i'll start with a easy one
ITT: times that Yea Forums tricked you into playing a mediocre game
trick is an interesting choice of word there op
how does it feel to be a nigger?
>I can't watch gameplay videos and let /v decide my purchases
>I didn't like games others liked, so it was a trick!
never listen to this place, but also holy shit you're stupid.
Wow great bait. Seriously though, what's not to love about the game if you're a fan of the Metal Gear series as well as games like DMC and Bayonetta? If you're not a fan of one or both of those things then you should have known you probably wouldn't like it before playing it. It's not a perfect game by any mean but it is definitely praiseworthy
Not just v,but reveiwers too. Literally worse than dark souls 2.
Also, just remember that Yea Forums does nothing but make you hate games. It isn't "developing taste," it's souring everything that doesn't fit a very narrow set of criteria. I suggest you come here after playing a game yourself and laughing at all the threads where it's obvious OP hasn't even touched the game. Just as it's important to critique games according to our tastes, it's also important to appreciate the differences in games even if it's not something we actively seek out.
Shit graphics and shit “gameplay”
OP's a faggot
but here's a legitimate answer
The funny thing is both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are the best games From has made in the last 10 years
>dude but you can slide and go fast and bullet time!
shit gameplay
playing is different from looking at cutscenes on youtube nigger
people here get REALLY defensive about MGR, OP.
Anyone that like LE LE LE MEMES JACKY LE MEMES I PLAYED BALLS IN COLLEGE faggots are not people
platinum games is the most overrated active developer
witcher 3. shit game.
>t. snoy faggots still mad about astral chains and they're taking it out on platinum
Dork Souls, Starbound, Bioshock Infinite