It's actually fun.
Crack when?
what's this game like?
Like fucking an asian slut in the ass my dude
anal is gross though. you poop from there.
is it out?
It plays very well and you can throw stuff around.
>female protagonist
But bitches love it, man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
Thanks Tim, another banger just for the gamers to enjoy!
Incels need to be fucking permabanned. I don't mean virgins, I don't mean losers or autistic people, I mean faggots who shitpost incessantly - and if you aren't being ironic, take the easy way out.
How's it compare to quantum break so far? The gunplay any better? Trying to decide if I'm gonna give into my remedy fanboyism or just wait for a sale
I can't believe this is going to be the last Remedy game before they close their doors and Sam Lake gives a tearful goodbye about not being able to finish Alan Wake.
Might pirate and send Remedy a check.
You mean russians.
This is one of the first titles that had any mention of fem protag being strange.
I haven't played quantum break i'm afraid,
but i am enjoying it alot and the gunplay is good. Paired with the other abilitys you have it's quite refreshing actually.
Holy seething shill, Batman. That one REALLY hit the nerve!
You get bonus points for the Batman reference but I'm not a shill; this game looks boring, I'm just tired of this board being ruined by asshats who want to call everything fucking stupid.
>buh woman buh nigger buh buh
inb4 dilate
>you can throw stuff around.
Psi-Ops did it better 15 years ago.
How people are able to play it so early? Epic doesn't let me play it yet
>Woman gesturing towards a sign that says 'control'.
Sounds about right, considering the fact that feminist theory is not about 'equality' in a relationship but rather about 'control', ie who is in control, and implies that they perceive men are the one's in control of relationships, which is rarely if ever the case. And ironically enough the most prevalent feminist theorists have never been married, let alone had any semblance of a serious relationship, and thus have no frame of reference on which to frame their bizarre theories. I can testify from personal experience, being married and having grown up in a two parent household, that the women basically run the roost, as it were, and if not for them most families would absolutely crumble (mine certainly would have). There is nothing stronger than a women raising and nuturing her children in a natural and healthy way. A woman isn't 'weak' because she doesn't do a mans job (jobs that suck, by the way), and most early 20th century towards women were not that they were incapable of being an engineer or manual laborer, but rather why would they want to? Most don't, as it isn't fulfilling to them, but since we have forced it upon the fairer sex, we now have women more confused and despondent about their role in the world than ever before. I see it everywhere. Shame, really.
Who the fuck cares what a woman wants if it cost you your dignity?
Can I play dress up with my female protag?
I'm seriously thinking of getting an EGS account for this game, everything about it is right up my alley.
It's on Microsoft store too AFAIK
Leak soon?
>released smack dab between Astral Chain and WoW Classic
I almost feel bad. This is Alan Wake all over again.
there are 3 outfits and one of them is a diving suit but i don't know if this is only pre order shit or day one edition.
>Astral Chain
>wow classic
Yeah coz people buy a game, pay sub, and pay for microtransactions for a 15y old game in 2019.
based retard
No it doesn't, but I was on Twitch and I saw people playing it from PC.
What happened with AW? RDR?
do it man, it's worth it
I'd just wait for a crack since Tim already bought us all copies
Whenever you want.
Just need to go see your local drug dealer.
If my dignity prevents me from coming inside woman's assholes then i dont want it.
i want it but i dont wanna pay 60 for it
Better than I expected, but id recommend everyone to turn the obnoxious objective thing on the hud off. Also the astral suit looks way better than the default outfit. However I did find one absolutely retarded thing about the game so far when there was a locked door with wall sized windows next to it and when I destroyed the windows I couldnt crouchwalk through the gigantic openings because of a le epic invisible wall
It's out?
This too. I've got a shitty R9 and I don't know if I can even run this on minimum settings.
Wait like 1 day and a half.
Install a vpn(optional)
Visit codex/CDM/elamigos
they probably have the game and a dozen other games already:
Just wait a year or so for it to no longer be exclusive.
>It's out?
Do you follow any gaming news sites?
None at all.
jesus christ what a reddit tier joke
Ey i was supposed to get this for free for having an rtx 2070 but don't got it, they only send me fucking wolfenstein lesbian edition.
>american standard
Tim paid for my copy, I'm just waiting for delivery.
nice. I'll be sure to pirate it first thing tomorrow
Is this real? If so, cool. Does "Bureau" here refer to the FBI? I don't remember if Sarah Breaker's father was FBI; if not, I guess they're implying he was part of some other bureau. If it is referring to the FBI, it's interesting that the FBI's involvement would be mentioned without any mention of FBI agent Robert Nightingale (the one who pursued Alan Wake). I've always wondered whether Nightingale was even real or was just willed into existence by the story.
Also: Is there a date for the Steam release? (I see it has a store page.) It's not that I want to buy it from Steam in particular; GOG would be fine too. I just don't really want to support exclusivity, timed or otherwise, and I don't particularly want to support Epic Games either.
tldr have s3x
Giving 12% to the store barely covers the cost of their fees anyways.
You'd literally be paying money otherwise going to remedy to valve instead.
Just pirate it for the meantime and wait a year for the GOG release. That's what I'm doing anyway.
Its real
Im enjoying it so far
Does Remedy really get the money? This game isn't indie; I figured the publisher would get the money.
In any case, it sucks for them, but they chose an exclusivity deal with a company which has been doing everything they can to let gamers know that they don't care what gamers want, burning though any good will they might have ever earned and clearly not giving a fuck, so I'm not going to feel bad about waiting until the game is sold elsewhere.
I'd download the game directly from, if it were an option, but it isn't.
Thanks OP, I been meaning to pirate this.
Weird that all these AA and AAA Epic exclusives seem to use Denuvo for some reason.
Wonder why that is...
I didn't know if a GOG release had been confirmed. Is that a sure thing or are you just assuming it will happen? A DRM-free copy would be nice.
