Random's mic is on

>Random's mic is on
>Hear domestic violence in the background

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Hear domestic violence in the background
Its called sex. Have some, its good for you.

>jack off

okay, retard

>you hear teammates gf in the background, cheering him on

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>Mexican's mic is on
>hear dog barking in the background
>hear overweight latino woman yelling in the background
>hear baby crying in the background
>hear vacuum cleaner in the background

I remember i tried playing GTA V online once, there was this kid like 16-17 years old, talking with the other guy while eating something.
I never played GTA V Online ever since.

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>Public L4D2 match with a friend
>Random american with southerner accent joins in
>Start screaming at his parents
Speaking of L4D, fuck versus.

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What is this meme with L4D and versus mode?

>play on European server
>random's mic is on
>hear Arabian rap music

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Every fucking time. EVERY fucking TIME with these goddamn beaners.

>tfw he streams it

Attached: panic.gif (500x487, 831K)

>African player's mic is on
>Hey hey people

>XXX_CykaVodka_XXX has joined the voice channel
>XXX_CykaVodka_XXX has left the voice channel

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>mexican's mic is on
>hear 20 of his family members screaming in the background

Basically hardcore vs casuals, some people just want to have, but the majority of people just want play hardcore, versus is full of tryharders.

>hear a guy fighting his gf in the background
>hear gunshots

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>guys voice is really shit quality and hard to hear
>but any noise in the background is crystal clear

>last online: 2 years ago

>Hear smoke detector chirp

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>brazilian talking on the mic
>actually hear gunshots and he says that it's fine, it was just a shootout outside of his house
I wish that I were lying about this

>playing GTAO
>hear basketball american blasting shitty music over the mic
>politely ask him to turn it off/his mike off
>he says no
>call him a nigger
I won that one.

imagine being married, holy fucking yikes

>Friend was talking about which dog breed is the hottest (yeah, we're dogfuckers)
>Not only did he had his mic on so the entire server he was playing on heard him
>His dad heard him too
>Hear screaming, mic cuts
>Tells me over discord he's getting kicked out and his two dogs are getting spaded/neutered
This was last week, he's staying at a friend's house now (who is a horse fucker) until he can find a new place.

Worst part is the people on the serve recognized my voice and now sometimes people bark when I join.

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>playing GTAO
>hear shitty country music over mic
>go over and kill the person playing it
>hear very angry breathing in microphone
>country music stops
>suddenly starts playing metal
>grunting and screeching
>oh god what have i done
>game freezes
>he corrupted my game files and i can't play anymore

You should be neutered you fucking faggot piece of shit, animal fuckers should be shot on sight.

So what was the general consensus on breed?

Small "floor mop" dogs were objectively shit.
He was in favor of Dobermans and Huskies while I was squarely in favor of Golden Retrievers and GSDs.

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Do all animal fuckers just know each other or something? Is there some kind of animal fucker guild I shouldn't know about


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I'm glad his life and your life is getting worse.

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I can tell this is OC.

We met over f-list, we all happened to live within driving distance of each other.

My life is fine user, he's kinda fucked until he can find a new place (and probably new dogs as well)

or maybe he can find a girlfriend?

A well fitting punishment for you friend for being a mouthbreather degenerate dogfucker same goes with you faggot

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you're a faggot and deserve all the suffering you get. Then again I thrive on the suffering of shitcunts, tell me more user.

are you ok,retard?

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>teammate dies
>start hearing hideous eldritch noises and screeching and static
>power goes out

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>guy starts talking like Hank Hill

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you forgot the diarrea sound bursting after they eat burritos.

great story, announced novel when?

>i'll be out soon
>Hurd durr come on
>starts throwing shit
>keeps going for 10 minutes
>gets hit
>starts crying
>you're a woman hitter!
why do women always pick fights they can't win?

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This was me for a number of years

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I don't know why people are acting if my life is ruined, it's just a game server.
I have a wonderful, Retriever who I plan on spending some "quality time" with an hour or two from now, which is a lot more than the faggots here can say.

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Because they don't expect retaliation.

oh god i hope this is bait
i genuinely seriously hope you guys don't do this


i don't get it
>she screams at him
>he says i'll be out soon
>throws shit at him
>gets hit
>Starts crying
>be patient i'll be out soon
>30 seconds later comes back starts throwing shit again
>Comes at him
>gets hit
>Starts to cry
>comes at him again
>Gets hit
im not defending this asshole but JEZZ couldn't she wait 10 minutes?

