Just got .hack/g.u. on a whim since I saw it for $13

just got .hack/g.u. on a whim since I saw it for $13
What am I in for Yea Forums?

I have some fond memories of the first four ps2 games, but I was also 12 when I played those and don't remember much about them

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Replying to get answers too, saw this dude in PXZ, his whole series is like 18 bucks at my local store and I'm curious. Do you have to play the original series before?

It's a good game. The dialogue is dated in a bad way, as are some of the tropes
>misunderstood angsty protagonist
>shitty romance tropes
>dated internet memes

It’s fun gameplay wise but the buffs to exp make it too easy, not as good story wise as the first series and way more anime tropey but still a fine game

IMOQ were a playable mystery/fantasy anime. G.U. feels more like a playable shonen anime.

>No option to play .hack//GU Last Recode in VR
Wasted potential

The series are separate stories so you don't need to play the first one. The first one does have a better story though.

I'm holding out hope that maybe in like 25 years when VR is ridiculously well done and makes you actually feel as though you're in another world ala .hack//sign, someone that grew up with the franchise will be in charge at Bandai and CC2 and give us the .hack game we deserve

Actually, if you look at the M2D headsets, theyre not MUCH different from modern VR. More streamlined, but its essentially the Vive Pro with Wireless addon and built in networking.

>I have some fond memories of the first four ps2 games

You have pretty shit taste to have enjoyed those. They were overpriced shit with horrible gameplay. It was basically one big game split into 4 parts to jew the fuck out of any fanboy.

That said... G.U. has much better gameplay. Tho it was also massively overpriced back on the ps2.

It's pretty great, I liked the whole class upgrades stuff, the combat felt a lot better compared to the previous 4 games
Lots of enjoyable stuff, great looking cutscenes, some AWFUL dialogue (those 2 retard friends), lots of cyber bullshit
Don't bother overleveling or you'll have zero challenge left
Read up on the previous games if you don't remember much, they do have an impact on this series, especially in connection with the MC

Pretty short games though for what its worth

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true. I meant more like, what if we had a .hack game with the technology of that gay streetfighter episode of Black Mirror

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I guess I should log off and jack off to Alkaid or something

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I got them all on release, or close to it, and that was also when anime games were regularly on sale or released with a lower MRSP. I got the first two games for a birthday and christmas present, then the other two for $40 each. Definitely worth that considering the resale price today.

>It’s fun gameplay wise but the buffs to exp make it too easy
i knew it felt like i shouldn't be leveling this fast.
all the side quests or word combinations from the forum/email stuff all seem to be a few levels behind by the time you can take a party of people you actually like to it.
how much slower was it in the original release?

how important is Roots to GU? Like I enjoyed the story for Sign/IMOQ/Liminality that all sort of blended together, but the first two episodes of Roots are some of the most painfully boring anime episodes I've ever watched

I really wish there was a patch to have some kind of middle ground. Little bit easier than the OG ps2 games so you aren't grinding a ton, but harder than what we got with the remaster

I don't know for sure, but I would say it's not very important since I never watched Roots.

I agree t's boring, but it sure explains things about the events of the game.

I watched through all 12 of those Terminal Disk things and feel like those explained as much exposition as I really want going in to GU, but I'll go ahead and still give Roots a chance since it's only 26 episodes