Give me one reason as to why you don't have a gaming smartphone yet

Give me one reason as to why you don't have a gaming smartphone yet.
Don't tell me their aren't any games when everything up to Gamecube works with 100% emulation accuracy.

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I've got a high performance phone but I don't use it for games because they're all terrible with 2 hours of handholding that just waste your life away clicking the things you're told to click

Because $200+ for a fucking phone is ridiculous. I mean if you have the money or if mobile gaming on a phone is your thing, fine, but otherwise, it just isn't worth it. Especially when the damn thing is made obsolete by the next marginally improved variant 5 months down the line like every smartphone.

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I have a strict anti-smartphone philosophy. If it was up to me, all the smartphones in the world would be taken away and thrown into a fire.

I don't know when I'd ever use one, the only situation I can think of is on planes and in that case I've always got my laptop and can play stuff on a much bigger screen with better controls if I want to.

because I can do it all on a normal smartphone that doesn't require retarded gaymur aesthetics or ridiculous peripherals

This, but I would throw the smartphone owners into a fire instead.

Got the first razer phone for $100. Don't play any games on it but the 120hz display is pretty cool.

why would i want to emulate anything on a smartphone? maybe handhelds would make sense but apart from the ds using the touch screen for that just feels awful

They’re gay.

Would you also make then release all their pokemon creatures and go up the hill to fetch pails of water?

Smartphones are not meant for gaming. They’re meant to sudoku and shitposting while working.

Found the edge lord contrarians.

Hows the social life going? lol

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>gaming smartphone
>has no physical controller
Sony figured this shit out in 2011
why we still have to suffer

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Why would I need a gaming phone? It's not like I leave the house.

>Sudoku isnt a game
>not gaming at work instead of wasting time on Yea Forums at work

Because my current phone already dies fast enough running games, I don't need one with a dedicated GPU exacerbating that.

You joke about this now but years ago gaming laptop was a meme now they have desktop gpus and cpus inside of them.
Maybe I am getting old but I can see it coming true.

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I have that exact phone, I'm using it to play fire emblem path of radiance on my commute, and Xenoblade at home. It comes with a fucking fan that plugs into the side and wraps around it

You dont need a gaming smartphone to play GameCube games what the hell

Bitch, I don't give a fuck about being edgy. If you can't see the negative effects smartphones have had on society, then you're fucking blind. The benefits are not worth the problems.

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Not him, but smartphone gaming would be the obvious future if it wasn't for the fact that every game is money grabbing bullshit. If it wasn't for that, it would already be a solid competitor in the handheld market.

Honestly I bet its going to go the way of like steam. Where developers make a version for Mac/Apple Phones, PC/Windows Phones(if they are even still a thing), Linux/Android Phones.
With the advent of 5G and things like them trying to force stadia (imagine the ms). I think its inevitable.

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>On high horse about negative effects of Smartphones on society
>Spends time on Yea Forums arguing with anonymous posters.


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That being said, some people would be allowed smartphones in my world.
Pic very much related.

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Smartphone gaming is going to replace Nintendo/sony mobile gaming.

Prove me wrong.

>Kill those who use smartphones
>Except my hedgehog waifu

Some pretty well adjusted folks in here with some pretty well arranged priorities.

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You can connect any Bluetooth controller to modern smartphones. Most games, and all emulators support their use, you absolute retard.

Welcome to Yea Forums. Walk straight ahead for the cookies, take a sharp left for the beer, or take a look to the right for the padded cell.

Physical controls on a modern smartphone require courage several orders of magnitude beyond removing the headset jack.

Oh I am aware of all the spergs here, but I will never miss a chance to call them out on it.

brb fapping to the furry thread in my other tab

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I can't find any games that are worthwhile.
It's always either a clone of a big established franchise, or some gacha shit which I can play on the phone I already have.
Why own the hardware if there's no good shit on it?

Ports and emulators are good. Start there.

And play what games

Any why not just a buy an NDS or PSP?

I have a used flagship for games and it's pretty pleasent. Going to have to change the battery soon, but that's the only gripe I have. I know mobile sruff triggers Yea Forums, so I usually keep it to myself. I'm shocked that Gacha has been becoming more popular as of late, I avoid it for the most part.

Not too loud user, you'll summon a flood!

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