Monster Hunter bread

Monster Hunter bread

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the hell happened

What is the cutest monster

Zoophiles need not apply

Attached: mud puppy.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

How can you be one if monsters don't exist?

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>so close to console release
>no zinogre reveal
Im setting my self up for dissapointment arent I

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Redpill me on SnS for Iceborne.

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Let's see here...

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taking requests

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He's been leaked like four times. His new icon was one of the earliest ones too, and showed up on the cookies. I'd be more surprised if he wasn't in.

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I want to challenge you. Draw Lunastra and Teostra together.


Jaggi (pack dance) > Jaggi(a) = Wroggi = Baggi > Nergigante > Dodogama > Great Jaggi > Yian Kut-ku > Barroth > Nerscylla >Everything else

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Rathalos getting stabbed in the eye then wearing an eye patch

Nah there’s tons of evidence pointing towards him being in. There was the new icon leak, the cookies, the LS weapon tree leak and the music trademark. He was the number 1 monster in the most recent Japanese popularity poll so they’re probably saving him for a large reveal close to launch, because that’s when all the Nippon normies who would be swayed into purchasing based on Zinogre’s inclusion will actually be paying attention to news about the game.

Velkhana with a bunch of fruit impaled on his ice horn like a kebab.

Are you ready for Iceborne?
I've farmed 20+ Hero's Streamstone Blade, 3M Zenny and around 400+ Armor Sphere.

negrogigante raping velkhana boypussy

>farming streamstones when they will be literally useless

here you are

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 9K)

Why they'll be useless?

Beautiful user, thank you.

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user I...

Can I have a Kulve greeting a Vaal?

I think I want to make a hammer, you want just high raw damage from hammers, right?

Diablos Shatterer II with Elementless looks like the way to go, y/n?

Draw me a good ol Nargacute

Anyone got the webm of Garuga from the Iceborne commercial handy?

Can you tell me the difference between a warrior's and hero's streamstone?
That should give you your answer

>tfw Ebony Odo IG

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Well fuck me sideways

Higher rarity streamstones for rarity 9-12 weapons and armor retard lmao

No cause i'm a PCbro who's not getting shit till january.

>Barioth Pelt+
>A high-quality white pelt with a lovely texture. Nobles use it as a symbol of authority.
Would you hug a Barioth?

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Yeah basically
If you can't be bothered to shove a gorillion Handicraft into your set (not that hard anymore with Kushala gamma but yeah) you can get the Luna/Xeno Hammer for good results as well.

Best hammer overall is Taroth Sleep but the golden gacha isn't worth aiming for anything in particular since you'll just get screwed.
t. still never got Taroth Crest Claw, although I haven't done Kulve during the latest event at all

Uh well maybe IB will have weapons that need 2+ Hero streamstones per augment

Ever think of that smart guy?

I keep getting to limping on Arch Nerg and losing with rando's in their SoS

How do you carry shitters?

That or jho

I am too. But now I discovered that my HS:Blade will be useless. Fuck me

>playing an ice themed game in this heat

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>PC in February :D

draw kecha wacha pls

Fair enough, this is why i'm a GS boy, don't gotta worry bout shit other then retarded crap like nerg drops or event quests.

Why is this even a question.

this is cool

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Almost there boys.

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Why wouldn't i?

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This but with Lagi.

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You don't, you let them drown because otherwise they'll never get good. In actuality they'll just find someone else to carry them

>endemic crowns
>tying collectibles to SOS helping LR and HR
real shame

I would keep one as a pet if I could.

Against Nerg? You don't really. If people don't bring Health Boost they're gonna die to anything that touches them and if they don't know how to dodge the flying slam followup to any knockdown they're dead too.

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There isn't a trophy for collecting endemic crowns
I'm not gonna bother with crown hunting unless I only have a few leftover by the time I'm bored with everything else in Iceborne. I think I already have most of the base game monsters done besides some I barely fight.

There is a trophy.

>Real MH

I don't see you hunting a T-Rex with a butter knife IRL


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AT Nerg starts limping before even he reaches half hp. Its a fake out. You weren't even close, its easier to solo

There's a trophy for getting 1 small and 1 large endemic crown, but not for collecting them. There are of course, new trophies for getting all the large monster crowns though.

>tfw the render is way too heavy for 4chin

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The gift that keeps on giving

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Not for getting all of em, they even laughed about it on the dev stream. There's one for your first tiny crown and one for your first big crown and that's it.

Cool. Thank god.

Is MHFrontier still region-locked on consoles? Since the fee is, uh, dead - I'm thinking of trying it on Vita for the memes.

Even the Devs know that shit is autistic as fuck.

>those weapon decos and furniture probably have stuff tied to endemic crowns
I wouldn't put it past them.

Any news on how exactly IG buffs interact with armor skills in iceborne?

>Barioth Thickfur
>Top quality white fur from a Barioth. It feels like being wrapped in angel wings.
Fuck yeah i would.

