Bloodborne is a PS4 exclu...!

>Bloodborne is a PS4 exclu...!

Attached: 20190826194737_1.jpg (1366x768, 247K)

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what about this image proves that it isnt an exclusive?

Is Shitborne really that much better than any Dark Souls game that you retarded negroids can't help but want it so much on PC?

it's pretty good but not that good. ps4 faggots had to cling to it for 4 years until they got Spiderman so its no wonder its so ""revered""


Attached: 245767986.webm (1280x720, 829K)


Seems to be the PS4 version

It's good, but still a lot of the same we've already had 4 times before this. The issue was that PS4fags had VERY LITTLE reason to own their $500 shitbox back then so they had to create a million false flag threads to pretend the game was the best shit ever made.

Notice their care for it dropped quickly after GoW and Spiderman came out. Finally another 2 reasons to own a PS4, so Bloodborne wasn't all they could cling to anymore.

>have ps4 launch model
>don't have bloodborne
>don't have any game
i don't remember why i got it


I really liked it. Was like Demon's Souls all over again. In the entire FROM Souls genre, I rank it at the very top next to that game.

Unironically more fun to me than any DS entry. I just love the pace of combat and the weapons too much, the world also appeals to me much more. It's difficult to discuss amicably on Yea Forums tho because the existence of bloodborne is a perpetual shitpost generator for PCfags.
amy arm a best

Attached: amy arm concept.png (664x456, 334K)

>we've already had 4 times before this
You mean 3, right?
Because before Bloodborne there is only Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2.
Dark Souls 3 came after Bloodborne.

Yes, and I would buy it on PC in a heartbeat if that meant I get to experience it again in 60fps.

Attached: 1489611597287.jpg (1369x2500, 2.84M)

wait who is that trio third from the top?


Holy shit!
Look at the size of that fucking health bar!
God, fucking, DAMN OP!!!
Do people really do this?
Pic unrelated

Attached: dear.gif (375x391, 578K)

>It's good, but still a lot of the same we've already had 4 times before this

>Notice their care for it dropped quickly after GoW and Spiderman came out.


Attached: Bloodborne™_20171215111012.jpg (1920x1080, 434K)

Bloodborne runs at a native 1080p though


so you can post "never ever"s

Attached: ...and PC.webm (750x720, 1.2M)

no, i honestly don't know
i had shadow of mordor on it, platinum'd it and then gave it to a friend because i didn't need it, never felt like getting the game back or gettint a game on the ps4 at all
maybe i should just hack it if that's even possible, i don't want it to just stand there

Amy Arm and Kos(m) Parasite are the two weapons I never managed to "get"
Former is just a weird mix of ultra-heavy and whiplike, I could never get it to work. Though I dueled a few well-known /bbg/ posters who destroyed me with it, so clearly it's a 'me' problem.
I hate Kos Parasite because doing a full build (including running the dungeons and farming Korean gems) solely so you can instawin by spamming L2 is just gay. ARC was really poorly-balanced, the only use for a casual is Ludwig's Blade, and by the time you're good enough to stand your own in PvP you may as well get good and be a SKLshitter like everyone else.

is there any reason to own a console nowadays?
xbone and PS4 have no exclusives and they port all their shit to PC, nintendo just makes the same shitty games that was on the wii, wii U, gamecube, and n64 but with different graphics this time

"cheaper" than building a PC (I know you can make a pretty decent PC with the budget of buying a console, but tell that to normies)

I played BB before trying out the DS games. I loved BB, played DS Remastered after and thought it was good but not close to BB. Needless to say I have no interest in any other Souls game even after enjoying BB.

>wheel of logarius
what are you doing, you are fucking everything up

i guess a hacked switch is the best console to own right now. if you're going to place where you won't be able to use a pc you have your switch with games up to playstation 1 plus some ports of indies

No. Take away the exclusivity hype and shitposting and it's just another Souls game with less customization.

Consoles are like under $200 now, you aren't going to make a decent PC out of that.

