Shh, this is the next dlc, master chief is last

Shh, this is the next dlc, master chief is last.

Attached: Marina.png (256x336, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i'd be happy

In a perfect world she'd be the next DLC instead of Tracer.

But we don't live in a perfect world.


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Shake shake

If Marina gets in then we need the Beastector as assist trophies.

I'm okay with this.

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yea a Sasquatch B assist that you could change the trajectory of by attacking it would be cool

That'd be fucking rad. What's treasure up to these days?

all her specials will be grab and shake related, i actually want this

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final smash could be the giant clancer robot that shuffles scross the stage or the beastector robot firing a giant missile or maybe putting people into a clanpot and shaking it

>start the game
>asks me to put in my age
>instinctively put in 20
>remember that I havent been 20 in 7 years

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shake shake

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Can I just get rerelease of this game? Please?

I can't imagine this game in current day anime art style, to use to the 90's anime style it had. As long as it played the same i would buy it either way

My shakes could kill a dragon let alone a man!

it'd probly end up looking like the modern shantae games with their flash style animation

Attached: 8f0.gif (200x250, 851K)

that's not that bad, as long as the game play isn't fucked up, that reminds me I need to play Shantea, bought 2 of the games on sale a while back and never played them, only place the 1st one on vc

I meant a straight port. I should've just saide that.

Shake Shaker, I'm telling you I need your strongest shakes! I'm going into battle! I'm going to battle and I need your strongest shakes

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I would literraly take even just a statement from the current owners saying they're interested in using her IP again.

here's her reveal trailer music

people don't even remember her name
people dont even remember her game's called mischeif makers

She's meant to be a shortstack so it's fine.

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Dragon Quest XI did it


Post Marina

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go back to twitter you ness main

Would be too fucking cool to happen. I wish Sakurai would do it. The 'reaction!' videos alone would be worth it simply for soiboys to go "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHO IS IT TRACER DOOMGUY WHO WHO WHO who the fuck is tha... I MEAN YEAH WOW SO AMAZING SHE'S IN WOW".

Also naturally she'd have an easy to implement moveset.

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So while I'm dumping my folder

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A long time ago I remember seeing a page or two from a Mischief Makers manga that seemed to show a bit of the back story to Marina and Theo

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Particularly a scene with their spaceship house parked in some kind of empty lot in an earth like environment, that is to say not Clancer

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she was my first video game crush when i was 10 and i didn't even know i liked girls yet.

I recently started looking around for its existence and found absolutely nothing

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So I'm hoping that someone who stumbles into the thread knows about it, or better yet can post it

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In a fair and better world maybe.

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Just so I know I wasn't crazy, or dreamt seeing it once

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I don't know how I even got turned on by it but I used to fap to her getting stung in the ass by the bee boss

You might be talking about this

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Based, but never ever. Unless Mischief Makers gets a remake or rerelease on Switch or N64 classic, no one would know who she is, sadly.

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reminder: if you haven't played this game yet then you should

it's a good game and it has Marina in it. use cheat codes if you don't feel like unlocking her

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This world seems to have a lot of cute tomboys

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I would be happy with any treasure rep. Give the company some love as they have fallen on hard times.

You can't handle my strongest shakes! No one can! My strongest shakes are fit for a beast let alone a man.

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I unironically want wayforward to make a new mischief makers game. My dick demands it.

Looks like it
I was trying to read it and got thrown off
It's left to right reading

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she needs a proper 3d model

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N64 robot girls are a real good niche

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Any more you can think of?