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Why are Worldfags getting so defensive over this picture?

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Look at that fur, perfect for a rug
I should kill a Barioth now


I downloaded it on my PS4 from the Taiwan store and it worked just fine

I do not want to insult people who do not have access to modding.

Your falseflag thread didn't get enough replies so you came to shill it here? About the quality I expected from this /mhg/ colony

It is because some people are Fucking stupid is why. I'm a worldfag and I don't give a shit.

JP version, tho.


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What monster would you like as a pet? They have to keep their size btw

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Equipment in iceborne goes up to rarity 12, this is rarity 10

Kulve Taroth

>you will never catch one of these for being a pet and use it as a mobile bed
Feels fucking bad.

I'm also taking commisions.

Attached: YianGaruga.png (810x731, 92K)

>get a pendant in the shape of rare endemic life, but only if you gold crown it

Nigga he posted this 20 times. Take a hint and stop replying

Explain how that would work, you memelord.

I dont know if the JP version still has the retarded region-lock, sorry.

Lagi getting the deconfirm letter

Attack and sharpness say otherwise

How about a sleeping Tobi.

Well, we'll see if 12 hours of downloading on my modded Vita will be for nothing, then.

Weapons can retain purple even at Rarity 10 from the previous G-ranks. It doesn't matter, this isn't the full form. Find something new to spam

I mean, to be clear, just like some HR weapons end at 6 and 7, rather than 8, I imagine some MR weapons will end at 10 or 11. It's just how it goes.

I have a huge space next to my house for her to stay. Also I can sell her gold to buy her food

I'm scared for Iceborne bros... There's literally ZERO hype for it on sm... I think Worlds finally killed the series... Sad

Tetsucabra holding Dodogama in its mouth

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Kulve playing with a hunter

The more I look at Barioth's face the more I see a disgruntled old man

You nailed the disappointment in Lagi's face

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fucking delete this

this one was fun

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Fucking lost. Nice work.

poor lagi

I regret requesting this. Fuck


Imagine working hard during World's development only to be benched.

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and might as well link all the high res renders
>shrieking legiana
>ebony odo
>fulgur anja

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I gave up on you the moment you existed in Generations. Without water you're worthless.

It's only fluffy on the wings

Don't know about cutest desu but Magala is sexiest

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Brb, gotta make dinner.
Ill post more later or in next thread.

a bristly crake winning best of show in some pet competition
odogaron get runner up

He looks very spiky and very nice. Thank you user.

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Any story leaks? Haven’t been on in a while

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Handler awakens the ancient evil and eats his breakfast

Do if the other user doesn't get to it.

You kill monsters until big boss monster shows up and you kill him. Everyone is happy. The end.

supposedly 2ch leaked the story the heavily abridged version is everwyrm causes earthquakes that separated the hoarfrost region from the rest of the new world, Velkhana keeps it's frozen and Namielle got displaced by the earthquakes and is super fucking pissed

My friend just bought me MHW for my birthday. I'm looking to start with the HBG, what are some tips for it?

Attached: the hero reads a most unsettling passage.jpg (680x680, 49K)

Please fucking delete this image.

How many "normal" monsters have dragon element now?
Stygian Zinogre, Deviljho, and Ebony Odo?

Positioning matters a lot when you're slow as sin. Sheathe time is slow so make sure an attack isn't heading your way if you need to stow it.

Roll, roll and roll

not that user but I also had a lot fun drawing this

Attached: Velkebab.png (1294x650, 49K)

Attached: iceborne.png (1638x2048, 3.71M)

Things we still don't know.

>how the guiding lands work. Assuming it's the end game
>how many variants we have. Also how they fit in end game
>If ever monster has layer armor. Aka trans morg
>what the hell was up with the artillery skills last two levels


It's actually pretty funny that they completely fucked the brightness and contrast settings and only now they're fixing it.

I didn't realise 2 guys were drawing, if you also want to give a try. I love seeing different artists attempt the same brief

They hate siege monsters too

Both of these are hilarious. Good shit.

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Yeah I thought it was just bleaching the colors cause BROWN AND BLOOM but nah its fucked settings. How did this pass QC

If you want to win get shield and one level of gaudd

>how the guiding lands work. Assuming it's the end game
probably everwood 2.0

Makes it more believable that the PC port being forever and a day later isn't actually Sony moneyhatting lmao

Switchaxe won.

The artillery skill thing is an armor set bonus. If you get enough pieces of certain sets equipped, it "unlocks" a few more levels of one or two skills. Hence why those last few levels are highlighted.

From the description it doesn't sound like the everwood. It sounds more like it's just pieces of other maps smashed together. Like 1-2 is the Forest, 3-4 is the wastes, 5-6 is the highlands, 7-8 is the vale, etc.


Classic handler.