Is trench voiced by max payne
What's the Yea Forumserdict?
Why would you need to crack it? EGS is selling it without DRM.
Why wouldn't it? All their other games are on GOG and considering the exclusivity deal epic keeps shitting out targets both Steam and GOG then I can only assume a release there as well.
>How's it compare to quantum break so far?
Completely different. More physics instead of time-based abilities. No cutscenes or TV show plot. Non-linear.
A hole write this
Yeah, it's already confirmed that buying it through Epic's store means a larger cut of the cost goes to them instead of Epic/Valve. They get 88% of the revenue compared to Valve's 70%.
>A DRM-free copy would be nice.
The version on Epic doesn't come with Denuvo or anything like that.
American Standard is the brand. They make a lot of commercial plumbing products. They also make stuff under the Crane, Fiat, Sanymetal, and Showeritebrand names.
prove it.
the videos i saw sucked.
You seem to have misunderstood the question. I was asking if Remedy (the developer) gets any money as opposed to 505 (the publisher) getting it. I know Remedy isn't getting 88% because that would leave the publisher with nothing, which makes no sense. The question is simply whether 505 pays Remedy per sale, as opposed to 505 already having paid Remedy everything they're going to get. Your shilling for Epic isn't giving me an answer to that question.
Post an unfun video of control
Soon. No denuvo
Do you need the Epic client installed in order to run the game? If so, that's DRM.
>Remedy sells DRM-free games on EGS
>Tim guarantees that even if it's pirated they'll still get paid for the copies
holy shit, unironically based as fuck.
No, EGS has no in-client DRM. You can launch games without it. I just tested it with Metro Exodus, also DRM free. Just click the exe file and play.
>touching your face after you eat toast
Nice if true, I guess. Mentioning Denuvo out of nowhere sounded like a goalpost move.
I just mentioned it because it's the DRM everyone's familiar with.
any chance controller aim isnt bad on PC? id like to sit comfy with this game. Also i played QB but i never played AW what is AW?
Bureau refers to the Federal Bureau of Control, which is essnetially the SCP Foundation. Jesse (the main character) is the new Director roaming their base of operations, the Oldest House.
I wouldn't know. I've never even heard of this until now.
Women want what other men have gotten them into
I like the setting. Its like SCP except, well, you know.
Any place you can get it in the US right now or do I actually need to wait until tomorrow?
How the fuck are you people playing already?
live in a big city and games get sold early all the time.
Especially in other countries.
New York City independent stores have been selling it since Monday of last week.
Some got early copies, either straight from Remedy, got it at stores that didn't get the memo, or some other way.
gonna pirate this, i should've gotten the code for this and another game with my graphics card, but it never came, so as i far as i know i already own these games.
Do people really buy a card with a game code, and when they dont get a code they dont ask the clerk/customer support about it?
Just come out the class already fag
Most people on here are afraid of human contact.
bogpill the game
SCP meets metroidvania
I thought it was EGS exclusive. How are there retail copies to be sold early and how are people accessing them early if they require an EGS account?
Game has physical copies for PS4 I believe.
>I'm not a shill
>le asshaterinos xD
>Heh you get a point for this one kiddo...HOWEVER
user, the XBLA game was Remedy finishing Alan Wake. they wrote themselves into a corner so badly that they had to conclude that story there, and with a one-off note in Control.
Nah this game does it the best of any game ever
Interesting. So they are doing a sort of retcon with that character.
It's fitting, though. In Alan Wake, although this Bureau hadn't been introduced to the canon, they did imply that Sarah's father at least had some knowledge of supernatural shit, and probably had dealt with it before. (Sarah gave him thay secret code word when things got spooky.) They never did anything with that idea for the rest of Alan Wake though.
talking to people is scary
>what is AW?
Alan Wake?
It's a fun but largely story-driven action game. It has spooky elements but isn't really a horror game. I think it's pretty cheap during sales, so you might as well get it whenever the next sale is.
It's the kind of 'retcon' that more or less works with what little we know of Sarah's father.
Yeah, maybe it's not the right word to use. They didn't contradict anything from existing canon.
out on XB1 and PS4. Gamestop is authorized to do a 9pm release tonight.
Ah, didn't think about that. I'm dumb.
>get it on the US playstation store because i can get cheap digital codes at a huge discount
>forget i also have to follow the timezone
>only unlocks at 5 am here
god damnit
Still, it's good to see them bringing all these things together.
Have the developers said it's actually inspired by SCP?
I never saw the appeal in SCP but I don't know much about it either. Can someone give me the short version? From what I could tell, SCP involves a fictional universe in which every autistic thing anyone ever wrote on a wiki is canon, and the lore consists entirely of DeviantArt-tier fanfic-style original characters and creepypasta shit -- but it must be cooler than that if you guys are all excited about it all the time.
The appeal of SCP for me is seeing all the potential world ending creatures and phenomena being handled and contained by literal retards.
>Have the developers said it's actually inspired by SCP?
They have. They also drew from House of Leaves, up to Earth and it's universe possibly being a Threshold rooted in the Oldest House itself
>Can someone give me the short version?
Super powerful organization led by borderline eldritch entities and staffed by madmen protect the World from all kinds of absolutely fucked up shit. Various other groups (known as GOIs) tend to oppose them or otherwise fuck with them, and make messes they have to clean up.
So anyone can just torrent this and play it?
Not right now you don't.
>6 am release
>not midnight release
What the fuck is the point of this? If you can give the game to twitch streamers early, then you can release the fucking game at midnight holy shit
Looking at footage for it, it actually got me interested. For the love of god Remedy, don't pull a Quantum Break and just let me have fun with the gameplay.
Can you ride on the things you pick up? If no then don't even bother trying to justify your stupid opinion.
The gameplay flows very well actually, and it's pretty damn responsive.
