what the fuck is this faggot's motivation?? They never go into why he cares enough to find these amazing things or whatever. He clearly doesn't care about the money, casually murders millions, dropped El Dorado into the ocean, blew up the Cintimani Stone, sunk Ubar into the sand, and didnt destroy libertalia (white men's creation). He never ever seems to care about whether or not he'll get credit it finding anything either, so what the fuck is it for? Is he just an adrenaline junkie? Does he just want to "see it" and doesn't really care about learning more about it than just "oh, look, it exists. neat"
What the fuck is this faggot's motivation?...
He just likes the adventure
thats the most retarded idea
>sets of on adventure, most likely including finding treasure
>gets caught up in other treasure hunters looking for the same thing
>said treasure ends up being cursed or some shit
>makes it his goal to save the world
Basically the same as Indiana Jones
Basement dweller OP isnt going to understand that
Indiana Jones - "It belongs in a museum!"
Drake - "Wow, it exists? Crazy!"
He just wants to murder people
and get away with it
because autists defend it because he's a wackkkyyy treasure hunter xD
>makes it his goal to murder everyone on the continent, usually a place he invaded and is causing all of the issues
Adventure, curiosity, profit, pusy....he wants it all!
Literally a mass murderer
Yeah, I remember when Indiana Jones brought the ark back to a museum, disregarding that it was a dangerous artifact that could kill people.
He literally gave it to the government for historical study you stupid niggert
Lazarevic was right.
Why? Normal life can be boring, and he's been doing this kind of stuff since he was a kid. The regular amount of chemicals being released isn't enough.
Hardky his fault all the mercenaries are brown.
his problem, is life. his motivation, is killing minorities with some slavs mixed in.
just shut up and consume sony product and dont think about it. you'll be a better snoyshill that way
He clearly just likes finding old cool shit. Nathan Drake could've just had his own TV show desu but he likes dangerous adventures and bypassing legality
Me too
> Travel the globe
> See tons of exotic places
> Fly around in a sweetass sea plane with your best bro
> Have fun adventures together
> Find tons of treasure
> Bang tons of hot chicks
> Break the law on a regular basis
> Stare death in the face multiple times, always manage to find a way out
> Live life by your own rules
Why would anyone ever want a life like that when they could be working as an account executive for a cardboard box manufacturing company in Iowa instead, am I right fellas?
Your faggot ass obviously didn't play the games
It runs in the family
It was locked in a box and hidden away in a warehouse
What a retarded question by OP.
In fact, it was made CRYSTAL clear what Drake's motivations were with a ton of backstory about how his mom died, what his family was involved in, his relationship with his brother, meeting Sully, and eventually settling down with Elena.
Jesus, do the writers have to draw a roadmap. It's very clear how Nate became who he is and why he does what he does. It all makes Lara Croft look bland and two-dimensional.
Uncharted 3 laid it out pretty plainly. He's an orphan child with a dead mother whose only refuge came from reading about famous adventurers and imagining he could be like them. When the opportunity arises for him to pretend he's one's descendant, he leaps at the chance. Nate's identity is indelibly tied to his globe trotting.