>It'll be like old MH map style
It's a smart idea, but I hope the loading screens aren't atrocious

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my tip is to pick a better weapon

It's a deliberate design choice on Crapcom's part

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pls go /vg/ and stay go


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user....look at your map in game. It's still numbered the old way.

Nah their fixing it user, it's literally them being retarded.

Yeah I know, but I'm saying each zone is an entire map

The way it's described is that each zone is broken off pieces of other maps. So it's more like mini-biomes all smashed together into one map.

He knows, but he just wants to post his spam

Garuga beating the shit out of the New World bird wyverns

now that's based

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So this may be the closest thing we'll ever get to an arctic volcano in this series.

At least you'll stay in real MH forever, safe from the World casualization

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How do I aim sns shield slam that follows the charged slash? I keep missing like a retard

Yeah, Tri, not GU. Zoom outta here

New beta??

negrogigante beating velkhana

Now that's cute.

Something you can adjust yourself 2bh. It goes a long way

a masterpiece

SnS should be played more like greatsword and hammer where shit is entirely about positioning while not getting destroyed.

Foward = Longer jump
Left = It goes a bit to the left
Right = It goes a bit to the right

Valfalk divebombing on Nerg.

Which HBG should I get in XX? Daora or Zinogre's Orcus?

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happy birthday

ebony odo with a fedora

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>Foward = Longer jump
Ah shit this is probably it. I've been overshooting most of the time.

Velkhana crying while Clutch Claw switchaxe crawls on her face

Better late than never

wait.... you got leaks boy?

fucking how. where, I haven't found any anywhere

shy neet

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

Even if he is not in the release version he's guaranteed as DLC.

Tempered Investigation and Tempered Devil Jho, just be sure to have a shit ton of free time and gamer juice

[spoler]Ara ara[/spoiler]

You tried

The actual question is what the hell is "treasure" in the trophies. No leaker nor official outlet has even hinted at it.

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Relics. Did you forget this game has X sets?

-Spread's optimal damage is right up in the monster's face. Normal's optimal damage is further away but you can't be too far. Pierce's optimal range is far away but again don't go too far. If you're using a controller you can rely on the vibration to let you know if you're in the right position.
-Always dodge sooner than you think you have to. Also just because you can walk while reloading doesn't mean you can waltz out of range either.
-Don't use elemental shots, they're not that useful in World
-Sticky ammo counts as blunt damage akin to the hammer and hunting horn so make sure you're aiming for the head at all times. Blunt damage also causes monsters to exhaust faster and cause KO which renders them immobile for a few seconds.
-The higher you upgrade your bowgun the more you can customize it in terms of reload speed, recoil, extra damage, etc.
-Don't get hit. Seriously. Using ranged weapons cuts your defense, though the game never tells you that at least I don't think.
-Each gun will have either Wyvernheart or Wyvernsnipe. Former is a gattling gun more or less while the latter is a piercing shot that hits multiple times, can break parts with ease, deal KO damage and it's possible to get one from those alone. Heart takes a while to recharge but does a good job stunlocking your targets. Snipe on the other hand charges faster, but takes a while to set up the shot, you're immobile for that period of time (outside of roll dodging I think), and you run the risk of not hitting the desired spot necessary to get the most out of it. Personally I prefer snipe either way, but my own opinion has no value here.

That's more or less the absolute basics. Might be a good idea to equip a shield on your guns until your confident enough to fight without them. Outside of that keep shooting the monsters until they die.

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Daroa is the best one, if I remember correctly.

>Guilding Lands looking like Everwood
>Treasures might be Relics
>monsters returning only in Guilding Lands
This is all starting to make sense

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>X sets
How new are you? X sets are just G rank armor. They just used the 4G design for Teo and Kushala.

>yfw Treasures will be fully customizable weapons like tower weapons.

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>yfw frontier is shit and dead

Attached: 145370210.jpg (272x286, 24K)

>want to help people out with whatever Arena quest because bored and Arena is fun
>go into Arena room

>majority are doing other quests / SOS

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If they bring back relic grinding, then MHWI would be the most grindiest game out there barring Frontier

The fuck were they thinking?

ctrl+s user
unless you're a phone poster


Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

the word your looking for is "content"

>yfw they start dumping frontier monsters in the main series

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Content and grindy

>they already said they wouldn't

No surprise World became closer to Frontier ever since it killed it. Shills will defend it though.

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>they already acknowledged that the designs are out of place and dont fit MH
Good riddance. All of it will be deleted.

They won't, it's confirmed

That statement was only for world, dumbass

They aren't relics. There's an achievement for getting all of them, which means there's a limited amount of them.

>tfw too much of a brainlet for ranged weapons
How do I stop my unga bunga obsession? Guns and bows look cool but I haven't seriously invested in them since FU.

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We’ve been through this before, COG killed Frontier completely on their own.

Diablos can beat deviljho

You really are a newfag, through and through

World is mainline retard

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

Monster Hunter begs to differ

Can i get uuhhh me being happy that iceborne comes to pc the same day like everyone else?

