Is this game actually fun? It looks really drawn out, even compared to Zelda. How are the dungeons, combat, bosses...

Is this game actually fun? It looks really drawn out, even compared to Zelda. How are the dungeons, combat, bosses, the core parts of the game.

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That’s not an art pun, by the way.

The meme about okami is that it's basically 3 zelda games in one, it's supremely long

It's a very good game, but way too fucking easy.
They reuse a lot of the boss fights too, although I find them fun so I didn't care much.

haha drawn out i get it


It's a beefy adventure with very shallow combat unless you're going for floral finishers. I bought it because I've bought all of Kamiya's games
>It's too long
Who's forcing you to play it in one sitting?

>It looks really drawn out
It is, the game ends two times and then keeps going for a third and final ending, it's incredibly long and the third part is when I was starting to lose interest. The ending is great though, fantastic ending.
> How are the dungeons, combat, bosses
The dungeons are pretty short and if you're expecting something Zelda-esque from them it's not like that, it's its own thing and it doesn't really let you off the beaten path to explore.
Combat is pretty simple, it's mostly figuring out enemy weaknesses and exploiting them while weaving in brush strokes. It's not that hard but it's rewarding. Bosses are Zelda bosses, they have a gimmick and you need to learn it to beat them. Exploration and general item finding is just like in Zelda, it utilizes new brush strokes to unlock or reach new areas, find items, and bypass enemies.

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It's actually kinda crap

Amazing game. On par with the absolute top Zelga games, and that's coming from a Nintenbaby.

its really, really long. everyone who doesn't know about it going in thinks its ending at the first third and the second third.

it's pretty straightforward but for length, ambience and sense of adventure it can't be beaten imo

It's unironically better than any Zelda game.

beats every single zelda game

It's pretty good but it's probably my least favourite Kamiya game

It's styled like a painting of course it's drawn out you fucking retard

Yes, it is. No, it's probably not for you though because you sound like a whiny little bitch who can't enjoy things

>"a lot"
3 in 60 hours

Style over substance. Easy. Boring. Long. There are a few segments that I liked. It's pretty good when it starts, then the novelty drags out. That dungeon where you have to cook a recipe was fun though

This isn't fucking true either. Ookami is a 9/10 but it sure as fuck isn't better than OoT/MM/ALttP

You can pee on demons in this game.
You can plant a poop bomb that explodes in this game.
it's literally SOUL incarnate as long as you play the Sony versions since the Nintendo versions removed the art drawing filter

You are right, it says Nintendo on those so they automatically get 2 extra points. My bad.

It's certainly not a bad game, and it has a really good art direction, but it's still probably Kamiya's worst game just because the pacing is terrible.

It's not super fun and goes on for way too long. Really pretty though.

Okami is on the same consoles, dilate

Are you actually retarded? Sorry for picking on you.

It was pretty decent. I highly, HIGHLY recommend getting it on Switch. I never beat it when I initially played it on Wii, but having the touchscreen on Switch cuts a ton of the tedium out of it and being able to fall back on PS2 controls at any time is a blessing.

The hd version lets you choose between different settings for the paper filter on all platforms, including switch. Only the wii version removed it completely. You can make it about as strong as on ps2, or make it lighter, as it was on ps3, which arguably looks better with the higher resolution, which is quite a departure from the hazy look of the original. Hell the hd version might be the sharpest game available on switch, ps4 or xb1, all versions run at 1080p and look very clean.

I had trouble playing it on the PS2 because everything was so blurry. The art style they used, combined with the motion blur and camera, did not work well for SDTVs. Don't know if the HD remake fixed that.

Aside from the graphics, the areas in the game are drawn out. REALLLY drawn out.

>go into the hotel expecting a couple floors of bad guys
>there's like 50 rooms inside, each one with multiple levels and 20 enemies
>leads to a cavern with even more stuff
Holy shit game, it's nice that you have so much content. But there comes a time when it's just fucking grinding.

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You have been visited by Vixen Dyatlov.

This thread is currently reading 29 replies (not great, not terrible).

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I just started playing it a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. I got it on sale, then heard some anons say it's shit and put it on the backburner, then started playing on a whim and it's great. I've put about 40 hours into it and I skip all cutscenes and listen to podcasts or playlists while I play. The brush can be cancer sometimes, I dislike a lot of the platforming, and I absolutely hate the map and the menus. Other than that, though, I'm liking it. Great way to unwind after 300 hours of Phantom Pain for the platinum and then garbage like UC4 and Doom 2016 (actually stopped playing the latter and deleted it, fuck the retarded platforming)

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The hotel? I'm not sure which bit you're talking about

>skip all cutscenes

I remember you couldn't do this on the ps2 version and the opening cutscene was about 20 minutes long


I don't know what the in game area is because it all turns into a blur between cities and buildings. It's a place that had multiple floors, with the bottom floor being a kitchen. And it just went on forever. But on the outside, it just looked like a two story building.

It's a proper adventure, it's 3 different acts that all feel like their own story.

My only complaint with the length is that there's a boss run at the end of the game, which is basically there to pad the game under some bizarre assumption it needs any padding at all.

Zelda games are extremely overrated, playing something like Okami which is a genuinely ambitious twist on the formula is what makes that evident. If Okami was a Zelda game it would be considered the best of all of them.

This is the dumbest fucking post I've read on Yea Forums in months. Imagine playing Okami and not listening to the OST.

It's fun but definitely overstays its welcome. Great artstyle and music but I don't feel that the moment-to-moment gameplay is nearly as fun as god hand or viewtiful joe.

Jump off a bridge and onto traintracks you fucking faggot pussy LMAO

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The combat and overworld exploration are fantastic, though the combat's a bit on the easy side. You have a million different powers and secret moves with your weapon combinations though, and the dungeons are also enjoyable, though Issun talks a ton. People complain about the pacing, but each of the three main story arcs are nicely divided and paced, and the game gives you big cool down periods for side quests and messing around between the three.

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Dude, that's fucking Oni Island. How could you think that was a hotel?


Based zoomer.

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>secret moves with your weapon combinations
What now?

Fuck yeah, bitch
Imagine being a faggot homo that listens to ambient music lmfao

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>How are the dungeons,
> bosses,
>the core parts of the game.