>How do you do Nords of Skyrim, it is I, the Dragonborn.
How do you do Nords of Skyrim, it is I, the Dragonborn
Ain't no fruitcake elf gonna save me from dragons
>bashes head in with warhammer
Hate elves
Hate moving slow
Elves have the fastest move speed.
Damn right an Altmer was the Dragonborn.
>tfw when you usurp the position of savior of the ape men and use their primitive magic to further divide and weaken men for easy subjugation, and also do some shit with a dragon-god eating time or whatever.
What ho, Dragonborn. Might you speak to us a Thu'um?
No I'm not a thane in this village so the guards will try to kill me
>How do you do, Nords of Skyrim? It is I, The Dragonborn.
Then just kill them right back
That makes sense. If Dragons are reptiles, it would make sense that the Dragonborn would also be a reptilian humanoid, right?
Pretty sure pisskins smother their babies if they don't have the full piss coloring thing going on, and them peepers ain't pissy.
Hail fellow Nord, praise Talos!
The Dragonborn is a Dunmer cloned from Divath Fyr and sent to Cyrodiil before the red mountain erupted
People gotta stop equating every single High Elf with the Thalmor. A High Elf was instrumental in helping the Hero of Kvatch prevent the Oblivion crisis.
Dragons are time gods
There's the High Elf wizard in Solitude who shits all over a Justicar too.
most of the SummerSet isles are cunts and philosophy of Altmer in general is pretty nihilistic and anti-life ancestor worshippy
but she's schizophrenic
Damn, I've never noticed that one.
Thalmor did nothing wrong. It's entirely natural to undermine and exterminate lesser species.
Pretty much every race's outlook in the ES world is Nihilistic, it's just how they choose to deal with that fact that's different.
>women high elves all look like trannys
>male high elves can look like cute boy twinks but they're still over 7 feet tall
You can't win.
They're infinite cuz Todd howard doesn't want me to have fun
>ywn have the Dragonborn come up to you and offer to fuck you on the street for 40 septims
>no altmer dragonborn joining thalmor route
would be amazing
Imagine the fit that the nords would have if the dragonborn turned out to be a snow elf
>thinking I'd pay you
They don't let you join the side that is destined to lose.
Same reason you couldn't join the Mythic Dawn or the Sixth House.
Elven supremacy is the only truth.
The wasted potential of this. Should have just had each race/group have some kind of important role in the story and you take different important positions depending on which race you play and the others you are not playing are taken up by interesting and fleshed out NPCs but there was never a chance of anything even close to that from the people that give a bunch of different people with different voice actors the same lines for no reason.
Maybe in skyrim 6?
>dooms the rebellion by killing the stormcloaks strongest supporter
Dungmer Cock sleeves for the Hist Lickers
Ayelids gone
Falmer gone
Dwemer gone
Orsimer sorta still around
Maomer ??? they were in the MMO
Bosmer They exist
Altmer The only fullish strength mer. They have pissed off the Nords and that never ends well for Mer.
Tell me more about this elven supremacy.
They are going to have to start inventing new merrish races for the Nords to beat up soon.
the best TES characters are always the most ironic
>high elf
>Fallout 76 exists
Let me show you how much faith I have in the next game, pic related.
Is getting fucked for 40 septims any more dignified? I heard the Dragonborn does this in every town.
Please don't make me go down the rabbit hole of modding Skyrim again I finally escaped
>What's the matter? Can't handle the sight of a strong Altmer woman?
>ywn see your buff nude lydia again
How do you live with yourself?
Elves are only good for breeding
If I see one, I'll let you know.
Can we talk about morrowind please? Mages are still whipping my knightly ass, takes 2 full health potions to survive before I can even get close. Good thing they have a magika limit.
On the left is Mer outlook, on the right is everyones else.
But Morrowind let me join Hlaalu on my first playthrough.
Why make handsome elves when you can make the Morlocks? I guess aesthetically appealing features are just too mainstream for Todd Howard
The early Imperial outlook was similar, partially due to the influence of their Ayleid Masters. They saw the benefit of enlightenment being an escape from a cycle of the reincarnation, same as the Ayleids and Almter saw it. It wasn't until Reman that Imperial hero worship would improve their outlook on life.
>being an atheist in the TES universe would be like waking up as Lazarus and saying "Sorry Jesus, I still don't believe in you."
>somehow people think Tamriel is mired in nihilism, even though many different afterlifes have already been proven to exist, some good, some you probably don't want to go to after you die.
Retards. All of you. Learn what nihilism is please.
But I was told you could wipe out a settlement by killing everyone in it...
>standing cunnilingus
if the dwemer zero summed themselves out of existence how come people still remember they existed?
because they didn't
they turned themselves into robot skin
now the fucking thing rampages through time and space, erasing shit by yelling NOOOOO really loud
most of them anyway, there's still the fat fuck and the ghosts in the ruins
Who is the most shit on race, and why is it Bosmer?
bosmer girls are qt
If only they made the in-game models as qt as the artwork.
