We will never get a Jojo or One Piece fightan in the vein of FighterZ because Arcsystems want to make this trash instead

>We will never get a Jojo or One Piece fightan in the vein of FighterZ because Arcsystems want to make this trash instead
Who even cares about Guilty Gear anymore? The best thing they could do is just stick to licensed games.

Attached: New-GUILTY-GEAR-Teaser-Trailer-at-EVO2019.mp4_snapshot_00.36.301.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

False flagging fag.

I don't get this meme. Do people think that everyone who disagrees with them is a falseflag? Imagine being that sheltered. FighterZ was the best selling game they ever made, why step backwards?

Always thought Guilty Gear's designs are cringeworthy and still do. The game isn't as complex or difficult as normies say. I'll stick to Tekken, 3S and KoF.

>3S based
>Tekken and KoF
Cringe, Tekken is normie masher shit and KoF is for contrarians and minorities

All fighting games are for niggers or asians, though.

Asians are honorary whites.

>contining with your decades-old IP rather than licensed crap.
>going backwards,

Tekken 7 is the best fighter out right now.
>KoF is for minorities
Literally every GG champion has been a minority. Not to mention KoF XIII has a higher skill ceiling than Xrd and Rev 2.

Attached: Hm.webm (584x428, 2.41M)

No they are not, Ping Long. Fuck off.

>That animations
They don't make them like that anymore.

Attached: 1566426969129.jpg (640x483, 62K)

>Tekken 7
>The best fighter
>With its shoehorned 2D mechanics and cancerous guest characters
You're right about KoF XIII but that shit is a dead Discord game.

>Wasting resources on an IP that doesn't sell rather than making one that does
Yes, it's going backwards. When this game flops and they make Jojo's Bizarre Fighters you'll see.

I mean, SNK kinda did when KoFXIII came out, but the art for the game forced them to cut corners, recycle assets, and even then they still went bankrupt because KoFXIII was never going to sell Street Fighter numbers. It's not a matter of whether or not the talent exists to make something like this, it's the sad reality of "will this hard work be rewarded?" As shown by 3S and KoFXIII, the answer is "no."

>dead Discord game
So like all GG games? At least KoFXIII isn't as shallow as GG despite having a small playerbase.

So... Whats the best jojo game?

>XIII isn't as shallow as AC+R
Maybe if you used 2k2um you'd be right but XIII is braindead.

>pretending to play fighting games
>parroting from people that haven't either

All Star Battle.

>inb4 seething heritage of the future babies

Learn to read I specifically mentioned which GG games I'm referring to in this conversation. And as someone who can beat your ass in both +R and XIII I can honestly say KoF has more neutral game than GG (even +R). I'm not talking about the fact that GG literally gives you a penalty for being overly defensive because it's a braindead rushdown game. KoF games just reward fundamentals way more. Slashbacks are extremely rare and almost never get used. Even back in the good ol Dustloop days where I was hanging with ElvenShadow and the guys I was crushing them with my I-No. +R's "high skill ceiling" tools are almost never used and when they are it's usually just to cancel a special here and there. I had to do so much work to get the same damage they were doing casually. KoF's neutral is a more back and forth style like a faster, deeper SF game. And some of the combos in those games are much more difficult than anything in any GG game.

All your shit talking here is null and void Tekken 7 is the best fightan now. KoF and 3S are eternal. GG is overrated by zoomers and casuals who don't know fighting games.

There has to be a pioneer otherwise there would be no improvements

What do you think the Marvel Vs games would be like if Darkstalkers didn't exist?


>Even back in the good ol Dustloop days where I was hanging with ElvenShadow and the guys I was crushing them with my I-No
The smell of bullshit is strong in this post, I like it.