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you're digusting.

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Animal fuckers and sexual predators are on the same level of Miyano Hiroshi in terms of crime, you are a monster.

you deserve the same treatment. actually, you both deserve worse.

>Mid 2000's Xbox Live
>Mic's are so low quality that you get one of 4 people
>The child
>The deep voiced man that sounds way too old to be playing games
>The nasally teenager
>The higher pitched nasally teenager

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>provoke someone
>get hit
>"wow how could this happen :("

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>Playing some COD MW2
>Some younger kid occasionally calls out where the enemy is during a domination match
>We win match after match
>Get thrown back to the lobby after a match
>Kid invites us because we all worked well together
>We're in private ventrillo chat at the time
>Kid had open mic
>Hear kid talking to someone irl
>Stuff like "no not right now, you said you wouldn't do this anymore, I don't want to, please leave me alone etc"
>Hear mic go silent after a little scuffling noise
>kid comes back 15 or so minutes later
>Me and bro really concerned, can totally hear the kid was crying
>ask him what happened
>Almost shouts that he doesn't want to talk about it and that he just wants to play some games
>After a little bit of pushing, basically come to the conclusion that he's getting raped/molested by his older brother
>He sounds really scared, says not to tell anyone that his brother beat him really bad last time he tried to tell a teacher
>We don't want to ask for his actual address, that'd be weird
>buddy uses the kids IP address he got from Ventrillo to find the rough location
>We call a local PD and report the entire situation and we tell them kid's name
>Tell the kid to calm down, lock his door, keep his mic open, etc
>Apparently buddy told cops the brother might hurt the kid
>House got like 4 cops on scene after about 30 minutes
>Don't hear from kid until nearly 3 months later
>Sounds a lot happier, says he's living with his grandparents now but no gaming PC
>Between me, bro, and his grandpa we get the kid some PC parts we had laying around

We still game occasionally

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Name one other class in society that can physically harass you and torment you and when you get sick of it and decide to defend yourself YOU are the aggressor. Women were a mistake

>be late 2000s/early 2010s
>almost everybody uses their mics, in game chat is always interesting

>be now
>even in full 64 player servers I never hear anyone use mic and the chat is almost completely untouched
>even in dedicated teamplay games almost no one talks unless they are a group of friends

What happened?

but...Versus mode was my favorite :(

i mean, we dont have a whole lot fo context of this exchange from that video, but could he not have locked a door? it looks like a room that isnt the living room. and whatever you think about his vs her bullshit, the kid involved makes it a lot worse. in that kind of enviroenment the kid will be a lot mroe prone to instigating domestic violence

>This entire fucking post

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Fake and gay but if not it made opening the thread worth it.

i mean the bard, maybe.
he could sing about you being a retard and when you attack him his party would protect him. Since he's only putting a Debuff on you. and you're damaging his HP

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she did win

well I have no way to prove it without doxxing the kid's username or something which I'm not going to do.

holy kekroni

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>user made such an entertaining fake story mods delete his posts
It's a doggy dog world out here

>Squad with randoms
>13 year old with mic
>Tells everyone to stick together and don’t get caught alone
>Rushes the objective by himself
>Blames everyone else
>Call him a shit cunt
>Proceeds to list every swear word known to mankind

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It was pretty fucking funny so i can see it derailing the thread if left alone

>physically harass you
Debuffs aren't physical, nice reading comprehension

Wth was deleted that everyone is still managing to reply to?

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Does this mean they gave him a personalized banned message so he could contact them?

So....by that statement i guess you mean she divorced him and kept everything?

only thing I miss about eso on console was the random area chat happenings.

A humorous shitpost about dogfucking. Mods are niggers of course and deleted it.

>" "
what are you quoting user he never said that

I don't even mind because the people were cool but the last group of Mexicans I played with, at least two of them had babies in their background

based jannies disallowing fun for free

what was it?

Again, if it's true then nice going user, you helped a kid get out of a suicide inducing situation.