For real before World I always thought that Diablos could take on Deviljho due to it being almost as big and having those huge horns, then Jho just says fuck that and fucking lifts the poor bastard into the air.

>relic grinding returns
I'm ok with this.

You niggas really just replying to obvious bait huh?

post more gore magala please

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It's almost like Diablos is a worse triceratops and Deviljho is a monster based on it's natural predator

>doubting based Jho
It beats out basically everything but elder dragons and even fucks up bezel.

Padding to mask the still-mediocre roster you mean. Just because it brought back fan favorites doesnt mean its suddenly good.

Guns are braindead trust me. I haven't touched bows yet though.

it could be sitting on a metric fuckton of variants as well so there is that.

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insanely obsessed

Sure thing bro

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So will we see some real fucking leaks finally during the beta?

The statement only applies to World and Iceborne, and they even said that they would bring monsters that they think could fit, so we are still getting a bunch of them.
You can start crying now

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>The same. Exact. Pictures. Posted every time.
>The same. Exact. """"Bait"""". Posted every time
>Retards still offer genuine replies
You lot are unquestionably just as autistic as him, no debate whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure user knows that and is saying they aren't discounting bringing some monsters in for MH6.

Dunno, they might put another secret monster I guess.

Refer to this . Can't help you with bows though, never bothered learning how to use them in World since I prefer the previous ways more. Also what said, it can get mind numbingly basic when you know what you're doing or the monster's too easy.

>we are still getting a bunch of them.

Looks kinda like Cavaliere Angelo from DMC5

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>implying frontiershit is getting in mainline MH ever.

I've only seen one turf war between them, and they tied funnily enough
Joe slammed down Bagel, but he retaliated by blowing up bombs in his face and they both fucked off in opposite directions

Guns are completely braindead. When you play HBG you just equip Spread and mash R2

Haven't been following Iceborne news at all. Any chance of them bringing over Jade Barroth or Gigganox? Are they done announcing monsters? Has the been any significant increase in weapon designs past the initial game? Was Iceborne a single new area?

they will never bring tri monsters at all. Not even GU got them. Stop asking for them

jade barroth may happen cause variants are a thing in the game.

god I hope that Guiding Lands shit has all relatively flat areas

Where did this "letter" faggotry come from? Is it a Twitter/Reddit thing?

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Well there’s Frontiershit in World right now, so...

Jade barroth is a sub. What do variants have to do with this?

>Any chance of them bringing over Jade Barroth or Gigginox?
>Are they done announcing monsters?
We don't know.
>Have there been any significant increase in weapon designs past the initial game?
Yes, but we don't know to what degree yet.
>Was Iceborne a single new area?
Apparently Guiding Lands is also a new area, that's a mixture of the other biomes.

It still loses to the diablos, but it's much easier if you aren't good enough to always hit a weak spot.

Just look at Lavasioth, Hypnoc and Gen/GU monsters that are beyond worse

>mobile game gets a better crossover than you

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Does it really matter when certain World monsters follow Frontier's design aesthetic?

Let's not forget the increase in Kushala skeletons as of Iceborne.

Attached: velkhana_final.jpg (800x398, 79K)

The interview

Attached: MHW-Lavasioth_Render_001.png (464x554, 618K)

I don't think we've ever had Khezu and Gigi in the same game.

I don't know what this is

Where do you think Lavasioth came from, dumbass? Back in Freedom Unite two Frontier monsters were brought over, what I just mentioned and Hynocatrice.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

is everything a kushala skeleton to you?

Will Capcom ever reclassify Black Diablos as a Variant, as it should be?

post the proof where he says we are getting more frontier monsters

Picture unrelated or something?
Why the fuck do people only bring up frontier designs when they have nothing to do with the monster they are comparing and nobody ever complains about actual frontiershit from X/XX?

Life is a Kushala skeleton

What are some good general use lances and heavy bow guns to make in MHW?

Guiding lands is a mixture of the other zones because of the earthquakes that are story relevant.
That everwyrm shook up the land and the pieces that broke off just happened to form the guiding lands.

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Funny you should mention that.

>I'm looking to start with the HBG
>what are some tips

Jesus, why does Velkhana having a reused skeleton trigger people this much? People didn't scream when Alatreon reused the Kushala skeleton, so why is this suddenly a problem?

Diablos out damages Taroth if both weapons are in white sharpness however Diablos can only get 10 hits of white sharpness till it falls back into blue compared Taroth's 40 hits
You might be thinking master craft makes this irrelevant but unless your confidant in your ability to always hit a weakspot you're bound to fuck up at some point and fall into blue which is why lots of people prefer taroth

Be patient and learn the boss's tells.

Odo lance, Luna/ruin HBG for spread 3, legiana for pierce 3 and jho for clusters.

I want black diablos to give me a black diablowjob!