I wonder if the Altmer mass rape Bosmer women, seeing how Valenwood is nothing but a Vassel state to Summerset
We as outside observers know about the setting's God's and afterlives. Mer generally hold the world to be a prison that needs to be escaped from. Men have more positive outlooks on life for different reasons.
>Existence is Good
Later Imperials, Bretons, Khajitt
>Existence sucks, but that's a good thing, because it makes us badass
Nords and Dunmer
>Existence is Awful and it needs to Stop
Altmer, Early Ayleids, Bosmer, Redguards, Snow Elves, and Dwemer
>Existence is Awful but I feel better about it when a Human is Screaming
Late Ayleids
The Argonian opinion of things doesn't count because they and the Hist don't comprehend their lives as an event on a grand scale or consider a future reincarnation, they just have the moment, which may vary between being good or bad.
They are still around just disgraced.
My dragonborn was a big tiddies breton mage slut. I never finished the main quest though.
>be Altmer Dragonborn
>install sex mods
>nail the High Queen of Skyrim
Bretons are the sexiest but they're ruined by the wrinkles on their foreheads.
why aren't you playing Skyrim right now
Honestly what do you do all day. Do you just zoom in and out of your character then quit out to keep modding for another few hours?
Because making a character is hell, most presets look bad, and importing a followers face is annoying
Got it perfect once, don't feel like doing it again
Better yet
>Thalmor orchestrate the raid to catch Ulfric
>An Altmer is just randomly among them
>Cart rolls right past the Thalmor with the Altmer painfully obvious to see among the captured Nords
>Thalmor do nothing
>Get to the cart stop, Empire checking their prisoner list
>Empire who capitulated to the Altmer and Thalmor
>"Ayo wtf we got an Altmer here, what are you doing?"
>If I recall correctly, the Imperial guy even remarks to ask if you're involved with the Thalmor, you very well could be as an Altmer in Skyrim
>"What should we do captain? About this Altmer, possible Thalmor mixed in with the Stormcloaks?"
>"Ah forget about it just kill them yolo"
>Lined up to be executed with all the rest
>General Tulius who not 30 seconds prior was talking with the Thalmor about the raid, is like 10 feet from you and would obviously notice the lone Altmer among the prisoners
>Also does nothing
Dumb as fucking hell, if you actually played as an Altmer it should have gotten you out of the execution. Don't even need to change the cutscene much anyway, just do like a
>"Ayo this here an Altmer, ok prisoner we won't kill you, just stand aside with me while we watch the execution... oh shit a dragon!" -game start
Both images feed into eachother and the difference between the 2 is barely there
Any settings/stories like this? Where the destined hero, despite saving the world, is actually a disgusting degenerate whore of a person who no one would want to respect or idolize and history would just rather forget about?
You're thinking of it in the wrong way. It's not that people don't recognize the existence of Aedra/Daedra or different planes of reality, it's just that they don't consider them "divine" or worthy of worship. (Look at the Dwemer). There's layers to everything in TES, and the hardest part to get is that multiple different interpretations can be equally valid. Pretty much everything in the metaphysical hierarchy below Anu/Padomay is "liquid" and subject to change from other forces, or capable of being absorbed by other things or becoming other things and so on. Gods can be created, mantled, dreamed, destroyed, sealed, etc. etc.
I love modding skyrim, but don't kid yourself, you don't "play" it.
The gameplay is unfixable, mods that try to do it like lock-on are slow, buggy, and janky as fuck. "Playing" it mean spending more time in mod organizer, tes5edit, bodyslide than in the actual game, and when you do, you're probably spending more time in mod menus than anything else
>skyrim 6
Lol the absolute state of Yea Forums
I would worship her.
guys i was doing a stealth archer destruction necromancer nord grill should i restard and do a heavy armor breton battlemage girl? doing every questline btw 100 hours in
Because I can't make characters that look that good
i am
>try to make stealth archer
>dagger 90% of the time instead
Put your hood back on, Kreia. You're hideous
tfw no unechanted nightengale set
Argonians aren’t reptiles they are related to trees.
they are reptiles infused with the hist's will. the hist pump their juices into the land somewhat indiscriminately and seeing as they are from a previous kalpa, "argonians" in the past could have been something like moth or jellyfish people.
pictured: non-hist-sentient argonian
because im waiting in que for wow classic
i want to fuck every girl of every race
i devote so much of my spare time to the lore and characters of TES that it prevents me from writing anything halfway decent of my own. characters like Sotha Sil are so inspiring to me that it's hard to step away from their character motives and such and contamines anything i attempt as near-plagiarism. at least that's what it looks like to me whenever i read it over myself. god damn it
Do you guys play with an ENB on or just use it for screenshots?
I just realized neither of the pictures posted are yours, but the question still stands in general.
Play hardcore Skyrim.
It's much more fun.
Gotta not be a cuck though, and start a new game if you die for any reason. I'm a fucking master of the intro.
Always on. I lose maybe 2-4 fps which I don't really mind.
