Do you like Sylvando?
Do you like Sylvando?
as a party member, sure, but as a character he's so much of a flamer, it's grating. World's going to shit and he's throwing a pride parade
yes, he's an interesting gay character beaming with personality
which is a rare thing in video games
and possibly the rarest thing to exist in real life (haven't met one of the kind yet)
he's pretty based
Only faggots don't like the best bro of the game.
More like Joy parade. There's no evil church villifying gays in DQ so there's no need to make a show of solidarity. It's universal Joy.
Yeah, he reminds me of all the fags I've worked with in theater, good dudes. Western games want to parade their gays as much as their corporate overlords will approve of while also keeping them as straight as humanly possible. The truth is most gays are effeminate in their mannerisms, and yes they do often play it up for humor. There shouldn't be anything wrong with portraying them that way.
He is the most memorable party member
>all those doujins by Riko
I mean the guy is kind of a late game powerhouse so yeah
He's a beautiful boy.
>Puff-Puff works on him
Getting seriously mixed signals here
Best character
Did they make him just to spite Sugiyama?
I thought him hating the gays was a misunderstanding
I didn't play very far past adding him to the party, but he seemed cool.
>What is Bisexuality
yes, from best character to worst character
>Huge flamer
>Still knows that true men need to be strong
I thought that was pretty based.