>All the WoWfugee tards finally went back to their shit game and 25,000 in line queue.
Who /FFXIV/ here?
>All the WoWfugee tards finally went back to their shit game and 25,000 in line queue.
Who /FFXIV/ here?
about fucking time all the wowshitters left
thank god
Funny one of you fags was just bragging about how sad the 10k queues before servers came up were because Shadowbringers had 20k+ queues.
Classic wow and XIV have two completely different appeals and demographics
Stop trying to stir shit that doesn't even exist
I started playing recently, leveling lancer. Enjoying experience, great music and art. Community is friendly too, people always talk to me and help during party dungeons.
How long is original storyline? I read that story becomes kino. I am currently at level 34 story, am I halfway there?
But when are WE getting our 1.0 server?
I'm always amazed who people keep using their time to mention ff14 when it has such generic graphic, bland colors and basically no soul, so much different than ff11 for instance
>inventing "wars" like this and not playing all the games and having maximum fun
viera master race
is FFXIV dead now that Classic WoW is out?
Final Fagrasy is cringe. Tranny weebs on suicide watch now that the original wow is back.
Is this a mod or real emote?
>finish story
>nothing else to do but do a raid that doesnt even lead anywhere
Not playing 14 thats what. Literally nothing to do. So I went back to Wow for now.
of course
why else do you think these fags keep making threads
why would trannies play WoW when its not an anime game?
Mods are stupid
Its the black ranger event emote
Thank fuck their all gone
I meant Final Fagtasy trannies like the one who made this thread that's soon going to be part of the 48%ers seeing how classic wow exploded while Shadowniggers is immediately forgotten.
>posts hrothchad
>posts more nintendie baby shit
Yup, tranny that's gonna do an Etika by age 30.
>le smug anime girl #350075 that's totally not my self-insert
How does it feel to have failed as a man? Have sex.
It's too early to celebrate. Wowniggers are still in queue to log in 40 minutes after launch
>still not free to play
not gonna play lol
Right here my dude
It doesn't need poor Brazilians anyway
>9 seconds apart
>paying for multiple subs
That's more retarded than inventing "wars" honestly
ff14 is comfy AF, just layback, play your FF14 from your playlist and enjoy
today i was doing some dungeons and peoples asked me why i left wow, i think its because i feel good playing this game
go pay to play your dead game user, if tranny fagrasy is so bad you will see people leaving it, but never forget the great wow exodus and all the wowrefugees that we got from your fag dying company
how is WoW any different
>no story
>do raids that don't lead anywhere
unless you're really into PVP there's not much more to do in WoW either
>Classic launches
>No more queue to enter FFXIV server
>DF queues are much faster for DPS
>PF/DF skill quality noticeably rises
>NN chat channel goes back to being comfy and helpful instead of WoW shitposting
Thank God the WoW tourists are gone. They were so fucking stupid and bad at playing the game. I swear I had a bard once try to macro all shit in high level content because "I do the same in WoW and it works fine". Fuck off with your low damage.
Will I finally be able to get a house since the WoW players are going to Classic?
Wowfugees are truly a plague upon XIV.
I doubt that any of the wow players would care about a house
New players don't own houses. Only people that have been subbed for years.
Fuck that, give me a version of 11 that diesn't run like shit.
Just join Eden.
They made a sentai emote that doubles as a dab.
Based Hrothchad
>Play on a shitty private server bro
That poor Roe FSH.
>playing MMOs
are you a poor little baby bitch? why can't you afford two subs? are you poor? do you need to suck dick to afford a sub? i'll help you out bro just suck my cock and make me cum baby bitch bro
>Playing FFXIV roulettes while waiting in queue on Classic.
this is ao oni-esque
who drew that
I saw a lvl 50 thaumaturge at Praetorium a while back
>How long is original storyline? I read that story becomes kino.
if youre buying the xpacs: level 51 is halfway. it does get kino but from 1 to 45ish its mostly filler
meant to reply to
>rothgar are trannies
Big surprise. Next you'll tell me GNB are shitters.