>less customization
Confirmed for having never played the game

Yes. Sony gave a blank check to a studio with legitimate talent and told them to run wild. Everything about it oozes style and it feels refreshingly unique in a sea of copy and paste annual franchises that most publishers shit out.

It's as close to video game perfection as we're ever going to get and you're doing yourself a true disservice if you haven't played it.

I mean, he's not wrong, but it's also such a moot point. Yeah, you can dual wield shields, and theres 10 different longswords to choose from that all do same thing. Basically, mostly pointless bonus """""customization""""" that doesn't do anything.


Performance wise its the worse of any from game including Sekiro

It runs better than Demon's Souls and the console versions of Dark Souls 1 and 3.

Pretty sure it runs the same as DeS did. 60fps emulation now too.

Demon's could regularly tank on PS3. BB only really tanks in two specific areas.

Both DS3 and BB run poorly due to frame pacing, the FPS drops to 20 in both games for extended periods of time too. BB has areas where it goes to 10 just like Dark Souls 1.

Attached: 1456552992376.webm (720x480, 1.84M)

Yeah 1080 on low settings, with a locked framerate. But it's ok it plays the same on PSNow on the PC. If you don't know you can play the original game without the DLC on PC, but it's so muddy looking you'll wonder why and how PS4 owners can actually believe this looks good. Oh, and I guess the controls lag a little bit but if you've played killzone 2 you'll be fine.

>posting DF videos from the launch
Have you actually played BB in the past three years?

>t-they fixed it
They didn't.

No. It's the black sheep of the souls franchise so naturally everyone on Yea Forums favors it because they think it's unique. It's good, but not as good as souls.

>on low settings
There are no "settings" because it's built specifically for one piece of hardware dipshit
>But it's ok it plays the same on PSNow on the PC
Playing it on PSNow is nowhere near like actually playing it on the actual hardware
PSNow is a cope for dumb PCniggers

>There are no "settings"
There are. That's just what console games run at.

Yes, they did. When the DLC dropped a patch that dramatically improved performance came with it.

>launch video from literally the one area in the game with really bad performance
You don't have the game and only know about it though shitposting and youtube videos.

Bitch, you're so gay you don't even like boys. And you're lied to so fucking hard you slurp that cum up right from their dicks. Enjoy the shittiest framerate in a souls game. Jesus what moron defends the way the game looks compared to PC games?

You're such a massive retard I'm not even sure how to address this post because I'm losing brain cells reading it

user I think that PS4 user is autistic or else he'd get what we're implying...

Example A of said cope

do you think anyone will take you seriously when you lie like that you sack of shit huh?

No they didn't.

No I get what you're implying, I'm just calling you a retarded nigger because what you're implying is stupid.

>fringe cases vs actual framerate analysis and people who've actually played the game, not just watched YouTube videos
How do you live being so disingenuous?

The atmosphere is arguably the best in the series, and that's about it. Overall design is between DS3 and DS1. Gamplay, it's just another souls game, except side-steps instead of dodge rolls and a gun instead of a parry button (the weapon switching shit is not meaningfully different than equipping two weapons on a d-pad hotswap). Some of the stuff that's in there content wise, like the chalice dungeons, is great for replayability, which is a different option than only NG+ and multiplayer, but it's not a strict plus for every body since it's ultimately pointless content like any randomly generated shit. It arguably has the worst multiplayer experience of any of them, improved by having the largest population at one point (but it's dead now, so lmao).
Like all souls games, it equally deserves all of its various critiques - good and bad - and that's the most profound thing that can be said about it.

>trusting shill foundry over clear evidence they're full of shit

Bloodborne also has amazing weapons

This shows BB assets can be modded into DS3, which makes sense the engine is the same. Perhaps someone can just mod the DS3 exe to work with BB files and then just include the controller and video wrapper files.

>which makes sense the engine is the same.
Don't be retarded, you can mod any weapon into the game because of mod tools.

user lacks imagination and technical talent the post.