Attached: A Lot of Disappointment.png (1366x768, 209K)

Play 0% growths, you'll never be disappointed with level-up gains

If you don’t like him, don’t use him. Use Ward instead if you’re such a fucking whiner.

I enjoyed normal mode a lot, but fuck hard mode.

Alternatively, you’re probably on Chapter 8x or so by this point, so just bench Lot and focus on your other units. You get two good substitute axe users pretty soon, or rather one good and one REALLY good.

>Using Fighters in the GBA games
Its all about them cavs, m8.

Attached: Kent levl 19.png (722x478, 32K)

>8 defense
Lel your Kent sucks

>using fighters in GBA games
>Using non mounted units

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Dude just cheatengine that shit.

I whould not stop enjoing a game because chinks thinking that NRG and Grinding are fun.

>Its all about them cavs, m8.
Until you hit a desert map and spend 50 turns just trying to reach your destination.

Fliers and mages

>He can't enjoy a game with an organic challenge
>He can't adapt and think on his feet
>He resets whenever a character dies

I bet you grind at the arena faggot

Attached: ShitHasBeenLost.jpg (640x480, 48K)

>joshua is good you guys!
>get a joshua with like 10str at max level

You know, if you hold alt gr you will only capture the current window to the screenshot, dude.

Seriously? Everytime I use him, almost all his stats get maxed.

I was told i got amazingly shit growths with him. He seriously could not do anything.

No, I just Cheat engine the thing and fix the broken grow rates of the game, I also fix the shitty exp gain in other RPG (in FE is fine) so I dont grind levels almost never, just with the encounters while I resolve the dungeon puzzles/maze is enough to fight the boss.

>If you're not playing it my way, you're playing it wrong.
No fun allowed, right?

I only had that with guy with 12 str at level 20/5. It pained me, but I had to bench me.
Joshua always turned out really well though. His str growth pretty good for a myrmidon to begin with.

Play it like you want user, but you gotta realize at its core FE is a game with RNG statups, hit percentages and permadeath. My favorite FE games push this mindset where you are constantly thinking about longterm investment of your EXP, what units to focus on and how to take risks in the safest way possible.

Shaving off that stuff just seems like removing the fun and unique stuff the series actually offers

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>First the girl, now this. Today really isn't my lucky day.
I guess Joshua was really not kidding when he said he was down on his luck.

>I whould not stop enjoing a game because chinks thinking that NRG and Grinding are fun
Fucker, people do literal 0% growth runs. You can easily play FE even without favorable levels or grinding.

That shit just makes me stress to death, personally. Particularly when you don't know what other units you will get further in the game, nor what advanced classes you can evolve into and when.

Why? What's the point in minmaxing a blind playthrough?

You picked the fast one, you knew what you were getting into.

The only axe user worth using in that game is Gonzalez the retard. Just abuse Dieck, Rutger and Lugh and you'll beat the game just fine. Kent's good too.

>I cant just grind to win and need to actually use some strategy so its bad
FE6 exposes the FE fanbase as people who deserve games like awakening and three houses. anyone that was mad about those games being casualized who also shat on this game for being too hard (sorry, "too annoying") is a jackass

>spent a fucking long time and XP to level up an archer.
>get two archers of the same level next map, making you kind of lose the XP invested.
I'm talking a bit out of my ass, but this is the kind of shit that sometimes happened to me.

>That shit just makes me stress to death, personally.
there are dozens and dozens of srpgs that don't have these things, have you considered playing them instead of ruining what makes FE unique?

But I'm shitting on fates/awakening while loving FE6.

Chances are those two archers are shit anyway. Just take what you like and roll with it. Or do ironman and take what you get and roll with it.

That mechanic makes me play the same team the whole game because I don't want to lose XP.

>Implying Conquest isn't peak FE

It's really not

FE6 isn't even hard though. FE5 on the other hand is pretty difficult.

exactly. if you want to use the exact same team and raise them over time, there are much better srpgs you could be playing that are focused on this.

for example (and this isn't the only example), any final fantasy tactics game where you have actual depth in building characters beyond "I use 1-2 weapon types and have 1-2 passive abilities"

Yes, but I didn't know that before playing FE for some time.

>FE6 isn't even hard though.
*a unit of cavaliers spawns behind you and moves in the same turn, one shotting your vulnerable units*

nothing personal kiddo

People also do level 1, naked, +0 dagger, runs in dark souls.

So if Dark souls the drop rates where astronomical and you don get any armor, weapon or exp in your run that whould be ok because some people can beat the game like that?

Never happened to me. The hardest it ever got was some dracoknight spam near the end of the game but Rutger solo'd them.

>FE6 isn't even hard though. FE5 on the other hand is pretty difficult.
fe6 was hard because it has really tough enemies and easy to miss requirements for the true ending
fe5 was 'hard' because it had a bad translation patch, but now there's a new one so it's really not hard

That would probably make dark souls better since the difficulty is ruined when you can spam r1 and chug estus to beat any boss

I played the new FE5 translation patch. It's still way harder than FE6 can ever hope to be. I had a pretty easy time with FE6. People overrate its difficulty simply because FE7/8 are braindead easy in comparison.

Did you play on normal mode?

>maxxed out Support
>character says "Don't die until then"
>other character get crit'd at the start of the enemy

It was amazingly shit. Everyone in SS should easily max most if not all of their stats. Low caps are a much more limiting factor than their growths.

I played on whatever the standard difficulty is, which is what I did for every other entry in the series. For me the only difficult games in the series are 5, Radiant Dawn and Conquest.

>Making you kind of lose the XP invested
Every FE game gives you a shit load of XP so you can afford to waste some, you should pick characters you like to use, even prepromotes because even those characters are fine.

Also stop seeing your units as XP bags and see them for their use. Don't see the archer as the 30XP he got from killing a unit but as someone that removed a threat. FE is generous as hell for XP

Yeah, but why are you defending a mechanic that discourages using different teams? Why not give every character in your bench some bonus XP between matches like they were "Training" so they stay viable even if you don't use them until the last game?
Boom, I fixed your shitty games shitty unfun mechanic.

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XP for nothing is cancer on most games.

This is why old FEs are shit. It's hilarious whenever boomers try to say that Awakening ruined the series when it was so shit to begin with.

FE6 isn't hard though

That makes sense then. FE5's difficulty is slightly above average for a normal mode but it's much less than a hard mode, let alone maniac, or lunatic. Typically when people talk about difficult entries in the series they refer to the hardest setting because that's what always gives the best experience.

FE6 is just a notoriously bad FE, where you are basically forced to either use one or more of the not shit units, or else reset your run around chapter 20. Playing it blind to maps is one thing, but playing it blind to "rutger and minerva are the only units that matter" is a reset.

He ties Barth for def, he's not supposed to end on 7 at 13
RNG fuuuuuucked you up man

How do you beat high defense enemies then?

Use the strong characters that join later + strong weapons

Use your local Jeigan

Attached: seth.png (500x473, 409K)

FE6 is especially hard in the beginning where enemies need up to 3 hits to die. Later is goes down a little. Also on hard mode basically every character with a hard mode bonus seems really good. You can probably play it blind because these will make the game so much easier.

The FE that's really against blind runs or ironman runs where you have to use certain characters seems to be Conquest to me.

Any fire emblem romhack that adds fixed stat growths? Random growths are bullshit because they either make the game too easy or too hard and it keeps pissing me off

Pretty much any char that doesn't wield an Axe is viable.