Theres alot more gameplay than qb, its very similar though its basically xfiles quantum break.
wait a while and you'll see how he reconsider that
Does it not unlock at midnight on the EGS? I'm not at my PC but the store page on the website still says pre-order.
>minimum card requirement AMD R9 280X
>have an AMD R9 275X
Am I going to make it guys?
Never heard of this.
fpbp and /thread
doesn't release for another 5 and a half hours
Well that sucks...isn't it out on consoles?
Yeah ive been playing last 5hours
>want en empty launcher for a bland game
This is the state of Yea Forums in 2019
Are you implying that Astral Chain will impact its sales? If so then
>eating into anyone's market share
Believe it or not different countries other than America exist.
I saw a trailer for it a couple of years ago which intrigued me, but it just looks like a bog standard third person shooter with a few telekinesis elements. Are enemies gigantic damage sponges?
nice lighting
Morphing firearm
The location
The random voices when walking around are annoying not spooky
Cant zoom in on the map
You can down the basic enemies in a couple hits, and even the tankier ones tend to go down pretty quick outside of Cluster shenanigans. But in turn, they can also kill you in a bare few shots themselves.
My bad the voices can be stopped y kusy shooting the floating bodies
>*angry Hiss noises*
Honestly, this epic game shit is a blessing in disguise, because it means that all I have to do is be patient and I'll save money since there's no way they can sell this shit for full price on steam 1 year from now, and either way you can just wait for a sale.
You have to be shitposting. I am not willing to believe, for the sake of humanity, that people are this unironically retarded. This is the 2 genders of male and political meme being brought to life. Degenerates like you should be fucking hung in town centers. If you genuinely are this much of a sheep you are not meant to be alive.
Redpill me on this game, what is it about, how does it play like? Is it piss easy and cinematic like 90% of games nowadays?
>>Tim guarantees that even if it's pirated they'll still get paid for the copies
Are you retarded? They never said that
If anything Control won't sell enough to make a next game and they will be bought out by Microsoft. Then their game will be exclusive to Microsoft's Xbox Cloud or whatever their cloud service will be called. Yea Forums will outplay itself once again
The simplest way to describe it is SCP as a metroidvania. You essentially explore the Oldest House, gather powerups from completing sidequests and main missions, etc. Running and running is a thing, but taking cover is probably your best bet to not die like a complete bitch several dozen times.
The game is fairly hard overall, and there's pretty much no real "cutscenes" as such. Dying a fuckload comes to be expected after a point.
>t. Microsoft shill
for consoles on the Epic shit store it still isn't unlocked and there was no pre loading either.
>>t. Microsoft shill
Work on your reading comprehension
>no pre loading
The absolute state of Ep*c
What does SCP stand for?
"Special Containment Procedures."
>Riding on them is a good thing
Yeah, nah it isn't. That is a sign of a terrible implementation. Conan exiles had that shit and it was horrible and game breaking.
well they cannot master concepts like "the shopping cart" something that was developed in the fucking 90's so no pre loading makes sense. What a fucking joke of a platform.
>Astral chain hasn't leaked yet
>This game hasn't released yet
Goddamn come on.
What the fuck is with that janitor?
>SCP as a metroidvania
Please, tell me that is an actual real metroidvania and not some "looks like a metroidvania but it's not" like Dark Souls, where the only things that lock you out of areas are simple keys ando not character abilities and power ups.
compared to bland weeb trash?
The only things you'd need 'keys' for are certain clearance card doors which you can get the clearance levels for fairly quickly, and the Oceanview Motel, which is a semi-elaborate puzzle more than anything else. You can pretty much go wherever you want otherwise.
>If anything Control won't sell enough to make a next game
They signed the Epic deal, they already sold all the copies they need even before the game was out.
Epic deal basically guarantee developers a fixed ammount of sold copies, and if the game dont sell that much, Epic will buy the missing ammount on their own.
And on top of that, Epic pays MILIONS of dollars just to sign an exclusivity deal with them, just that can make Remedy live lon enough to make another game or two.
thats only after it got infested with trannies. before it was more liek a warehouse 13 of creepypasta
>Is it piss easy and cinematic like 90% of games nowadays?
It's literally the opposite, it's pretty hard compared to the standards of modern games, and it's almost 0% cinematic, its all focused on gameplay and use a "lore mechanics" like Dark Souls to explain some of the story. Basically, if you dont care about the story, you can just skip all the files and just go on with full gameplay, skipping it. But you will miss alot, the stry is for once actually good and interesting, if you like sci fi.
I'm fairly certain SCP has been around longer than WH13. Though given you're spouting that same shitty rhetoric and narrative, you probably don't know anything about how long it's really been around.
So no power up-locked areas at all?
If so that's not a metroidvania at all...
There are some areas that require certain abilities to progress, yes. But you get the main three abilities quickly enough, with only levitation being the odd one out.
They are, and the SJW propaganda ahs nothing to do with this people, they are just afraid to become gay if they play as a female character, because they have to become the main character to enjoy a game, like if every game protagonist is a blank slate like in any random The Elder Scrolls or any other RPG.
Well then yes it is a metroidvania in that sense.
Oh, good then.
I was waiting for a real 3D metroidvania in years, they are so fucking rare, damn.
>remedy will get all the dosh i swear
You mean their publisher will? I'm breddy sure remedy got funds to develop the game and in exchange only gets royalties, actual money is made by Take two's Private Division
This. Cool looking gameplay but being forced to play as a chick kills it.
Feminist bad, woman should stay in kitchen and serve man.
Keep talking out of your ass, the truth is we don't know the specifics of their contract
What's the state of Sam Lake's career right now?
severe autism
I havent played the game but when I think about the plot I like to imagine that it will end like Hot Fuzz, with her having to write dozens of reports since she is the new Director.
