Which banner are you pulling tomorrow?
Dokkan Battle
Friend points.
At least until I get a better idea of what's being offered.
Definitely Cell. I just posted the units in another thread and Cell is infinitely better than jobhan
Just found the other thread, but much obliged.
Funny enough, I was leaning towards the Cell anyway.
what the fuck were they thinking
Who's better for the punching bag event, SB Goku or LR VB?
gohan jobs again lmao
Man, fuck Gohan's active skill :(
Gohan. Fuck a dead villain.
Neither, the banners come out the 29th.
Nice active skill, nerd
>Tfw finished in 3rd on Local Ranking for WT
I have been on a bit of a hiatus since the anniversary. Who are the new units? I heard they are LRs
I'm currently saving up until I have enough for a step up banner, so I probably won't pull unless there is something I REALLY want
See for info on the new LRs
Still no clue who else will be offered along side of them, but expect the usual DDF shenanigans.
Fucking faggot developers.
>no Artificial Lifeforms for Cell
>no Hybrid Saiyans for Gohan
Fuck off
>durr let's make a new category for Gohan for absolutely no reason
Why do they keep making shitty new categories?
>Infinitely stacks defense
>Can choose when to transform
I'd like both but I'm gonna need that Gohan thank you very much.
Making a new category is fine, making it based on a link is the issue.
Yeah, that's fair
>Want Gohan, but need Cell
They can both choose when to transform dumbass
They can't, retard. Gohan's is by active skill but Cell's is a normal transformation which means it would trigger automatically.
Banners dont come out until thursday. Event starts tomorrow though
>Can be activated when facing only 1 enemy starting from the 3rd turn after evolution
>A C T I V A T E D
I don't think I have enough good android units go for Cell.
I'll probably go for both anyway
Depends on the banner honestly. Unfortunately I have a very bad feeling that these will be two of the worst ones in months. Like seriously, who the fuck will they even add? Most of these saga units are outdated shit.
Finished 1st and got under 2k. I wasn't even aiming for the 2k one, number 2 local guy was being a massive faggot who would not stop trying to catch up to me and I had to keep grinding to get 1st.
the fuck is this
That would be the ONLY non-active skill transformation in the game that can be triggered at-will, and the odds of that being a new thing they introduce at the same time another unit has an active skill transformation is stupid-low. It's just not happening dude.
>Dokkan is trending on Twitter
We all closet Gatcha whores, I guess.
gohan is definitely a top 5 unit, but fuck them for doing this retarded shit with his transformation.
>using social media
For shame user
>people will still deny that the Cell saga is the most popular
zoomers do
Cell Saga is pretty amazing.
I still think Frieza is the best
Yes I will. People only ever mention the Gohan and Cell "fight" and Trunks. The majority avoid the shit writing of the rest of the Androids saga. It's of medium popularity at most. The most popular sagas are the Namek saga and the Goku Black saga no fucking contest whatsoever.
Make that = into > and you'll have truly patrician taste.
>Goku Black saga
Even = is insulting. The Saiyan saga is way more concisely written and has better fights. Namek saga may be more popular but it is not even close to being better than the Saiyan saga.
>The most popular sagas are the Namek saga and the Goku Black saga no fucking contest whatsoever.
Weird that manga sales and American tv ratings peaked at Cell Saga then.
The cards we know about so far seem so-so, but The Goku+Gohan and Super Vegeta+Super Trunks cards are supposed to have EZAs, if I'm remembering correctly.
American tv ratings are irrelevant
>The majority avoid the shit writing of the rest of the Androids saga.
And what does this have to do with popularity?
Have you ever noticed how many Goku Black saga units there are in this game and Legends?
Show me that but also, I'll tell you right now comparing manga sales and TV ratings from the 90's to ones from the 2010's is pants on head retarded my man.
Ah, but you have no argument for the manga sales. Figures.
By the way, Japanese tv ratings peaked during the Great Saiyaman Saga, which is all because of Gohan. I'm sure you'll love hearing that.
>Have you ever noticed how many Goku Black saga units there are in this game and Legends?
Dokkan started around the time Super did, right? Of course they'd shill the new stuff.
No one likes the arc, they like the climax and maybe a few bits and pieces but you'll rarely find someone who likes it all. It can't be the most popular when people act like 70% of it doesn't exist. If you think I'm bullshitting, think about how many people like to arbitrarily divide the Androids saga into "Androids" and "Cell". It's one big saga but people choose to ignore the first "half" of it for a reason.