I always play High Elf for that sweet bonus magicka bc I always play a mage, but I'm always torn on who to side with between Stormcloaks and Imperials if I'm not rping as a Thalmor agent.
>I'm a fucking master of the intro.
get an alternate start mod lad
me too
Wasn't complaining about it.
Just part of the HC experience.
PS. Fuck those big tiger fucks.
guys pls tell me the best hp magick and stamina stats for a level 81 vampire lord sneaky battlemage
I know you weren't complaining, I just can't believe you're okay with vanilla intro but have fun!
stealth archer
all health desu
>I'm a fucking master of level 1 of a game
54 points into magicka, 27 to health, 0 to stamina.
Never increase magic as it's easy to make spells cost zero magicka
Anti-stealth unarmed.
I always run mine on, but it isn't that demanding of a profile and doesn't look as good as other people's screenshots. But there are profile managers that let you swap presets in-game for when you want to take one.
You know there's an entire bracket of speed running just for Mario level 1, right?
Maybe by like level 45 or some shit and powerleveling smithing/enchant/alchemy. If you're playing normally you're gonna want that fuckhuge mana pool as a caster especially while you're progressing. Otherwise he might as well just be a warrior that can shoot basic spells for 3 seconds, or cast 1 apprentice spell for his entire mana pool.
But only fairly useless spells that get dwarfed by melee damage output, so what's the point?
why 0 stamina?
should mention i currently have 450 hp 200 magick and 200 stamina
Can Dragonborn defeat Dagoth Ur?
>nihilism = atheism
>telling others to learn what nihilism means
I would play an Altmer supremacist scum but the idea of a high elf being Dragonborn is so fucking stupid I just can't
What skin textures do you guys use and with which body mods?
and spend all my enchanting on that? i use both conjuration and destruction and what about vampire lord form?
chadenborne would beat dagoth ur and mehrunes dagon at the same time low diff
Maybe. Thu'um is tonal magic, reality warping shit. What's stopping LDB from using Bend Will on Ur?
it's not stupid anyone can be dragonborn it just takes akatosh to give the gift
All elves are to be killed on sight
All elves are to be bred on sight
Is there a mod to destroy the thief guild? I hate these cunts. They stand there invulnerable, I could burn them to death in 1 spell
There's plenty of mods to turn essential NPCs non-essential.
I think you can even do it through console.
I want it to be quest like
It's as quest like as killing the Dark Brotherhood.
did you try typing skyrim destroy thieves guild into google
All female khajits are the be bred by human men on sight.
This is what I do to mer
Personally I believe the Dragonborn was a fat, sassy, Redguard women.
She should sound like this
The dragonborn was a female pychopath
first joining the companions then thieves and dark brotherhood and mages to elecute people
then she goes on to the main quest and dawnguard to be a dracula esqe vampire and then murders a pureblood then murders alduin then goes on to murder the first dragonborn ever
you forgot to mention her randomly demanding people fuck her on the street in extremely uncomfortable and erratic positions
no she's pure she only holds hands with serana and maybe get's her feet licked occasionally
god damn it lmao
Maybe a dumb question but does sneak attack work on spells? I never bothered to check, like if you hurl a fireball from hidden crouch, do you get the sneak attack bonus?
pretty sure it does
No it doesn't
This is genuine autism if you can't understand a fucking joke you fucking cunt.
just run up and melt there face off
>Thu'um can restructure reality
Based Todd not even bothering to be creative.
I had a mod for that once that added double damage to the backstab gloves from Dark Brotherhood. It never got ported to SE and I'm pretty sad about it.
oh yeah i forgot right before harkon she liberated skyrim for the stormcloaks
well mostly wrathman and durnieveir did but yeah
The races have diffrent moves speeds? I've only ever played as an ugly wood elf
Taller characters run faster, but you can just adjust your height using the console anyway
Idk why people keep calling wood elves ugly. I always thought they were attractive and had the best tits.
>he pays for sleeping at inns and doesn't get paid for a song and a free night.
why doesn't the game have a height slider?
i want to play as a 4'5 nord girl
>just finished The Real Barenziah
They say female elves are promiscuous
Why do elves have such slanty eyes I don't wanna play as an asianborn
I don't understand. Don't elves want to destroy the world? Why would they stop Alduin from ending the kulpa? Or is the kulpa cycle even more macro than the creation of Nirn? Would Alduin end their timeless afterlife as well? Or is the Kulpa less macro and wouldn't end time?
>Renounce the false god Talos and I'll breastfeed you while pleasuring your genitals anytime you want.
Only the Thalmor want to do that. Even then the highest of high elves know about that. Everyone else think Thalmor just want supremacy.
Niplheim's Hunter
kalpas oversoul dreaming gods and chim are fucking retarded and should be removed from the lore
shut up pisskin
>fus ro dah dagoth ur off the bridge in lorkhan's chamber into the lava
Didn't Wulfharth kick his ass at one point
thieves guild aren't even evil though
rune and that guy that killed the bandit leader are based
No way fag
it 500 hp 400 magicka and 200 stamina good for a battlemage archer?