It's out of Control
It's PAYNE! Whack him!
i specifically didnt say warehouse 23 because of stupid chuckefucks likes you. also there was one that was called warehouse 10/11(something low numbered) pnp rpg back in the 80s.
this "game" even more of a flop than nuPrey
play psi ops instead
marketing thread
No drm, so a day at most.
fuck off tranny
Isn't this exact same gameplay as Quantum Break?
Take your meds, schizo.
Not in the slightest.
take your abortion game and marketing thread and fuck off to reddit
The shills keep telling me it's completely different.
So it feels unsanitary and like 20 other people have been there before you?
>literally can't discuss videogames on the board meant for them
People like you are exactly why Yea Forums has become the absolute festering tumour that it now is.
go back
>no arguments
Fuck off, you parasite.
you are parasitizing Yea Forums with your literal tumor of a marketing thread shitting up the catalogue
sjw propaganda games dont deserve to be in the presence of Yea Forums
user, tell me everything you know about the game. Don't resort to "b-but women!!" or any kind of buzzword. Tell me honestly and genuinely everything you know about this game.
>high praise across the board
wtf Yea Forums you said get woke go broke applied oh no no no no
I watched some footage and the protag is written like some fucking whiny teenage middle schooler girl sounding out every airheaded thought about events that transpire. who is the target audience for such a bland cunt of a protag? similar to the latest flop Womenstein
based, I agree. Incels, like pedos, should be publicly hung and maimed.
Yea Forums is literally always wrong. Ignore pretty much anything you hear from this place.
Case in point.
control is a flopped game like nuprey and womenstein, cope left wing nigger
Do you have anything at all in your head outside of Yea Forums and /pol/ memes, or are you literally just a sock puppet for whatever set of buzzterms gets shoved up your ass today?
>everything that btfos me is a russian bot
hilshills are becoming as demented as hillary herself
I think you already know the answer to that, buddy.
God, all these buzzword spewing twelve year olds tick me off. Say anything negative or positive about any kind of game and you'll get called a shill or tranny.
He's a QuarterPounder sub, calling it.
Ah, and now you're mentally breaking down and losing track of what's being said in the current conversation. I think we're done here.
meet me at the ANTIFA rally, ill bring the panties
hit a nerve, thanks for conceding
I miss when Yea Forums used to be a place where you could actually discuss vidya. Ever since political cancer started spreading here, this place has become the single largest shithole on the board alongside /pol/.
>stop pointing out left wing agendas in games!!
fuck off redditor
*on the site*
Can you actually answer this , or are we just going to have to sit here and watch your mental illness become more and more apparent?
You're so flustered about your failed sjw game getting shown the fuck up in its own failing marketing thread. You're obviously a liberal on minimum wage from Soros.
So you can't prove you don't belong in an asylum then? Great. Guess I'll just hope you get tired at some point and focus on shit that's actually worthwhile instead.
the absolute STATE of these samefag shills
You're probably red in the face, shaking and sweating at this point. You're now realizing just how easily I've wrapped you around my little finger with simple little quips and buzzwords you are programmed to short-circuit when presented with.
In this thread, you're my toy.
Of course it is literally every remedy game is fun
Why do asians act so fake and stilted? It's like all the men and women are trying to larp as their favorite anime characters. I couldn't stand any of the gooks I went to college with because all of their personalities were so goofy and manufactured
The Director doesn't really sit out the fights. Sure, they lead the FBC and thry deal with letters and issues from staff and other folk, but they'll typically dive right into the action themselves.
Jesse probably ends up delegating most of the paperwork to her management team.
Faggy zoomer reddit fanfiction using the cabin in the woods premise of "what if the government was housing a bunch of creepy supernatural shit". Its just fucking awful all around
How the fuck are you all playing 3 hours early
Is America no longer #1???
when will you point out right wing agendas in games though?
That's the culture man, I don't see why weebs are so attracted to this fake shit
So, ignoring the /vpol/ lingo, this means it's actually great?
So ive played about 7hours and its pretty boring, the story is utter shit, the writing is hot garbage, missions are go and press a button or throw batteries into a slot, the gunplay is quantum break, the map isnt very enjoyable to explore. Its no way near a 9 , its about a 6 or 7 max.
You know all those exposition and shit that is thrown around throughout the games and all?
Well its fucking pointless and doesn't matter at all.
The whole thing is written like SCP submission rejects.
>t. someone who hasn't actually played any of the game at all, but wants to be contrarian anyway
Yeah, it's real, and references to Wake are all over the place. Like this one.
>not max payne stuff
They completely sold the rights. At most, they can do some wink-wink-nudge-nudge stuff, but that's about it. Same for QB until they can get the IP from Microsoft.
yeah i know but alan wake was a boring shitfest so i dont get it
There are references to Payne, also, but more obscure.
Like "I see a world where writer writes about a cop; I see a different world were that cop is real" .
Game teases multiverse shared across all Remedy games.
>You know all those exposition and shit that is thrown around throughout the games and all?
>Well its fucking pointless and doesn't matter at all.
What is "building a setting".
A setting that is horribly paced, delivered in the worst and most obtuse way possible while also sets aside a proper story for 'low iq' player like me to enjoy.
Everything is deep, everything have to be weird, nothing makes sense all for the sake of world building but non for a coherent story.
Tell me dev, does Hiss even matter in the grand scheme of thing other than a mere obstacle that stands in your way?
Oh wow. You're an actual brainlet. That's both sad as fuck, whilst also being genuinely hilarious.
>tell me dev
I'll tell you to stop being paranoid. But sure, everyone who played the game is from Remedy, whatever.
And the story is coherent (mostly), but ending is really fucking weak. I don't know how shitty your comprehension have to be to not get what is happening by the end of it.
I have no qualms with reading shit here and there, but those docs (aside from those describing Ordinary situation) are optional.
It's not fucking Quantum Break where you stop and read emails every 10 minutes, or Alan Wake, where reading is mandatory.
About Hiss - kinda-sorta matter, since the came from the same shit that this Polaris thing came from.
same. thanks tim
>And the story is coherent (mostly), but ending is really fucking weak.