>Weird that manga sales and American tv ratings peaked at Cell Saga then.
Fuck, it's true. I thought Frieza would have been the peak for sure.
>It's one big saga
>way more concisely written
That's because there were only 3 confrontations to begin with.
>has better fights
I'd have to go back to look at them overall, but Goku/Freeza is infinitely better than Goku/Vegeta.
Wow, I've never seen Dokkan trend before.
Are Cell and Gohan really that popular?
Dokkan came out before Super even started and still has a large chunk of content based on this saga. They continue to release content from it nearly 3 years after the fact because it's still extremely popular. Legends came out 2 years after it ended and has already had about 3 or 4 batches of content from it. It's not shilled just because it's new, it's not new even anymore, it's just very popular and makes money.
Got some sauce to back that up?
didn't it trend once before because ss3 gotenks was ass?
I'm pretty sure the reason it's trending is because Dokkaner or whoever started that whole "team" shit. It's hard to say if it's the most popular based on this alone since it's never been done before.
In Japan or worldwide? I've never seen it trending here in America before.
Fine, you've defeated me. For a saga to be a saga, it needs to have a story that begins and ends.The Android saga starts from the defeat of Mecha Frieza and does not end until the defeat of Cell. There is no split anywhere. There is never any conclusion to the story of #16, 17, 18 at all and especially not before Cell appears. Cell being introduced doesn't magically make it a new saga. He's just yet another Android in this Android saga.
i think Japan. they're the reason SS3 Gotenks isn't straight up shit right now. Other than that, I dunno.
>didn't it trend once before because ss3 gotenks was ass?
Will the Japanese players complain this time too?
i hope they do, even if this gohan is amazing, it sucks that you'll basically never see him go SS2.
>Which banner are you pulling tomorrow?
what the fuck does this even mean
sorry I don't play gacha shit designed solely to milk whales out of their money
Then why did you enter the thread, sweetheart?
To ask what the fuck that meant, I thought that was pretty clear
Why would you have to have 16 on the team if he doesn't work with the leader skill? It doesn't make sense.
Banners arent coming out tomorrow you retards only the event starts tomorrow
You're gay
There are two banners which you can summon the new characters from using the in-game currency known as Dragon Stones. Dragon Stones can be purchased,obtained through playing through events within the game, free rewards given out, etc. The "banners" are pictures of the new characters and all the other characters that you have a chance of obtaining it.
When you spend your in-game currency on a banner, you have a chance of obtaining any character from a large characters. The catch is that the characters you obtain are completely random no matter how much currency you spend. You may or may not get the unit you want.
The banners aren't coming tomorrow but rather in 3 days. The will feature the newest LRs based off of popular characters. Legendary Rare(LR) is the highest rarity of unit that can be obtained currently, LRs have the highest stats, they do the most damage, have the most health, etc. I will refrain from explaining how those factor into the actual gameplay since it is unnecessary right now.
One banner will feature an LR Super Saiyan Gohan, it can transform into Super Saiyan 2 Gohan when the conditions are met during gameplay. It will also contain many other characters. I am assuming you know the characters and their transformations from the show Dragon Ball Z by the way. The other banner will feature an LR Cell that can transform into Super Perfect Cell and again other characters.
I hope I explained that well. Any more questions?
Right, so its just gacha shit for whales, that's what I thought
>If I come into this thread and tell people how special and smart I am for not wasting my money like a total retard, I'll be loved like a hero
>Surely I am the only one who does this
>original passives for LR SS4s were atk
+80% and def+80% respectively
>original transformation conditions for Gohan were most likely less limited
Now I'm mad.
What the fuck are those gohan restrictions?
I guess Kale and Caulifla are still the best
>Kamehameha category
Why am I not excited about this? I should be for a new category but it just sounds like Goku's Family with Krillin, Yamcha, Roshi, Goku Black(?), and Cell thrown in.
Apparently, Kowai said in a livestream that LR SS4 Goku didn't get the 20% def buff per turn and LR SS4 Vegeta didn't get the 20% atk buff per turn, that Gohan is nerfed compared to his original version and a few other things. Take this info with a grain of salt as I'm not 100% sure about the source.
With the LRs, what I think happened is since it's confirmed that Akatsuki makes DFE LRs far in advance, they probably made Goku/Vegeta's passive just after 3rd anni, realized they were too weak even with the buff, and then overcompensated with Gohan so they had to reel him back.