You've got a while
Just have fun and enjoy it though. I still haven't made it to Shadowbringers, I only pre ordered to get the bonuses.
what are some good mogstation buys?
Cute lala
the ff7 motorcycle because it gives a speed advantage in areas you don't have the speed increase yet.
>furfag calling anyone a WoWfurgee
Lineage 2 interlude private server reporting in!
are you russian?
>wait in 25000 player queue or suffer through the embarrassingly bad XIV early game
both options suck
You can pay to skip the early story
>paying $25 to skip through the supposedly "amazing" XIV story
King's honor, friend
Nobody has ever called ARR "amazing," HW and now also ShB are the good parts of the story
ARR and especially the patch story that comes in between it and HW are pretty blah and it's primarily just setting the scene for the better story that comes up
>Final Fagrasy
>Final Fagtasy
Come on man at least go with Final Faggotry. It's right there, how hard is it?
no no no it's tranny fantasy 14
No one talks about ARR when it comes to the story because all ARR is just very slow world building with a ton of shit quests between the end of the main 2.0 stuff, and the start of 3.0. 2.x stuff is just a slog, but its also where ARR starts to get any interesting but only towards the very end of it before hitting HW.
HW is just a better overall experience then ARR.
it has an actual story instead of being a ton of world building and a bit of plot like ARR was.
Also the ARR story skip only costs 11 dollars, still retarded, but you're talking about the "skip ARR, HW, and SB plot" skip.
Anal Faggotry XIV
Feels good to not have my mind clouded by nostalgia and therefore realise that blizzard have already ruined it and it's not worth playing.
Imagine being retarded enough to think this
It's still a wow clone at heart.
It might take a hit for a while but eventually all the wowfags will realise blizzard have ruined classic and come back to xiv
why does Yea Forums mock final fantasy 14? it legitimately pulled one of the best comebacks in video game history and the development team is a treasure of cool folks.
the amount of cope is hilarious
The retail version.
>Imagine being retarded enough to think this
>It's still a wow clone at heart.
It's a clone of MODERN wow you fucking zoomer. What I said completely stands.
>How long is original storyline?
You're in for a long ride.
>I am currently at level 34 story, am I halfway there?
Out of all the casters which one should I play?
Yea Forums has been invaded by reddit like 10 years ago, they hate japanese games.
lighten up, faggot
The one that you like the most.
because le tranny boogeyman
that's it, it's just a bunch of underage redditors
You have to modify it.
lvl 8 and still no goddamn bag
I have absolutely zero interest in returning to Blizzard. I like subscribing to a company that gives a fuck.
Actually finally listening to the community and doing what people wanted sounds like giving a fuck though
>subbing to 2 MMOs at the same time
absolute brainlet
Too little too late.
Nah this is all corporate greed and you know it. You'd have to be retarded or a mindless blizzdrone to think that bizzard would give any fucks about their customers at all at this point.
blizzard went so cheap on the servers and they are defending them so pathetically
GW2 is better than either of these games.
>companies doing what people want so they can make money is "corporate greed"
You might actually be retarded
Square doesnt give a shit either
>company A realizes they fucked up
>listens to the community and gets their shit together and fixes the game
>company B realizes they fucked up
>listens to the community and gets their shit together and fixes the game
>Company A actually gives a fuck! Fuck company B!
They didn't fix the game lol. They're just using nostalgiatards for subs
>noooo this company listening to the community and giving them what they want is good but the other company listening to the community and giving them what they want is BAD
You made me laugh, have a (You)
cope blizzdrone
That's what it is, though. This is releasing a worse version of a fifteen year old game that has all of the hallmarks of an enjoyable grindy themepark that people want, and then making a quick buck on it because at that point there's nothing else to do. Come back in three years maybe, and they've decided to do what the runescape devs did and start over, but for now it's just a cash grab while their actual baby is bleeding subs because even the time-invested fags are leaving.