Dunno but you just reminded me of that personalized ban message I got once

>playing COD on the PS3
>friends talking to each other on open mic
>talking about a girl they know getting an abortion
>hear the sentence from a guy "he said she had the best orgasm of her life" seeming weirded out
>dude had a super bad lisp so it sounded like "he swaid shwe hwad the bwest owgwasm of hew wife"
I hope either the girl, the guy he heard this from or him were joking, but there you go

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tell us

Do tell us user

This was the post for those curious

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>merry and or pippin.jpg
>think about it rationally
>are going to be better off
>leaving some crazy abusive cunt, or
>hitting her
if you're familiar with law, the answer should be obvious

t. layton

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jews, blacks, actually any of them that aren't straight white Christians
>inb4 have sex/incel/sneed/etc

>that one guy who's always drunk and tired when he's on
>tfw drunk+tired guy shoots a hole in his fucking desk right when you dip out

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get this shittty youtube meme outta here

That's because I don't want to fuck dogs!

You forgot my favorite

gEt thIS ShItTy YoUTubE MeME ouTtA oF hErE

>that faggot takes giant bong rips directly into the mic
>usually that same faggot who thinks talking about "ripping fat clouds" makes him cool
So god damned annoying

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>girl getting orgasm from aborting her baby
Please my penis can only get so erect, I don't know if I should be worried that babies dying seem interesting to me.

there truly is nothing worse on this planet than furfags

Fuck I can't find it
You won't believe me if I don't find the cap, god damn it


Most people don't have locks on any interior room other than the bathroom.

literally me, except it was the roof and the dryer

lolifags and monstergirl fags are the same degenerate, kiddy/puppy-diddling bunch but they dont get banned so theyre worse in my eyes

Atleast crop it phonebro

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We've all desk popped at least once let's be real

Thank god that awful degenerate is gone, pic related is my dog.

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I once posted a fat girl on one of the thinly veiled fat threads that pop up on Yea Forums occasionally. Forgot that she was in her underwear but not wearing a bra since I just looked at the thumbnail in my folder. Got a 2 week ban not just from Yea Forums but from all boards just for showing a nipple. Tried to appeal but immediately got denied. Mods can be fags sometimes

>guy starts talking like dang ol' Boomhauer, man.

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are you american? specifically it seems like a spare room, i.e. bedroom to me, which generally has locks in america, idk about australia which it sounds like hes from. but you have to admit domestic violence is a retarded fucking idea in general based on the laws surrounding it, let alone being on stream while commiting domestic violence. also in front of a kid, who is probably going to have problems because of it

may they get aids and die

>friend's mic in on auto-detect
>hear him talking to his son sometimes
Kinda want a son now

Holy shit! What a hot fucking dog! Does it have bf/gf already?

This is why if you’re with the kind of entitled women who’ll go histrionic when you hit her, kill her and cut her body into pieces, then encase them in cement. At least it’ll take the cops a bit before they can ruin your life

The only time I've ever seen bedroom locks were apartments intended for having roommates. Single family houses almost never have bedroom locks.

>That one guy that sounds like he's eating his mic

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Nice, here's my pug

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>not having the Yea Forums extension
Fuck off newfag.

>intentionally breeding an animal to have severe brain damage from a misshapen skull


you're part of the problem

You're a way better person than me if that's true, user. I'd tell him to suck it up and take it in the boipussy like a man.

But user, look how cute he is! :)

I didn't breed him, his existence was a foregone conclusion when i got him

Also he's not dumber than any other dog ive had in my life so he's probably fine. I like the occasional snorts he makes, they're cute

He looks how he is: retarded.

Okay moralfag, calm down i got him when i was like 16 and i didnt commission him or anything

Based, this is me

Cute-tarded. Can't say no to that curly fry tail

This only shows a small part of it, apparently this had been going on and off for like an hour and the retard wouldn't get off.
He's a fucking retard, and she should leave that fucking retard, never should've had a child with him. How do people even get into these relationships that are clearly not working out and manage to have children?

That shit is way too accurate.

Domestic abuse isn't real

Maybe you shouldn't piss off your husband

Well, don't judge if you don't wanna be judged. Just make sure the poor thing has a good time.

I hate potheads so goddamn much.

reminder it came out she was physically abusing him for years before this and he'd already taken pictures of the bruises and scratches she gave him to the police like a month before

uh oh

Holy shit dude. This was a fantastic story. Brings me right back to 2009 stories on Yea Forums.

