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Go back to your containment board storm weenie nobody cares


>however, a portion of our community made it loud and clear they felt removing "Ogay" was censorship and should be protected by free speech
seething as fuck

ResetEra still wins as of now. Keep pushing further. If we can make them not remove ogay, we can make them not go through with the donation.


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>ResetEra still wins as of now.
Wrong. They've been seething all day since the dev said they weren't going to censor.

Go back to Pedotera you vile disgusting tranny pedophile scum

They're mad that their victory wasn't absolute. But the devs flip-flopping between both sides is basically a ResetEra win, as far as I'm concerned.

It's something. Once one developer manages to stand up against leftist culture in the west, others will follow.

Good. Do you have any discussion pertaining to actual video games? Gameplay? Music? Art style? Story?


you are both clowns for getting triggered over text on a sprite.

Are you gonna burn down some forest now you gamer?

Nobody gives a shit 8gag.

"Sensitivity training" is just a euphemism for indoctrination.

Just give up you’ll never be a real woman.

Look at this mad. Look at it, and laugh. These are the sorts of people who say "have sex" as an insult, because they are incapable of dialogue with anyone.

>all they did was leave the soap alone
>everything else is still COC'd

>waaa wwaaaaaaaa waaa waa
cool post

If you go check this thread out , you'll see that this was enough for Yea Forums to hail them
They cucked out but not as badly as we originally thought, so it's okay

>To degeneracy
>He donates to a suicide hotlitne

Pal I have never seen a dis like this, I don't want it to go away.

have sex

Have Sex

with me?

Imagine being that dev that made the tranny comment in the discord. You are single handedly responsible for everything that's gone wrong with this game.

Have sex

Go woke go broke

Have sex

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I don't care. Game stays the same. That's all I was here for. I don't give a flying fuck about politics so long as it stays out of the game.
Anyone who is seething an upset on either side is a fucking faggot who deserves a fencepost shoved up their ass.

One of the largest reasons I don't even consider liberals human beings is their literal inability to tolerate words. I don't think I'll ever understand this actual defect of the mind unless you put a bullet through my frontal lobes and I live to experience the world as emotionally compromised and logically deprived as your typical libshit.

Baffling really. Good thing I'm Jewish and they'll let me literally get away with anything.

Have sex

I can't bother my Israeli fiancee more than once a day while she's off at the Hollywood studio or she gets mad at me.

wtf I love orange man now

Based kike.


Oh so do I, he's straight up handing your dying industrial country over to Israel. I'm already highest of the high protected class, and just because I hate liberals and find them illogical beyond belief doesn't mean I won't take as much advantage of them and other retarded whites whenever I can.

Thanks for the reminder, I'll make sure to pirate

Imagine getting upset over a 10k donation to a SUICIDE-HOTLINE

>youtuber Yea Forums sucks off at every moment donates to charity for enabling trans children

>game devs donate to a generic suicide hotline

The absolute state of snowflake (OP)

>youtuber Yea Forums sucks off at every moment donates to charity for enabling trans children

What? Who? When?

They should donate 10000 blank pieces of paper that identify as dollars.

You make fun of them for getting "triggered" by ultimately inconsequential words on a screen
You're getting "triggered" by ultimately inconsequential words on a screen.

Horseshoe indeed.


why should i care about that i can't judge people for being degenerate when I'm a huge one

This is why I'm not going to give them money for the game, or ever support them. They're not only still giving the money, but acting like they're proud of doing so. These devs are cursed.

it’s literally just a suicide hotline

Is that the guy who's obsessed with dark souls 2?


Ignore all resetera and neogaf refugees

I wonder how many estrogen pills I'd have to take for this actually retarded "logic" to make sense to me.

Word censoring to appeal to a minority of triggered libshits on the basis of them being offended by words is nothing but retarded. To criticize this retardation is the logical thing to do, regardless of how big or small the censorship is. There is no horseshoe.

But we hate him don't we? He's a massive pretentious cunt and also a virgin creep who sent nudes to an underage girl. Since when is anything he's ever done been good?

>Yea Forums likes hbomberguy
Low quality, poorly-researched content made by a guy with no charisma and an obnoxious know-it-all attitude. Anyone who unironically watches this retard should be embarrassed.