>Over half the units having horrible growths, bases, or both is okay
FE6 sucks dick man don't defend that game design

have you seen his average stats? hes fucking garbage regardless, just use bartre if you want a warrior that badly.

>Why yes, I'm a Thunder mage, how could you tell?

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why dont you like hardmode?
just try one game of permadeath without planning ahead who you will use. usually when i do this i end up with an elite group of 5-6 monster units who end up getting most of my resources. you also plan out chapters ahead of time and seeing plans come to fruition instead of playing by ear or relying on rng is one of the best feelings in this game.

>half the units have horrible bases
not being percival doesnt mean you have bad bases and you just dont know how to make the most out of filler units.

fe6 hard mode is another animal because enemies get 10 levels of hard mode bonuses for the first like 8 maps or whatever then just retain their normal hard mode bonus levels to scale with the chapter. this makes you end up with stuff like 14 def fliers and 13 speed mercs super early in the game.

Yeah Lot's actually one of the better non mounted axe users in 6. If he doesn't shit the bed he's like an armor knight that can move, speed and movement wise. I had one that turned out amazingly in a failed ironman run (probably should have scouted out Bartre's chapter beforehand, those stupid castle reinforcements) and he's a powerhouse meme in a jap player's playthrough

Based Kentdowner

i believe there is a way to make path of radiance play with average stats but incase im wrong theres a gba patch called average stats patch that does what you think it does.

i see your lot and raise you my ike

Attached: we like ike.png (1001x729, 1013K)

>Discourages using different teams
Most of my playthrough I use up to 20 different units and most games have like 30. You're obsessing over minmaxing XP in a game that's already super generous handing them out. Use characters you like and if they aren't doing as well as you'd like, replace them with someone else even if that unit is underleveled which will always work out unless they are sword locked since they'll have no access to ranged.
Use prepromotes as an option as well, only shitters think they're useless when they can be the most """XP""" units in the game

Not him, but I've never found the FE6 hard mode early game to be quite as good as people often say it is. You tend to end up with situations like chapter 4 and chapter 7 where your turn 2 essentially requires that you land five or six 50-70% accuracy attacks back to back and if you miss even a single one, you lose an indispensable unit because the enemy will just move around your defensive formation an hit your healer.

Also hard mode late game tends to fall into the same map design flaw as normal mode where your best option is to move one or two guys forward and have them facetank a large group of powerful enemies, except in hard mode you're just slightly more likely to have to reset. One of the best midgames in the series though, hands down.

the thing is you probably rely on your player phase too much and dont consider a more turtley approach. i have the same problem where i have to rely on a javelin or a bow hit with bad rates so i tend to try and take less risks that i know will have a unit die if they fail and deal with the fallout of my passiveness when it comes to get me next player phase.

What are the good gba romhacks for FE?
I heard about TLP being funny if nothing else, and I saw Nigger playing tacthack which looked decent.

That would make low-manning or even one-manning most maps even more optimal, since your benched units would be getting a fixed amount of XP each, while your fielded units would always simply divide the fixed amount of XP presented on the map. So essentially, more units on the bench would mean more total XP in general.

>chance to reset
>your best option
If there's a chance to reset it doesn't sound like a very good option

>Playing in widescreen
>Still has bloat pinned to taskbar

You're absolutely right, but when the enemies are large swaths of powerful, high-movement fliers who start on top of impassable terrain, and get replaced with same-turn reinforcements for three back to back turns after they move, and the map terrain prevents you from setting up a viable defensive wall to prevent more than one from hitting your squishier units, you start having to plan your strategy around lowest chance of failure, rather than highest chance of success. Having done chapter 21 using the strategy where you just fly and warp your units over the mountains to avoid the reinforcements, you STILL get put in a position where a bunch of units have to dodge a bunch of attacks or you lose. Also if you want to avoid Galle's squad's rear-end same-turn surprise, the entire map essentially comes down to a single Rutger crit.

Just in Binding Blade I'm not a fan of it. I don't like the campy playstyle where you're hugging onto Marcus's nuts.

Are we sharing blessed/RNG fucked units?

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This is with energy drops applied

Attached: Fire Emblem 8 - Noodle Arms.png (240x160, 22K)

How is that even strategy at that point. That just sounds like luck.

It's been year since I last played FE6HM but I don't recall ever having to risk death. You have quite a few turns to complete that chapter and you should have some powerful units trained up. You have plenty of S-rank weapons that deal effective damage and even with just hand axes you should be able to kill dracoknights pretty easily. I'm not so sure rutger is worth using there.

I'll admit I'm a brainlet, if you have a strategy that avoids the dracoknight reinforcements and keeps your back lines safe from Galle all while never risking death on a single unit, I am all ears and happily to take back everything I just said, my man.

use gonzales you baboon

>8 defense
lmao might as well use lyn

I'm not criticizing you. I only played normal mode for FE6 but I remember this chapter pretty well. I pretty much depended on Rutger's crit rate to eliminate most of the reinforcements, without him it would have ended up with most of my units slaughtered. If it's that much worse on hard mode how the fuck does one prevent that endless fucking swarm of wyvern riders.

>always gba threads
>never ds
b-but h5 is fun guys!!!

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Better movement and access to 1-2 range.

Jeigan is a piece of shit, and its possible to kill him by accident in the first 7-8 chapters because FE1: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi
Mostly because defence scaling for troops isn't as extreme as its in later games.

Its the same across all the games.
Just powerlevel some better units to clear out the map.

do you want to talk about about the ds games? lets talk about how ugly the battle animations are

they have to be the most ugly in all fire emblem, even the snes ones have more aesthetic

Literally like I said, you realize that the reinforcements are zone-based rather than turn-based and rather than marching your units around the mountains and triggering the wyvern riders and paladins, you rescue drop your units over the center of the mountains and clear out the enemies who start around there. Then you get Niime and Roy over there, clear them a path, and warp Rutger into the temple with an armorslayer and pray that one of his two attacks crits on Murdock. if he doesn't, reset the map, Galle is going to show up, and Rutger is probably going to die to the mages in the throne room anyway. After that, you dance for Niime, warp Roy onto the seize point, and you're done.

They're passable, has it's own charm from it's rotoscoping/high 'tweens
DS games brought the best quality of life changes for FE

H5 is fun because it's all about abusing the OP shit that the ds version added. Forged wing spear and ballistae are silly.

Have you tried just killing the enemies?

H5 Shadow Dragon is really fun to break wide open, yeah. I don't mean that as a bad thing either, there's something cathartic about warping General Sedgar north in chapter 8 with an inventory full of javelins and having him stumble back south with 25 defence. 10-range units who can move and have effective weapons against fliers are a treat you don't get anywhere else, as well.

FE12, on the other hand, at least on its highest difficulties, is a bit too "you have precisely one set of actions for the entire map that will lead to your victory, everything else is a reset" for me. Maniac was fun though. I wish there was a way to play it with maniac enemy stats, but lunatic troop placements and dragon ranges.

>you have precisely one set of actions for the entire map that will lead to your victory, everything else is a reset
I'd be okay with that, the issue is that those situations are dependent on your random growths and/or on connecting with several sub-99% hit rate attacks. Whereas FE11 H5 can be beaten with 0% growths even when playing ironman mode.

Its fe6. You only have so many units that are capable of killing enemies.