I'm boring Hyur
What race should I fanta to?
now that the wowfags are gone, can we safely address how gay and effeminate FFXIV has become? i for one am becoming worried
Yeah switched to lalafell because of it. I feel like Au Ra is the worst tranny race.
Elezen or Au Ra.
Don't fall for the bunny-meme
Concession accepted!
Cry all you want, it's Blizzard finally doing what people wanted. If you think this didn't take any work or time you know absolutely nothing about game development.
Yeah no shill people never asked for diablo immortal yet they did it anyway.
Blizzdrones really are the worst cucks in the game industry.
Oh I'm sorry, is this a Diablo thread?
It is. There’s way too much emphasis on glamour. Not the good kind. No heavy armor bad ass sets, for tanks, what we get is tank dresses, and other weird shit. Look at the hellfire tank chest in idyllshire.. now explain to me why the fuck it has a boob window.
I wouldn’t play this game if it wasn’t called Final fantasy.
It's the same fucking company retard. Pathetic really Blizzard could literally shit in your mouth and yo'd ask for seconds. In fact they just did with the whole cashgrab that is classic. If this was any other game made by any other company no one would have applauded them for this. How much of a cuck do you have to be to see a botched release of a more then 15 year old game as a good thing?
Translation: I hate anime and japan but there's literally no other mmo on the market which comes close to FFXIV's quality right now so I'm stuck with it.
but trannies play lalas more than au ra
epicful anime face :')
That's Splatoon asstard
did you see that naruto episode where he ripped HEAD OFF o.O
sure they do trannyscales
Dilate, "foodname".
5.08 soon. Expect changes to SAM and NIN boys.
Good or bad changes?
SAM one is for sure going to change Shoha, their lvl 80 ability. NIN is going to be a rework of systems. NIN changes should start in 5.08 and be full in 5.1.
>have been trying to get my E2S clear all week
>WoW comes out
>got my clear without problems
It's fucking true. All the shiters are gone.
I WILL fuck a hrothgar and there's nothing you can do about it!
Gonna give this a shot. What's the best race and class for a chad like myself?
it's a non-nintendo japanese game from this decade, so Yea Forumseddit hates it automatically.
Female highlander or roegadyn monk
can't wait to see the excuses when activision puts microtransactions in a few months from now.
>Implying FFXIV isn't just WoW with a weebskin
FFXI was the last great MMO before WoW ruined the entire genre
If you wanna be safe go with Hyur, then if you end up buying the game you get a free race/gender change at level 50.
nah XI was shit, take out those nostalgia dildos
I only started playing like a month ago and I'm currently sitting at level 75. It does get better later on and FF14 is unfortunately the epitome of "it gets good X hours in", but if that doesn't bother you, you'll have a good time.
Just keep doing MSQ, ignore side quests completely and maybe do the blue sidequests which unlock something: usually dungeons, harder versions of trials, classes etc.
Also the absolute chad would be a tank class, but tanks usually lead the instances and you’ll want someone else to do that so you can learn where everything is. I recommend any melee DPS.
>Yea Forums is one person
>story level 34
have you beaten Titan yet?
They said they will only adjust NIN's potency in 5.08
Dancerization will happen in 5.1
FFXIV is a reskinned Wow, complete with its god-awful cooldown rotation gameplay, automatic grouping and braindead "raids" that require little/no critical thinking or preparation.
I mean I guess its great if you just want to play for an hour every day and not have to actually talk to or interact with anyone for more than 10 minutes and just do your carrot-on-a-stick dailies (more WoW bullshit), but FFXI was everything an MMO should be and XIV chucked it all out the window in favor of aping WoW.
>being poor...
>place some marks wrong in LoTA atomos section
>people go mental and the only 4 people on middle platform dont know how to stand on the pad
go play it then retard.
>Summoning Seraph changes Whispering Dawn and Fey Illumination into Seraph exclusive versions of those moves
>They’re the exact same
Consolation is the only thing that matters on Seraph.