>generic shonen shit

It's only a problem to a few autists. It doesn't even act like a kush reskin, someone made a comparison vid

>Fujioka: “Frontier monsters have been designed for the game’s unique world, and so the concepts are quite different. As such, it’s hard to imagine them with their current design being added immediately. If we were to do it, we’d likely reexamine the concept behind the monster.
Youll see in MH6, they are in

I love monster feet

>they will never bring tri monsters
The game already has a bunch of 3rd gen monsters, including barroth. Here is your (you).

Yeah, but is there major evidence showing that monsters are still unannounced or have they blown most of their load with possible exceptions being shitty gimmick elder dragons?

Is there a reason you say nope while saying you don't know what is left for announcements?

confirmation of a possibility, nice

Most Elder Dragons are Kushala's skeleton, who cares at this point?

What is it about Generation's flagships that brings up the Frontier flag so much?

Attached: an ancient evil awakens.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Kimetsu no Yaiba aka flavor of the month shonen

Attached: 1Hh7Q2o[1].jpg (928x1200, 711K)


>the least hunted monster in world and one of the most hated is frontiershit
>designated to a corner of the map
>no events until the one
>no arena
>this applies to the mudfish clone too
>no required hunts
>exists solely because they can shit out piscines with their limited movesets

Yeah I really think they're itching to pull more from that dying shitty mmo no one cares about instead of monsters people actually want.
It definitely just isn't nice pr speak for an interview because they aren't going to call a product shit openly.

Jade Barroth isn’t in but there’s a brand new Brute Wyvern called Banbaro who has some of Jade Barroth’s moves and some new ones. Gigginox is pretty unlikely, but Khezu is also deconfirmed so we dodged a bullet there. They’ve said that they’ll be announcing monsters all the way until launch and as per usual there’ll be a few secret monsters unrevealed before launch. There’s currently 18 announced. There’s still a fuck ton of reskinned weapons but from what we’ve seen so far everything has a unique model by the final stage of their tree. It’s a single new area but it’s huge, bigger than Wildspire Waste and Elder’s Recess and a good chunk of Coral Highlands put together. There’s also a map called the Guiding Lands which is supposedly like the Tower or Everwiods in the past.

I can see them introduce Giggi by having a cutscene where Khezu is just chowing down on little giggis, then an enranged Giggi enters the room.

unironically 2/3 of all ED's use kush's skeleton or some modified version of it


Outlandish designs, colors, moves, power levels, equipment design.
And that's before deviants that aren't just an animal but always a super social shounen individual monster that gained superpowers.
And that's not even touching the disgusting Mantis fight. It's basically God Easter at that point.

I'll look forward to your suicide in a few years when all of Frontier's hellspawn go to the abyss with it

They said they’d be revealing monsters up to the actual release date, user.

>Believing they will dump +70 monsters from the series
I applaud your delusion

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i know that user using tegaki is just drawing bad on purpose for fun but the other user actually know how to draw. how do you learn to draw like that?

How do I get better at timing dodges? I want to play striker sns but I feel like hitboxes are hard to roll through

I don't, in fact I doubt any will make it in at all. I'm pointing out that the other user is a fucking retard for thinking that they're confirmed when only the possibility was merely confirmed, which means nothing

>see attack coming
>roll right before it hits
It's literally that simple
You just have to get the timing or get hit
Alternatively you can get roll invul decorations if you want, but I think those are a waste of slots and a handicap

I wonder how many people seriously against the inclusion of any Frontier monsters, even the more grounded earlier stuff, don’t know that Lavasioth is a Frontier monster. Best start believing in Frontier monsters Jack, they’re already here. Seems like a dumb thing to rail against anyway, sure the gameplay and monster design went off the deep end a while ago but there are still a lot of neat monsters that don’t really clash with mainline.

You don't know what that word means.

I hope you dont stick your head in your oven when Espinas and company become fan favorites user, its not worth it

Is The Name's Lavasioth and The Greatest Jagras the best places to farm decos, or is tempered elder investigations better?

Envy from Worldsperms, because their generic animals look bland in comparison with Generations's newcomers.

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Remember to stream it user!


enjoy your ban

Jagras is better for quantity, Lavasioth is better for quality. You’ll get less decos, but a lot more of the highest rarity from the latter.

this is missing an explosive 4th panel

>Handicapping, in sport and games, is the practice of assigning advantage through scoring compensation or other advantage given to different contestants to equalize the chances of winning. The word also applies to the various methods by which the advantage is calculated.

I'm sure you just focused on the "hurr handicap=cripple" in your tiny brain, but it's ok, I'll just prove you wrong
Feel free to give me another (You)

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Imagine a brachy gf

Oh yes, I'm more grounded than my anime successors and would fit in World just like my piscine bro

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And blowjobs

Imagine a Kulve gf

>odo lance
Garon lance, right?