The ending makes more sense if you bother exploring and doing all the sidequests whilst reading and listening to all the lore.
>About Hiss - kinda-sorta matter, since the came from the same shit that this Polaris thing came from.
It's implied that the Hiss is just spreading and devouring any reality it comes across. It's not a natural part of wherever Hedron came from.
This can't be just easter eggs right?
Not really "easter eggs" in the traditional sense, since it's actual lore you can find laying about. It's basically using Control to tie together all the Remedy games.
The song Ahti sings at some points basically describes three of the major Remedy games as well once translated
Thats my fucking issue with it.
Nothing in this world were written in a way that the player can casually immersed themselves.
The dev don't even bother to make it easy on the surface level, there is no baseline story for the 'brainlet' to grab onto
Its all soo deep, confusing and tiresome.
Maybe you shouldn't have jumped into a game that has been directly stated to draw inspiration from SCP and House of Leaves, then? If you knew you couldn't handle a game with lore more deep than a puddle, then you shouldn't have bothered.
Overall, the game only really gets confusing if you odnt bother to explore and you just rush through things and expect to be handheld in the story.
I was watching a guy who had an early game stream it and it seemed like it would stutter a lot. maybe it was just his pc
By the way they mentioned a special Poets of the fall easter egg, beside a song from their album Ultraviolet, anyone found anything special? actually took time out of your life to write all that nonsense?
At least, at least give a casual player like me something to care about on the surface level so that maybe I'll give a crap about all those lore bullshit.
I just want a coherent story, enough for me to slog through the base game.
Its like watching a documentary, narrated by single person with personality disorder, thats jump cut between different type science with ancient aliens preview smacked somewhere.
there is this possibility:
Alan failed in American nightmare, so he creates control (as a parallel story) for getting him out of the dark place. so the next step is a crossing game like the dark tower where a team from control goes to save wake and then to kill the presence in the lake.
I'm basically playing control just to check if this headcanon is possible
The new song is from The old gods of Asgard.
Could this be the SPLIT of Remedy's gaming universe?
I like American Nightmare better than the first game.
How could you be so mean?
>sign exclusivity contracts (it just keeps happeninbg!)
>release between vastly more popular and anticipated titles (even though one is a literal reboot of a 15 year old MMORPG)
>continue to slide into irrelevancy because you're another game further away from your early peak, Max Payne
I hear about the SCP and Metroidvania stuff but two things
Is it long?
Does it had a decent story at least?
>Astral Chain
>At all relevant outside of tendie circles
Bring it up with your friends (if you have any), describe it to them and see if you get laughed at (you will)
How is this a sjw game?
>Reminds you of Alan Wake.
It should, its set in the same universe and you can find a document about the incident in Bright Falls that names him.
Yeah pretty cringey even if you're in the right, here.
We are witnessing the birth of a vidya universe.
what do you mean? its more light hearted and the map is better
>Astral Chain
Not really since that's a switch exclusive.
A good reason would be it being on Epic but that means atleast they still got a good amount of money still.
fuck guys, I didnt even know it was coming out before the end of the year and now Im really close to just go ahead and buy it before I even get payed
Ive only seen like 30-40 minutes of it on yt, really liked what I saw, reviews are great everywhere, people who got it say it has fun gameplay and interesting story/lore and Yea Forums can only shitpost about the main characters gender and face, it honestly sounds like a great time desu
Any gameplay webms?
>check the ebin games store to see when this comes out
>no time, just today's date
>specifications don't even say how big the game is
Epic. Simply epic.
is the gunplay kino
Oh shit. Is Mr. Scratch mentioned?
from what I saw it looks piss easy and repetitive.
shoot. project chunks of concrete. shoot. hide if necessary. repeat
so? you have poop inside you right now
Not that I'm aware of.
It looks shit. Its literally an asset flip of quantum break and even uses the same actors and voice actors. They haven't made a good game since Alan Wake and even that was a 7/10. They should have begged Microsoft to buy them because this game is going to kill them off for good.
>touching your face after eating greasy food in general
and people wonder why they get acne
Maybe I just haven't played a tps in a very long time but that sounds very appealing to me right now.
Most weebs have little to no other interaction with people, so they don't realize anime isn't realistic. I honestly believe it's a cause of so much mtf trannies too. They see anime girls, think real life is like that, and want to be that.
It’s surprisingly really good and reminds me more of Max Payne than anything. Remedy said preorders and estimates were above their expectations before reviews come out so I think they’ll be ok
Store just now went from pre-order to buy.
It's live now.
>error code MD-0011
all this money and they can't afford fucking servers
this wouldn't have happened on steam
This! It's been 15 whole fucking minutes.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
where are the webms of fun abilities
Thank you based tim!
somehow epic lets me download faster than steam on release dates
I guess there arent other users on this service.
You're just projecting your racism on them that's why
seek help
This can't be real. I refuse to believe any sane person would act like this
If it flops on PC then they did it to themselves by signing on for EGS exclusivity. Fuck them.
Lmao no it's definitely real, it was like that at my college too. Shit is surreal.
it's out
>Buying games
>On the EGS of all palces
For a game called Control they don't actually give you fine tuned control over your powers. Absolute bullshit, I say.
There were actually so many fucking places you could have gone to if they just gave you Gravity Gun level of control over the objects you levitate instead of a really finnicky system where she just lazily lets it float by her side. Hit and a miss Remedy. Hit and a fucking miss.
I'm a poltard. Fuck niggers etc. But I really enjoy Remedy games. Don't even care that the protag is a femalez the lore is really fun. I used to play Vidya all the time when I was younger, but now it's few and far between.since Nier Automata, haven't played much. Dying to the first true boss like a bitch. Running and gunning doesn't help cause he's a sponge. Hiding doesn't help because he's a psych.
thread theme
Dont forget to thanking Tim!
