

Attached: doublejump.png (250x250, 6K)

bad game design

That's an air jump

You can't double jump in real life. So stupid.

a jump is a jump

I'm loving it

Uhm that's a jump offset bounce cancel

>he never doublejumped in real life

this is how i know that you are a tranny

Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong about chopping your dick off

uh, excuse me buddy, but that's ackshually a frame-perfect glitched slopejump

Sorry, this was meant for for all I have to say is that's obviously Burger King

Every game with jumps should have double jumps.

But there is something wrong about believing you are a woman when you do.

Attached: a2.png (506x458, 260K)

Yeah you can, Trevor does it all the time.

>he’s never double jumped in real life
>he’s never walljumped in real life
>he’s never taunt cancelled into aerial combo in real life
>he’s never enabled noclip in real life

Attached: FC494A34-95E3-4AA1-A66C-8B2AFEC94B18.jpg (856x1163, 157K)

What are some fun alternatives to the double jump?

Attached: 261570_screenshots_20170919205946_1.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)

directional teleport is kino

jetpack jump from titanfall

Air Dash

Limiting to upward mobility?
A bigger jump that you have to charge.
Like, hold jump for half a second to get more air.
That way it doesn't just usurp regular jumps in almost all situations.

>he can't double jump in real life
Lmao I bet you can't run on water in real life like in Ninja Gaiden either.

>double jump into glide/dive/slow fall
>each jump gets a unique attacks
>each attack gets a unique spell

Attached: Actraiser 2.jpg (540x405, 29K)


t. BING BING WAHOOO """pro"""

The triple jump is an Olympic event, so clearly you must be mistaken.

Americans be like:
>For some reason I'm craving a Big Mac rn

High jump, variable jump, long jump and wall jump.

Mario double jump > generic double jump


>he's never met Trevor


So is this going to be a jump thread, a McDonalds thread or a cool game design/mechanics thread? Playing KH2 again really reminded me how well designed it is and how excellent Reaction Commands are.

Git gud

now post the Revenge of Shinobi version.

Pogoing off enemies

>he doesn't double jump during gym class
Next your going to tell me you were that kid who couldn't complete the mandatory b hopping course in gym

I've got a bing bing wahoo for you: My ass!

A slight hover is good. Though this game has that as well as double jump and jump preservation.

Attached: Wings of Vi.webm (960x558, 2.71M)