There's also a few other things, but like I said, I'm not 100% sure about any of this.
>mfw he's unironically pretending to be retarded
>complains about gachashit being a scam when the catalogue is flooded with WoW Classic, a fucking MMO
Just ignore these retards, they come in every Dokkan thread like clockwork.
>Why am I not excited about this?
Because it's dumb as fuck.
Cell should have been android/cell saga + artificial lifefrms.
Gohan should have been android/cell saga + hybrid saiyans.
>Still no Vegeta that transforms into Majin Vegeta
We'll get one but you'll need babidi on the team to activate the transformation
>Must be facing Ss2 Goku (angel)
>Must have babidi on your team
You can keep your transformation gimmick bandai
>must also have chiatzou on the team to be able to activate self destruct active skill
Honestly they're starting to bloat things too much.
I'm not saying that we need to keep thing simple, but they need to find a better way to spice things up.
Zamasu and Trunks were peak transformation performance.
Gohan looks like he was made in 2017
look at the new Piccolo then say this again. they were planning this bullshit all along. When will they fucking learn?
Gohan's transformation should just require a team member from android/cell saga category and have it be on the 4th of 5th turn.
No HP requirement.
There, it's much better.
they just had to stick their meme 58% hp joke, that westerners won't understand
>they just had to stick their meme 58% hp joke
What is this all about?
>5 = go
>8 = hachi
its a play on Gohan's name, with Japanese numbers. They did it for the family kamehameha LR too.
>its a play on Gohan's name, with Japanese numbers
Jesus Christ. Is it really worth tanking his usability for a fucking joke?
I'd say it's far more likely that he was too overpowered with a free transformation so they had to nerf it.
They literally do not give a single shit. Just go look at how many number puns they have forced into the game over the years. They'll do anything to get a quick chuckle out of their puns.
>those galaxy brains who kept shilling for saving your stones for 300milly over the Heroes banner
congrats it's the same shit that was on the anniversary with worse LRs and everyone already has 99% of the units with multiple dupes already without spending a penny
Why is there so much revisionist history for DBZ? That's such bullshit. This narrative is very recent.
God I hate the discussion surrounding this franchise, that's why these threads are good because they rarely have it.
I’m pulling for cell but I’m way more hyped for the new SBR stages finally dokkan will have a challenge for me again
I’m sure i’ll rainbow that new Goku and bulma in a few weeks all I need is a good android leader and I’m putting 300 stones on the cell banner
>Right, so its just gacha shit for whales, that's what I thought
No. I never have and never will spend a single penny on gachashit and I have a top tier box and can beat any event in the game. I'm not unique, anyone would be in the same position without spending money and playing long enough(inb4 you blow this part out of proportion).
>Gohan cucked again
Why does everyone hate him?
>Why is there so much revisionist history for DBZ? That's such bullshit. This narrative is very recent.
Do you have anything to support that or you just assblasted because your favorite arc is shit?
Go back to your reddit revisonist circlejerks in DBFZ threads
The narrative being recent doesn't make it bullshit or revisionist. I'm not revising anything, I'm not trying to say no one liked it when it came out or when it first aired in America or anything like that. I'm saying in retrospect more an more people realize that they didn't like it. Everything I said is true. People grew up and realized that it's the worst written arc in Z and they only like it for the coolest moments and not as a whole. I can say similar things about any other part of Z, if you want me to be fair. People didn't always hate the Buu saga, I'm sure everyone loved it back when they first saw it. Now most only acknowledge it as slightly better than Cell and way better than GT but still full of holes and dumb bullshit.
Didn't read.
>can't even support your own claims
>trying to hide this behind buzzwords
Surely you can do better than that.
>Kamehameha category
>Not the hybrid saiyans 170% leader
And that’s why I’m going for cell and the chadroid category
>I'm saying in retrospect more an more people realize that they didn't like it.
Let me rephrase that sorry. I mean people are realizing that they don't like it as much as they did back then.
Why even reply to me then? Everyone had been done discussing it like an hour. Had you not replied with your shitpost this wouldn't be happening now. You're the cancer of these threads not the people that want to do some causal discussion of the series in relation to the game.
I just don't know how often you can spam about how awful cell saga is while circlejerking the massively overrated frieza saga just like reddit without getting tired of it. There is nothing new to add. You cannot escape the same mindless discussions in any db related thread. These discussions are not about of Dokkan threads and they're better for it.