Hard pass. Everyone knows Thalmor nipples taste like fish.
They taste like vanilla.
>battlemage archer
you're doing it wrong, battlemages use a one handed weapon for their physical sidearm.
everyone knows argonian pussy is the tightest
Because I can't decide on what to play, I keep getting new character ideas and can't settle.
Yes, or alternatively 1000HP 100 magicka 100 stamina
i aint bout dat gay shiet
Fuck Nords.
And fuck Argonians.
From Daggerfall to Skyrim, all of my altmer characters are related. Everyone RP like this, r-right?
Nah Khajiits being cats are the tightest, Argonians have a cloaca so they're probably the second loosest (dunmer being the loosest)
mines a vampire though pretty much
aurials bow lightning conjuring everything
jesus why would someone do that
500 is already a lot was considering 450 and 250 stamina
even a 2h warrior i wouldn't want much more than 750 max
we all know that dunmer and bretons are the tightest
this right fucking here
they also had the highest melee damage multiplier even though it was literally nothing
high elves are the only race worth using a two handed sword with, since they're so tall the decapitation animation actually looks legit
nothing gayer than seeing a wood elf suddenly do that bethesda shit and resize itself to normal proportions during sync kills
anyone got that webm of the kid leaning on the wall and growing to adult size then returning to kid size when she moves?
dunmer are hideous
Because with 1000 HP you become on the same level as a boss NPC
I do, but with Nords. Never played Arena, but I take him too along with MC's from side TES games that did something cool.
more like take 0 dmg with the high regen on armor enchants
i dunno man i think it's good to have a bit of magick and stamina so you don't waste enchant slots
on a side note what stone would be best?
was thinking steed lord or necro stone
maybe even atronatch if not for the summoning bug
nothing gets me in the mood to play skyrim more than talking about the girls of each race
Female khajits were made for human dick
Lord so you can cap magic resistance easier I guess
That's too much work. Most of the choices made by Bethesda are to cut down the work they need to do as much as possible.
tfw no unechanted nightengale armor
why live
my favorite is the speed breath
Which skyrim to mod?
all of them
of course.
dagoth ur is a fucking clown.
Name someone Wulfharth couldn't beat the shit out of.
Your forgetting the most powerful shout that only masters of the thu'um can use. Hey, skeever butt!
what's the best difficulty? expert?
I always pick Male Nord Warrior Sword and Shield in every Elder Scrolls game.
Hate Elves
Hate Magic
Like Smashing and Slashing
Chim is pretty based, to be honest.
I finally talked to Vivec, got the wraithguard etc etc
from the ones I have played side quests are shit
should I bother with the side quest or finish the main stuff and move on with the dlcs
do khajiit have spiky dicks?
yes, canonically
Imagine calling anyone a retard when it is you who is too stupid to understand that someone can recognize a God(s) exist and still say "fuck you, I'm not going worship any of you".
I don't think my craptop can run it so I didn't buy it back when all the Beth stuff were on sale. I have on my PS3 but I think the disc is fucked and I'm too lazy to check. No way I'm buying it on my PS4.
>"What sort of test?"
>"Ah," Therris said. "Payment first, sweet thing." He put an arm around her, leaned over and kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth and his free hand into her shirt.
>"Nice," he said presently, withdrawing his tongue, but not his hand. His other hand slid down inside her waistband and fondled her buttocks.
>"Let's go upstairs. We can use my room," Barenziah felt both embarassed and excited by his boldness.
>Therris grinned insolently. "Why bother? You want me, don't you? I'll bet you'd pay me, wouldn't you?"
>"No," Barenziah said. She did want him, but not that badly.
>"No? Well, a bargain's a bargain and Therris keeps his word. But here. Now." He hiked her skirt up and pulled her onto his lap so she sat astride, facing him. He opened her shirt and pulled it down on her shoulders so that her breasts were exposed.
>"Nice pair, kid." She was facing the wall but she could feel the stares of the other patrons. A hush had fallen over the place. Even the bard had stilled. She felt both nausea and a hot burning desire. Her hands released his turgid penis and then it was inside her and she was screaming in both pain and ecstasy. Then everything went black.
>When she came to herself again she was sitting beside Therris, who was buttoning her shirt. "That hurt!" she said indignantly.
>"Always does, kid. Didn't anyone ever tell you about Khajiit men? It hurts good though, now doesn't it?" Barenziah scowled at him. She was still smarting. His penis had tiny little barbs on it.
Daggerfall was a different time. This book was in skyrim too but the entire thing was replaced with
>[This passage has been censored by order of the Temple.]
that was thanks to morrowind
the temple was the tribunal temple
that's it
im lynching every cat bastard I see in the slaver dens from now on
user upset he can never pleasure a girl as effectively and effortlessly as a khajit can
Barenziah is nothing more than a huge slut and the dunmers are fucking cucks for tolerating her
not as upset as they will be when I shove my deadric crescent up their cat anus and make it come out of their mouth
cause skyrim sucks
and porn mods make it worse
dunmer seething
>hate moving slow
>Not subscribing to REDGUARD and their BIG GREEN BAR
You fail at life.