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anyone have a link to the soundtrack, including the vocal tracks? I hate googling niche dl links

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Also I finished my dump

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It's Playstation but Rachel from T.R.A.G. is robutt

Thank you for your service

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So from reading what I could (Thank god for furigana)
They're all Theo's family, being Marina and her seven sisters


This isn't the answer you're looking for, but if nobody knows a non-dead link you can use it for a quick and dirty solution. Find the OST on youtube, get the youtube-dl application, and then run it with the following command line: youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 (paste link of a video here)

>theo made not just one, but eight super cute robot girls to live with
What a fucking legend

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I was hoping some user had a nice and clean zip on mega or a Google Drive
I guess I've been spoiled by Kirby threads

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So before the thread dies, from my reading comprehension...
Planet Clancer starts going to shit from their civil war brought about by Geslar's influence, so an SOS is sent out
Professor Theo picks up the SOS and immediately takes off in the Theo House without waiting for any of his robot maids.
Bandana Sister says that Theo will die if he's on his own, so Marina manages to use a Slider Jump Boost to reach the House, Marina says she'll protect the professor while everyone sends them off.
(I believe Twintails is a bit peeved that Marina has already managed to pull off the Slider Jump Boost and is saying don't come back, which freaks glasses out a bit)
And is just a snippet of the Theo Family's peaceful day to day life

>Bandana Sister says that Theo will die if he's on his own
That's wrong, one of the boosters wasn't functioning and the house couldn't fly on it's own, so Marina compensated to let it reach space

How deep does this lore go

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I can upload it to google drive if you want

That'd be great, buddy

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let me know if this works

I'd be so happy

She'd make a great assist trophy.

It works and is a nice rip of everything from the games Sound Test, but there is a Soundtrack somewhere that includes a nip vocal arrangement of the opening and ending sequences

2nd game when?

oh, not that I'm aware of sorry. I'll look around for one tho

no joke, this would be fantastic. also a remaster / remake of mischief makers would be fantastic aswell

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So is this a beatem up?

I'll help look too, I wanna jam out

I they still had the original 3D assets, then they could just import them into a new engine, and remake the game that way. But somehow I doubt anything was preserved.

heres some information on it
searching for its original title "Go Go!! Trouble Makers Original Soundtrack" might help

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It's a shake em up

ok this seems to be it, the vocal tracks are numbers 36 and 37

good luck!

Attached: saki.png (729x1096, 540K)

Yup, that's it, and the vocals are there.
The only thing is track 4 is a dupe of track 3, so I'm still looking to see if I can at least find the proper track before making a Drive link

track 17 on this one is what track 4 is supposed to be I think

Gaist Crusher God was their latest release, way back in 2014. They’re either basically dead or (preferably) have been working on something big these past five years. I sadly fear it’s more of the former than the latter.

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Okay, It's not 100% perfect but considering the soundtrack is 22 years old I can't be that picky.
Nice job on the googlefu

np, glad to find out about these vocal tracks i wasnt aware of

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I know you shouldn't lewd.
but the porn would be excellent

>asks me to put in my age
Did anything happen with this?

If you get all the gold gems, Marina will turn human. If you're under a certain age, Marina will look younger, if you choose an older age, she will look more adult.

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Is there an emulator that can handle the Track and Field section? Never beat the game because of this.

Wish I would have bought a cart when everyone had them for like 5 bucks.

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bro, blue board.

Did you try messing with the settings? I managed to get past it a while ago but I forgot how.


>Did you try messing with the settings?
I never know what I'm doing messing with all the components. I'd probably break it worse.

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you can always reinstall or revert settings if you fuck up. Just look it up, theres usually some thread about that exact problem. I think it was one of those frame rate things.

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>tfw we may never get a new game with her in it

It’s fine I’ll keep playing my N64

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what problems are you having with the emulators? I remember beating it within the last 5 years using PJ64.

>Loved this game when I was a wee lad
>Showed my friends the game since I thought it was an underrated gem
>Get told that it's shit and weird
>People said the same thing about oddworld a year later

I was surrounded by plebs as a child

I just want a Treasure all-stars game. I know the rights are all over the place. But it's not like anybody else is going to use them.

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It just locks up during one of the track and field minigames. And it's done it on more than a couple computers I've owned over the years.

You were surrounded by typical video game players. People hated 2D back in the late 90s, only 3D was considered worthwhile.

there's probably the official one made by Treasure floating around on one of these silicon graphics workstations

now to find it

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Was Marina really a pre-rendered 3D model? Any source?
I can't tell, she looks like it could be, but at the same time she looks like classic 2D spritework, as well.