> Luna/ruin HBG for spread 3, legiana for pierce 3 and jho for clusters.
Can you break this down? I never bothered with ranged weapons so I don't know what that means. Are the monster names different customizations on the bow? Not trolling

This but unironically.

Yes yes very interesting, but your invitation?

Attached: mud.jpg (391x474, 161K)

>Nobody drew this request

Attached: Dogo.png (500x500, 78K)

You missed your invitation. Try not sleeping all the time.

Who made this picture and why
I find myself hypnotized by it

People also said that Lavasioth was a never ever after Frontierfags going apeshit and here we are, i have no doubts that they will dump Frontier monsters in the next games unless they somehow revive the MMO
Theres no need to be upset user, its just a game
Fuck, you just have to remove most of the AOEs and toggle the damage values of 80-90% of Frontiers monsters and they are good for the picking, with a new engine and better animations they are as good as any other.
And if the leaks are true the final boss of Iceborne is and ED that literally terraforms the world with soundwaves, so saying that Frontier is too unrealistic is out of the picture

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I am glad you did

The name’s Baruragaru. I’m on the VIP list.

Attached: D7E2DF99-2271-4ADB-948B-2AD05E3D7891.png (1149x1140, 979K)

>Tags: Fisting, Pegging, Gape, Femdom...


>that crake


>Garon lance, right?
>Can you break this down? I never bothered with ranged weapons so I don't know what that means. Are the monster names different customizations on the bow? Not trolling
All Lunastra weapons have 3 final forms. Empress [Something] Blaze which is a basic form. Empress {Something] Ruin, which is mixed with Nergigante parts and Empress [Something] Styx mixed with Xeno'jiiva.
They all have different stats and in case of bowguns shoot different ammo types.

>just remake new monsters entirely and they are good for the picking
Why try to salvage pure garbage when you can make something good and original?

With fists like that you better believe it

>blast functionality doesn't let me apply blast coatings to weapons
that's fine I didn't want to dip my hammer in sauce anyway.

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I meant, "What does that mean?"
Then I used a translator
help im scared and aroused

aww, nice one

>It's five thousand degrees in her house and her weird pets keep throwing flecks of gold at you.

There are good chunk that wouldn’t even need to be remade. Frontier wasn’t always a 5 billion iframe aoe nuking shitshow.

Why yes, I'm already a mainline monster, how can you tell?

Attached: espenis mhwi.png (804x702, 23K)

Theyre still bringing Khezu over Gigginox in most games, so...

>Outlandish designs, colors
Compared to what exactly? Monsters in general have been becoming more colorful and expressive since Tri. Or does a series about fighting fantasy animals with crabs as tall as Godzilla, a monster constantly spewing disease and altering an entire ecosystem, and a giant gas abominations able to sustain flight somehow more grounded?
I don't see them spamming AOEs every two seconds do you? They're movement and attacks are pretty grounded and they're not elder dragon tier.
>power levels
You lost me with this one. Rathalos can't have rivals? Neither can Zinogre nor Tigrex?
>equipment design
Again we're talking about a series where I can bring a plunger into battle or dress up as an edgy death incarnate. Monster Hunter gear as always been all over the place, how is what the four deviants have suddenly going too far? The equipment reflects the monsters quite well, though the devil tail on Astalos armor will forever confuse me.

>And that's before deviants that aren't just an animal but always a super social shounen individual monster that gained superpowers
It's literally the same Monster but with new tricks because they survived many battles from hunters. That'd be like saying animals in the real world are too stupid to adapt from interacting with humans.

>And that's not even touching the disgusting Mantis fight. It's basically God Easter at that point.
Because a monster feeding off the essence of the earth itself and waiting a giant to literally nuke itself to feed off its energy is somehow not God Eater tier in anyway?

I'll be honest with you, your standards are all over the place. Yeah the Deviants are different from what we usually get, but that's not necessarily a bad thing either. It's always nice to have shake ups, it helps keeps a series from getting dull.

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That'd my kind of place

You can thank Nipponish nostalgia

But they'd all have to be remade because of ps2 quality models. So why would they bother with the 100% pure shit roster that is frontier instead of remaking monsters people actually care about.

>30 minutes for Leshen
>no mutagen
I think I'll just wait for Master Rank gear to get the layered shit later...

I want Bazelgeuse

Explosive Orgasms

I can't tell if the person who made this image was being serious or just like watching people bitch about things that have nothing in common.

This thread keeps getting worse and worse..

At least it's better than /mhg/

Because they are already remaking PS2 quality shitmons from mainline, so taking the more conservative designs from Frontier is no different. Hell maybe even preferable since most Western fans haven’t experienced them at all.

Very serious. Dude actually thinks he's fighting a war and Capcom marketers are out to get him. I wish I was making this up

Any ps2 shitmon from mh has more fans, more nostalgia, and more dev support than any literal who from fronturd.
Those will be remade because people want them.
Nothing from fronturd will.

