When is going Yea Forums to realize that you never set a food on the real drangleic castle and the deep implications...

When is going Yea Forums to realize that you never set a food on the real drangleic castle and the deep implications between vendrick, shanalotte, fillianore and the nameless god?

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>set a food

>DS3 lore


Whst do Vendrick and Shanalotte have to with DaS3 lore?

i'd love to plunge into Filianore's deep implications, if you know what i mean.

man fuck you

John is kill

I'll drop some truthpills

>what you see in OP is the kingdom of gwyn's son
>gwyn ravaged his sons kingdom on their last fight
>vendrick was a friend of the dragonkind and survived the attack
>got the 4 big souls and builded the castle you go in with the help of golems
>meet nashandra, who hates gwyn, and tells vendrick to break the seal of the dark soul (fillianore's egg)
>vendrick attack on the ringed city (full of giants) is a fucking success and steal part of the dark soul (giant kinships)
>fillianore gets out to sleep by gwyn to contain the spreading dark soul (abyss) engulfing the ringed city
>gwyns sends a retaliation attack to vendrick using the remaining corrupted giants loyal to gwyn
>vendrick kingdom gets destroyed but manages to survive
>he realizes he wasn't strong enough to resist nashandra manipulation not to truly beat gwyn
>he goes to the crypt leaving his soul behind with his last remaining loyal soldiers to protect his king ring, so nashandra can open the gates to the first flame oven teleporter

>set a food
I don't have the iq necessary to make a witty joke so I'm just gonna limit myself to calling you a retarded phoneposter

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger loving kike shit with down syndrome.


You fucking zoomers are absolute failures. Enjoy your career in fast food.

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well, time to fap

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you subhuman sack of shit.

What's the name of this boss?

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers and burned alive, you fucking shit smear.

that was horrible but funny

>no coprophagia
Eat shit, fag

You deserve to be burned alive and buried in a landfill with the rest of the garbage, you anthropomorphic shit stain.

>gwyn kingdom starts to really fuck it up now that the abyss is spreading wildly while the fucking serpent corrupts the 4kings of new londo
>gwyn goes to the first flame to prolong the age of fire this becoming the first lord of cinder
>DS1 events happens, being the inmolation the true ending as we were tricked by gwyns serpent to be the "chosen undead" from the legends (bullshit)
>Through this endless cycles of rekindling, a man loses it all to the curse and warps himself to the painted world (the place where ds2 events happens)
>He is attracted to drangleic as it was the only kingdom who manage to score a strike on gwyn (ringed city attack) guided by a retired firekeeper.
>he discovers the original sin, which is to refuse to fuel the age of fire, to try to gain enough power to conquest the curse
>his actions becomes imitated by lothric, as the painted world behaviour influences the gods side, who also refuses to fuel the fire and so, the bell rings and ds3 events start.

all this vaidation

tfw Dank Souls 4 never ever

Sorry mate, it's late and english is not my main lang! *built

I hope you get shot by a infinitechanner and spend the rest of your life as a quadriplegic, you fucking shit wipe.

Vendrick is the only one worth talking about. Genuinely the best character in souls. Only the relationship between him and aldia wasn't really explored tho we got plenty of information about them both as individuals.

But Nashandra and her sisters are the severed souls of manus reborn from abyss. I get you want to feel woke with dark souls lore and 2 is the most hipster one to pick now but jesus man have some integrity. This feels like some fanfiction battle halfway through. The unfortunate truth is these games arent made with future installments and lore in mind. Miyazaki likes to focus his autism strongly on a product while he's on it and ignore it once it's over. Most loose threads never led anywhere to begin with.

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Goddammit I laughed 10/10

nu-Yea Forums is actually mad over this. wish all you fucking zoomers would hang yourselves already

you deserve to be gassed


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im not clocking that i know better


>shanalotte was the daughter of the nameless god and an everlasting dragon
>after the drangleic first fiasco, shanallote is thrown to the painted world to keep her far away
>after finding vendrick, she starts luring people inside the painting, and is the one that lures nashandra to meet vendrick.
>she knows that the curse is gwyns fault of covering the dark soul of each human with fire as a way to protect them from their darkest desires, but that was what caused humans to become undead, and the beggining of the curse
>she wish to destroy gwyn, and with him, the curse