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>Streaming will hurt the company that holds many important IPs all to themselves
If anything this has no affect at all on nintendo.

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Is it really that easy to make some blog and get people post those all over the web?

Isn't Stadia not even a proper streaming game service? still have to buy games to play them. It isn't like Netflix where you pay a fee and can play whatever.

Yes. It's OnLive 2.0 including the tachyons required to use it and paying for stuff you don't own and can't get back once the service goes under.

Streaming services are already doa.

it's the author shilling on every website he can

stadia not even launching where I live

he's not wrong
why buy a shitch mini for bing bing games when i can play cod at 4k on my iphone

I'm sure these gaming journalists said the exact same shit about Ouya killing consoles.

As long as Nintendo keeps its IPs on their own consoles, Nintendo won't die.

Attached: stadia.gif (448x352, 2.83M)

so this is like what, the ten thousandth article about how nintendo is le doomed?

They couldn't even get a Youtube video to stream properly. How the fuck do they think they're going to stream video games at 4k/60fps?

Attached: 1559838444119.png (1827x774, 954K)

If you really cared about the technology and weren't just spouting console war buzzwords, you'd know that the Switch already had this technology in areas like Japan. You can play games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Resident Evil 7, and Phantasy Star Online there... but nowhere else, as the Internet infrastructure needed for this thing to have a wide enough market penetration outside East Asia and the Eurozone just isn't there.


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If you can live with the lag...

is that even still a thing?

Attached: images.jpg (182x276, 9K)

Nope, went under years ago and the idiots who paid for games on it basically threw their money into a fire.

Nintendoomed since 1889

Isn't Stadia competing with the snoycensored 4 though? They both have more games in common than Stadia/Switch.

Honestly, this sounds more like something Microsoft would want to muscle in on more than anything else.

>killing anything
themselves maybe

Either this fails or the industry dies for real thank fuck America has bad internet.

This is like an officially sanctioned version of that one faggot back in early 2017 who taped two Wiimotes to the sides of a Rasberry Pi running Zelda BotW on CemU. He kept claiming that he made his own machine that would "BTFO the Switch".

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Not going to happen unless the internet gets way fucking better than it is right now.

Unless 5G solves the US crappy internet I don't think so.

This headline gets easy replies because deep down they know it's true.

>Stadia doing anything but flopping and dying within a year

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It'll affect them. It won't kill them but it will have a very large effect if google can manage to get high quality internet across the US, because a lot of arguments for the switch are still
and if that goes away it relies solely on the first party titles since third party titles on it play and look worse than pretty much everywhere else. Their slow release schedule for new titles in those held IPs is also a large detriment.

Net neutrality got killed because ISPs would rather spend money money on lobbying than giving people good Internet. There's no way in hell that the Stadia will succeed.

Attached: stadia 3.webm (1240x892, 1.63M)


different team fuck yo stadia number 1

okay, retard

5G is the answer to ISPs. If they won't let others lay down fiber they're taking the war to the airwaves.

>if google can manage to get high quality internet across the US,
LMAO this google shill cope
they tried this, it didn't work. the entire US ISP infrastructure is completely monopolized aside from the few regions that they were actually able to penetrate

I wish people would post the fullspeed versions of these.

I understand that casualtards need the slowed down versions to see the difference, but they're annoying to use to try to figure out what the actual delay is.

It's showing that a delay exists. That's all that's needed to prove it's shit. If it was local there'd be zero delay.

>if google can manage to get high quality internet across the US
Not happening in this political climate. The way Internet works in the US, companies like Comcast and Spectrum carve out fiefdoms where they're practically the only thing in town. No competition means they can and will dictate just how fast their lines are, what kinds of lines are available, etc., and they won't do it unless they either see enough money to make the investment or the government drags them into it kicking and screaming.

Google's Fiber network rollouts are a thing only in major urban hubs, while anyone outside of those hubs has to make do with cable (at best) or more often satellite and DSL Internet that can barely stream a 480p movie, let alone have the bandwidth required for this to work.

5 G

>Lost connection to server

>If it was local there'd be zero delay.
That's not quite true, you'd also need to know how much delay there is with assisred games to begin with.

Quarter-speed turns a 2f delay - not uncommon already - into 8f, which would be much more unacceptable.

I am baffled that people keep saying that streaming will disrupt the handheld market
Have these people ever tried to watch a youtube video, let alone a stream on their phones? Streaming on wifi is a stretch, streaming videogames on phones is outright retarded

1. Your phone will turn into a fucking nuclear reactors
2. All of your data will be gone within minutes
3. You’ll have to deal with shitty touch controls that suck as for everything even turn based games
And lastly
>Giving Jewgle money

Attached: 25793075-CE9E-4FC1-933C-E00BCC3656FC.jpg (640x522, 40K)

Most people are absolutely fine with the shitty experience that is YouTube on their overloaded 4G connection.

The average consumer is truly non-discerning in that regard.

The steam one is pretty good. I can play games anywhere on my shitty laptop through my gaming pc.

You have to keep your pc on though.

>Most people are absolutely fine with the shitty experience that is YouTube on their overloaded 4G connection.
Watching videos is one thing, but even Chad Normie will get pissed off if his NBA2K character plays as if underwater and the game has to stay tethered to the Internet 100% of the time.

Normies care about this stuff too
Best believe the fucking Genesis mini will do better than Stadia

If anything, this'll do more harm to Sony and Microsoft than it will do to Nintendo

Stadia is for first-world countries with competition in the ISP space.

On the most common model of PS4, Assassin's Creed Odyssey had over 600ms of input delay for several months due to a bug. Sales didn't slow at all.

The only thing streaming will hurt is itself when people realize every game is unplayable garbage due to the latency, not to mention eating away your data cap in a matter of hours.
Meanwhile mobile technology is quickly reaching the same level of current gen consoles, give another 5 to 10 years and your average poorfag phone will completely outclass the PS4 Pro/Xbone X.

Nigger I live in Maryland.
The internet is still shit here.

Lag over 4g will be seconds, not milliseconds worth of delay

>Phone resolution mattering past 1080p

Bet you think a 30 Mega pixel phone camera is as good as a 30 mega pixel DSLR.