House Hlaalu isn't shit in Morrowind anymore and the Argonians probably ended her line when they sacked Mournhold
>snakewoman with mammaries
>monster head not musume
>wearing snakeskin leathers
>partial amputee
The amount of degeneracy in this one picture is truly astounding.
he would shout him to pieces and re-claim the heart for the glory of Shor
I just go Breton but zweihander and conjuration. I might not be able to hit you, but my flame atronarch can
It's an argonian so obviously has a lizard head and isn't an amputee, you blind idiot.
you can see the arms throwing the cat through the snow
cat cock
I'm playing skyrim VR right now but this shit fucking crashes everytime I install a new mod.
Fuck you Todd!
This reads like some porn game I played once
literally the only acceptable race in every TES game is CHADMER
>Why yes I do plan on eradicating the degenerate empire using the Heart, how did you know?
Did the Dunmer bring it upon themselves though? I mean they worshipped Daedra and kept slaves.
I've jacked off to this when I was younger.
Nah, Oblivion gates and Vivic disappearing is what fucked them over.
they were simply on borrowed time.
Never thought of it like that. Might have to do that next time.
Reminds me of Dune but evil.
Is there any lore source that argonians actually conquered half of Morrowind and are still occupying it ? I though that only the southern swamps were took
Me too!
1st is teenage angst
the 2nd is reaching your late 20's, early 30's
Middle age and on is the 1st one again
>be Altmer Futa Dragonborn
>install sex mods
>Take her throne and have her imprisoned in Castle Dour dungeon
>Rape the High Queen of Skyrim on a daily basis
Because ill end up edging all day looking at my dickgirl dunmers big ass
>Why yes I did take power from the Heart in order to keep the Tribunal from misusing it, I had a promise to keep to my best friend.
Yeah and once a nigger invented something.
No way manjaw
What are some mods that allow you to directly enslave male and female Thalmor agents you find around Skyrim?
I want to roleplay as a Nord Thalmor hunter purging the land of (((their))) influence torturing and executing the men and keeping their women in bondage.
I'm a chad, how could you kill a chad? What a grand and intoxicating innocence,
That shout always made me wonder, like what the hell did the dragons ever use that for? Do you think back when the draugr were still people and the dragons ruled they would occasionally stop burning buildings, eating sacrifices, and what not to just stop, sit on a mountaintop somewhere and snipe-mock some clueless inferior mortal farmer as he spins about infuriated and confused?
Im 100% not shocked that Therris got executed by General Symmachus, he must have heard about this story
Simple Slavery
The game keeps crashing 3/4 of the way through and getting rid of mods makes it pointless.
t. bosmer
low test
What a retarded image
Ironic "lol i wanna die" meme bandwagoners are not in the same boat as nihilists
>misunderstanding the point of the image
Only retard here is you
Please share this bodyslidee
Just set the waist, hip, stomach sliders to like 400
I'm playing Morrowind and I still need to replay Oblivion.
A nihilist can take the form of pretty much anything. He can be depressed because of the objective meaninglessness of it all, go full Nietszchean and develop his own subjective morality and strive for the ubermenschen or go full hedonist and anything in between.
all TES games morrowind+ are best played as whatever minority would be most uncomfortable for the nation's people to acknowledge as their chosen one/savior/shezzarine
>t. smothered by moths
Unironic Khajit champion of Cyrodill
Merlets run in fear.
The furry races are by far the most hated there's zero khajiit in any cities
Because I already played it once on launch, and also tried starting a new game not too long ago and got bored after barely an hour into the game. The game is honestly not that good.
It's just so fucking tiring modding the game. Especially if you try to use it for sex stuff, these people couldn't make a readme to save their lives.
every time i've tried playing it, it always fucks up somehow and i literally cannot leave dungeons from the entrance or the exit without the game crashing, and every fix i've found doesnt do jack shit
They would send whispers of the N word over to Vvardenfell. It's the reason why dunmer are so irritable.
I never understood why people mod Skyrim to the point of being unrecognizable, I get that it's an ugly looking game, but a lot of the time it's modded to look like some kind of korean MMO, if you're in it for the porn just play an actual porn game then
people always say this, but show me a porn game with an actual game like skyrim in it.
Do you really want a game like Skyrim?
oh no he's cute
No thanks, I'd rather a Yarti or Chey.
Despite being only 2% of Skyrims population High elves populate upper society at a disproportionate rate
I've started playing this game and am having trouble getting into it.
Main thing troubling me is that I have no idea how to build my guy, all the choices when it comes to levelling and what weapons to equip is overwhelming.
Any pro-tips?
how could you tell?