Turtling through that map makes it one of the most boring chapters in the series, not to mention infuriating what with that ONE killer lance wyvern rider tucked into every band of reinforcements. I'll give you that I might be being a bit critical by insisting on that maneuver at the end to avoid Galle (all I'd really have to do is spend a few turns getting all my units over the mountains and it would be fine), but you are absolutely meant to go over the mountains at the beginning.

The main reason I've never gotten more than five chapters into lunatic is that I'm mortified that I'll get to the last chapter with a Marth who's been speed-screwed to the point that I can't get his speed to 25 by any means. As far as I know, if you don't have somewhere to the tune of 20k gold just sitting around on-hand, your game is basically unwinnable at that point, isn't it?

At that point you should have a lot of units capable of killing enemies.

If you know the trigger zones you can comfortable move across them without spawning more enemies. Even if you don't, they're not nearly as dangerous as you make them seem. Miledy can tank an entire group and either kill them or soften them up so the rest of your units can finish them.
Looking at the map I think you can go south then shuffle your units across the mountains to the right.

what games do hard mode right?
im doing a maniac run on RD and having a really good time overall, i still think FE6 hard mode is probably the best experience i had playing fire emblem

>12 Speed
Much more important than the str.

>Until you hit a desert map
Yes, that single desert map is such a massive problem.

>you can comfortable move across them without spawning more enemies
OH, I thought that even moving through the zone would trigger the enemies, and never tested that because flying over the mountains seemed doable. I'll remember this for sure for my next playthrough.

Thinking about playing FE6 on my flash cart soon. Any tips? I played it years ago but never finished it, and did pretty poor.

Conquest lunatic, fe6hm, and fe11h5

Download a save file so you can play on hard mode.
Use marcus and zealot as needed to get through the early game.
Don't miss any of the gaiden chapters or let anyone die while holding a legendary weapon.

most gaidens are hardly missable, the only one you can truly miss is 16x

You can try Conquest if you want. Higher difficulties tend to avoid giving any enemies extra stats, giving them new abilities instead. The thing about Conquest is that the design philosophy of that game is so fundamentally different from the rest of the series that people who like it tend to have a fairly low opinion of the rest of the series as a whole, since Conquest's maps feel more like puzzles than actual tactical challenges.

Another option is FE12. Even hard is decently challenging, maniac is ball busting, and lunatic/lunatic reverse are legitimately insane.

In either case, skip every cutscene as you play.

Nah in an ironman run it's quite likely that losing a single unit will fuck you over. E.g. losing zealot in ch7 -> no ch20x

Are all the 3ds ones fun for someone that never played any other game from the series?I was thinking of emulating the 3ds ones by release date

There's one 3ds game that's only enjoyable if you're a big fan of the series and the other games are just plain bad. But it depends on your taste, some people like bad games.

>spend 15 turns killing the first boss with javelins
wow what a great game.

The 3DS games all have major problems, I would definitely consider them the lowpoint of the series (which is ironic considering they are the most successful). I'd say Fates Conquest is at least worth playing for the decent gameplay and maps and Echoes has a lot of good in it if you can stomach all the leftover shit design from Gaiden they didn't clean up.

FE12 reverse lunatic is some of the stupidest shit I've ever played. The prologue feels fucking unbeatable, the fucking prologue

cq hard mode was pretty comfy, lunatic is a real mathfest just spec-ing out 1rko with messhall/tonics/pair ups, not my cup of tea. fe 6 hard mode is pretty fun but lances suck ass and make up the majority of good units in the game so you always have 80-60 hit rates until western isles. new mystery is a solid game regardless of gamemode besides lunatic reverse but get ready to reset a lot. radiant dawn is pretty good but the bexp nerf and the enemy range being removed makes the game objectively worse. still a good challenge. im enjoying birthright hard mode rn but fuck me if berserker spam doesnt get disgusting at the end of the game.

awakening is a great starting point but its also a good mid point since it references the entire series over the course of the game. i think you should start on gba or awakening.

Awakening will be pretty fun for you as a beginner. There are at least two FEs on the GBA that are easy to get into, 7(Blazing Blade) and 8. From there you could try Fates-Birthright if you want an easier, more of the same or Fates-Conquest if you want some good hard maps, an insanely stupid story and then some pretty bad maps to finish. But Awakening is a perfectly cromulent game. It's best to play them and try them yourself and then maybe some older FEs, I like both types but a lot of ancient FE grognards will never forgive the series for becoming successful by pandering to waifufags. They then unironically discuss their favorite waifus because every FE has waifufags. Older FEs aren't immune to problems as well and while they can have entertaining story beats the average FE can be dumbed down to "Evil Man/Dragon bad, warrior descended from nobility beat them up." I've found only Fates to really push the stupidity too far(Conquest is fucking insane, it bleeds over into the 3rd part, the justification for children units is crazy.)

Honestly the 3DS titles just made the Support mechanic a lot more direct and intuitive. It's very easy to play older Fire Emblems and not realize the it exists at all.

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I think growth rates should all be fixed like how they did it in Fates Lunatic Conquest Mode.

Attached: fire-emblem-fates-revelation-dlc-0012 (1).jpg (400x481, 78K)

i think you misunderstand. fates decides your level ups for every character after the avatar is created, it doesnt make your unit grow strictly to their average stats. for example the game could decide your silas just doesnt get hp for the first 6 levels well an average stats or fixed growths rom would give him hp every 2 levels because of his 50% growth

That would change absolutely nothing. Conquest lunatic growth rates work the same as every other game unless you're playing with resets. It just rolls your level-ups when you start the game.

Radiance has fixed growths mode as an option, where your growth rates are basically a point system as you level up.

that is my bad, I thought they were fixed based on their growth rates.

They should do that though for a future game.

They did that in fe9

>Broke: 0% Growths
>Woke: Negative Growths

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Geese > Gonzalez


It's beyond me too, shit's insane. It's meant for people who have played every other game in the series to the point that they can do them all with their eyes closed. The prologue chapters are still tutorials, but rather than how to move and attack, they're teaching you how to manipulate the enemy AI.

How come they never bothered after gameboy games to give Generals that chain that link their axes/spears to their hand? I thought it was a nice feature.

Attached: General_animation.gif (115x58, 31K)

I want to use geese more but on hard mode he's just so underpowered it's ridiculous

Less of a glass cannon, less babysitting.

It was a pragmatic decision to get rid of the walking animation in combat. It looks cool, but it wastes so much time.
So if you get rid of walking, the 5 ton monstrosity in pure ironclad can become snappy, which is important once you have to fight generals.

Attached: Fire_Emblem_AXE_general_pixels.gif (136x78, 71K)

Geese has two less speed and 10 less hp and he gets weighed down by axes that don't do anything to gonzalez

>play Sacred Seth
thanks Seth

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Tbf i think dagger has 150 crit is actually pretty dope

Sl1 ghost dagger GANG we out there

>Caring about Growths, in FE6

Fuck off Pleb. You clearly do not know how to beat FE6

>all these niggers shitting on FE6 because its hard
kek as expected from Yea Forumstards

>mekkah says growths dont matter so i have to parrot his opinion or else ill look like a bad fe player

In the lore his wound still affects him and yet he's still the most broken unit in the game, if he didn't got hurt the man would have probably prevented the entire story in a few turns.