>rescue someone off the pad
lol that's all you've got to say?
seriously you could tell which players were WoW shitters because they are always bad and always silent. Vanilla is such a blessing holy shit
I'm so close
>FF14 dweebs pretending their new expansion brought tons of new players and new life to the game
>Dead after a week
>Extra dead now that Classic is out
>FF14s popularity was all just WoW refugees
>Only one thread now and then
>Prob won't even post limit archive
Both games shit. 14 shittier tho.
>WoWfags actually proud that Blizz had to revert the game.back over a decade to pander to shitty nostalgia in order to attract anyone to play their dead game
Jesus Christ
It's in the OP fag
>Extra dead now that Classic is out
>FF14s popularity was all just WoW refugees
I wish. I'm still getting login queues.
LMFAO what basis do you have that it's 'dead'? I'm getting fast queues and seeing lots of people all around. Or am I supposed to trust what some random faggot on Yea Forums says? FF14 doesn't need WoW zoomers like you to thrive, and if you think vanilla is better than ff14 you literally have a sub 90 IQ.
The only reason I play XIV anymore is buncha fucking retards pay shitload of cash to beat easy content.
>login queues
>lol sorry you can't play the game you both paid to own AND pay a monthly subscription to even access
And this is 100% bullshit, FFXI never had this problem
that's what I thought faggot you've got nothing. pathetic. have sex, retard.
I wasn't even the guy you were arguing with in the first place. If you think FFXI is so great go play it instead of shitting up this place with your inane opinions.
XIfags are a cancer in XIV we fucking got eureka thanks to you tards.
basically every existing mmo community is laughing at all the dumb faggots flocking to nu-classic, even the chill boomers i play everquest with are bullying traitors for their shit taste and naive blindness
Why the fuck does GNB get the 2nd part of their AOE combo at 40 but DRK gets theirs at fucking 72? DRK gets Edge of Darkness but it costs 3000 mana is isnt a spammable thing.
>Warrior gets Mythril Tempest at 40
>PLD gets Prominence at 40
Dont listen to this. True tankchads run all instances blind. If you wipe just tell everyone you are new and someone will spoonfeed you.
What's all this hate for eureka about.
t. someone who just completed HW
Nah that's just your opinion. XIV is doing better then ever. And it'll do even better when 5.1 hits. Just accept you're a cuck who wasted years of his life on a franchise that's dead and shit.
Stop trying to drag down xiv with you and just accept reality already.
It's shit and literally XI pandering with the whole autistic mob and NM grind.
And the worst part is that if you didn't do it then you can kiss your SB relics goodbye
I will take Edge over boring 2 buttons AoE combo WAR and PLD have until 72 (74 for WAR) any day.
4 islands of autistically grinding trashmobs and AFKing fate trains to level up and get your relic weapon.
The only redeeming thing is Baldesion Arsenal in but it is absolutely not worth going through the prior islands.
Forgot GNB's too.
Hell GNB's AoE rotation is the most boring even at level cap.
Warrior gets MT at 40 but it doesn't actually become good until 74
You can generate cartridges with DS from 50 but can't actually spend them until 72
Holy Spirit is also 72
tl;dr shut the fuck up
Well shit. On the one hand, I guess I should be lucky I don't have to go through that, but I kindof wish I could see how bad it was so I can sympathize with the hate.
>The only redeeming thing is Baldesion Arsenal
If you play on JP DCs maybe. Having to join some discord and risk being "branded" and "marked" if you make a slight fuck up is not fun.
>those dumbass GNBs that do catridge combo in 3 mobs+ pack
That's what you get for being the expansion job. Make an OF post or something about it or pray they address this in 5.08. Which they wont.
There's an insurgance of westerncucks from reddit lately
What the fuck do you even do in this game if you don't do Savage?
Level and gear alt jobs from grinding tomes and shit. It's what I did up until started doing Savage last expansion.