Yeah not with that name, sorry pal.
How's Baraga sound?

/mhg/ gf

Attached: 1566239698917.jpg (227x272, 13K)

1- Designs and concepts of the monsters are already made and they dont have to go through the process of creating a monster from scratch
2 - The nips that played Frontier will constantly harass Capcom to put Frontier monsters that they liked
3 - And the most powerful of all

I can see you were never interested in an honest discussion about this so I’m going to quit talking to you now, ‘Kay bud?


Just giving you the frontier experience. IE shit.

>1- Designs and concepts of the monsters are already made and they dont have to go through the process of creating a monster from scratch
I'll give you concepts for the early monsters, but designs absolutely have to be done from scratch.


Barragar or Barragal is probably how they’d romanise it.

Vall Hazack is fucking bull shit

Is it worth making his set so his miasma thing doesdn't reduce your health? I'm having a tough time with him in that tempered quest where he's paired with Odagaron.

Yes hello I'm a classic monster that's ready to join World. Hehe, you can verify my Freedom Unite credentials for yourself.

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>Dude actually thinks he's fighting a war and Capcom marketers are out to get him
Sorry, I refuse to believe somebody is caught up in their own delusions that hard.

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its literally just people desperate for an excuse to shit on world. its kinda pathetic desu

Sorry it took so long.

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I think the Handler is still uglier than all of Frontier's roster.

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It's already leaking here, just look at all the catgirl cancer becoming common dumps

That's something I can get behind

No matter, it's beautiful

The pre Frontier G designs are mostly ok, ignoring Unknown and the metal faggot fishes. Starting with G the quality of designs varies drastically.

She's only 5 minutes old, you monster.

She's the loli monster, not me

And that shit already saves them lots of time, time that they could use in other monsters or in tuning the game.

Theres no reason to create a new monster when you can use and an old one that does the same, saves you time to work on other monsters and is new to nearly every non asian person

she's cute in iceborne!

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user it emerges from a cocoon
its a wet 19 year old

>watching some old mh vids
>stumble upon this:
>10 mins to kill a jho in tri with 4 people
how? are they bad or was that just the game? i don't recall things being that tanky
also the multiple autism setups to damage the monster with sleep bombing instead of just poking the damn thing is really something

Was meant for this user. Fat fingers

Giantess loli

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Xeno is fully grown when you find him, he just hasn't developed entirely
He's basically just turned 19


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People on average were worse at the games back then, they're still trash but everyone got just a little better

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Just bring Gougarf back. We need more simian type monsters and 2v1 fights in general. Just remove Magnetism and retool some of their movies.

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These threads really went to shit now.
Mods put "monster hunter" on autosage please. You won't, everything that's not smash threads must die.

>G Ranks Gone Wild
I'd watch it.

remove the spikes, paint the white stuff on the face to match the rest of the face, tone down the horns by a lot

this is ok

Attached: Valdiver.png (946x883, 178K)

I'd keep the horn size, I'd just lower and widen em, make em more antler like.

only went to shit because people disagree with you?

I hope Arzuros, Lagombi and Volvo get in

Oh boy it looks so fun

Huh? I wasnt arguing with anyone.
But you were, weren't you?

Much appreciated.

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Give me more fun and unique requests plz.

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Nice halloween makeup Gore

Is cluster bombing or HBG in general nerf?

Barioth getting belly rubs

Odogaron playing with a ball

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Garuga bullying Kulu Ya-Ku

Odo, Narga, and Barioth pls

Pukei Pukei fiddling with its Handler goggles

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Is that garuga curb stopping kut-ku's head?

>even the tongue is spiked
jesus christ frontier

Is Gypceros autistic?

If they steal anything from Frontier I want the pinchy pal because MH needs more weird critters

Also please steal the Accel-axe from MH Explore

Attached: FrontierGen-Akura_Vashimu_Render_001.png (1533x1073, 1.53M)

Fixed damage never scales well into G rank. Considering it's getting nerfed on top of that, assume clust spam is dead.


Espinas clawing his way through a pile of Frontier monster corpses desperately trying to reach the promised land of Frontier.

One of the only monster's who autism can match the great tardgrex

For me, it's the male Berserker on the left.

That's not from Frontier dude

Honestly it's not that bad, there is WAY worse, especially in Frontier, it's just ill fitting for mosnter hunter because of the million maws all over it's body


Unironically one of the smartest monsters in the series


Sorry its quality is kind of low, I'm rushing to get to everyone

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Fucking love it

I personally use it with handi 4 and 95% because I had it augmented for attack b4 behemoth came out. I'm not great, but no single monster hunt ever lasts longer than my white.

hunter eating a meal in a pub while crying about not getting that heavenly scale he needs from narga

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I always disliked Carapaceon Monsters. I want a beefier Quadraped. A Herbivore that throws it's wait around and has some bite to it.