Fe6 is a shit game with stupid, innexact RNG (Low 70's-60's consistently with a bugged rng with a 1/1Millon% chance of a guaranteed miss), Same fucking siege obejective except for the real final map (proving they could have added "kill boss" maps);long, tedious "bonus maps", so many fucking pointless chest and a giant pool of shit units that never become good. Thrachia is way harder but even after the Bullshit "Nothing is guaranteed" from the game, you can at the very least build your units however you want. Fe6 is a giant fucking slog to play and it prooves that losing Kaga made the franchise go from great to meh (all until Awakening "saved" it ).

DS3 dagger is one of the best weapons because its simply the fastest.
In DS1 its meh unless it involves a fuckton of Resine or Magic.

Jagged Ghost Blade > Ghost Blade too.
Ghost Blade is a piece of shit with no damage.

Attached: Dark_Souls_dailyhollow.png (679x632, 253K)

I like the theory that the reason he jobbed to Valter is because he was "rescuing" Eirika so he had stat penalties and then panicked by grabbing the first weapon he saw, a steel sword.

>fire emblem experts: growths don't matter
>also fire emblem experts: behold my amazing 0% growths strategy with a 0.2% chance of success
You seriously don't see anything strange about this?


I Don't Listen to sand I know he is not one people. Apart from Mekkah, Dondon (a well known 0% growths player) says that in FE6 growths are not that great in the game and you will have a much easier time playing with optimal strats such as using your prepromotes. For me personally, Growths are a bonus and not the intended way to play (Unless if Said character has a

holy shit what shitty rolls you got. Only 10 str on level 17? Fuck that shit. At least this game has the option of removing the retarded rng growth once you beat it.

You need to go back.


I only shit on people who think FE6 is the only difficult game in the series. Also it has a shitty story.

>3DS/Switch FE thread
>Literally just waifuposting and Edelbaiting
>Pre-3DS FE thread
>Oxford scholars discussing the means by which they beat their games with RNG fuckery/0% growths
Where did it all go wrong?

Attached: disgust.jpg (256x287, 17K)

FE6 character guide

>God-tier early-game

>Dancer tier

>The Meme Team


>Good tier

Full-price Hugh
Thea on hard mode


The rest, which is a lot
Honorable mention to Juno who sucks shit but can be helpful by doing flyer things

>0.2% strategy
Who has ever mention such low odds ever? LTC players may encounter such low odds but they usually optimize their strategies for high success rate. They also row for low odds because they want to know what is the fastest way to beat the game with just base stats,characters, anything else that is guaranteed instead of safely playing the game like casual/average players. Sometimes, you can turtle the shit out of many maps(Thrachia Prison chapter is heavily trivialized if you just wait over 50 turn to Block reinforcements) in the series to have high success rate.

>Where did it all go wrong?
GBA fags

Fuck Roy.

That's just your Average Colm. He is decent but will not stand out as a assasin compared to Joshua or Marisa. You should make him to a rouge if you want to keep stealing or Just Recruit Rennac for your thief.

When Kaga left Intelligent Systems

yup roy is in trash tier because he is trash

God I wish that were me.

Is he the protagonist?

tips for fe6: promote early nigger
this is a game where early promotion has very few downsides and a fuckton of upsides
Rutger gets the first Hero's Crest immediately for +30 crit
Milady promotes immediately
Shanna wants +2 strength asap
Saul wants that juicy staff rank

Hell yeah.

It's possible to go overboard on raising scrubs but if you want to optimize your success rates you should go with a mixture of relying on strong units and feeding a 'growth' unit or two to help out in the lategame. Even in low turn count runs you can think about how best to distribute exp to benefit your team.
ask this guy

You can turtle the thracia prison chapters, you can do a suicide run through the thracia prison chapters, but if you're trying to 1) beat the game and 2) get the best ranking you will have to use a more nuanced strategy to avoid death while going fast.

I don't know if it's just me, but when I make him a Swordmaster, he usually cap almost all his stats and the man would be capable of dodging his own suicide, on the other hand, whenever I make him an Assassin, I have a lot of trouble keeping him alive making his one-shot ability not really useful.

I meant Joshua.

Colm can't become a Swordmaster. Only a Knifemaster.

Yeah I meant Joshua, sorry, I removed the sentence at the beginning somehow.

Shin is excellent, sue is shit
And you forgot cecilia

>Does not Put Cecilia In Decent Tier
She has better Staff and Tome rank than what Clarine could have at this point. She is only seen as bad because the chapter she joins him is a shit chapter for her and she ca survive 1 hit unlike clarine that needs to dodge to survive.

Also Cecilia is Hot Teacher Waifu and is a free promotion, she has Bonus point for that.

Oh yeah, Joshua is a damn beast as a Swordmaster.

13x is fucking obnoxious to get to if you want to do all the shit in 13

Growths are alright. They're a part of the game and save you money on statboosters/forges when you're dealing with really tight benchmarks, but in general, your strategy should be reliable enough with characters as they are.
FE12 Reverse Lunatic is pretty based.

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I usually max out the assassins. I use every stat booster on them and give them demon swords and let them counter crit everything that approaches them. feels good.

This is all for me, so imma go in segments

I play the games normally raising growths units in the beggining and those that I want to grow I keep till the very end ir until they look terrible. A growth unit will eventually turn good but any unit with enough focus will become good. The difference is that some start great while others take time to become great and it harder difficulties, they can only become great through spoonfeeding kills. In LTC, You spoonfeed kills to try to early promote a character, to get a certain skill from a level, or to get +1 to every stat if it is a 100%/Cieling Growths run.

Dondon Does not use extremely low Odds unless if it is needed to save a turn. He sometimes mentions alternate strates that could either cost him a turn or be more reliable in certain situations but he also mentions when he gets lucky in the footage or not.

Turtling or not, the prison chapter is not that hard. The many reason people struggle with the last room is because they make unoptimal plays (or because it is their first run and they just got hit hard with the surprize). The fastest way is to have you play with RNG with the final room to get the LTC.

>3% chance to die
Not reliable enough


You think that's bad, earlier in the game, there's this entire section where nearly every enemy is carrying a forged killer weapon, so every time you enter combat, there's usually around a 10% chance that your unit just dies.

It's only reliable if your character have 100% crits, 4x attacks, 100% hit, maxed out damage, while the enemy is wounded, 0% hit, 0 damage, 0% crit, tied up to a chair and trying to kill itself.

Joshua is the best Sword user and his growths are very balanced overall with low Defense and Resistance. Swordmaster is the better class and assasins are pretty crap unless if you really like the Instakill crit (but Crits usually means dead unit).Swordmaster also have higher crit too BTW so Assasin is pretty much the worse class for him.

Just like any fallen Yea Forums subcommunity, you can handle a group of shitters while it is the worst part of your community, but once there is something worse than them, good people are too busy defending against the new threat and the old shitters take over. In the case of FE, after the release of Fates, GBAfags took over.

Ross says hi

The game has Savepoints, so you can easily RNG abuse until you have the Best Outcome.

Ross should never be a fighter, and is also overrated as a unit.

Garcia is the real deal, though.

but the enemy is the chair

Ross is fun to train and not too much extra work, to be sure, but please don't trick yourself into thinking he's optimal.

Hero Ross > Berserker Ross > Warrior Ross

Ross is stupid. Garcia makes a great Hero Warrior that can hit hard or become Beastly as Dozla but with higher speed but so much effort for a trainee character is dumb.