But why? Why don't you just unsubscribe from my game?
>playing DRK
>second paradise regained vice and virtue
>partner stacks with esteem instead of me
Well speaking personally I used to be hardcore into fighting games so XIV was my game I would play when I just wanted to turn my brain off and grind shit.
I'm trying to level PLD and WAR but tanking is boring as fuck. Also every time I enter an Alliance roullette as a tank I just end up sitting back and DPSing instead of tanking anyway.
I don't see any reason not to just stick to DPS jobs over tanking.
I want the ozma mount. Anyone doing shit in Hydros, or whatever the fuck the third island is called, anymore?
Not gonna lie.
I've mistaken Esteem and MCH's Iron man with actual players more often than not in E4s.
I was like 'what the fuck are you doing nigger you're going to get fisted off the plate'.
Glad I'm not healer.
your game is literally empty notice the decline in population? Well it's going to get worse
Wait, actual wowfugees posting here actually left? Are we finally free to be left alone?
It's still active on Primal, at least. I don't fuck with Eureka at all but my friend joined the BA discord and got his tranny marble two nights ago.
>“He [Yoko} also selected what kind of characters he wants to bring from the NieR world to FFXIV, and that means that you can expect the appearance of NieR characters, so you can look forward to that.
>His role is related to the overall aspect of the creation, like the script an coming up with content ideas. The same goes for selecting the kind of boss enemies that will appear in the raid and he is reviewing the soundtrack as well.”
Post yfw Shadowlord
Funny how wowfags yelling at everyone that play FFXIV trannies.
It's like they didn't even play their game, what is with the lack of self-awareness?
>Trial Roulette
>on DRK
>get Dying Gasp
>get to the part with the Doom and the circles on the floor
>all circles taken
>Doom not dispelling
>realize last second Fray is in one of the circles instead of an actual player
>Playing frontline
>Be Twin adder
>Get separated from team
>BLM sleeps me, while their Viera DRG starts sprinting towards me.
>Get woken up when the DRG uses jump
>Bind the BLM and do a double dash
>Both BLM and DRG chase me for a solid minute before the BLM gives up.
>DRG still sperging at me as I keep binding them and dashing away with 1 HP
>No one from my team coming to help but I make it to our spawn.
>Literally DRG chasing me around a rock like some tom and jerry shit
>They get mad and stop chasing while I'm on the opposite side and mount up. Immediately see this and dash to their side.
>Bind them
>Mount up
>Run away again.
>Twin adders win.
DNC is fucking busted.
I'm doing those post ARR pre heavansward quests right now (just beat ramuh last time I played)
Should I focus on a Dragoon or a Samurai? I enjoy both a whole lot. Which one is better. Does it matter? Samurai has a bunch of japanese words and they're scary. And I heard SAM has like 1 move later on. My SAM is 59 and I think my Dragoon is 50.
True SAM's experience starts at 62.
DRG is probably a bit better now but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed, the gap between it and SAM isn't big though. I personally enjoy DRG more because SAM is a selfish DPS without any additional management like BLM, kind of dry
Been trying for like ten days, but does anybody else know what pants can be used for a bartz DNC glamour?
Alright I guess I'll just stick with SAM bc I switched to DRG and I dont have gloves or feet for it I guess.
Also am i supposed to be using level 50 gear still? I have Ironworks gear from the place in Revenants Toll. I haven't played in like 5 months, so I'm still trying to get my bearings and remember shit, so I appreciate any help or tips.
if you find you're taking too much damage or not doing enough, go to the market board in any major city and click on the armor for your class, it'll automatically search for the highest level one available for you
>Boss about to do its ultimate big dick roomwide attack
>Place Sacred Soil
>Adlo self
>Deployment Tactics the adlo/catalyze to whole party
>Dab on boss when he does 10 damage
>catalyze to whole party
I'm about to level up to 60 in like 1 quest. Is 50k too much to buy this for? It seems like a pretty major upgrade. Also I have 904k gil.