Focus on a few skills early don't spread perks around to too many skills just 3 or 4
if i was a nord would i go to sovanguard for charging into enemies and dying on purpose as soon as possible?
intent matters. volunteering yourself for a suicidal charge and dying? sure. throwing yourself on a sword to get to sovengarde quicker? no dice senpai.
what if i look really hard to find some suicide mission that there is no way i could live from?
like leave el grande giant to me jarl
and i charge in with a woodcutters axe and rags
as long as you actually try to win and possibly survive you're good. do it half-heartedly hoping to die and you're fucked. you can't trick this mechanic.
always on just find yourself enb that is not so demanding
Hated that snow elves weren't playable
I imagine the more you achieve in life the more respected you are when you get there. Ysgramor and the nord heroes were bigshots compared to some randoms. You also need to be able to defeat Tsun or you're stuck outside.
Yes, not necessarily aesthetic wise in most people's cases, but in my case yeah. But again, there's not any other porn game with an ACTUAL GAME in them.
okay how about if i want to die but actually try really hard to win? since now that i think about it if i do somehow manager to slay a fucking giant with a woodcutters axe i'd probaley be called a fucking legend and get some kinda high rank so might as well give it the best
>ou also need to be able to defeat Tsun or you're stuck outside.
alright will lure him to edge and kick him off gg ez
where do the ones that don't get into sovangard go? also doesn't tsun just have to declare you worthy?
post more faggots
Niggers stole my laptop I worked so hard to buy. I even spent days modding this game
Recommend me some mods that make me want to play again.
What armor mod?
Amorous Adventures
High Elves were responsible for ending the Oblivion crisis you retarded monkey
wasn't it also a high elf who started it tho?
Underrated comment. It would have taken 1% effort and a short morning to have two extra lines of dialogue if you chose Altmer
>And who...are you?
>Step aside we need to sort this out at Solitude
Whether you like them or not, Orsimer are objectively the best race, they have an active ability that's actually useful.
Maybe if nights were actually dark instead of blue daytime people would consider night eye a good racial ability.
the only issue i see is that it insta locks you with the Imperials (not that it doesn't make sense but the part where you take shelter with ulfric would need to be recoded)
Your both implying that the Altmer character is associated with the Thalmor automatically. Maybe my Altmer dragonborn is a traveler who finally got to Skyrim and then caught by accident during the raid. Or an independant scholar who came to Skyrim to check out the College of Winterhold.
No one posted this yet? Alright
I've been playing as a Nord since Morrowind, I miss the 100% frost resistance.
You thought correctly. There's nothing to imply they advanced further than Mournhold before they were stopped by the Redoran, let alone up onto Vvardenfell. Mournhold wasn't even held by the Argonians and the Dunmer are back in the city by the time of Skyrim.
holy shit there's everything in there
i mean everyone and their mother already read that at least twice, id be surprised if someone hasn't
you get a shout if i remember right
Lydia was right
He's truly Faggotborn for not liking Argonian chicks
i mean lore wise the dragonborn probably did get mad pussy, if i was a chick id want to fuck the reincarnation of ysmir. hes the ultimate chad
>you only get random encounters when you don't fast travel
Fast travel was a mistake.
I really like talking about TES but holy shit it's boring to play. Imagine a game like this but with good combat (and far fewer Draugr dungeons, in Skyrim's case). Hot damn. Will anyone ever do it?
Why DOES Bethesda have essentially a monopoly on this style of game? With how shit recent games have been you'd think it'd be an extremely obvious grab for other companies.
I did rarely use fast travel, I played on the PS3 though and fast travel wasn't that much faster due to huge ass loading times and I simply wanted to explore the world.
Dragon's Dogma is a little similar but nowhere near as big in terms of number of dungeons, cities and map size
i wondered this too and i can only theorize
making a game like TES requires a massive amount of resources and years to make, bethesda makes it work because of brand recognition and it's kinda what they do nowadays so it always sells a fuckton every time.
that's all i can think of though, i really don't see why some company with enough money to back them up hasn't done it
Is Skyrim worth playing with gameplay altering mods? Or are waifu mods still the only saving grace this game has?
it is the only way to play it if you have already played skyrim before. There are tons of them, but it's hard to distinguish between bad and good and broken.
I kinda see Dragon's Dogma as more of a hub and spoke game than an open world RPG given most of the world is empty and there's no reason to go off-path. Even then, your ability to go off-path is very frequently limited by rocky walls and other such terrain. It never really feels like an open world game.
what the other user said, i feel like you can get a lot more enjoyment from the game with the right mods to spice up combat and enemy variety, just content in general.
personally i still get the itch to replay TES games, but nowadays after reinstalling>modding>uninstalling Skyrim for like 10 times I stop myself from redoing it again
the feeling will never come back, i drained that well a long time ago
Dragon Age was about to but they were bought by Bioware.
Closest we have is Dragon's Dogma and Witcher
Is ordinator still the perk overhaul mod of choice? Are there any spell packs with fun spells? Most of the big name shit like Apocalypse was just crap like "BIG BALL OF FUCKHUGE DAMAGE - MASS EFFECT ENDINGS EDITION".
I wanna summon a tidal wave and use sword magic to make it rain blades and have tornados flinging people through the air. Not cast a dozen different coloured balls of big damage. Maybe it just can't be done in gamebryo.
by EA*
fuck me.
