Never played the original, should I buy this when It comes out?

never played the original, should I buy this when It comes out?

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Would you like to build a rocket and try to get into orbit?

Can i do it if im a brainlet?

It's not made by the same developers so that means it's going to be 2x better automatically.

Yes. Any idiot can build a rocket that can get into space, into orbit or even to the mun. Because I could do it.
Getting into space intact, getting into orbit without burning up after, landing on the mun without crashing. Those are where the brains come in.

So you try and fail, and then try again and do a little better.
Next thing you know you're docking two craft in orbit to fuel one up for an interplanetary trip and you realize, hell, you still don't know anything about orbital mechanics; how the hell did you make it this far?

why ask now
it wont come out till 2020
you still have plenty of time to pirate the first one and play it

Yes. Its literally KSP but made by actual devs, not Mexicans who learned programming on the side (true story, look it up)


try the original
yes, KSP dosnt even have n-body gravity it's a brainlet game without mods

It's one of my favorite games of all time

How much of a brainlet? I'd say you'd need to be someone at least capable of installing Linux. Like 85 or 90 IQ

good stuff

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>yes, KSP dosnt even have n-body gravit
Isn't that still an unsolved problem in physics?

I keep seeing people talk about Delta V.
I'm starting to understand what Delta V is but how do I know what Delta V my rocket has?

In new versions it literally fucking tells you.

I played the original for 20 minutes and put it down, because i couldn't figure out how to do anything.

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It should tell you know the Delta V of each stage you have. If not just install engineers mod

watch Scott Manley tutorials.

KSP was ruined by workshop design sharing and autopilot. Shit game

you cant analytically describe the physics of an 2+ body system in every case. but then computers cant do mathematics anyway other then a small subset of countable numbers .
ksp with their patched conics n=1 gravity does numerical integration to determine your position and velocity and you can do the same with arbitrarily many bodies. there's a ksp mod that does n-body (prencipia) and some proper space games do it as well (like Children of a Dead Earth)

Literally all you have to do is take the ork approach and you can beat the game/ Not even memeing. Just put a fucking booster on a cockpit and launch

*3+ , you can analytically describe any 2 body system

Not this time. I'm glad Maxmaps fucked off and Squad sold it.

This one is supposed to have multiplayer built in so even if you're a brainlet you can have friends help you.

> post yfw you make your first successful moon landing

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Despite its (many, many) flaws the original provided me with hundreds of hours of enjoyment. The least we can hope for is they refine the good elements of 1 and filter out the bad aspects.

Remember kids, if you can get into orbit you're half way to anywhere!

>Remember kids, if you can get into orbit you're half way to anywhere!

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haha come on bro. Just invite your friends, what let me guess you only have a handful? no worry 3 or 4 friends should be plenty enough.

I dont understand this expression

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Impressive for learning code on the side desu
Wasn't this game filtered on vg?

*Organ mashing intensifies*

*spinning fan and office chair video starts*

*USB plugs in*

Post yfw your Kerbal hits the ground but the screen and navbal go dark

>VR mod
now let me tell you about nerve wrecking experiences.

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My penis wenis of course

It takes far less work to get a body into orbit then it is to get literally anywhere else in the solar system from orbit.

/vg/ was cancer seven years ago and it's cancer now.


Hi lil gurl.

Where's ur dada?

I'll be ur daddy.

Show me ur cunny, sweetie.

No, wait a year.

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Get the original. KSP2 will be streamlined to hell and back.