>It's the same fucking company retard.
Completely irrelevant, brand loyalty is extremely childish. If something is done properly and it's something you're interested in it, you should partake in it. If it's not, you don't. The only exception to this would be something like Gearbox where they actually have committed fucking crimes and shouldn't be supported in any form
>botched release
Saying this over and over again doesn't magically make it true
The only problem has been overpopulation and fresh servers have been added several times throughout the night
>catalyze to whole party
I will register you as a retard
Just buy shire gear with poetics
Just push to 60 and buy shire gear with poetics.
I made a DNC glamour that was Bartz inspired but unfortunately I couldn’t find any pants that could properly emulate his green sash thing, so I just ended up going with a Summer Indigo shirt dyed Metallic Red and Falconer’s Bottoms dyed black. For the pop of green I have Best Main’s Gaiters dyed Apple Green. It’s not perfect, but it’s close enough for me.
>this nigga hasn't even fucking played it
just because you wasd turn and have quests doesnt make it wow you fucking moron.
stay in your own lane if you dont even play these type of games jesus.
>want to level MNK to 80 so I can get rid of all my old gear
>too lazy to look up how to play with the changes
I'm just going to join Alliance Roullete and spam my 1-2-3 combo I think
That's basically how you play monk anyway
How did Shadowbringers manage to have such a smooth launch?
After fucking it up 3 times I guess they finally got their shit straight. Expect 6.0’s launch to be terrible since everytime the devs get something right regarding this game they can’t help but eventually mess it back up.
Except thats like all FFXIV players unless they are trying to role play sex you. I don't think WoWfugees were any better or worse than the typical ARR player.
Cope WoWlet
Should I use Tornado Kick whenever available?
>everytime the devs get something right regarding this game they can’t help but eventually mess it back up.
They haven't repeated 1.0 again.
Every WoW expac has had a fucking horrible launch and they've been at this a lot longer that XIV.
No, you use it only when the boss is about to fuck off for a long period of time as god intended.
>Completely irrelevant, brand loyalty is extremely childish. If something is done properly and it's something you're interested in it
Holy shit you're an actual cuckold aren't you. The kind that would apologize to his daughter's murderer for being racist. Like how the fuck can any sane human being think this?
Imagine being such a brand loyalist and/or a blizzdrone that you would sweep all their sins under the rug just for some nostalgia bait. I honestly hope you're a shill but it wouldn't suprise me if you weren't being a blizzdrone and all.
Blizztards are a broken and defeated people. If the "don't you have phones" debacle didn't wake you up nothing will.
is asmon a child? wtf is he doing?
What's that faggot doing? Stomping on his mattress?
>thank god that grindfest MMO of cancerous faggots opened back up so now I can play my grindfest MMO of cancerous faggots in peace
Acting so people pay him for being a clown
I'm playing ffxiv while in queue for classic
In his defense, hes losing thousands of dollars of childrens parent's money while hes not in game.
I'm at the Back and Fourth quest (just created the crystal braves), and I checked and I need to unlock Idyllshire before I can get that gear. How long will that take to get the that point in the story.
>any modern mmo
>a grindfest
nice post literal 12 year old
>I'm at the Back and Fourth quest (just created the crystal braves)
Oh boy, it's going to be a long ride.
Might as well use those msq exp for DRG then.
Last time I checked grinding mobs to level up isn't a thing in XIV.
The only exception would be BLU and eureka and even then you can easily cheese BLU.
Hope they focus more on Nier 1 instead of Automata but I'm not that crazy to think we're that lucky. Also Papa Nier > Brother Nier but that's a pipe dream too.
Yea you don't do anything in FF14 might as well watch the whole game on youtube
>Papa Nier > Brother Nier
So you worthless seething incel faggots, I'm the best DRK in this shitty trany game and I'm omw to being the best dancer, anyone want to run something on Faerie? Whisper me faggots.
See you back in a couple of weeks retard.
