is this worth playing?
Nier Automata
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is fun
If you like borderline unlikable main characters but like a narrative that makes you feel smart then go right ahead.
Yes(?) Why do you retards keep asking this? Literally GOTY 2017.
Did you like Nier Gestalt, Drakengard 1 or Drakengard 3?
If so, yeah, you should play the fourth game of this long running, story-heavy franchise
Buy his game
I hate it so much
It's boring, repetitive, janky shit
There's fleeting moments of greatness but they're vastly outnumbered by the sheer volume of crap the game asks you to sit through, in many cases multiple times
No, it's overrated garbage. Incels lured in by 2B's ass praising it as the next best thing for its attempt at a deep narrative which falls flat on its face.
They'll try to convince you you're a pleb for hating it after 15 hours, and that you have to play all the routes before judging. Don't, it's a waste of time. They're 50 hours I'll never get back.
tfw no nyan-S bf
And it's overrated.
Only if you like good videogames. If you're just looking for shitpost material, there are better games.
Yes. I'm sad that it's not platinum's best work in the action department, it's pretty great. If you liked Drakengard 1, 3, and Nier, then you'll most likely really like Nier Automata. Just be wary that while there's some combo potential, you have to play on Very Hard to get the HP to juggle and it's kind of a pain. Other than that though it's great.
Play it on easy mode because the combat is unfun trash.
its fun but dont listen to the thirsty retards when they say its a masterpiece, its not
Nah. The combat isn't in a binary "it's great or it's shit sort of deal." It's got flaws but it's all in all a blast to play around in, but its tools aren't as flexible as bayo, much less DMC
Yes. It's one of the few 10/10 games in existence. Read this chip guide when you get the chance, save your diamonds.
>It's one of the few 10/10 games in existence.
holy shit its not
reminder that if youve masturbated to 2b ONE SINGLE TIME, your opinion on the game is worthless
Not him. I think the combat isn't 10/10 (more like 8/10 for the reasons outlined in ), but the story, music, art, characters, etc, are at least to me 9/10 or 10/10s, so the game rates pretty high. The game a lot of fun if you like Taro's other games
Yeah, if the Open world bullshit wasn't so tedious it would easily be a 10/10
the humans are dead and then 9s rages and then i dind't care. Finishing the 4 times is not worth it
the world's shit. its bland and empty. most of the chars are terrible too. quests are worse than your worst bethesda game
the combat is good, char models are great and so is the music and the main story
its just a good game nothing close to 10
yes, I like the story, the soundtrack is 10/10 and the combat is alright
Yes. Right up till midway in the story.
Because doing the same shit you already did with a different character who was always present anyway is pants on head retarded and boring
toobbeee big butte xdddd
Name me a few 10/10's so I have an idea of what 10/10 games should be.
Based ESL
Yes but only when you get to the A2 parts
2B looks so bland and boring in comparison when you get to play as A2 who is somehow wearing less clothes than 2B something I didnt think was possible
The 9S parts are fun because of all the bullet hell moments
No only Part A is fun, Part B literally makes you replay the entire game all over again as an inferior character and you spam drones the whole time, and the rest of the game is just spamming dodge in every combat scenario
>omg i had to replay the whole story again!
Why do you keep lying? The 2B and 9S combat and missions were vastly different and only overlapped in a few instances
>its bland and empty
There's a good amount of stuff to do on the overworld map. It's not an open world. It's a big map that's mostly devoid of anything that wants to befriend you. that being said, a lot of the locations past the desert are filled with interesting enemies and lots of interesting architecture / levels - look at the forest kingdom. Hell, look at the entire amusement park..
>most of the chars are terrible too
Nah. This isn't """""""objective""""""""", whatever that term might mean in this context, but even now this statement is a matter of opinion that's unsupported. I can see somebody like jackass not being great, but Popola and Devola? A2? The tower sequence where you switch roles with the main cast over and over again? The game is full of great characters
>quests are worse than your worst bethesda game
Nah not any worse. I am sad that most of them are fetch quests, but the writing is tight enough that I wanted to do *most* of them.
It's a Taro game. I don't know why people evaluate this game as some open world quest fantasy RPG when it's Taro using the Zelda format to write essays.
>All these people bitching about route B.
Have you niggers literally NEVER replayed a game in your ENTIRE lives?
The 9S B route was a lot shorter due to hacking being overpowered. I admit that it was the weakest route, but since I caught up on all the sidequests during the B route, I was still engaged. C and D are by far the best routes, with route E being the best finisher.
Literally this
>omg route A was 6 hours long, how dare they make me "replay" it with a different character, with different combat, different gimmicks, and different missions
It's fine to bitch about route B, since I'm pretty sure it's understood to be the weakest route, and that's pretty important since C, D, and E are the reasons that the game is worth playing.
The problem is that people start to think all the routes will be about replaying the entire game and seeing the same story happen over and over again. They're not so much replays as they are separate stories. I think this was pronounced in Taro games pre-Drakengard 3.
>hacking being overpowered
yeah thats the only flaw with 9S imo
That one robot combat "master" that you keep training with and giving resources to, I beat soley through hacking
I did him through combat alone after I got chapter select. He's legit such a fun sideboss to fight without hacking
This game sucks dick
Also, the 2B/2E thing makes no sense to me. It's supposed to be this big game ending twist, yet the only 2 times 2B kills 9S in the game are entirely justified. The first time they're damaged and surrounded by goliaths so they self destruct. That their counciousness is uploaded to a mainframe makes dying not a big deal. Second time he's infected by a virus, which again makes killing him justifiable as he'll respawn again. If 2B was a battle unit only, those decisions would still have been the logical ones to take.
A2 says that the only reason for E units to exist is so that when an S series will inevitably discover the truth about mankind, the E unit must kill him/her to prevent the truth from coming out. But this never happens onscreen between 2B and 9S, even when he learns the truth. He never tells her, she never finds out he knows, and she dies for other reasons. The twist falls flat.
The end of route B ahould have been an unwinable boss fight against 2B after he tells her what he learned, and she turns on him. You live it through 9S's eyes, he doesn't get whats going on, pleeds for her to stop as she beats him down. A2 could've appeared then, killed 2B, saving 9S but making him go mad for revenge until the twist is revealed at the end. Your "friend"'s only purpose was to kill you.
But as it is, it's just a twist that serves no purpose other than being a twist as it changes nothing. A2 doesn't have much of a character at all other that being a tool for the plot and to deliver exposition at 9S. Show, don't tell.
It’s worth jerking off to. That’s for sure
2B's ass is the best thing this game has to offer, and it's about time people stop pretending otherwise.