His Hatchet is good I give you that, and his double fire affintiy with his father makes him a crit machine, but there's still better units to train and then there's Seth.

Bro you're fucking allowed to use more than one of the same class of unit
I couldn't imagine playing through FE6 without using at least 5 paladins throughout the game

You don't need 100% growths for there to be value in training units. Even in a LTC/ranked run you have time where you are defending a point or other units are doing stuff as your lord moves towards the seize point. To increase your success rates in later chapters you can give exp to units that benefit from it.

There's almost always a tradeoff between turns and success rate and if your 0% growths overlords aim for the lowest turncount their tactics are not representative of reliable gameplay. In any case, the success rates would obviously be higher with either strategy if the units had higher stats. Which they would get from growths.

>The fastest way is to have you play with RNG with the final room to get the LTC.
What specifically are you talking about?

its really only with gba users which is ironic because they ruin every other thread by jerking off how much they hate the series. the switch game was kind of easy and its new so theres not much meta discussion. the 3ds games besides conquest and echoes really arent that fun to talk about because you just get people talking about how shitty the game is or how easy it is even though they never played it or just say MUH RYOMA. fe9 threads are filled with complaints about maniac mode and mounts, nobody plays fe10. so all thats left is gba games because everyone has played them and no one has meme hate for it like 3ds or tellius. then you start a fe8 thread and everyone either talks about pirate ship or seth soloing so really its just 7 and 6 and occasionally thracia.

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>RNG abuse
Disgusting. Ironman or bust.

>pirate ship
holy shit it's not hard
literally just low-man it, Seth Duessel Ephraim boom you fucking win. There's no minimum deploy limit.

>seth soloed the pirate ship
feels good

first guiding ring always goes to lugh or lilina tho so saul usually has until arcadia to promote.

oh and btw Seth crushes this chapter even on level 1. I know because I used to be a faggot that benched Jagens.

That's fine too
Right when you get Warp so just in time

I'll always defend Olwen over Illios for higher availability to snipe ballistae and save Warp/Sleep uses. You don't even do any tanking by the time you get him.

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i used cecilia and her best quality is being able to use restore staves after grinding her enough. she does barely double digit chip damage and the only enemy she really contributes to killing is wyverns or generals, and generals dont show up that often in in sacae or illia. when she can take a hit its usually from a slower class because paladins and mercs who r everywhere in illia have around 15-17 speed and double her at base. honestly shes best off going sacae to help btfo wyverns who cant double her

Who's the best user of the Uberspear? As a kid I always used Florina but I wonder what the consensus is on that these days

he one shots the enemy before they attack

Still Florina probably
She's the best unit in the game even without it but it does patch up her defenses a bit

its called casual filter not gamefaqs walkthrough baby filter

>god tier
I guess RNG fucked me hard.

Attached: clarine.png (1919x1023, 2.34M)

Florina's only the best if you do Lyn Story

Unfortunately she doesn't start with A rank thunder magic so if you're going fast you can't bolting down the ballistae at the start of the chapter. Actually if you're going fast she won't even be recruited but that's another matter. After ch14 she's significantly inferior to eyrios. Eyrios is a solid filler unit as his high stats can let him kill several units on enemy phases whereas you'd have to babysit olwen. Also, eyrios has A rank swords so he can use sleep swords in ch18.
Vantage olwen is a pretty cool combo, you need king sword leaf nearby to fix her hit rates and you can't let her fight any strong units with high evasion or else she's screwed, but the double hit + vantage combo can let her overcome hel + jormungandr in the lategame.

Either way I recommend getting olwen because eyrios is a literally who and olwen is semi-important.

Attached: fe5olwen.jpg (566x800, 81K)

>lunatic reverse
>before they attack

But Illios still has Better Bases and Weapon ranks though, unlike Olwen.
Besides, you save turns by not recruiting Olwen

The one who used it: Vaida. If Not, Eliwood in Eliwood Mode. Just use it on whoever is your preffered lance user

Is there any sort of in-game justification for why Illios won't join you if you have Olwen, or was it just Kaga being Kaga?

All that you mention is still miles better than every other Magic (Except Lugh because he good)/Staff user (Except Saul because he great) by the point that you get her. The only one that outbeats her magic is a well leveled Ellen in average growths but Ellen is so frail that Wet Tissue dipped in sulfiric acid is even more sturdier than her.

>he resets when he misses a village
>he resets for bad levels
>he resets when his unit dies
>he resets when he fails to recruit a unit
>he resets when he gets crit
>he resets to reroll enemy stats
>he still complains about casual mode
I really sincerely hope none of you guys do this

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I'll always be salty about her turn cost to recruit.
Still, it's B+30 Thunder, so it's super easy to reach A even in fast play.
Does Illios do the Sleep Sword Ch18 strat better than Dean rescuing Linoan?

Just Kaga things.

Nothing. It's just so you get the same number of characters in either route.

>thinking that's fucked
That's godlike in FE6. Check this from one of my ironman runs

Attached: Clarine sucks.png (240x160, 25K)

The best User For Sleep Sword strats is Ralph though. Ralph has a much lower chance to kill than Dean and Dean can easily get some few strenght and break the strat entirely.

guess im just lucky then. every time i make colm an Assassin, he gets some descent lvl gains.

Attached: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones_01.png (240x160, 22K)

>30% magic Growth
>Starts With Two magic

You might as well use Cecilia at this point unless if you want to use Clarine as a Rutget support bot or Recover bot.

Holy fuck that's insane
30% magic growth dude
I consider Clarine god-tier even when she never grows a point of magic because
>Heal staff on a horse
>Gives Rutger more crit with her relatively easy support
>Dodges like crazy (more with Rutger support) and enemies usually target her

Shes just a staff bot, shes not really better than the other staff bots. Shes not better at magic than lilina or raigh would be. I know raigh chokes on nards and doesnt get hmbonuses or a horse but he still does the magic attacking job better than cecilia. All shes got is restore staff, mount, and effective damage on wyverns in sacae. If she had like 3 or 4 more speed she would be decent because she could avoid doubles by more units but shes so painfully slow that i cant see her being in decent tier

>he doesn't reset the entire game when the Lord dies

Attached: 1521590511737.png (262x322, 202K)

>he doesnt discard his cartridge when he fails a turn limit chapter

No, eyrios is worse with the sleep sword than ralph (because he doubles). He's just an option.

Reaching A is actually a pain in the ass in fast play. Olwen won't face any combat in 11x, only gets one turn to attack in 12 if you're warping, probably nothing in 12x, probably nothing in 13 (she slows you down with her 8 movement), and then you're 18 dimethunders from bolting at the start of ch14.

It depends on your stats, but base level dean has lower strength than ralph while dismounted. Ralph is unlikely to kill with a crit and fortunately if you land one hit with the sleep sword you don't do a pursuit attack.
You don't have to use the sleep sword on all enemies by the way. You can spare a sleep/thief charge or two.

>he doesn't just throw the game through his window and buy another one

>he doesn't sell his console when a green escort NPC dies

>Play FE7
>Run out of Javelins because they're the best weapon and I keep using them
>Stock up on a fuckton of Javelins every chance I get
>Use up most of them by the end

>Play FE6
>Start stocking up Javelins from the beginning
>Barely use any comparatively, there's like 10 in the convoy by the end of the game

Holy hell so this is the power of being a player-phase game

Shit that one got me good, well memed user

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Javelins also miss half the time and have bad might. Tbh i usually just spam irons and killers and stuff in that game because steels and 1-2 range weapons are so unreliable

>he doesn't just piss everywhere in the video game store because he couldn't kill an optional boss

To tell you the truth I played this game around 12 years ago, when I was a kid, so I don't know which unit is good or not. Why is Milady in the meme team though?