Most of the focus will be on automata obviously, but anything can happen with Taro.
Also shit taste
Square doesn't give a fuck either, what are you on about? FFXIV to them is just a money siphon for the sake of funding their next billion-dollar overly-experimental flop of a game.
How do i git gud at BLM?
Do I save Triplecast for movement mechanics?
I struggle with this so much my mind goes blank when I have to cast something while moving.
I tried asking /xivg/ the same question and I was ignored.
>be told pug quality will increase after WoW classic comes out
>it actually decreased dramatically
It could be just coincidence but almost every single random I had today (DF and PF) almost made me want to kill myself from how stupid they were
>scholars following tanks or healers while doing nothing letting their fairy do all the job
>tanks refusing to aggro more than more 2 enemies at once
>tanks not knowing what "rampart" was
>healers using aoe heals to heal a single target
>lv80 blms not knowing what umbral soul or transpose do
I mean these things happen to everyone every other day but jesus fucking christ I witnessed every single one of them (and more) on a single day
Only save triple cast for movement if you know you'll need it within the next 60s and you can't cheese the mechanic with teleports.
become gil and make the market board your bitch
4channel isn't your personal army faggot. I sincerly doubt that's you and even then it's not hard to be a good dancer considering that the class is literally braindead retarded. Even fucking rdm is more complex then dancer.
Square might not, but i think if the team didn't we would've gotten another SB, and not something that's almost universally loved by the fanbase
>use bstance
>can't automatically knocks you out of the combat pose
What's the point of even having the emote?
That one faggot on PF right now asking for a free fantasia. Hahahahahaha
nah, 12 is when I stopped playing MMOs though
What's the fastest way to level old jobs from 50/60 up to 70/80 these days?
Roulette (Leveling, alliance, and MSQ), if you hate yourself then DD/HoH.
If you don't hate yourself then queue for level-appropriated dungeon, then do beast tribe quests/daily hunt marks while waiting for it.
daily roulette, then..
if tank/heal spam highest level dungeon
otherwise Palace of the Dead/Heaven on High
If you do dungeons also don't forget to equip the exp earrings.
>no actual argument
>just buzzword wordvomit
Good job illustrating my point
Hrothchad definitely
It's no coincidence bro. My static just disbanded because 5 people left for wow.
>generic tiger daddies that all look exactly the same
Best do your weeklies before reset.
All cats, lions, and hyurs look the same
Your point?
But I already did everything
There are plenty of badass masculine aesthetics in anime, what a retard you are holy shit. Dark fantasy as a genre and badass fantasy knight aesthetics are thriving today thanks to shit like berserk and dark souls
No, it's a problem with the two new races because there are only four faces and eight hairstyles and they're tied to each other and there are only like two of them that actually look good
The other races have significantly more variety than hroth and viera
I already did, that's like 400 tomestones a week, plus free teleport tickets with allied seals.
The argument is that you and other blizzdrones are such huge cuckolds they could literally come down knochking on your door and rape you and your landwhale of a mother and you'd wouldn't mind it.
The past matters a bank won't give loan to defaulter and a government won't give governmental jobs to criminals. Saying shit like "If something is done properly and it's something you're interested in it, you should partake in it" is just plain insane and further enables their wrongdoings.
Blizzard has proven time and time again they don't care about you. Funny how you accused me of brand loyalty considering you're fucking defending acti-blizzard out of all things.
Just accept you waisted 15 years of your life and move on.
>even more buzzwords, even further from an actual argument
Quit while you're ahead you fucking child, you have nowhere to go but down
>everything I don't like are buzzwords
Learn English.
Trying to make sense of this post almost gave me an aneurysm.
Classic WoW is a ploy to get people resubbed. It costs them almost nothing to do this, and the more people they get in Classic, the more they can eventually pull back into retail, because it's the same sub.
Classic is literally just a bandaid until they have something worth showing in the main game.
But honestly, that bandaid will be on for a while.