I am, i'm playing an half-dragon trasforming character, male for once since i played too many females already. Yes this is vanilla graphics, i'm too scared of fucking up to install an ENB and other non-character graphic mod, which are also installed badly. Couldn't show the giant hands and thighs because i have no pants.
>Is ordinator still the perk overhaul mod of choice?
For me it is at least.
>Are there any spell packs with fun spells?
This new one is pretty good you should check it out: nexusmods.com
Not sure it has sword magic, but if I'm not mistaken there's a perk in ordinator that allows you to cast a spell from your weapon.
This should be canon, since afterward the Aldmeri Dominion would be forced to accept that mortals can come gods
desu we don't know what argonians are
I don't care if TES6 is shit, I'm still gonna play it day one.
>piss skins
>admitting they were wrong
pick one. they'd probably just have him killed on the sly eventually.
Fuck yes, replay value up the asshole. There needs to be a reason to play as each race, get Bethesda on the horn NOW
How can you kill a god, tho?
fairly easy when they're not actually a god.
Found this one today. When are we gonna see this killer VR app?
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
Open Cities
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Ars Metallica
Barrel Loot Rebalanced
Dr Bandolier
TheChoiceIsYours (Morrowind/Oblivion style class creation at start of game)
Immersive Citizens
Immersive Patrols
Immersive Sounds
Immersive Followers
Simply Faster Arrows
I always figured that if I ever mod God's sister I'd craft her spine into a spear of biblical proportions and it would be powerful enough to dethrone God. Obviously this plan necessitates that God's sister is not omnipotent.
>Open Cities
fuck this gabage
Dagoth Ur
Interesting NPCs is pretty good too
He's the dude who replaces Sebille if you torch her leech ass.
Literally all it does is remove the console limitation
The cities were all implemented into the world map on a 1:1 scale for a reason, but consoles couldn't handle it.
Yeah and fucks the Civil War and other city changing storylines by messing with instances. Get fucked man. It adds too little and asks too much.
Because i’ve did a marathon to finish it in an unarmed run
Took me all night, now i’m Resting
If you have Skyrim fulled loaded mod-wise and graphically open cities is just a giant problem, not compatible with city overhauls either.
Scrap all that gay shit and just use Requiem with Complete Crafting Overhaul.
You must have been running an older version, the build I have uses the interior cell versions of the cities during Civil War battles
Nah it's a common issue. And like the other guy said it also doesn't fit with other actually useful and immersive overhaul mods. The whole thing is a cluster fuck and for what? Eliminating a 2 second load screen? Nah man. It aint worth it.
I've completed the Civil War storyline a half dozen times with Open Cities and never once had an issue. You definitely used an outdated version, or you heard about the problem from someone using an outdated version.
Also I like riding my horse right into the city and I've never felt the need to install any city overhaul mods, so doesn't affect me.
>it doesn't affect me so it doesn't happen >:((((
smooth brain take desu. the mod is worse than worthless really, it's an active detriment.
"The dragonborn?! What does HE want?"
Finally finished this huge ass mod list.
Added a few mods to make Cicero, Miraak, and Ulfric female. Any other good female mods?
t.Altmer loyalist
Sure, of course, the exact same mod that I'm using, loads ME into the interior cell cities during Civil War battles, but it just breaks the quest for other people, yeah sounds legit.
When did you try the mod? 2013? AFAIK the Civil War patch has been integrated since at least 2015.
I never understood how the Elder Scrolls games work, in the fact that you stray off the path you instantly run across some creature, bandit, or crazy mage.
How is the common man meant to survive day to day? For civilization to prosper you need to make things safe but a trader walking from one town to the next wouldn't stand a chance.
Everyone fast travels between towns to avoid bandits and monsters.
If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads! The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra...
>mfw finally got sexlab working
how can you guys keep playing this normally. I cant go a few steps without raping someone or letting myself get raped.
>letting myself get raped.
y tho. the rape shit is dumb anyway. just get AA and cuck the country.
This is me with WW and Sims 4. I used to actually spend time legitimately progressing through careers and now I just fap and get bored until the next fap.
every fucking spoiler on this site makes me scared ill get a visit from the police, goddamn fucking FUCK YOU
The scale of the world is completely wrong in-game, because obviously they couldn't make hundreds of square miles of terrain, so it's hard to make sense of things like that. The population of most towns is a few dozen when it should be 100-1000 times that, and distances are likewise incredibly compressed. So in the 'lore' version of the world there's probably a much greater distance between the safe areas and the monster-infested areas, and there are more travellers and guards on the roads to maintain order between cities. That's actually one thing Witcher 3 did well, making the world 'true-scale', but they could only do that by dividing it into multiple separate maps.
there's no need to be scared friend, unless you posted or saved it
This sounds like the backstory of some NPC.
Its not illegal in any way. But the guy that made it is probably on his way to prison.
Because even mods can't fix that piece of shit.
I'd rather just mod the shit out of Fallout 4. At least the base gameplay is fun enough and everything else, including the abhorrent "plot", can be modded the fuck out.
not my proudest fap
>How do you do Nords of Skyrim, it is I, the Dragonborn.
