Here's your protagonist bro

Here's your protagonist bro.

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (1920x1465, 362K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ayo.... Holup

why is he growing fingers

Why does the game industry deliberately make ugly characters?


Indeed, where the white wimmin at?

Attached: niggawatts.jpg (720x425, 37K)

Infinite simultaneous handjobs.

Looks pretty cool, I wonder when we'll get to see a real render so his hair looks like hair instead of tentacles.
Anyway, what are you hyped about for Cyberpunk?

Attached: 1557141444551.jpg (500x375, 37K)

that's a fractal heatsink

Because western civilization is a joke

I am angry.


>character model is untextured
>Yea Forums assumes he's black
When will /pol/tards fuck off?

Attached: 1440383219526.jpg (320x320, 38K)

Looks good to be honest, except for the hair

>extremely problematic facial features
>cheeto hair
uh oh

I haven't been keeping a close eye on it but it looks nice

it's only problematic when they're attractive

Or you know...realism

don't pretend that hair could belong to anybody else than a dindu

>character model is untextured
??? His skin and eyes are already textured.

Nice bait, good that you found an image of a random untextured model online and slapped a cyberpunk logo on the image.

>gameplay already looks like GTA V a game from 2013
>going to get downgraded Witcher 3 style
I can't imagine what it looks like on release.

Attached: cyberpunk2.png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Nigga looks like mr. Clean with worms growing on his head

just all part of the plan, goy. shut up and buy our games and if you hate it you are an antisemite!

maybe its because I'm not a faggot so I don't care what guys look like but he just looks like an normal black guy to me
Not really that ugly

Attached: 1538686574541.jpg (1024x1024, 144K)

Is that Static Shock?

He's literally brown, you stupid fat faggot.

>Clearly african features
>Assuming that's a problem
When will /pol/tards fuck off?

Attached: 1463551435240.png (597x412, 422K)

thanks realism for reminding me that I should suck nigger cock every day thank you based government and corrupt charities for shipping africans into our homeland and destroy our streets. Thank you realism I looooove black cock BLACK COCK please smash my bus shelter and knock down my church thanks realism for helping me accept that niggers are a part of our life now and white people are a thing of the past I love nigger nigger niggers


>Western civilization is a joke because it designed a video game character I'm not attracted to.
You guys are a joke

Attached: DeopIHXU8AAJ6BQ.jpg (1080x1039, 147K)

Will game developers figure out how to model hair in our lifetime?

Attached: 1511678085385.jpg (1113x494, 68K)


This but unirionically

Stat angry please

Not twink enough

I want to know what the op typed to find this image.

You have a containment board

Face is okay but I fucking hate dreads, they’re the UGLIEST hairstyle of all time.

Updated my journal.

Actually fuming

You're right. It's simply not possible to discern a person's race with an uncolored image.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (1300x940, 1018K)

uuuumm sweety... that's a nigger face :/



Fucking dropped, every fucking game? When will people wake up?

What a strange looking jew

based schizo poster

firstname: dinidu
surename: nothin

This, pic related is the artist's true vision. I think you'll regret your words and deeds, Yea Forums.

Attached: 703.png (400x350, 175K)

to steal more shit


There's a sidemission where you can use your body as a bio-growhouse for either a veterans clinic or a body mod company
they harvest the fingers for the unfortunate veterans or to sell at a premium to weirdos who really need fingers

Awww triggered white guy maaad :)



Doesn't CP2077 have a character creator?


You think you're funny.

You're not.

I personally don't give a shit what color/race/gender the protag is provided their character arc or overall story isn't based around OMG they're black/gay/a woman.

alex sasu

Attached: alex-sasu-body-turnaround-geared-up.jpg (1920x1465, 229K)

You're pretty funny user.

>All these people getting mad at a character creator
Y'all are all idiots

Attached: 1489706724899.jpg (182x200, 5K)

assblasted nog


As an artfag who does 3d stuff occasionally, making ugly characters is actually really fun to do. I doubt employee fun is part of the equation in these thinktanked sort of games, but if you ever open up a sculpting program and dick around, you'll probably enjoy making some big lipped, beady eye'd, wrinkly horror more than some smooth, pristine perfect waifu.

Plus, ugly characters are more unique. there's a certain beauty threshold where things start to look really similar, but there's a world of ways to be ugly and memorable for it.