Attached: miledy.png (602x402, 311K)

FE6 Javelins have 10 less Hit than FE7 Javelins, plus higher enemy stats = more avoid and Def, making the difference in reliability even more notorious.

Thraciafags, what's your approach to clearing chapter 18 in an SSS rank run? I haven't been able to find a way to win quickly without risking failure if the enemies activate movement stars and proc continue.

Resetting still makes you a much more careful player
FE6 chapter 21 would be much easier if you could suicide Rutger against the boss with no consequences

>Why is Milady in the meme team though?
see Yes I know that's your pic, just look at it.

Because shes glitched. In the first 8 or so chapters of the game enemies get double the hard mode bonuses they were supposed to get so they have 10 hm bonus levels. She appears as an enemy in chapter 2 so she gets these bonuses in chapter 13 or something when she joins you. Then when she enters the map she immediately turns into a green unit and then a player unit but still keeps her 10 level hard mode bonuses. She basically comes as a level 20 unit at level 10 so shes a meme.

Because she fucks shit up
Rutger, Milady, and Perceval are some of the only units that can reliably one-round enemies in hard-mode
Even in normal mode, they are guaranteed to be your best units
They are the guys who get fed Boots
(btw promote Milady immediately once you get her, give Roy an Elysian Whip before the chapter starts, treat her like a prepromote she deserves it)

So you just suicide against the boss until your strat works. If you want to reset every time you do unreliable strats or get unlucky just play casual and save yourself the trouble. Us chads will continue iron mans

Make sure none of the Leonster Armors spawns with 1 extra move, so their order doesn't change once they proc stars, get rid of the Friegean ones across the wall while your Sleep Sword guy puts the Leonster armors to sleep, then rescuedrop-shuffle the civilians in the right order to speak with each Leonster armor knight without clogging each other (They can talk even while asleep). Remember that the civs have the same turn order as their respective armorknights, starting from top left ones down a Z-shaped pattern.
And in PE translation, the initials in their names match that of their armorknights.

Attached: ProjectExile101028.png (256x224, 21K)

Chapter 21 is like a fucking hour long with all the Boots management and flying faggots over mountains you have to do
I'd rather not restart that

>btw promote Milady immediately once you get her
Is that really worth doing? She's quite strong without promoting and her exp gain will be reduced.

I believe the next chapter is arcadia so its worth promoting by the end of the chapter. I like playing efficiently but even i just grind her on the cavs and paladins that spawn at the top bridge before i promote her and she gets like 3 more levels from two waves of mounts

Post em and rate.

Attached: Fe favorites template done.png (1354x1232, 1.31M)

She's stronger with promoting, and she'll never be not strong, and you'll at least want her promoted for Chapter 14 since it's a bitch and she'll be flying around solo a lot
But if you're going for EXP rank then maybe hold off

Were you able to get a risk-free clear that way? How many turns did it take you?

I'm tentatively planning to warp ralph+lara from the right side to the left door and to promote sara asap so she can rewarp over and take a civilian, then rescue staff someone. Not sure if it would be worthwhile to open the right door to split up the armors.


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Are there any good hacks that increase sacred stones difficulty?
It would probably be one my favourite fe games if it wasn't so pathetically easy.

hey fags which gba emulator is better? is VBA still king?

mGBA or VBA-M (VBA-M is an improved fork of VBA)
VBA's really fucking old actually, like the last update is older than ZSNES's last update

that's a good one, I'm going to steal it for later

Only unreliability I recall was Dean having a % of being hit by absolutely everything or missing too much, and Pavise procs from the boss.
Would've done it one or two turns earlier if I didn't fuck up my starting positions.

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Attached: soren.png (360x360, 277K)

In all the gba games fighters/warriors have worse bases and growths then any other class despite the class being pretty good. Lot/Wade and Bart/Dorcas have lower base stats, and lower growth totals (by 20 points) then cavaliers. Cavs are meant to have worse numbers to make up for their amazing move, which is the most important stat in the game.
I buff some infantry and nerf mounted units, game is way more fun and more rewarding to get high ranks cuz you can't just spam all the godmode cavs you get.

Why do Fire Emblem threads get 200+ replies nowadays? Is it really because of Heroes? Or is it because of Awakening? Three Houses maybe?

Based and Beorcpilled.

Attached: fe jill2.jpg (243x348, 44K)

And also, the prepromote axe dudes are so much better
Bartre and Echidna are way better than Lot and Wade
Geitz and Hawkeye are way better than Bartre, Dorcas, and Dart
The only one to escape this fate is Gonzalez because Garret sucks

this thread is going a little too well for my liking, time to derail it.
rules: efficiency is expected but its not an ltc, because of this movement is heavily weighed and so is ability to one round enemies. avail plays a large part in a units usefulness. items the unit comes with are not counted as a benefit to them or inherent to them I.E. silver bow on louise. this is done on hhm. this isnt a ranked run. units in tiers are not ranked relative to their position in the tier but just placed arbitrarily.

Attached: tier_list.png (1050x871, 340K)

Attached: jill.png (327x388, 244K)

That's impressive. If I can just match that I should be set for my sss run. Did you use any more than one warp and one rescue?

bleed the half breeds
because its like 90 posters who just endlessly bump the threads with shitty low quality posts and a few ltc chads who actually discuss the game

No joke when I opened up nightmare to edit FE7 Bartre's speed his base was fucking negative 1. Why do they hate my fave classes so much? Not one good prepromote .

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eh this is a pretty decent tier list
but fiora would definitely be better than florina if no lyn mode, that should be specified
eliwood and lyn probably deserve bottom tier

but I remember you posted this once and some faggots still thought jagens were bad, what a bunch of dorks

Post a fe5 list and I'll discuss with you

You could pass this for a FE7 ranked tier list and I wouldn't tell the difference. No use in splitting hairs when you'll use everything Mid or higher.

We've had endless bump limit fire emblem threads since ~2011

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dart one higher, isadora one lower, lowen one higher if no lyn mode again this should be specified

Yes, three games which make up a very small percentage of this thread are responsible for this. Nobody's even mentioned for fuck's sake.

His strength growths have seemed absurdly high but I've only played through SS one time before. I went rogue with him, just so I wouldn't have to carry around lockpicks and I don't want to use Rennac.
Here's my shitty af Franz who I gave up on.

Attached: Fire Emblem 8 - Wimpy edition.png (240x160, 22K)

Reminder that no matter how bad at FE you are, you'll never be as bad as Nigger.

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*mentioned Heroes

sorry, had a stroke

so when the list was made we did consider lyn mode but i did say in the thread i posted this in before that theres no quantifiable way to measure lyn mode levels or who the stat boosters go to. if i made a no lyn mode list id probably put lowen higher, sain and kent in high tier, and florina could stay where she is but she takes a lot of work to get going.
dart is mega ass bro idk what to tell you.
i didnt finish thracia

Well he beat the game after losing like half the fucking roster, maybe he is good

>getting all the subhumans killed
Just how? Those things are made to last.

his streams are really boring, how the fuck did he get harr killed in elincias gambit and how is it even possible to lose rolf or mist on the first chapter of part 3

Raven still deserves his spot for what a beast he becomes but I feel like he needs a lot of babying at the start and you're already overloaded with sword units by the time you get him. But I can't argue with how much of a beast he becomes once he gets promoted.