Yeah I died a few times to the first boss. Go upstairs and hide behind a pillar or something and he can’t get you.
Wait til you see some of the invisible walls.
>old gods of asgard are back
Didn't expect that, but welcomed none the less.
Welcome to the Wakeverse.
or a third person shooter where your reticle often ends up being on the back of your own fucking head because of the camera angle when ADS
Throw things at him when he's preparing to attack.
But there are almost none. I mean, I've saw a few at Quarry and 6th floor of Containment is off-limits, but that's it.
Wake's new manuscript has scratchmarks
It's not even an easter egg, it's featured in the best (and unskippable) sequence of the game.
how does it run on PS4Pro? thinking of getting it on that and if I like it I'll buy it on PC when it comes to Steam next year.
there are alternate outfits? do you have a picture of them?
>The ending makes more sense if you bother exploring and doing all the sidequests whilst reading and listening to all the lore.
The problem is that it just rushed. 7 chapters of slow build-up, 2 chapters of action, then it just ends. There isn't even a boss in the end, even though optional stuff has some pretty alright bosses.
Like shit.
Just pirate nigger
downloading it now
Oh shit.
I actually don't understand why they stockpiled the bosses on the optional shit. Game has a bit of a pacing problem because of that.
Can you slow time like max payne or is it just mob psycho with guns
I wish game had dodge like in Max Payne.
>mob psycho with guns
You wish.
You're a fucking neutered little fish.
Well, they gave female streamers a preferential treatment. They clearly don't want my masculine, evil, rapist, abusive money.
Is it playable on M+KB or should I just plug in my gamepad?
M+KB is definitely better.
What is a brunch anyway?
I actually think it's pretty fun.
Only got telekinesis and evade though.
Can't wait to fly yet I'm thinking that will be the last ability to obtain.
Who would've thunk.
runs terrible on consoles apparently that is something most reviews agree on
>wymin gets the position of power for free
Nice story you have there
>space cop acton game where you control two people at once
>third person shooter with bullet time
>Is it long?
6 hours on average if you do all the stupid and boring "collectible" stuff it`s maybe 7
most of them suck but the asynchronous one is kinda hot
everyone gets the position for free. director trench didn't even want the job.
>ugly female protagonist
>feminist themed storyline
>sexist marketing decision that banned male streamers
no thanks
>Piling boxes up to get the Duck OOP before flight
Game legit feels like a PS2 gem but with modern grafix
This must be why they're so persistent on posting their animeshit images outside of Yea Forums.
This shit is in a game some 14 fucking years ago and yet Control managed to make an inferior version of it.
They made a normie shooter with psychic abilities.
What makes you think they'd risk making the controls slightly more compicated? They wouldn't want to scare off the consoleplebs.
>Another narrative 3rd person console game
I'll pass
>you can shoot people
>you can throw stuff at people
>at 30fps
He's Finnish. Don't think too much about it.
>at 30fps
maybe get a better pc then braindead autist
>pay 1000$ every 6months to play trash 6h long games.
The issue here is shit optimization on the dev's part, not PC hardware.
They didn’t ban male streamers though, they got to play it a few hours earlier. The story isn’t really feminist themed either.
>fake and stilted
>larp as their favorite anime characters
Stop being such a fucking weeb with an awkward lack of personality.
>plays Russian Roulette with a random gun told by random voices to do
She put her life on the line just to find her brother.
or maybe remedy just makes games for pc players and not pajeets with shitty laptops?
Thank you, Tim!
>they didn't discriminate against men
>they just gave women special privileges
get fucked sjw scum
i agree with these posts.
Damn, haven't heard of those guys since GTA San Andreas
>when you turn RTX off you get worse performance
great optimization indeed shill
who gives a shit about this game really
this is the last thread we will see
tell me what exactly do you think your "muh optimization" buzzword means so I can laugh at your pajeet laptop that youre trying to play an actual PC game on instead of a last gen console port
You couldn't be wronger.
>"muh optimization" buzzword means
that means the game works well with RTX OFF or ON?
Stop replying to baiting shills retard.
thats the definition of optimization? that a "game works well" with rtx on or off in some prerelase build of the game? are you fucking braindead? Im showing you that the game isnt made for your pajeet laptops, if you want them to start downgrading the physics and amount of objects then maybe stick to some 7th gen console shit
Fuck off incel
Even consoles drop to 20fps, the game is not optimized at all on either sides.
but I'm the one who baited him
were you beat up by a pajeet at your school or something kid?
It's not up to me to fund their next game.
Are the levels super linear like Alan Wake's? I mean I enjoyed Alan Wake for what it was but it was a massive disappointment compared to the Max Payne games.
The level of entitlement that you are willing to write a forum post to complain about something that takes 5 mins to accomplish and you're done forever.
Like if you really sold your soul to steam just dont play the games that arent on steam instead of complaining about valve not funding games, christ.
nope, I just grew up playing games on PC and back when the selling point was to play PC games, not buy shitty hardware to wave around in the face of console kids because you can "max out" some shitty last gen moviegame. If you can max out Quantum Break which is a few years old you shouldnt have issues playing control at 1080p 60fps with some RTX
Thanks Timmy
>following publisher deepthroating political propaganda
This unironically
none of the footage really showcased if it's good or not. gonna pirate it and give it a try to see if it has any merit
can you already download this? for some reason the epic store says the game unlocks tomorrow
strange, pirate store says otherwise
>epic store
>buying this piece of shit game instead of pirating
>being this cucked
Holy fuck you're such a faggot.
yeah, another instance of piracy being the better alternative
That lad in the back is really enjoying is meal.
nope, release date is today. get on the ship and remember to thank sweeney
oh noes, I wasted 5 U$S
Has anyone else bought off the humble store?
Anyone got their key yet?