>have almost every summonable lr for gohans leader skill
you got that right
Do we know what is in the banner?
Also heroes is still going you can still use your stones on that banner for a few hours
Based and Cell-Pilled
>These discussions are not about of Dokkan threads and they're better for it.
>There is nothing new to add. You cannot escape the same mindless discussions in any db related thread.
So which is it?
Are you that much of a brainlet that you think those are contradicting statements? Obviously Dokkan threads are the one exception on Yea Forums, and it should stay that way. These arguments are so retarded and happen daily, take it there.
>Are you that much of a brainlet that you think those are contradicting statements?
Maybe learn not to type like an ESL then.
>Obviously Dokkan threads are the one exception on Yea Forums, and it should stay that way. These arguments are so retarded and happen daily, take it there.
It would be fine if you don't want to talk about it, but not after actively participating and screeching about "MUH REVISIONIST HISTORY" like an autist and not even backing it up.
If would be fine if you fuck off back to re ddit especially
Op the banners come on the 29th
No more (You)s, go bait somewhere else.
Even Dokkan knows he is Jobhan. 650 stones saved and ready for perfection when the banner drops. Only reason I would pull on Gohan's would be for who is featured.
>mfw will never get the final dupes to rainbow piccolo
I'm never gonna pull him from this trash WT banner.
Well hopefully the banners are good.
Black better be on Cell's banner
INT Black should be forgotten and removed from the banners. It was a mistake. Same thing should happen to the new Gohan as well.
INT Black was a godsend on Legendary Goku
I started at new year's and got LR Cell but have never been able to use him. I got the new 17 from anniversary, if I get this cell too can I make a solid android team?
>Chadhon is good despite what everyone said
Feels go boys.
I am a new player who never spent any of my stone yet, was told to wait for the new banner so I am waiting for that.
Who the fuck do you even use for Gohan to transform? Cell himself?
gonna go for cell after i get gohan tho
Press D to dab on people who didn't "waste" their stones on the SDBH banners in favor of LR Gohan.
If you're gonna post on both boards, post something different.
>gambling thread in Yea Forums
>more than 100 replies
>blatant reddit images
>people actually discussing reddit images
ok this is epic
Good boy.
These banners are likely going to be better than the heroes stuff.
fuck off retard
How is that reddit?
Make me
The image was grabbed off reddit but it was on twitter first. That user is just a retard.
YOU fuck off from my videogames board
you already have a containment board for your gambling addictions
>YOU fuck off from my videogames board
Lol go back to your resetera threads, fag
What else do you have for Androids and what version are you on? If you get the new Cell you'll be off to a very good start. Other things you'd want to get are
>INT Android 13(JP)
>Super 17
And if you're on Global just look through all the Android 17s and 18s in the game and see which one you like best to replace #13 for the next few months.
>Got mommy towa milkies
Where do I put her at?
FGO is thw best gacha there is.
Pretty much any team with a lot of Extreme units. Towa is a great support for almost any team she can fit on. She's best on Time Travelers and can be good on Resurrected Warriors if you're lacking the core units for that team or just want to have fun. I wouldn't put her on Siblings' Bond or Peppy Gals though since she doesn't really fit in too well on either of those.
When I said fuck off retard that wasn't an invitation to showcase more of your retardation, but somehow you took it that way
Is Tapion worth kais now with the new sbr?
Shouts out include Android 21 as a viable substitute leader, and EZA INT Cell (since odds are, you'll be pulling a lot of him) PHY A17 also lets you put in any Super PHY into the team and not completely suck, so there's that too.
>Is Tapion worth kais now with the new sbr?
He was always worth it because he leads a cool and fun team.
Not over other units like EZA SS2 Vegeta
Newfag, what is EZA?
Extreme Z Awakening. It's a means of giving some of the older Lv.120 units a little extra ooomph to make them somewhat usable in the current game.
Characters that have Z Battles can continue awakening, which increases their level cap bit by bit. That is EZA
>no PHY Super Vegtio
>can't beat the Ultimate Gohan EZA
help me, bros...
Know anyone running the PHY SS3 Gotenks? I find he tends to hit much harder than the Vegito.
Do you have Gotenks? If so, stop being a fucking retard. If not, pos
>All this shitting on LR Gohan
I'm distinctly recalling how convinced everyone was that the LR SSJ4s were absolute garbage that wouldn't even be able to break a million.
t box
Depends on the banners but my super units are definitely better.