Second favorite mercenary/Hero in the series.
>when will they add my boy to heroes?

Attached: Dieck.png (717x1250, 596K)

Not more than one of each, as far as I remember.
Do bear in mind that trying to rescuedrop civilians across the sides to split up the armorknights may result in some AI fuckery with Xavier or the knights attacking each other or some asleep ones while heading left, towards the exit point.

Attached: Confident Leif.png (638x441, 344K)

>Ephraim: Oh, my... Eirika... Myrrh... How can I say no to that look? I guess sisters are my weakness.
W-What did he meant by this?

>Bartre and Echidna are way better than Lot and Wade
Echidna is ass though.
>low con, fast axe user
greaat job.
Dieck is legitimately the best axe user in the game imo.

He takes 3x damage when attacked by sisters

He had to reset at endgame because he lost too many units.

He got Tibarn killed TWICE because he had to reset.

The power of alcohol.

Attached: fe nig4.jpg (1191x940, 230K)

Dieck starts with E axes, axes are more just to give him 2-range than anything else
If you really want to make Dieck your Armads user, I mean it's possible. Just a bit of a grind. But you really don't need an Axe user in FE6 anyway.
Also, yeah Echidna is flawed but the criteria was "better than Lot and Wade" not "good".

Why is Hector so low?

What game should I ironman?

5 mov forever
Sure he's tanky but so are a lot of people, FE7 enemies suck shit

heroes is a bad game and some user said before why 3ds game threads just get derailed and die.
his big problem is when you deconstruct his ability to be trained. he has like 3 good maps while he goes through hell. the pirates map is good for him, the pirate ship is alright for him but theres many lance and magic users on the map, he sucks balls on dread isle, he can just camp the mountains and kill the axe reaver fliers in the magic seal map and eventually kill the mages on the forts, he sucks at dragons gate, the chapter after dragons gate is pretty bad for him too since there are plenty of wyverns and archers and mages but hes alright vs the boss, hes good against specifically wyverns on the nils defend map because of the reaver weapons but the map is also full of mages in the middle and right side where all the action is happening which he has trouble contributing to, then hes finally about ready to promote after that chapter just in time for living legend where hes not doing much, then genesis where he gets bent over by magic users so why even use him there. then for the rest of the game hes god. he just has this awkward hit or miss period after his joining map before he promotes where 1-2 range and lances are everywhere.

Calm down there Shiki

Attached: Tsukihime_The_Chair.jpg (640x480, 61K)

Shadow Dragon
There's a lot of units
There's a lot of shitty replaceable units
There's a lot of replacement units

oh so the original hasn't been updated in forever. sure, i'll try vba-m but i heard mgba has more features?

mGBA is more accurate but either one will work honestly

he promotes really really late into the game so his contributions are kind of stripped after he hits level 20. he also has 5 move which kinda sucks for him and hes the lord so he always has to head to the throne on seize maps limiting his usefulness in other parts of the map. hes really freaking heavy and hard to carry around. luckily hes very tanky so he can contribute a lot early on but hes got a huge dry period until he promotes.
echidna has like base 13 str and super high speed so shes pretty good offensively and her con doesnt hurt that much for the whole of western isles. even with a hand axe she still has 15 speed at base.

How do you make armors good in mainline FE other than giving them a lot of move, Galeforce and shit?
How do you keep them fun to play?

Attached: Bard Knight.gif (68x52, 15K)

Armor knights are like archers in FE games: the units happen to be slightly underpowered but there's nothing wrong with the class.

their biggest problem isnt movement, thats what scrub fe players who only listen to mekkah will tell you. their problem is that they compete in the niche of being an early tank with the jeigan and the early cav so their movement seems bad in comparison to the other options. the real problem, and this is huge, is that they are very bad offensively. not especially good at hitting things, no bonus crit or attack buff from their class, cant double most enemies, their player phase isnt anything spectacular. they have nothing going for them offensively and thats their biggest flaw. if they had 6 move they would still be shitters because they cant kill things and their role can be done by other units who specialize less in defense and are more versatile. heres how to make them good, give them provoke or something that makes enemies target them so that they can atleast be better at their niche than the alternatives.

redpill me on movement and why it is the most important stat of all

This is what happens when the GBA games are really good, and the rest of the series do not divert from that.
Its the same with Castlevania as well, just more split.

you can move torwards the goal faster
you can move away from threats
how could it possibly not be the best stat

It gives units more utility in 99% of situations compared to units with lower mov.

Do you think 14C's armor knights were bad, too? Effie has solid defense and does great damage, particularly with attack stance, and bennoit is an unbreakable wall that you can hide behind in various chapters, though he struggles with offense. I think both are viable candidates for your team and have no complaints.

Facilitates the use of terrain to your advantage.

>terrible growth rates all around
>shit lord that is stuck unprompted for 90% of the game
>reinforcements that can act the turn they spawn, and tend to have no real logic to their spawn location
I do like the game, but 6 has a lot of stupid shit.

It depends on the situation. Most of the time movement isn't very important despite what you might hear online. But if you're racing to an objective you have to defend or something then whoever can get you there the fastest is obviously a valuable unit.

>no real logic to their spawn location
usually FE6's reinforcements continually spawn on specific squares for a set number of turns, unless you prop block the space. What are you talking about?

Fire Emblem has a per turn gameplay loop consistent of something like
1. Defensive position by abusing movement
2. Kill enemy units for EXP
3. Strong units can survive entire waves of enemies killing themselves trying to hurt said units
4. Feeds even more EXP into the unit, making it even more useful

With Armors its a bit different. So basically you can't move, but you can block off spaces to prevent enemy movement.
Which means you can't really start gathering EXP, and you can't get strong.
Sure there is a lot of niche use, and that is what makes the armors good. Meanwhile stronger troops can power trough entire armies

shes very good early in the game and her promotion helps her a lot. she also reaps the benefits of being in fates where she can get +6 speed from just pair up and tonics before you even unlock mess hall. she has useful offensive techs like im pretty sure on hard mode if she gets 2 str levels, a str tonic, the personal skill, and a steel lance she can 1 shot the pegs of chapter 10 with no pair up bonuses and on chapter 9 with arthur pair up and str tonic and the personal skill she one shots those dark mages so they cant retaliate. she can be tech'd later on in the game with a rally speed peg to get +6+2+1+4 speed for a total of 13 extra speed so that she can double and one round enemies. she also has the benefit of getting great knight as a promo class which lets her give +1 move pair ups and luna. overall shes got a lot more options for offense and a lot of early game techs that only she and few others (camilla and jakob) can pull off for one shotting threatening enemy types.

Redpill me on Jakob. How does he one-shot things? Does in work on Lunatic?

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I see. Kind of a FE brainlet here so help me out. Is positioning a big deal here or not as much? What defines a good unit?

The initial spawn locations feel really random if you dont already know the maps. The worst I remember is some of the fighter/bandit spawns in the chapter that you recruit Echidna. You have to rush the map to stop her from draining most of your exp, and then get raped by axe men that seem to consistently hit at sub30 accuracy.

Movement isn't important.
Having more movement than the enemy is.