Pugs are the eldritch abominations of dogs. At least get a bulldog.

what a story mark. Even if it was fake i dont care, it was a moving piece, it made me laugh, it made me cry.

>How do people even get into these relationships that are clearly not working out and manage to have children?
The bastard came first obviously. Knock up a bitch and you're fucked because she doesn't want to flush it out. Try to make it work or pay child support. If you're dumb enough to get married you'll probably end up paying both child support and alimony.

Haha fat medicinal bong rips man i just BLASTED this fucking STINKY shrub bro im FOZZED right now bro fucking *bruuuuuup* *retching sounds* wew! I just inhaled enough oil to fill a mf drum lmaooo

Nah bulldogs are gay. I love my little pug. It is a tragedy how they came about but he's cute so alls well that ends well

>playing with randos in tf2
>dude let's a fart out loud enough it was heard through the mic
>everybodys joking about how he shit himself
>he's getting defensive over the mic when his mom comes in and at first to tell him something but then says did you crap your pants
>everyone's losing it and he disconnected

>that thing
Are you legally blind or something?

>camera is on
>SEX in the background

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>GTA Online
>Doing a job with randoms
>I get hit by a random explosion and lose the one life the whole team had
>He then dies and we fail the mission
>Sends me a voice message in the deepest southern accent just saying "WAY TO GO MAN, YOU FUCKIN MADE US LOSE THE GAME"
>Decide to just respond in text with saying that we lost because he died and I was tired of carrying his ass just to fuck with him
>He starts getting pissed and says the weirdest response ever in his deep ass redneck voice
>"Why don'tcha beat your dog or sumthin...ya fuckin faggot"
>Told him he needed to get back to Strickland Propane as soon as possible
>Never heard from him again

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AHHHH it's just so fucking annoying. Like if you smoke weed then fine, have a blast. But it doesn't make you cool or more of an adult. You're just some try hard faggot. Like I have a couple of mixed drinks when I game sometimes. Jack and coke or something similar. The most I've ever said about me having liquor was when I knocked over an entire bottle of Tennessee Honey Whiskey and people asked why I was cursing

Ouch, user. Ouch.

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now wait a minute, is he in the same room? How are they not distracted by this excellent melody and riffage?!



No it's adorable. He likes licking feet, i'm sure you'd get along

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It's not that user. It the fact that some people make a bad choice in relationships and then CHOOSE to stay in them for whatever reason, usually desperation. I mean look at this guy, look at how they argue. I'm willing to wager that these people can barely tolerate let alone actually love each other. The real lesson take from this is don't settle and for god's sake, stop picking up women at bars and concerts.

>doesn't have any argument to defend deformed dog
>resorts to calling others footfags
Just admit pugs are grotesque and you have shit taste for doggos. Also, I prefer asses, fuck you very much

That's awesome.

Listen here faggot there is NOTHING wrong with monstergirls.
You fucking press ONE fucking key to insult somebody's snake waifu then I will call the ENTIRE UNITED STATES MARINE CORE down on your pathetic FAGGOT ass. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to be CONSTRICTED and VIOLENTLY RAPED for 13 hours straight and if you think otherwise then you just need to leave because your HOMO, PANSY ASS can't handle a 50ft long woman like a REAL MAN.

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dont do it, it makes financial mustard gas

so you mean to say he should have left her years before this?


>but officer that CP i bought was a foregone conclussion when I got it!
nah mate. you're giving money to people who turn normal dogs into retarded crippled freaks.

I was playing siege once and some kid with a thick eastern european accent was talking shit in broken english and whatever his native language was.
About half way though the game he was getting angry that he was shit and kept dieing and in then someone in the background shouted at him in some language i don't understand then he shut up.
I figured he was probably told to shut up and decided to try and get him into trouble for leaving his shitty mic on and screaming through it so I shot him in the head teamkilling him.
He started screaming again then, the person who shouted at him before came back shout even louder than last time and started beating the shit out of him, he was crying and you could hear every thump, eventually he stopped and the kid was afk until he disconnected but you could still hear him crying in the background.
When he finally disconnected another guy in the game with a heavy irish accent spoke for his first and only time to call me "a cheeky motherfucker" but clearly by the tone of his voice he found the whole situation highly amusing.