PHY SS3 Gotenks and the fuck ton of PHY Buu Saga units can do it or Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 and every Super unit on the Buu Saga you can muster up. The second option requires a bit more luck.
Funnily enough, I remember feeling rather ambivalent towards the Broly Second Coming LRs. I'm hence reserving my judgment in this case.
where are the jpCHADs in this thread?
Big problem is this shitty INT #16 in the banner.
Thanks, bros. I'll give it a shot.
Already prepping the system to rig the JP vs Global campaign.
Where the fuck has it been said he's INT? All I can find is reddit screaming about it but I can't see where any of the dataminers mentioned it.
Some leaker who said he MIGHT be INT. You know how it is.
Dokkaner posted it on twitter.
>16 will be INT, BUT IT CAN CHANGE, and is 120% leader Android/Cell Saga
What does that mean? Is he saying there's a hope that it will be changed before release? Because I can't fucking imagine this ending with anything but a SS3 Gotenks-tier meltdown if Gohan cannot transform on his own fucking team. I doubt it actually violates the kompu gacha laws but it sure skirts close enough to be inviting legal action.
Reminder Gogeta Blue was originally teq and the new Cell was phy.
It's not even about how good or bad everything else on Gohan is.
His transformation mechanic is dumb as hell and his category is an underwhelming "Goku's Family and also Cell"
>and his category is an underwhelming "Goku's Family and also Cell"
This is the worst part for me. Why the fuck isn't he the leader for Hybrid Saiyans?
>Building a category around an outdated flat boost link.
Nani the fuck?
Is there anything useful to use keys on right now?
Arale events unless you're GLB scum. :)
>Arale events unless you're GLB scum. :)
Haha yeah...
Now that I think about it, the category isn't the issue. They should've just given it to a different card like a Roshi lead along with updating the link. Gohan should've gotten Hybrid Saiyans/Youth/Cell arc
>Playing in a language you can read or understand.
>along with updating the link.
Seriously, why don't they do this? It seems like it'd take no effort and there are a lot of shitty links.
So I guess I shouldn't play at all? Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Should I be playing in something besides Japanese and English? Maybe I should try the German version or something, I can't read or understand that shit at all.
because fuck you walking wallet
enjoy your 700 attack and +1 ki under 30% hp fucko
I don't really get it either since they did it with a lot of other links like infighter and warrior gods years ago.
Akatsuki and Bamco shot themselves in the foot when they didn't make Gohan the 170% hybrid sayians leader
People were whipping themselves into a frenzy over something that wasn't going to happen. Big-time celebration LRs don't rep old teams and nothing else. I would have liked a Hybrid Saiyan LR Gohan but for this celebration it just wasn't fucking happening, I dunno why everyone was so convinced.
Dokkan players have got a bad habit of coming up with absurd expectations and blowing their lids when they don't come true.
>Big-time celebration LRs don't rep old teams and nothing else.
>LR Gogeta didn't reply one of the first category leaders
>Super Gohan if he finally does something
>Pan if she gets important
This was their last chance.
I did forget about him but only because SS4 Gogeta is so fucking forgettable
PHY SSJ3 Gotenks was originally going to lose 7% HP on his 12 ki before they changed it the day before.
>That smug look
>Still optimal on every team he's a part of two years later
>Living in everyone's heads rent free
gohan blanco vs el grande padre is the 6th year anni
>This was their last chance.
This dude's saved my ass and so many events because of his counter, I'll never understand the hate he gets.
>Zero defense until he supers
He lost his charm for me real quick on hard content.
It isn't that he's useless, it's that he has been featured in do many Dokkanfests, that a audible amount of players rainbowed him.
Just don't have him out and the first attacker
Alright I can see that I guess. He's one of the very few units I have that I've been able to unlock routes for in hidden potential.
That's a cute thought but it doesn't really pan out when there's two attacks before slot one and then six right after on SBR, so you can't afford to stick anyone but Gogeta there in case there's a super attack, since Fusions is made of wet paper and dreams and THIS faggot in pic related won't transform for another two turns.
>Only useful attack links are super Saiyan and Fierce battle
LR Gogeta can tank pretty well, but yeah, they don't have much in DEF stacking.
He has OiaF and Shocking Speed, he makes sure you never have to worry too hard about Ki.