>buying a free game
Thanks I didn't know it cracked already
It's like r/atheism
No one caaaares
Nobody does atmosphere as well as Remedy. Shits so fucking comfy whilst being creepy just like Alan Wake
It doesn't need to be cracked, it was sold DRM free.
Dude no. It's a timed Epic exclusive, won't be on any other PC store fronts for another year. Complete horse shit.
Thanks Tim, you creepy wanker.
>Remedy is woke now
weren't they supposed to be the cool guys?
There's nothing woke about the game, no politics at all. Some people are just throwing a fit because the main character's a woman.
I left resetera and reddit for THIS?!
Thats it bros, time to leave this sexist site for good!
Whos with me?
Is it unlocked frame rate on ps4 pro?
>The location
>implying it matters since the ps4 can't even run the game above 30fps
Honestly this, they are no different from /pol/ tards ruining the fun for everyone
ps4 pro runs plenty of games at 60fps
Wonder how many people didn't pirate it because it is DRM free. Maybe 1 or 0.
Such as?
Most shit is locked to sub 30 fps.
Ace Combat 7
Kingdom Hearts 3
God of War has an unlocked mode.
Death Stranding
Devil May Cry V
control is unoptimized as fuck. take a look at this chart see how the middleware cards can't even manage to run it at 60fps on low? the 4pro is even weaker
if that ain't enough for ya, review sites already confirmed that it runs sub 20fps on the regular and sub 30 on the pro
The game will be a massive financial flop, and it will probably close the studio
I have no clue what were they thinking
1000 is exactly what I spend on my PC and it lets me play everything on ultra at 2k.
how could it flop when the 1 year exclusivity deal guarantees at least enough sales to make a profit?
>Ace Combat 7
boy it sure is hard to render some clouds and low poly, low res environment at 60fps
>God of War has an unlocked mode
but does it run at a solid 60?
>Death Stranding
>unreleased game
>Devil May Cry V
only viable example you got. now consider the fact that control is not optimized to hell and back like dmc but instead suffers from massive lack of optimization
>it will probably close the studio
but they already recieved epic's chinkbucks
>ignoring KH3 with it's rock solid frame rate despite dozens of enemies and particle effects going off.
I provided examples I didn't ask you to nitpick you autistic cunt.
KH3 looks like a last gen game. It's really not hard to draw some cartoony shit on screen.
I kinda want to get it. I'll probably just buy it from gamestop, play it and finish it then trade it in to get most of the money back
I didn't adress it since I don't have enough knowledge of it. from the clips i checked it didn't seem particularly graphically intensive
either way it'd be one or two graphically intensive games that can run at 60fps.
>Astral Chain
Literally who? When will you weebs learn that no one gives a shit about your cancer cartoons?
Anyway does Control have an unlocked mode on ps4 pro?
Yes and your examples are shit.
AC7 and DMC5 run at double the framerate on similar PC hardware.
GoW runs 40 fps at best.
KH3 see
No since it runs 15 fps on base ps4 and 25 fps on pro.
Giantbomb confirmed it.
okay thanks
Jesus Christ it's like holocaust but real
I have a key for it, but I don't want to install EGS
Having a good time so far, but only like 2 hours in.
I love all the lore and bullshit, you can clearly see the inspiration from SCP in all the docs.
The word you're looking for is rip-off.
just grab the torrent mate
Whats the issue?
how is the post game? how many new areas? how many new powers? how many new bosses?
Wow that's pathetic... And you wonder where these incel/geek/nerd/asocial/basement dweller labels come from.
Nobody's fully beaten it yet, the only people who got to the end were the people doing a boss rush and skipping all the side/post content on an early release copy.
drm doesn't stop pirates, it merely delays them.
Post-game is just so you can do sidequests you missed. It has new dialogue and internal monologues from Jesse about everything that happened, but that's it. It's mostly empty.
They already announced 2 expansions, though, with story content too.
lol look at this idiot he has a computer and still pays for video games
I have some questions.
is there a shotgun?
if not, can you turn this weird pistol into something you dual wield?
>dual wield
by that I meant holding with both hands, like an assault rifle or a shotgun
shatter form is basically a shotgun
It's like a shooter from 10-15 years ago (psi ops, enter the matrix, advent rising, etc). But with pretty cool modern visuals and music between the fighting.
Go ahead lads, this one is on me !
- Tim Sweeney
Not really m8.
How does it run on ps4pro?
It's just some chick being selfish for her own reasons while literally using everyone for her gain.
I jus want to upgrade spin but i cant find few of the shitty things i need urrrfghhh
this generic ass name makes it hard to find trainers but i doubt any are done yet anyways
Why is the protagonist so ugly? I am wearing the astral dice suit because her head looks square with the default look.
>thread made me worried that the game was badly optimized
>still getting 60fps on high settings on pc
guess I was worried about nothing, just an issue for consolekids.
That's what happens to women past 30
If anything they will be bought by Sony. There’s been inside rumours for a few months and a lot of Sony social media teams have been seen constantly in and around Remedy.
shit bait for shit fish
literally fuck off back to you subhuman tranny
it's kind of hit or miss, there's literally thousands of single articles but there's great spoopy stuff if you're into that
10-12 hours if you're just running through the main story. 30-35 if you're going full loremaster.
That's how Epic deals work. They give them a contract bonus and "guaranteed sales", where they essentially buy x amount of copies from the devs and the devs don't see any sales rev until all of those copies have sold.
But I doubt this is going to be an issue, the game is getting pretty good reviews from anyone with a face.
This lads a fuckin legend!
It's a metroidvania, so the levels aren't linear at all.
Thanks Tim, I've been needing most of my money for crack so I appreciate it.
remedy bought alan wake ip from microsoft like half year ago
they probably dont want to see that ever again
cracks been out for hours my fella
There's no crack. Control was sold DRM-free. If you're downloading a version with extra software or files you're downloading a miner alongside the game.
How the fuck do I get new outfits?
The only other one I have is the pre-order one but I don't know how to get more in-game.
