Stop fantasizing about my wife

Stop fantasizing about my wife

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Sorry user but I want to eat your wife's was out


Lol no ass if you fap to this you need to have sex

I don’t like her cancel gimmick. It’s a stupid way to make gameplay needlessly complex.

>no ass


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Reminder that brainlets like this are the reason why SFV is in its current state.

He is probably black

You're giving them more reasons to, dummy

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>if you fap you need to have sex
user... c'mon.

Goddamn this seriously makes me want to install SF5.

OwO what's that I see??

She isn't your wife. She doesn't even exist, except in your imagination

Your wife secretly comes to my house to inject her fluids in my stomach through my butt.

Poison is biologically female and there's nothing you can do to change my mind you closeted homosexuals :^)

That just makes me wish she had a son doujin where she intoduces him to her friends.

>implying female dicks are a thing

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Go to any porn site of your choosing and type in "shemale". Let me know what you find.

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it's called sheMALE, not sheFEMALE, retard

... What?

shemales are males, thus their dicks are male

No, they're definitely not. You seem to be confusing disgusting trannies with shemales.

here's a trick to identify males, I know it's somewhat confusing but,, as a general rule, every dick comes from a male, but not every male has a dick

I wanna fuck her ass

ironic, and yet slightly based

user, I think you should know something..... That bulge there...

I wanna lick your wifes balls



I'm black and Poison has a fat ass.

>want to buy this game
>$8382929927388 of shit to buy and grind
Why is Capcom so fucking greedy with this game?

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I'll stop once she creampies my mouth

Still would

Don't buy costumes for characters you don't play.

>futanari = female with a dick
>newhalf = male with female features and a dick
is this correct, Yea Forums?

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Get AE. I got enough FM to buy 5 characters.

OP, I regret to inform you but I must speak this to you personally, I have masturbated to your wife to the point of climax approximately 167 times since I was 12 years old. Combining times I did not explicitly cum to the thought or image of your wife(male), I have masturbated to her approximately 482 times.

I can only beg for your forgiveness and understanding, as that ass be fat.

There is a literal cycle where I posted this like a month ago. There is a cycle on Yea Forums where people here experience the circle of shit.

She's not your wife

She's my husband!

pretty much user

Futa means you have vagene and benis

You're all faggots.

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my bottom wife can top your wife

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You wouldn't fuck Poison?

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Yes, and?

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And, he's cute.

>only fg out where you can buy characters with in game cash

yes, he is

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It wasn't bad at first but now getting FM is fucking tedious.

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Huge-O is too small

too much ass

Is it gay to want to suck Poison's balls

Is it tho? I mean, She is super fucking hot. If you're doing sexy times with a lady that hot it can't be gay right?

fucking a hot trap/tranny is always gay, but there's a level of gayness

>fucking a hot trap/tranny in the ass
gay act, straight desire
>sucking the balls or penis of the trap/tranny
gay act, gay desire
gay act, flaming gay desire, even gayer than a gay male topping a hairy fatfuck

fine i'll post some lewds

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auto sage?

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guess not

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i want to impregnate her boywomb

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Imagine accidentally putting a baby inside her

>Cody doesn't want to fuck Poison

imagine being this gay, no wonder Jessica dumped him

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feel the same man
i don't really hate the game but fuck the grind behind it

>long neck
did ANYONE see this before thy put it in game?

i hate my e key

i miss SFIV animations

But your wife have a nice ballsack...

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Capcom really outdone themselves. Poison is the most attractive she's ever been.

ayooo hol up
where da balls @, homy

>big dick

she's 3 inch tops, it's so smol you can't even see her bulge

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look man
i just want to take poison on a date to the aquarium and hold hands

Nah, Alex is just that big. Besides, before SFxT made him the size of a house he was "Only" Andre the Giant-levels of big

It's bigger than average, she's just spent 20+ years mastering the art of tucking and wrapping

Chinbotsu and Musashi-Dou have told me otherwise

Roxy is better anyway

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>all these final fight reps
Just make another game capcom for fucks sake.