That's a weird way to spell gassed


Don't react.

Don't think.

Don't feel.

it's a suicide hotline exclusively for fags, so the donation is obvious tranny pandering

You’re a fucking faggot


oh my god dude redlettermedia so deep

Who cares what they donate to?

>I'm so weak and afraid that I refuse to call out injustices like the proliferation of censorship which can and is growing from the slippery slope to be a major 21st century issue but it's ok because I hide that fear behind an air of calm apathy
This is literally on the same level as "Just ignore it and be calm and it'll go away lol."

>leftists want apology
>rightist want no "censorship"
Me? I just wanna game, for Christ's sake!

this whole mess proved that horseshoe theory is 100 percent accurate

>not wanting censorship due to feelings being hurt is a right wing trait
Gee I guess that makes everyone with a brain a fucking nazi huh?

>Paying 10k for rope so the trannyfaggots can hang themselves

BEWARE OF THIS FAGGOT It's that autistic Duke Armageddon mod nutjob who screeched that they changed Shelly's big titted bimbo design. Aka Green Skeleton aka aka aka aka who started this entire mess.

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Putting this game aside, do you not see how flawed what you're saying is? Censorship can mean the removal anything, entire missions, characters, and so on.

sodomites deserve the rope

Just saying i wouldn't have minded shelly being sexy

>Guys, censorship and freedom of expression are LITERALLY the EXACT same thing!
Imagine unironically believing horseshoe theory. The worst part is the only people who seriously believe and spout it aren't just your typical brand of Occam's Razor stupid, they're the know-it-all "heh, I'm educated" type of stupid that genuinely thinks they know what they're talking about and in their vast ignorance and self-importance will refuse to accept that their wrong because they can't tolerate personally losing. Like it's dangerous levels of stupidity.

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Is this pedoera's desperate attempt to not look bad?
Why don't you use that donation money to put yourself on suicide watch, faggot.

Why the fuck does this even matter?
Leaving polarizing dev assets in the game was dumb. Starting a fervor and removing them amidst that fervor was dumb. Everything about this is so fucking dumb.
The PoE thing made more sense to me since that was something fans paid to get in the game, and had gone through a full approval process and were already vetted. But this is just some random who-gives-a-fuck game.

Nah that's everyone. Say the word 'taxes' around a randian or a libertarian and you'll get the same mouth-frothing.

Ironic considering how it's literally the same exact thing happening now but the parties reversed. If i wasn't a kike I'd be up in arms about the intolerance of the left and the cucked "let's use reason and logic" of the right who's words fall of deaf, angry, emotionally compromised, tranny ears.

The problem is, changing things to appeal to someone isn't "censorship", especially when changing those words in no way altered the content, themeing, or general message of the game in literally any way. It literally just made the game more accessible for a group of people while not altering it in any meaningful way for anybody else, which, for a game designer, is a win-win.

Also, it's super clear it's not actually about "censorship" at all, it's entirely about some juvenile fantasy of sticking it to the libshits, because that's all anything is anymore. Nobody cares about FEELINGs, not yours, not this game's audiences, and certainly not the game's creators. You just want there to be a thing that trannies hate. It's pointless at best and pointlessly mean spirited at worst.

Look at this angry spaz. I think you've had all the Yea Forums you can handle today.

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Is it just trans or do you guys also hate gay people?

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But a libertarian or even Rand Worshiper doesn't want to literally eliminate the word "taxes" from words you're allowed to say, and punish people who have to audacity to speak or type those letters in said order. It's mindboggling how completely insane the left is, and how we just treat this insanity like normal.

So how long are you gonna keep up with this shit, you schizo?

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>hate == shamefully masturbate to

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you do realise that with your insane level of autism you could have created your very own entire Build game full of big tits swinging bimbos in micro-bikinis. heck, if you had asked around here, a bunch of people would have jumped on board, helping you.
instead you chose to go full nuclear and use your special power to do evil and wreck havoc. remember: with great autism comes great responsiblity.

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So much this.

They're using our money, which we worked for, and giving it to tranny charities and sensitivity training instructors.

We paid for this.