Attached: MischiefMarina.gif (500x433, 109K)

pretty sure the game used pre rendered models for most of the sprites, just based on the consistent gradient colors

but aside from that, they had to use a model for the box art render for sure

Attached: Mischief_Makers.jpg (376x265, 28K)

Yeah, the boxart Marina is a given, was it ever used in Japan, or it was a western-only thing?
I'm still unsure about Marina's sprite though, I guess you're right about the gradient colors, but somehow she still strikes me as a traditionally made sprite. Clancers look pre-rendered though.

Utterly based

Attached: Master_Chief_thumbs_up.png (1920x1080, 1009K)

I feel like they just pulled DKC shenanigans where parts may have been a model at one point, but just rendered as frames of a sprite. They probably drew in most of the details too.

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>handjob specialist

Square Enix won't sell Marina probably
Despite doing nothing with her

That's impossible, but I wish it were true.

Why does everyone want to profess their love for Marina?

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its gonna be the paint girl for kirby

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Thank you for all this art, Marina-friend!

Because she's the best

She is so cute

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she looks like a boy in these
this ones almost okay though


Shyna Nera Shyna is best Treasure girl

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A challenger appears

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megaman, simon, rayman, mike jones and marina are my NEVER EVERS

2/5 then, could be worse

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Finally, some real fucking characters


Ever heard them with the original voices?

Takes me back

Attached: V SECTOR.jpg (1357x544, 92K)

Manly ass voices,

Marina's sounds like she is pissed, and is a schoolgirl. But these are someone's memories not mine.

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Why does she have such big fucking thights

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torabu torabu

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Not much has changed in 6,000 years.

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3 6's

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Old image, but, imagine.

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This would be so god damn rad.

I leave Yea Forums for 3 months to see this???
I fucking love you guys!

Attached: Marina.png (330x475, 275K)

Thats hype as fuck. who made this?

>ywn fight a gun toting sentsi wolf riding a mechawolf that used to be a hueg rocket firing motorcycle while riding a cat you beat in olympic volleyball who’s also riding a missile by grabbing missiles out of the air to throw back at your opponent again



too many things in the n64 era are kino. Mischief Makers is on of them.


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>all this love for Marina
nice to see it. she's my never-everest of never-evers, and I'm sure she is for a lot of you too

I would be happy with this. We’d have an updated 3D model and people would be interested to know more about her. Then we could potentially see a port on switch soon after. Maybe wishful thinking, but an assist trophy would help. I can imagine her grabbing a player and shaking them yelling “shake shake” and then tossing them off screen

dude it feels so weird to see a thread about one of my faves last this long.

She’s in my top three most wanted. Banjo was in there and he’s finally getting in. I doubt we’ll ever see marina without some support for the game in modern day of some kind. It wasn’t as iconic as Banjo was so it can’t rely on its past unfortunately

I feel you bro

When I was a kid I had a dream she was a secret character in Smash 64, and the idea has taunted me ever since.

Attached: Boomer Marina copy.jpg (256x336, 26K)

Does anyone remember reading a guide to this game on the early days of gamefaqs that said once you get all the gold gems it unlocked 12 secret levels? Once i got all the gems and got the full ending I was sad to see it wasnt true

Also, there is a cutscene in the game where you see marina punching and kicking enemies and starts her humming animation after, takes place when the beastector members are watching a holotape of her kinda close to the beginning of the game. I wonder what her scrapped moveset was

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dude i love that cut scene.


>wake up
>thread's still alive
It's too bad I've already exhausted my folder

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the sad truth is that there’s a finite amount of marina

>That spoiler
Not a Marinafag but I know the feel.

What makes me mad is that treasure has constantly brought up the idea of MM2. But they never get around to it.

Overrated game, nobody would care about it if the mc wasn't a cute girl

Theo is an old man though

>please give me attention
suck a billion bloody tampons

I thought they specifically never do sequels, the two GBA games were the only exceptions

Forgot about this image.

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