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>he's probably fine
*eye literal pops out from sneezing*

>Friend was talking about which dog breed is the hottest (yeah, we're dogfuckers)

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Things that didn't happen for 500, Alex

Don't you have some movies to watch and review YMS?

>stumble across one thing after another into vore
>slide down the slippery slope into bad-end vore (implied more than shown)
>stumble across incest vore
>stumble across vore with pregnant ladies as prey
>stumble across vore with babies/children as prey
>no more why
>it's much too late for why
You're not alone.

Your just gonna have to trust me on this user, I have zero proof

Chad maneuver desu.

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i have a cousin that was diagnosed with bpd and she acted EXACTLY like this fucking cunt. just wails on people and screams and has full on tantrums, but if you were to try and take matters into your own hands, immediately the crocodile tears start flowing and the manipulative damage control begins to spill out

you could have stopped at any time
but you didn't
you're going to be on the news one day
>"florida man arrested after breaking into hospital and eating aborted fetuses"

Fuck Janny for deleting this amazing post

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Based and poopypants pilled

>play Portal 2 coop with a random
>hear muffled shouting in the distance
>eventually screams "Shut up dad!!!"
>it's a girl's voice
>dad is even louder and closer now
>he's banging on her door
>incoherently shouting about his car and curfew, think he's drunk
>he barges in
>sounds like he's beating the shit out of her, lots of objects getting shattered
>dad is no longer shouting but she's still screaming scared
>dad is grunting now
>screams eventually stop, dad leaves, room goes quiet
>5 minutes later she comes back on, her player character is moving again
>neither of us say anything
>finish the rest of the puzzle in silence and she quits

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I respect furries more than monster girl fags, that shit is just beastiality from the waist down.

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but furry is beast from the waist up and down

nobody wants to talk to a bunch of assholes, and that's all I ever encountered online
I haven't played a multiplayer game in years but I enjoy reading these stories

>playing GTAO
>modder gives everyone a few hundred million

Good somebody else sees it

>last picture of Akimov suffering from radiation poisoning shortly before his death circa.1986

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>started working as a teacher in a poor neighborhood here in Brazil
>in the first week a car chase happens, and gunshots can be heard outside of the school
>I tell everyone to duck and leave the room
>one kid rushes to opens the window to take a peek, the others are just smiling at me

It's funny because it was my first time hearing a shootout, but a few kilometers away from where I live it's everyday stuff. My country is fucked

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Why was this deleted?

>You help your teammate out of a bad situation, and she starts cheering for you too

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Not even trying to white knight here, only a coward hits a girl. Unless your a man let, you can physically overpower any chick with ease. As much as I hate thots, hurting them physically is a coward move to do

>tfw I Dominate a dude, sounded like a manlet chad, on 2fort sniper vs sniper and his girlfriend laughs at him at the consistent headshots I gave him.
>mfw I hear her say "You fucking suck" when he gets backstabed by a apy and backscratched by a pyro.
>mfw he leaves the server

God I hope I didn't break their relationship.

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Maybe he gets off on that, user. Maybe her talking down to him got him super riled up, and he needed immediate release.

Jesus christ

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>Hadn't ever really played games that used mic
>Started playing GENERIC MOBA 1000 that supports in-game chat
>Kind of excited to find out what that experience will be like
>Only people that use it are obnoxious, nasally voiced know-it-alls
>If you say anything remotely friendly or light-hearted, they become passive aggressive and catty, like a woman
>They constantly spout obvious stuff or shit "strategies" they heard from some YouTube video
>It's not just an occasional thing, it's constant in that game and many others
>And this is all just in the CASUAL mode of the game
When I started ranked matches, I actually turned off chat completely in the options and instantly increased my win rate by 10%. It's almost as if screaming like a faggy bitch in chat doesn't help your team win or something., or something.

As bad as we all were, the current generation of gamers is so completely fucked in every possible way it isn't even funny.

Be the change you want to see, user. Talk them up, hype them up, tell them you don't want a bunch of Silent Susies bringing down the mood while you're impregnating faces with hearty cockslaps.

no one actually talks like that

>janny trannies once again ruining board culture by deleting potential screencap material that could end up being posted years later like tile user

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Damn dude it's such a shame how posts like this get buried under a hundred shitposts

>This post and all the replies to it

Jesus fucking christ this whole website is basically just reddit now, fuck it all man

Can summer PLEASE end?