I dunno man, Im replaying to right now with the intent of actually finishing the main story, but I just followed a ghost outside a tomb north of Morthal and it led me to his grave where he had some pretty decent loot. Gotta say, it sparked joy.
There is something off with that picture.
Game He?
Kinda close.
>that sad looking Nord in the background staring into his food wondering where it all went wrong
Neloth is the only good character in all of Skyrim prove me wrong
miraak is a cool guy also
I'm gonna need the mod list.
everyone stays on the roads
>plastic backpacks
>modern clothes
If you're going to be a degenerate do it right
>letting myself get raped
God I wish, I have /ss/ mods downloaded and even They Can't Leave Them Alone but I've yet to get assaulted even once by a female NPC, I hate it
Shame he is an imposter.
Imagine if the whole game felt as complete as Dragonborn.
According to Bethesda no. She'd get dominated no problem.
>young dragonborn
no shit, that's like sending them to kill a god after they just killed their first dragon at the western watchtower. by the end of Skyrim and it's DLCs the Last Dragonborn has like three elder scrolls in their possession and a whole arsenal of reality warping shouts to dick Dagoth down.
>dagoth ur
post the mod list faggot
i do some extremely gay roleplay where my high elf is disgraced by his people for being a half breed from noble stock. I use body edit mods to make him more masculine and give him nordic features.
i then just become a vampire lord
is there a way to make WICO actually fucking work these days. I like what it does to elves a lot but fuck, just seeing one npc thats using stock models or a black head would force me to put a complete stop to the game until I figure out how to fix it
>i do some extremely gay roleplay
>i then just become a vampire lord
every time
was it at least good?
Give up, it's not worth the trouble. WICO is either "Works On My Machine™" or the first thing you should uninstall to fix the majority of the issues in your mod list.
Just install Total Character Makeover and HD textures for vanilla hair and beards (no animu replacers, these are even more fucked), these mods only edits textures and meshes so not only they will safely modify absolutely everything in the game, they also don't have broken plugins full of retarded edits and mistakes, like inverting the texture path for faces and eyes and turning every brenton vampire into a nigger.
Is it the strap on scene? Man I need more of those
Is present day Summerset a literal Altmer ethnostate?
because dragons dogma is better
I would assume yes, with the exception of Artaeum because the Thalmor literally cannot hope to overpower them.
Is Artaeum still in the Summerset Isles ? I thought it was in space or some daedric plane
I loved the combat mechanics of dragons dogma so much. I just didn’t like the game as a whole and it really bums me out. If I could somehow merge those mechanics into elder scrolls I would be happy. I’d also want the structure of Morrowind... but I realize that is impossible.
So many Skyrim threads lately, must mean a drought in recent releases.
Dark Messiah > Dragon's Dogma
There has been at least one Skyrim thread up since 11/11/11.
It disappears and reappears, and during Skyrim it's indeed gone despite the fact that Psijic monks can somehow reach you.
Is there a game that Yea Forums is more tsundere towards than Skyrim?
I played with Seasons of Skyrim ENB on yesterday and my GPU starting shitting itself and making scary noises. Recommend me a lighter ENB I can leave on while playing pls
Skyrim only gets talked about because of the hyper autistic modding scene. Almost any problem Yea Forums has or had with Skyrim can be modded away. I doubt there is anyone alive today who willingly plays and enjoys vanilla Skyrim.
You should clean your PC and check if any of the coolers are fucked, certain kinds of noises means more than just "uninstall ENB pls".
I dont recall him talking about the Thalmor
The altmer are mortal enemies to the heirs of Lorkhan. We must genocide all of them and their vile ways. Only then can we have our 72 virgin khajit, argonian, dunmer etc harems.
The altmer did the void night as well as create the oblivion crisis. They are known for creating problems and “fixing” problems in an effort to weaken and destroy men. They truly are the Jews of elder scrolls
>the Jews of elder scrolls
Nords unironically don’t have souls
I feel like the imperials are more jew like in nature
god I want a dunmer mommy so bad
I wonder who could be behind this post
Ate they any good female dark elf followers in skyrim?
I don't like the one in the college of winterhold.
I want a curly haired pale skin dwemer gf so bad.
Yeah, imperials feel like the jew class to me as well. They even have a money bonus, and an illusion-like racial skill.
Jenassa gang
There's Jenassa at the drunken huntsman in whiterun and also that one from the shrine of azura. You need to go azura's star route to get her as a follower though.
Where can you find her?
Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun.
drunken huntsman in whiterun
Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun
Well that explains why I never seen her, I only ever gone in there like once.
Recommend me some good lewd armor and clothing mods.
so which god do you want to bang the most
Any good belly inflation mods?
Looks like the gman from half life
Of course not.
He's a god.
How can you kill a god?
She was fine until she started spouting socialist nonsense.
By the time she finished her spiel the axe blow was landing.
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (google it)
>belly inflation mods
what the fuck user thats based
Post more pics
Anybody gonna answer us?