>8 hour single player game
>full price
Why did they think this was a good idea. I hope they at least get to make Alan Wake 2 before they go under
what the hell thats gay as fuck man i just got this new computer and it plays all other new demanding games on utlra 75fps, guess ill pirate some other shit
Alan wake was fucking garbage
I just spent 80 Canadian dollars on it. Luckily game stop will give me $50 back if I trade it in quick. Hope it's worth it
better a miner than epic to be honest
>8 hour singleplayer game
It will be 50% off by the Christmas sales. I'll wait till then.
tim paid the devs already m8
its all good
feel free to pirate
Where is the muh veepoll lingo in that post you fucking tranny. Go dilate somewhere else.
>Faggy zoomer reddit
You aren't very smart, are you?
I like how when you first meet the janitor if you go back then they've blocked off where you came from.
Pretty cool game so far.
How do I get my potato PC to run this slightly better? Where's the config file?
do you have the newest drivers? those things actually make a difference
It has its Shatter form, which is a shotgun.
It feels SUPER good.
If it's really potato you could try running it 1280x720 and turn up AA to compensate
sure do
Butch face fix when?
tried that. 1280, lowest settings all around, runs okay until there's tons of debris on screen at once. I want to turn off motion blur and chromatic abberation, but can't find a config file.
yeah I would play the game if she was cuter
Yeah they fucked something up.
Originally I thought people were being dumb but there is something off about the model, I think she looks fine most of the time, but there are some moments, specifically when talking to Emily in that conference room where her face turns to complete shit, like her mouth doesn't move right, her eyes aren't focused on anything and looks terrible.
They are /pol/goloids
Oof I watched a vid and he said no turning off motion blur, chromatic aberration may be the same
Yeah I had to look at that shit, I was confused for a second when I walked back out into lobby, I thought I had somehow got turned around.
Waiting for patch and/or mods then. Yikes.
It's got an 81 on metacritic with 42 critic reviews, so probably a solid 8 out of 10 game, not bad I suppose, but the user reviews have it at a 7.4 right now. Some people said it has nothing on Alan Wake and is just a shitty attempt to recreate Alan Wake with a female protagonist.
Are we sure those "users" aren't just people from here trying to review bomb the game?
If it's the culture then it isn't fake for them it's only be faked or forced for you, you fucking dumbass.
if they made her ass a bit bubblier, and her face cute (or at least a full face mask) then I'd enjoy this a whole lot more, if you make me stare at a female character at lease give her some nice attributes.
for the record i think that Cassandra from AC:Odyssey was cute, and had nice legs, that is something you can stare at for a while.
I kinda like how insane she is
Isn't she supposed to be a traumatized agent or something, why would she be bubbly and cute? That shit breaks immersion, imagine if male TPS protagonists had to look like IG celebs and act sensual and tender for gaymers
When you have a cosmic being chilling in your head, you'd eventually end up a little crazy.
did not say that she should act bubbly, just that they could make her ass a bit rounder, that's what i meant. she can still be cute & traumatized/scarred
she can act all hardcore, i dont mind, but id just like something nice to look at is all.
Did anyone see in the Cigarette vending machine one of the packs is called Payne?
Doesn't help that she saw some eldritch bullshit at a young age, had her brother get blackbagged, and was probably treated as a crazy by everyone around her until she found the FBC.
>just a shitty attempt to recreate Alan Wake with a female protagonist
How is it gameplay wise like Alan Wake? You are not a writer you are not stalked and escaping you are the one seeking to take back control using super powers instead of writing a mcguffin backdoor for yourself.
But they are related, this is the Ocean.
The story and settings are intriguing. The gameplay is enjoyable but launch is freaking overpowered.
Emily looks like an elf with her big ears.
Was looking forward to it but just today learnt it was EGS exclusive.
I really like that she mentally talks to herself during a conversation. I've never seen it done like this outside of an anime. It makes it a lot more fun.
>some words on the screen from an mongolian throat singing forum ruins the fun for everyone
stop polluting the planet with your shitty existence and kill yourself
Only Finns can appreciate this masterpiece of a character
Holy mother of god. They fucking forcing MOTION BLUR without the way to disable it. What year it is?
Much of what he's saying will probably fly over the heads of anyone not familiar with Finnish terms and jokes.
It's not a big problem at all. Especially since literally every Remedy game has it in some form.
For a moment I thought that was CIA man.
Yeah i kinda figured it out. It was awful when i just started the game but after 1 minute it's disappeared somewhere.
based ahti.
i have a lvl 5 access card and still dont know what the fuck is happening
Man the presentation when you enter an area and that massive text pops up on screen is great. I just adore how it looks.
go on lad! this ones on me
Is there a way to switch aiming shoulder?
Where is the torrent? there isnt anything on 1337x or kat
What's wrong with her face?
Ok found it, it's R.
yes there is lol
how the fuck is wrong with """people""" like this? even if it was an 8 hour single player game, does that fucking mean they should magically sell it off for 30e because its worth less than the latest bloated ubishit that isnt good for even one hour?
Does the hoodlum torrent have the dlc etc...?
This shit is crashing on me all the time
"game_rmdwin7_f.exe doesn't work anymore"
coincidentally enough its also the only NPC so far that I dont dread talking to since the others are boring infodump checklists. Ahti, Trench and the researcher you constantly see on films are actually intriguing and well acted characters but the more normal NPC.s feel straight out of some bargain bin asset flip rpg
try the actual 1337x instead of that virus domain
>too dumb to filter based on age
>perkele perkele
based finns amirite lmao
>Only Finns can appreciate this masterpiece of a character
Do Finns regularly read peoples minds?
Every time I see him I still see CIA.
>not enjoying the boundlessly optimistic radio nouses of the Board
come on
When talking about NPC's Im referring to the evil within 2 tier infodump checklists like the whore in the central area or the random squad leader whatever male whose name I cant remember either