Kulve giving a "Ara-Ara" look

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Is it possible to fix underwater monsters?

This is much better than any Frontier design. I'm impressed.

bros what is relic grinding

This is fucking adorable

Boring grind from that shit game 4u.

nerg divebombing valfalk

but what are relics for

Explore originals are basically "what if we make MonHun more like Dragons Dogma?"

having a second analog stick helps but ultimately I think it would still be annoying

Yes. It requires a lot of work though:

Relics are Weapons

how did you learn to draw

>-Don't get hit. Seriously. Using ranged weapons cuts your defense, though the game never tells you that at least I don't think.
this is explained somewhere, melee weapons get increased physical defense and ranged weapons get increased elemental defense. Still try not to get hit by elemental attacks because the status effects are just as bad


Namielle using it's whiskers to play with a palico.

Imagine if the charms you made in world were instead random drops from mining.
Also they were Rng pulling from a pool of drops based on when you made your save file and if you made it at the wrong time you would be fucked forever.

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Not out until feb for PC should i kill myself and wake up then

Attached: nerg big think.png (1084x957, 522K)

>kill myself
>wake up

user I...


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This looks incredibly painful

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why can't we just have all of them

Khezu stealing Zinogres spot in Iceborne


Zinogre disguising himself as some other monster trying to get into Iceborne

wingmouth makes no fucking sense at all, what the fuck

Qurupeco trying to carry Zinogre into new world
The Egypt dragons from Explore are neat too despite looking kinda silly.

What exactly is dragon element supposed to be? Do dragons exist in monster hunter?

>Elder Dragon who uses its blood as a weapon

if that is the theme then it looks and sounds like they tried to make a Souls boss into a monster

>Do dragons exist in monster hunter?
No user, of course they don't.



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Instead of porting something from a game universe I want future MonHun collabs that include a new fight to be actual unique monsters designed by other people. You know, like Gear Rex in PW


I made a compromise.

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>monster hunter

Fucking based

Attached: 1551234515568.png (1024x676, 376K)

what compromise? I only see Khezu

Why'd it have to be this way

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My fucking sides

what's the mon on the left?

>can't spell gen without degenerate

I would have been more content on not getting Lagi if I never knew there was an entire fully modeled Lagi with effects and everything already made for world and shown off. Capcom you fucks why did you have to show us that

Jho's secret to reaching the new world

Monster hunter batman cross over when?

It’s an elder dragon

Show mom the fanservice in monogatari and she know it isn't left winged shitty bs

So, the strongest monster of the series is Adult Dalamadur or White Fatalis?

Bloodbath Diablos

That part of the demo was running on the mobile version of MT framework and not the "full" version used for World.

>big daddy Dally is dead
>grandpa is alive and kicking

This is it for tonight, I'm tired out.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 9.36.25 PM.png (1029x744, 38K)

Solstice War Cwealis

Is Dalamadur a black dragon?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 9.37.40 PM.png (1884x1052, 472K)


You did good user, sleep well


>been maining gunlance in world
>feel like playing 4u for a change, been a while
>pick gunlance
i forgot how they hated gunlance before jesus christ

Very nice.
Pretty spooky, too.
Thank you, drawfriend.


How strong is Ceadus?

Anything on the elder that looks really cool, nefu garumudo?

I just redownloaded explore and i dont read anime so i think i just deleted my character, tuff. Fuck what do i do. Morudomunto looks so badass

Stronger than Queequeg.

This strong

No, it's just big. Some anons are monster size queens though.

Vaal Hazak being the NEET that he is

Attached: 79 Rapid-Fire Questions About Monster Hunter World - Iceborne.mp4_snapshot_03.31_[2019.07.03_18.08.3 (1920x1080, 328K)

Pretty powerful but it usually only causes earthquakes and tsunamis accidentally cause it’s so damn big and nothing preys on it, so it goes wherever it wants and does whatever it wants.

Adult Ceadues eat Nakarkos. That should give some idea at least.

He's like the son of Deviljho, Gore and Barioth.

This is a good question, how in the hell did it make it over?

Fell into the ocean and washed up in the New World.

The New World and Old World were connected a couple thousand years ago. Fatalis caused global warming when he destroyed Schrade and they’ve been separated ever since.

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This is wonderful.

>all these cute picks
>suddenly Nerg and Nerscylla
user, what happened?

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not here

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Leave it to me

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Time to grind through explore to see if i can fight him, dies anybody know how long explores game is? And its "end game" even for being a little mobile game

>Nerscylla isn't cute
Come on user he even had a capture quest by a fan.

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>autistic hedgehog tries to dive after a whale and gets washed to the old world

It's a huge spider that wears dead things.

Nice headcannon, faggot.

Dalamadur is likely in a tier of his own because he's pretty much god.

Black Dragons may burn entire kingdoms to the ground, but Dalamadur can flatout end the world.

This should be canon, it probably is canon

Dalamadur is still weaker than white fatty