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All modern games are literal trash

>tfw never played WoW

Should I jump in? I ain't paying for that shit though, any cool private servers?

>smash literally not even there

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only zoomers and millennial that don't have friends care about twitch

take a shower, have sex, get a clue

This is not surprising at all. WoW is one of the most popular games ever.
I've never played it because I think it looks like shit. It has no cute waifus or mechs

People only watch Smash when there is a tournment

>when you realize this is a counter of all the people interested in classic wow but still not wanting to play it

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The fuck is Just Chatting? Seems like a game for typical women from the cover.

>It has no cute waifus or mechs

I thought WoW was supposed to have millions of subscribers. Why are there far fewer viewers and players?

its probably 75% female streamers but the top ones are all male. streamers with massive egos like destiny basically live in that category just talking about themselves to their inane adoring fans all day

Is classic part of the free till level 20 or just regular

who the fuck watches people play video games

Prove me otherwise and I'll buy it right now

buy you sub
dont miss out on comfy day 1 feels

Asmondautism has 350k right now
Literally fucking what
I give up. I'm actually just blocking Twitch with Cold Turkey so these pathetic retards and Twitchthots can't bother me anymore because yes I'm fucking MAD

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Not a game. Literally just chatting on camera

nah not a cuck the games always been shit

stop looking at popularity young zoomer and play what you want regardless of how what other zoomers do

uh, I guess wow classic just released huh?
God damn. Breaking a million.

T-the wowkiller is here boys..

just play the trial version. you get to play up to lvl 20 so its more than enough time for you to decide if you want to stick with the game or not.

you'll be bored once you hit 10

>any cool private servers?

Not anymore lol

If it's not an online PC game it's not getting high regular viewership

Just goes to show how much of a vocal minority smash/Nintendo fags are

Literal camgirls who do less and make more than camgirls, and some dude who calls scammers

it hit 1.2 million for like 3 or 4 minutes

So fuck off you poor fag
this ones for the veterans

better off waiting a week or two for the low level zones to clear out

Just don't waste your time, both classic and private servers all suffer from the same problem of a content cap. You will eventually reach an endpoint and you will abandon the game after having spent way too much on it in monthly fees.

>Twitch views are indicative of how many players a game has
kill yourselves, faggot zoomers.

Surely BFA had much more viewers at launch, right?

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Starcraft not even there

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Uh oh, somebody get the smash baby his pacifier, somebody upset him

>most viewed games on Twitch are also the most played globally
Surely just a coincidence

Is that a lot? t. oldfag

Hell no, biggest time sink in game history

>streamers get priority queue

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Western steampunk robots aren't mechs
Also where is the waifu proof huh

>less than 1 million viewers
WoWfags on suicide watch

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shit advice he can't play trial of Classic and it's a totally different experience

Not even half

It is for major multiplayer games, yeah
No one is citing DMC5 for this but you're damn right Smash not being on there is hilarious

thats because streamers focus on whats popular you stupid faggot.
that doesnt mean WoW has a million players, it means every single streamer right now is just bandwagoning the game. It's literally only indicative of whats popular among streamers and zoomers.
Dota 2 had 759k players peak today and only 30k views on Twitch, guess that means it had 80% decline right faggot?

Mostly hot chicks talking.
Sometimes other people talking.

Skimmed through it and saw a bunch of people in Just chatting who were just talking while waiting to get into WoW.

if I get on smash online right now I'll play the same 2 people for the entire night

There are so many actual losers on the planet, that not only do they waste their time playing a single second of an MMO, they WATCH OTHER PEOPLE DO IT

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>it's a totally different experience
no shit but if hes willing to play private servers then obviously that doesnt matter.

private servers are going to be a different experience no matter what.

>45k people are literally watching fucking slots