Guilty Gear is nice to look at but so fucking boring to play

>It's another this is deep and this isn't because I say so fg thread on Yea Forums

Arc put a lot of effort in to buy the GG license back from Sammy, Xrd was so important they shoveled out Vastedge and got right to work on Xrd

No, but anyone who cares about fighting games knows Guilty Gear is where it's at and Jojo and One Piece aren't even on the same level stylistically
Besides, One Piece and Jojo and majority of anime fans only want anime games for recognizability. They don't care that much about good mechanics and such things are wasted on them.

shallow tag games are not fun
if they made a 1v1 one piece game i'd be on board because devil fruits are a thing and could make for unique movesets, unlike dbfz where everoyne fights similarly even in the show

I don't know what the fuck you're replying to or the argument you're having right now, but I just want to let you know that your post just screams retarded cancer in a vacuum.

the games are dead too so it doesn't even have anything over the other anime games. honestly I enjoyed cf and unist more.

You can't keep a game company alive by just working on other people's licenses while forgetting entirely about your own. ASW strategy is very similar to platinum's, make a game with a unique take on the genre and then once you have the attention of the industry you work on the ips of other companies by making games based on the style you created but with some variations, that give you resources to work on the next game of your own ips.

Is GG2020 gonna be another 11 character dumbed down shitfest like GBVS or will they pour all of their DBFZ/BBTAG money into this and make it bigger than DBFZ and obviously GBVS were on launch

Attached: 1565038746043.jpg (839x1191, 96K)

I don't know suck your own ass and figure out the answer yourself.

Arcsys games are just hipster garbage.

When Bamco and Cygames approached Arcsys, I can assume they said something along the lines of "Make it look like Xrd!"

When making a licensed game, you can't make risky decisions. Arcsys can't be like "OK we have this really cool idea that'll make the graphics even COOLER!" unless they have some really, REALLY mind blowing examples to refer to. New GG will be that example.

cygames more likely asked to make it look like DBFZ

It only further proves my point. Stagnation only breeds more stagnation.

How to spot a shitter.
>posts webm with ToD in SF3
>praises games that also features ToD combos

No Baiken no buy
No Bridget no budget
No Elphelt no sellphelt
No Robo-Ky no I-Will-Buy
No Answer no money transfer
No Testament don't invest a cent
No Order Sol no pre-order sold
No Dizzy sorry I'm busy
No Slayer you lost a player
No May no pay
No Sin wait till the bargain bin
No I-No that's not kino
No Jam no thank you ma'am

To be fair I do want ASW to do a Jojo fighting game because I want another proper fighter like Heritage of the Future and I don't trust Capcom to make it. I also assume Daisuke is a jojo fan simply because of it being a big westaboo music celebration on top of Zappa's existence. So he might even work on it too. Hell there was stuff from the original fighter that I noticed even in the recent Xrd games. Look forward to a new valentine that'll play like a wackier Vanilla Ice and turn the game into a platformer.

I can't wait for this game, the last thing I'd want is a jotard fighting game

Attached: image0-1-3.jpg (1125x1111, 373K)

A Jojo fighter would be cool sure, but you have to give them some time to work on their own ips too. GG has it's fair share of Jojo stuff in it so it's likely that there are fans working on these games but so far they have to do more than just working on other properties. Persona Arena was enjoyable even if flawed so I think they would fare decently at tackling a Jojo fighter.

where's the lobby you cunts

I think a demo is being revealed later this year at arcrevo. There might be some footage might turn up then.

You forgot Zappa...

I don't really know a good one for Zappa

Oh no don't get me wrong, I fully agree with that. Guilty Gear was the thing I came to ASW for in the first place. I was just saying that a Jojo ASW fighter does have merit to actually being asked for even if some of those morons that ask for it with the same reason someone would ask for a One Piece fighter from them. I much rather have the new GG than anything else right now. Which makes me glad that all those donkeys asking for that Persona 5 Arena didn't get their wish cause ASW though increased in sizes incredibly over the past few years still would be spreading out way too thin and have that effect their actual own games because of it.

FighterZ is also complete shit.

Jojo faggots are aids.