Do you play vidya with your little brother / cousin / nephew / etc.?
Do you play vidya with your little brother / cousin / nephew / etc.?
ahh, I wish shotas were real
when I was a kid I would play with my cousins when we got together and I would destroy all of them no matter the game because I was and still am a no live loser that plays video games all day
Little cousin, yes. I recently recommended him Just Cause 2 when it was on sale and he's been playing it for hours without touching a story mission ever since.
No but I sometimes pretend like my younger self is watching me play video games and commentating, talking with me.
I tell him about some new video game and technological advancements made since I was a wee kid in the 90s blows his mind every time.
It's easier than having friends. He's happy just being there, he doesn't lie or try to use me.
Posting in a gay shota thread.
yeah I play with my little sister
cümbrain thread
Are you dense? Little brothers are infamous for lying
My brother only plays autistic management sims and I only play arena shooters, so our interests don't overlap enough to play together. I used to decimate him at Smash 64 though.
Fucking autist
ahh, lolis in loose dresses
Of course! Then I take him out for ice cream!
Havent seen my little brother in years because I had to leave the state. I missed him being in highschool, and in college. Im sorry bro I missed all that but I had to leave. Please understand. We're both adults now and will never play vidya together again.
My older brother was better at all games when we were kids, problem is we share the EXACT interests in games to this day, he practices and I don't, so I win like 40% of the time, enough to drive me insane
very cute
I don't have a cute little bro unfortunately.
I don't have one. I'm pretty much the youngest of my extended family.
My little brother sometimes, it's hard cause his interest in vidya is widely different from mine. I've gotten him to enjoy some of the games I like but he never goes out of his way to play them unless I push him to try stuff. The only games I play with other people besides that is mario kart with my girlfriend
My boy cousins like to watch me play video games and my girl cousins like to show me everything about the games they play
But he's me. He's literally me. I'd know if he was lying. He's not even really there.
no, i play games with my mom tho
when i come home to visit we play DOA2U and we also tried Resident Evil: Outbreak when I was away
At least I have a friend.
That is frightening
The one 4 years my junior, damn near all the time as we live together. The one 17 years my junior? Like once or twice, not for a lack of trying either, all consoles, different genres, tcgs even and he won't put any effort in. I got him smash for Christmas and he hasn't played it for more than an hour. Makes me bonkers.
I was the little brother and definitely no, anything I did in vidya they said it was gay or was for fags. My breaking point with my older brother was when he’d start talking shit to me about even the smallest thing I did in vidya. After that I told him to go fuck himself and stopped playing with him permanently. We’re much older now and I’ve completely cut all contact with him because he’s such an annoying cunt. Big bros, cut some slack on your younger bros, shitting on them nonstop will come back to haunt you when you get older. Just stfu and play some damn co-op vidya with them and don’t ever play Mario Party
I am the little brother (youngest of 4, all brothers). Grew up with Goldeneye, Smash 64, SFII, etc. We still jam on some Rocket League. I’m better at games than all of them because autism except for fightan, the second youngest has that one cornered.