking based
>CD-I isn't Gantz
missed opportunity
Fucking perfect
well excuse me princess
Go to the church, and ask God to fug you.
I appreciate the effort user but you need to practice your english.
Nice English skills.
You have absolutely no idea how this works, huh?
>Link's responses are welcome too.
Oh boi!
He walked her home gently
>one-word devoid-of-personality responses
Fuck off
Best girls tend to do that.
>That TP response
Fuck I completely forgot about that. Bless Orson Wells.
Animated Link and SS Zelda at it again with the best takes
im surprised i dont see srs bsns
He put his grasses on
Because the closed time loop means it didn't happen at all.
Why do that naked when he can hold hands with me
There goes King Harkinian -- the biggest ASS! who ever lived. Whattadouche.
This is godtier, user.
Based twilight princess give me her now
Either making a phoney will or a contract for your goddamn soul.
>Wind Waker
I lost this picture ages ago, and now you've posted it. Thank you user, I love the JUST feel in it.
was she more involved than spirit tracks Zelda?
Someone post the Killer 7 one
Why is she so cute bros
Wow, I forgot I made this ages ago
This thread made me realize how much of a masochist I am.
Based Animated Series
Thanks TP
Where do you guys find these? is there a booru or anything?
>I just stuffed the king up my butt
Holy crap
>no one lives forever nowhere to be found
shit tier
>the jews are next
oh cdi what a gift you are to our world.
Technically it's royal crap.
Another user had posted a good summary of how these images came to be, it's up there somewhere
not mentioning the superslide in OoT
Anyone have the fart ones haha
Well what personality would compliment the other 6? I imagine him as some half crazed, 100 year old weirdo; literally climbed out of bed, grabbed a stick and started beating Bokoblins. Has pockets stuffed with hundreds of pieces of food, bugs and parts of animals he beat to death with a stick, always carrying dozens of swords and knives.
I want a TP Zelda GF so badly bros
I hate you
What is the point of this?
Fucking kek