Seething criminal

are you a cute girl?

Attached: dreads.jpg (500x677, 73K)

Imagine the smell.



Attached: 100percenthwyte.jpg (827x1241, 156K)

an attractive character doesn't need to be a pristene perfect waifu
you could model a cute little kid for example

that's fucking disgusting holy shit my toes are curling that's SO FUCKING GROSS. AHHHHH

Attached: 1565991447748.png (400x400, 98K)

>what kind of rock is th--

Attached: 1475692700402.gif (275x206, 1.7M)

post toes

tfw no static shock games

makes sense

>Here's your protagonist bro.
If you choose to create him, sure.

You do know that Cyberpunk lets create a character, right?

how do nigs cope with having pubes at best, and shit at worst, for hair?

Attached: 1557772076704.jpg (447x463, 53K)

You still might run into the same issues there.
Neotenic designs tend to be smooth, soft, rounded, and are pretty difficult to make look right and beleivable. Designs like that will enter uncanny valley a lot quicker than someone like OP's design

Looks like your average american to me.




Attached: 1557609659242.jpg (184x184, 8K)

Black people aren't attra-

heh, got a chuckle out of me

Attached: 142342341234.jpg (228x221, 11K)

>using a cartoon
at lease use real evidence.

Attached: 1486668661135.jpg (500x456, 59K)

That's a white woman in the picture

am I racist for laughing? Is this how that neonotsee stuff starts?

Attached: 1504329790376.gif (200x180, 2.97M)

Shit bait shit skin

Attached: EC36LhrUEAEhfq0.jpg (256x286, 11K)

>being afraid of labels
this is how the media controls people so easily

Let me paint you a better MC then.

Attached: Preparing your daily dose.png (276x254, 107K)

requesting cp gets you a permaban, user

I was actually requesting ebony ass but fair point.

I'm only squidding, friend

why future game not white???????????

because you didn't defend your homeland

It's accurate to reality

its an american future game,, not a white future game

Literally small time. Behold: The Polish Plait.

>A plait could sometimes grow very long – even up to 80 cm (31.5"). Polish plaits could take various forms, from a ball of hair to a long tail. Plaits were even categorized; plaits were "male" and "female", "inner" and "outer", "noble" and "fake", "proper" and "parasitical".

>British diarist and Samuel Johnson's friend, Hester Thrale, in her book Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, described a Polish plait she saw in 1786 in the collection of the Elector of Saxony in Dresden: "the size and weight of it was enormous, its length four yards and a half [about 4.1 m]; the person who was killed by its growth was a Polish lady of quality well known in King Augustus's court."

Attached: Plica_polonica_CM_UJ.jpg (550x413, 57K)

Fukken BASED

all hair of any texture will look like the picture you replied to (which is of a white woman) grease and grime mats hair and makes it look like that also your a retarded idiot for not knowing this and your hair is most likely a greasy stinky mess

Attached: EAoUvjYU0AMyUgL.jpg (750x711, 63K)

kek, based; and redpilled

Attached: 1544280834821.png (840x700, 708K)

looks more like some generic character that you will end killing multiple times, because there are only like 10 different models for the type of enemy he is.
he has ninja styled attacks mixed with capoeira


>nigger hair
>nigger nose
He's black retard.

It's official, Yea Forums has been invaded by /pol/.


>It's official
How nu

First day here, huh?
It's been like since.... 2015? When was Goober Gator again?

>Took you until August 2019 to figure this out.

It's the other way around, except the /pol/ jannies actually do their job

>races are made equal sweety
Okay, then why can we immediately tell he's black?

Niggas head looks like roasted coral
Niggas head looks like someone ate some cheetos but shat it out intact
Niggas head looks like a dude dipped his hands in a chocolate frosty and and is massaging the air
Niggas hair is giving the OK sign

Attached: 1539654319334.gif (488x276, 892K)

>all those (you)s
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

The more they move to reflect the real world the worse their video games get in mechanics and philosophy.
Imagine that. I'm all for eye for an eye and equality but diversity is a fucking meme

Literally growing cheeto puffs out of its head. Seriously doubt its an official asset and not some leaf's false flag op

>people responding like this is real and not fanart or completely unrelated work
I honest to god can’t tell with you people anymore

Attached: 97CC9F2A-397D-4802-BA52-B72064A62638.png (667x670, 648K)


>the nigger cope