>person gets ressed right before plate fracture
>takes the res
>is ressed off the platform
... holy shit the troll tactic from back in titan ex actually was done accidentally in a titan savage, absolutely based
>It costs them almost nothing to do this
Completely false. Stop being retarded.
As soon as you cross 59% you mutt.
It really doesn't, though.
Nowhere near the cost of a new game or a new expansion. It's been known for over a decade now that the 15 dollar a month model isn't necessary to sustain severs, and that it's only that high because it's the accepted "Standard".
They had a small team make some tweaks to an old game. A feat frequently accomplished in the past for free by small groups of impassioned private server teams who had none of Blizzard's internal resources, source files, or hardware.
For a company like Activision Blizzard, this cost them peanuts.
>Classic is literally just a bandaid until they have something worth showing in the main game.
If it'll ever happen in the first place. I have no love for vanilla, but I do have hate for the shit Blizzard has put out for the last three expansions. And while I would give Classic a try myself, The fact that there is no option to let me sub just to try classic and they need to stitch together with a product with something i've tried, and have not taken a liking to, shows to what they think about it.
It's just so they can show stockholders that their total incompetence hasn't driven their playerbase to potentially the worse amount of subs that game has ever had.
I thought you guys wanted 1.0 classic too... How can you criticize wow fags in the same breath?
>It's just so they can show stockholders that their total incompetence hasn't driven their playerbase to potentially the worse amount of subs that game has ever had.
Pretty much this. They tie it to the same sub so that overall they look better when they report sub numbers but in the event that classic BTFOs retail and overtakes its low numbers completely, they don't have that egg on their face of everyone ditching the modern game for the old one.
No one actually wants that shit, niggers here are memeing when they talk about that.
this is literally console war tier arguments, what the fuck is wrong with you people
just play the game you enjoy instead of bitching
>Eos and Selene are identical now and the only change is cosmetic
Oh fuck off with this, choosing Selene vs Eos made SCH so fun. Why the fuck would they do this
I'm fine with it, but they could have at least given us the spell speed buff too.
They couldn't make Selene desirable and they probably removed speed buffs because of monks and samurai coming dangerously close to what this game's netcode can allow. While technically minimal GCD in this game is 1.5gcd, actual refresh rate is only 2, and below 2 a lot of bugs happen, you could reach 1.5 gcd for monks before with stacking all the speed buffs and their stances would stop registering properly allowing you to press each ability twice in a row, they probably want to avoid that. So if you want to know who really killed Selene, it was monks.
Eh SCH is fine if you ask me. And at least now the tards that would use Eos when they should have used Selene and the other way around have been filtered. It's a shame sure but I think it's better this way.
>And at least now the tards that would use Eos when they should have used Selene and the other way around have been filtered.
Oh no, some idiots that don't know how their job works would play it wrong, oh no! Let's stop them by removing all the choice from the game, choice is dangerous because people can choose wrong! Fuck off Yoshida, this is how you end with this bland slop of a game.
Google "Yoshi p laughing" to find your answer.
And then they made a dance that includes a genuine dab
So, no source and you're talking out of your ass?
Thanks for proving me right
Can't wait for GL5.
>But when are WE getting our 1.0 server?
Higher odds of a 2.0 vanilla server than 1.0 due to technical issues with the 1.23b client. At least a '2.0' version can be bumped up to the modern ARR client.
You're gonna get RoF2 that slows you down again.
Please look forward to it.
I can't help but feel they were dabbing on classic with that image.
Speaking of all that, when is this year's Rising?
Because FF11 is fucking dead. Its existence is not comparable to WoW Classic at this moment.
Now. It literally started today.
Rising is literally a celebration of the game's rebirth that is happening yearly since before there were event talks of Classic, fuck off retard.
Now, you dipshit, have you even seen the launcher in the past couple of days or do you just stay on Yea Forums all day?
>dat feel when I got this for 16€
I suppose I should milk the free trial first for all it's worth?
Well, don't I feel dumb now. Sorry user.