What is having a heart?

>Trying to hear something a guy I met in game is saying
>Can't over the nonstop clanging of his wife doing stuff in the kitchen and his hellspawn mewling nonstop for his attention
Jesus wept put the damn controller down and go be with your family, dude. You have kids, its over man.

>Playing BF3 on PS3
>Bit of a monster in games from years of FPS on console and PC
>Guy starts having a rage fit sperging out about how i'm hacking
>Explain to him how hacking is pretty much impossible on consoles
>Guy starts freaking out more and having a complete rage fit
>Tell him his ass is bleeding worse than my lady on the rag
>Girlfriend was on the bed and starts losing her shit laughing while i'm telling him this
>He stops his rage for a moment of realization and disconnects

>That one 16-22 year old who adamantly refuses to use push to talk for no good reason
>"I have no key for it"
>"It's too hard to set up"
>"I don't like it"
>Proceeds to mash on his mechanical keyboard
>Opens 8 bags of chips an hour
>Mom starts yelling at him to get a job
>Gets upset when he gets kicked/muted

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I am laughing but this is sad.


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But you hurt them, human penises are too big for dogs. That's awful

>buddy uses the kids IP address he got from Ventrillo to find the rough location


its called VOIP for a reason dipshit

>no not yet
What the fuck?

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Don't worry, his is probably much smaller than average

>take a shit
do americans really do this?
in my country we leave ours.

You have one of the most r*ddit tier opinions about this place I've ever seen

>mic picks up sounds of the TV nearby
>someone's watching Family Guy

was he cute though maybe he was worth raping

I try, but very few people reply, and many won't carry the torch.
It's totally ruined many teamplay experiences for me.

make women beating legal again

nice bait though

>tranny jannies deleting everything that makes animal fucker furfags look bad

It was better years ago because most people would type (however badly) and it was cool to meet someone from somewhere else. I had no friends that played the game, I had to make friends there, and they were there when I went to that game.
Later on Myspace came along and suddenly your friends wanted to be friends outside of the game and that just ruined it for me. I like being called by my username I don't want to know your real name, let's talk about shit in the game or music or porn, not personal crap

This. Are dog fucking jokes too brutal for a poor janny or what? Is this fucking Yea Forums?

beaner here, wut?

surprisingly the kid isnt crying it's eyes out so it's not like it was for real a beating
one hit isnt a beating

>dude everyone else should suffer like me!
shut the fuck up

t. furfag

>hear grown man's parent's threatening to kick him out

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Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

You tried....

>Get into match with random in fighting game
>Loud rap music

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Furry conventions

funny joke

> "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
who the fuck even says this?
im laughing over here

Kinda sounds like you should both kys

That's something that would very rarely work out well, and only in the case that the partner being beaten is the much bigger person at the core who decided to put up with that god awful treatment to improve things and satiate your psychopathic shit to balance it out.
And know that even when things seem to have worked out on the outside, you won't know what marks have been left on the inside, and when those inner issues will surface again. It's too far of an extreme "solution" to the problem all in all, not one that guarantees security in the relationship's future at all.

oh and how do you know she's not poisoning you now?

>original video was uploaded by the dribbling potato itself
Easily accessible social media is a horrific, horrific thing, and I can't imagine what these children and teenagers are going to be like once they're adults.

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>make up story
>add molestation element in there
>8 replies from a bunch of suckers

>someone turns on the mic
>hear the gunshot
>guy is afk for the rest of the match

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You know neither if it's true or made up, faggot
Maybe try taking the more positive alternative for once, unwarranted cynicism is boring and unhealthy

I guess you could say
Mafia 3 is a shitty game

this, women with bpd should be avoided like the fucking plague.

>Its called sex. Have some, its good for you.

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Nice Tumblr meme

women with bpd should be killed

Why do Euroshits always do this "you must be American" thing when the thing they're talking about doesn't apply to Americans?

she's making noises on purpose retread

>Well I'm getting off now

Nice reddit post, good sir! You sure showed that dude with the obviously fake story.

I miss my rottweiler even though she was a spoiled shit.

gotta put the headset back in the box so it stays in good condition