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w-wait a minute

Chun-Li is for Poison

Roxy's only advantage is the superior genitalia

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yeah it seems like the minimum for futa is female with benis and sloppy meat hole

futanari = hermaphrodite, either by natural or unnatural means (i.e. dick + vagina)
newhalf = technically a shemale / trannie, but most 2D newhalfs are pretty much traps with boobs

>Roxy's only advantage is the superior genitalia

an even bigger benis with fatter balls?

fighting games are relatively niche as is and even less people want to play beat em ups

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Pretty much
Futa=Dick 'n Pussy, balls optional. Could be from magic?
Newhalf=Gook Shemale, no puss and definitely was/is a dude

Additionally, terms that I've seen confusion on:
Trap: Boy that can pass as DFC girl
Transvestite: Dude that likes wearing women's clothes, likely not passable and still identifies as a man. Drag Queen is similar but on an escalated degenerate level. Not part of the "trans" identity despite it literally being in the name
Tranny: Catch-all for above so confusion will arise

She got some neck


very nice Poison

beat'em ups are dead as big 3D productions, but that's not a problem, no one wants another Streetwise

just make another 2D Final Fight like Fight N' Rage, the new Kunio-kun and Streets of Rage 4

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What would the game look like though? Sprites with the detail & animation quality of SFIII? Cell-Shaded models that look like older Final Fight art (Pic Related)?

Attached: FFOriginalTitle.png (654x494, 522K)

Which is stupid looking.

She tucks.
This is a legit tranny technique to hide their penis.

It's fictional so it doesn't matter

Reminder that this was official commissioned artwork done for Capcom. Then someone saw it in the office, and greenlit it to be in a swimsuit magazine.

Still a penis looks weird without balls.

>official commissioned artwork done for Capcom
source: you're ass


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Lucia is better

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Kolin has the best body in Street Fighter V


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If we are all being weirdos, I want poison to step on my dick and get more verbally and physically abusive the longer I take to suck her off.

That is all.

I know this isn't really an SFV/fighting game thread but I'll ask anyway, should I buy a hitbox? I've only ever played on pad. I tried stick and didn't really like it. I feel like if I'd commit to the hitbox I'd benefit, I spaz out on pad and mess up inputs a lot because it's so cramped.

Shemales are males. I personally categorize the term as being specifically those who fully own it while pulling off a fem aesthetic. While a trans person may be caught in doubt and self-loathing the shemale is the chad variant of the concept. Often they tend to be femboys who just wanted to grow their bodies out to reach their full potential yet don't feel the full breadth of the psychological issues of the trans community.

It that the legendary brap box that I've been hearing about?

Your wife is cute

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Her best parts!

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>every final fight boss in the background

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I'm not into fatties.

You really need some electroshock therapy.

i want to choke on your wife's cock my dude

No need to be ashamed, user. We all know how badly you want Poison's juicy cock in your mouth

futanari = girl with dick and pussy
dickgirl = girl with dick and balls

newhalf = japanese term for shemale
shemale/tranny = a dude with hormones+surgery
trap = a naturally feminine dude who doesn't rely on hormones or surgery
crossdresser = a dude who dresses like a girl but doesn't pass like a trap can
useless = tranny who gets SRS

>trap = a naturally feminine dude who doesn't rely on hormones or surgery

also fictional

futanari can have balls too

No, it's not. It just obviously never reaches the level of girly that 2D can reach.

where does the pussy go then? in the ballsack?

About as gay as wanting to have sex with a sexy woman whose only "masculine" body part is the most fragile and weak thing on their body.

hidden behind the ballsack so you can fuck a pussy and receive a balljob at the same time for maximum efficiency

but the dick comes out of where the clit is
how do the balls fit in