how does it feel to know that there's now over 500 people who are in, just to follow asmongold thorough the map, while you have to wait a huge queue
How does it feel to know that there's now over 500 people who are in, just to follow asmongold thorough the map...
Feels like nothing, since I'm not on his server.
I'm just waiting for the new archeage release, maybe this time it'll work desu
I don't play this retard garbage or know what an assmongoloid is, so it feels good man.
>to wait a huge queue
nah man that's impossible.
that's why blizzard adding layering, remember?
Feels like home
WTF? Does that mean I have to wait in queue and wont be able to see asmongold? And if I get super-unlucky I might not even get into the game before he stops? >>:/
me mad
>currently 800min que
>position has barely changed for the last hour and a half
Thank god they added layering to fix this, it's not like blizzard would lie or anything
Of course there's layering, there's just too many fucking people!
wait dude, what if I'm playing on any server besides the one asmongold and other streamers are playing on? does that mean I will have no interactions with streamers and their audiences? it's fucking ruined, bros. I'm subscribing to ff xiv right fucking now.
>too many fucking people!
layering was added to appease streamers, it does fuck-all for anyone else.
Layering has nothing to do with login queues and never claimed to you fucking idiot
Go play on one of the newest servers they just opened you retard.
doesnt bother me. i cant buy a subscription but have been charged money.
greatest experience this year
When you load into for instance, Abby, there's about 100-150 people, there's layering, R-tard. They just didn't expect people to renew subs to the point WHERE THE FUCKING WEB SHOP CRASHES YOU NIGGERBRAINED FUCK.
do I really have to link you several recent classic interviews where the developers have been claiming this consistently? fucking delusional retard
What is the appeal of the guy I don't get it.
>haven't paid a cent to blizzard for 10 years
>finally decide to give them some money
>they won't let me
Go ahead and try, because you're wrong and it doesn't exist.
It's a way to avoid quest mob congestion without having to make a million low pop servers. It has the opposite effect because it's their way of choosing fewer full servers over many lower-pop servers while keeping the starting zones light enough to actually get mob tags.
Literally every us server has a queue
>They just didn't expect people to renew subs
They didn't expect people to want to play one of the most addicting games of all times? It's hilarious how the developers ACTUALLY thought BFA was in anyway comparable to an actual MMO, or even a basic computer game. It's unironically designed like a fucking phone-game.
For the last 6 years I have been dying to play wow, but legitimately could not. I had the two options of playing on a shitty private server, or playing the objectively fucking awful version of the live game
If you chose faerlina you deserve it fucking dumbass
>Spend an hour spamming F5 to have a chance at getting in the queue to buy subscription, to queue to a server, to queue for your quest items
>The real vanilla experience
Seriously fuck Blizzard, I bet I could fly to cali(NY) take a shit on blizzards front door and fly back and still be in queue.
Please tell me people arent actually arent waiting in line in the fucking game.
>It's hilarious how the developers ACTUALLY thought BFA was in anyway comparable to an actual MMO
>It's unironically designed like a fucking phone-game.
This is such an interesting phenomenon. Do you think modern devs seriously just don't realize what made MMOs so compelling? Like, it's really interesting that when they try to turn the MMO into an addiction machine using elements from mobile games, they end up losing the original addiction factor that got so many people hooked in the first place.
No modern MMOs are being made without the whole mobile design philosophy in mind. Do you think that's why the MMO died? Not because MMOs actually got less compelling to the average consumer, but because they kept trying to addict that consumer more and more and in doing so ended up addicting them less? So that consumer could then be entrapped by LoL or DotA or something similar.
feels good to be a Stalagg chad
I took the day off and slept through my alarm...
Logged in at 7:50
200 minutes remaining on queue after 2 hours.......
Should I go Nelf Druid or Dwarf Priest?
>Do you think modern devs seriously just don't realize what made MMOs so compelling?
I think they don't get enough harsh feedback. They exist within their little hugbox of universities, Reddit, Facebook. Not enough people tell them their game is shit. And when they do hear it, they've been trained to take that as isolated harassment.
It should be essential for devs to spend at least one hour a week reading through threads on Yea Forums to gather serious critical analysis.
I just logged in on private server played a bit and got bored and I got my fix without paying a dime. Feels based
t. zoomer that never played retail vanilla
Nobody's actually following him except his satellite streamer friends.