There are more people watching wow classic than there are playing it

There are more people watching wow classic than there are playing it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watching is free
>playing costs money
your dumb

Mostly due to the fact most people cant even get into the server.

Why do people watch this fucking loser?

I would guess a lot of people don't even know him but clicked on the one with the most viewers

Thank goodness for this article. I needed to know this.

the eternal zoomer strikes again

>too stupid to make any meaningful statements
>simply parrots buzzword that all the cool 4channel kids use

Have you seen how bad the queue is?

>There are more people watching a football game than there are playing it

Here's what you look like

don't you need like a lot of space and people to play football

Its probably zoomers who never played it seeing what WOW even is

/ourguy/ is live

Attached: 1544060253512.jpg (1485x1101, 58K)

Crazy, right? Zoom zoom!

Attached: a44.jpg (680x346, 22K)

>all these fucking assmonglers shadowing a streamer around doing fuck-all but take up server slots, while I'm waiting 2 hours just to log in, play for an hour, get DC'd, and have to wait another 3 hours to get back in

Dude, fuck this.

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Well it's a subscription game, what the fuck do you think?

wow is a huge waste of time. much like sitting all day on this board

anyone else abandoned by their father?

>There are more people watching wow classic than there are playing it.

It doesn't release until tomorrow.
Even when it does release the servers will be fucked for a few days, as per blizzard custom.

yes but unironically

Don’t @ me bro wtf

not everyone can be a pro footballer, wake up sheep.

>your dumb

They really should just ban people who aren't playing the game proper, for every person stuck in queue 50 zoomers are screaming INV ASMON LAYER on lvl 1 alts

never correct my spelling ever again