Say taxes around any Fox News-brainwashed neo-confederate. Say Obama.

i look down on them because they are just sexual objects that can’t control their will for pleasure. there’s more things to life than having your dick feel good, losers. nobody here realizes that because they all plan to kill themselves before they’re 30

tearing down other bullshit is better than building something new and proper but irrelevant.


You mean Barry Hussein.

based devs

You're defending the hatred behind the words and pretending to be a champion of words. You're just a hater like the rest of the GOP.

have sex

You realize gay people have, on average, *less* sex than the average straight person, right?

it's over. the faggots won. this is what you get for letting gays get married.


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Gay people (of either gender) are fundamentally alright, and then it's just case by case basis like with anyone else.
Trannies need to fucking die and take their delusions with them.

Yea Forums likes gay men. we hate trannies because trannies push an agenda and fad that is purely harmful and destructive.

You just want to be mad. You're literally no better than an SJW.

>sensitivity training
>donation to brainwashing, force feeding of hormones, genital mutilation, and undoubtedly diddling of children
all unironic left*ids on Yea Forums actually, literally and truthfully kys youre'selfs. resetgender trannies crossposting please do the same as soon as possible. you are a scourge upon this earth, and I sincerely hope your dicks fall off in the toilet. "have sex" with the demons that'll be spitroasting you in hell you faggots

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ah, so you are just yet another spoiled and bored (man)child on the internet after all. good to know.

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the important difference is that they are wrong.

speak for yourself fag

Just trannies. Gay men are based, they're our ally against the tranny menace.

Have sex, bruh. It feels good.

However much sex anyone has is no reason to hate a whole group of people. He's a literal idiot who doesn't understand homosexuality.

>I'm not going to just sit down and take it
that's cause you'd enjoy it too much isn't it? it's okay to have your prostate tickled everyone in a while...

And this is the kind of autist that says dilate.

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I'm gay and I fucking hate all trannies. They're inherently bad people with a fundamentally flawed idea of how gender works that they try to push onto others constantly. Basically if somebody is a good person and they realize they like wearing girly clothes, they'll just be a crossdresser. Only insufferable tyrants with rotten cores become trannies.

>admitting defeat
god damn you people are the reason Yea Forums is so fucking entertaining, it's like the special olympics of autism and stupid every damn day

Hahahahahaha just have sex nigga it's that easy just have sex

Wow. Impressive Gymnastics, Kiddo, I mean, Champ.

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>it's over. the faggots won.
True. You should immediately order a frilly dress, thigh-high socks and a vibrator or be interned in a re-education camp. Don't forget that if you start on anything below maximum you should keep going until you master the highest vibrator difficulty setting. Getting off in the shortest period of time (speedrunning) is the secondary goal.

gays, traps and femboys are all fine and dandy. trannies are hideous people on the outside and terrible scumbags with garbage souls on the inside. they should genuinely all be wiped out. the world would be better.

t, seething tranny can't handle the fact that gays are conservatives who call trannies out for being parasitic trash

Here's the proof.

Im way too masculine to pass and I like being a male.

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We say have sex because when you actually have a girlfriend and a life outside this shit none of this shit matters. You're getting mad at increasingly obscure things because anger is the only emotion you feel. You life is void of happiness or meaningful human connections, these threads where you get to scream at the "SJWs" serving as your only source interaction with another human being. This outrage culture is a way to break up the monotony of day to day life, but it isn't just that, it almost feels like you're fighting for a cause. A war against an enemy that only exists in your head. You feel as though you're a part of something bigger than yourself and that's the worst part, you're deluding yourself, living in a fantasy world through the internet and not in the real world where you're laying on your bed in a dark room reading this.

I know because I've been there, grow up, life doesn't have to be like this.

Have sex.

Also check this 5 faggot

>muh hate speech

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I couldn't bring myself to hate people like Freddie Mercury or James Randy. Trans people are all trash though.

>janny blowing this samefagging autist the fuck out

Doesn't matter, the gay dictatorship will not tolerate males who don't take it up the ass.

This truth is wasted on the tail end of this garbage Yea Forums thread.

I make fun of someone for unironically saying "being anti censorship makes you right wing" and I get insults from 2 seething libshits with 0 (zero) actual arguments addressing my criticsm. Yea, I'm thinking I won.

hey where did he go

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