>tfw didn't use mounted units because I didn't like their sprite animations
Great Knights were kino though

Attached: gilliam_greatknight_axe.gif (500x605, 44K)

What FE game should I play if I want to get into the "hardcore" ironman stuff?

Radiant Dawn or Thracia 776

You know how Jakob and Felicia are technically pre-promotes, but can be raised until level 40? So they can learn late-game skills as early as level 15. They can learn Faire or breaker skills depending on their pairings and other stuff, they just have insane potential.

What's a "hardcore" ironman?

Thracia, FE6, New Mystery, or Conquest.

so he can turn into a paladin with the heart seal once you unlock the staff shop and then he gets elbow room on his very first level. you can then give him a forged bronze lance which is like 7 might. so hes up to 10 damage rn then you add his str which is 8+2 because of the class change and any str levels he got along the way, then you add 4 from fighter pair up bonus and you get up to 24 attack power which can one shot the mages in chapter 9 and if you can mess hall + tonic he can kill the ninjas in chapter 10 im pretty sure because they have 28 full bulk iirc. hes a really good use of the first heart seal but you only get like 3 heart seals until the staff shop upgrade so its an opportunity cost.

"hardcore" was just a descriptor of ironman, I wasn't sure if that was the proper adjective since I'm not super duper familiar with it all, which is why I'm asking

you can iron man whatever game you want, just dont reset when you lose an objective or a character. id start with a game like fates or tellius because they have a shit ton of units and lots of ways to raise low level units.

Well I know a regular ironman run is one where you don't reset and if you get a game over you can only start a fresh file. You could add 0% growths and low turn count on top of that if it's not enough.

Alright, thanks.

dont forget to take breaks every couple hours my nigger

well obviously video games are long

you don't want to get an RSI

a relative strength index?

repetitive stress injury

oh, repetitive strain injury
makes more sense

Guess I deleted the screenshots, but the last fucking time I played 6 I ended up having a Clarine with only 3 mag at fucking 20/0. 6's rng is almost comedically fucked at times.

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ok so i looked it up and he would actually need 2 strength level ups to 1 shot the ninjas because they have 29 total bulk and he actually only gets +1 from mess hall

So how does everybody feel about vestaria saga?

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seems cool, I'll play it when it's in english
I'm more excited for the berwick fan translation

same but with thany
5 str at lvl 20, never using a pegasus knight ever again
bow down to our wyvern lord overlords

give them brave effects when on enemy phase

pent and florina lower
guy erk and matthew higher

staff utility is a fucking meme when at the point you recruit pent. serra and priscilla already have SS staff rank

having straight shota staff rank doesnt detract from pent having A rank staves tho. guy is actually awful after other units can start one rounding and he is usually only one rounding because only he can use the killing edge at first. idk why mathew would be high tier, all he does is get 2 promo items and a silver card then hes replaced by legault

guy joins super early with almost the same bases as raven, his only fault is not having axes in promotion, he is much better than horrible growths lowen or glorified taxi florina

1 range sword locked footlocked low str shitter in a game where the hardest maps are full of bulky ass enemies and mages. yeah, im thinking bad.

Not gonna lie I've never played an FE without massively resetting every time the level up growths fucked me.

based and retardpilled

try a 0% ironman

I still don't understand growth rates. I THOUGHT it's literally the chances of a certain stat increasing at a level up, but then why the fuck did I watch a 0% growth rate playthrough where a stat went up? Shouldn't your stats just never increase?

when did the stat go up? did they use a stat booster item or a promotion item?

It was probably a promotion bonus

from what I can tell, the growth rates are relative to eachother rather than flat percent chances, because you can still see growth on characters with "negative" modifiers

Sorry I just can't live with bad RNG. It's not even about making the game easier it's just that I can't stand to see bad luck.

if only you could reroll the # of chromosomes you have

Geitz should simultaneously be in high and low since he himself is the most horrendously unavailable unit besides Karla but he's also the best archer in the game with the best bow in the series.

you can't get 'bad' rng in 0% growths

you have it right, but a couple games guarantee a single stat

What do you mean relative to each other?
It wasn't. It was a Fates 0% growth run on the final boss and he leveled up.

honestly i dont even know why geitz is in the list because i didnt include wallace for the reason of being in a route split.

I'm not looking for an extra challenge.

Wallace is so unusable and forgettable I didn't even notice.

as in 0% growth isn't a 0% chance but it's obviously less of a chance than say 20-25% and more than a "negative %" chance

its not much of a challenge, it just saves you from having to reset so your experience is more fun

You have Karel and Harken though?

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While playing three houses I noticed that there's an option to switch between white clouds and azure moon. Do the other two routes have any support conversations that are exclusive to that route? Aside from the house leaders and Hubert of course.

they arent a route split tho, they are a choice thats very easy to make. one requires lord levels the other is just dont open doors

Bits of dialogue will change here and there if a character is in a different house. I think Ferdinand's rank A has a change if he's not in Eagles.


a lot of people define good units as having high speed and luck, so they can attack twice, never get attacked twice and dodge most attacks made against them. Skill is also important but not as much as those two from what I can tell. Strength/Magic Power aren't trivial but they're less important than being able to hit and then, beyond that, being able to hit 2-4 times. People already explained why you want high Mov.

One tile can easily mean the difference between life or death, reaching an objective on time, or opening up entire strategies otherwise impossible. Of course positioning is important.

Fuck yeah, Dorcas. Loved him when I arena abused him.

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>people shit on shadow dragon but it's the one I've finished the most times
I like how basic it is

good combat, able to one round enemies with good weapons like steels and silvers etc. able to take a hit or multiple. good weapon ranks. utility like chest picking and staves

I'm starting to think FE6 hard mode isn't worth it.

Chapter 7 or 14?

I think you mean 7x

8x is easy, the boss just takes a while

I agree but that's usually the one people meme

>of course positioning is important
How does a new player like me get better at that? I haven't seen anyone really talk about positioning from a newfag's perspective

Only LTCultists who insist on landing a super low % crit on the boss so they can clear in as few turns as possible, they don't count as 'people'

check enemy movement ranges before you move your characters, and then play around with how the scripting dictates when an enemy will advance on you... sometimes they'll move in as soon as you're in range, other times they won't move in until you move beyond a chokepoint/etc. If you're trying to level up weaker characters, get used to picking them up with bigger characters and bucket brigading them to the back of your line (so they don't lose a turn while they're being transported).


Good units are ones that let you bypass obstacles that would otherwise require a lot of effort to clear. That can be done by killing stuff, transporting your units, special staves that disable the enemy, etc.
Are you asking about a game in particular? It might help if you get some familiar examples.

one thing you should learn is that you can funnel enemies to prevent them from attacking. for example if multiple enemies can attack from 1 spot but you dont kill the first attacking enemy, you can effectively stop the rest of the enemies from being able to attack you and they chose a different target

Florina is the best character anyways

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silence, fateshitter.

>he thinks people on this board genuinely enjoyed fates

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>that obvious Minerva expy
God damn it really was just an attempt to redo SD wasn't it

>>he resets when he misses a village
I do things like this in all games, I don't like missing content.

>>he resets for bad levels

>>he resets when his unit dies
Yeah, much more fun than using units I really don't want to.

>>he resets when he fails to recruit a unit
Once again, I dislike missing content, so of course.

>>he resets when he gets crit
Nope, unless it's a death of course.

>>he resets to reroll enemy stats

>>he still complains about casual mode
Casual mode: you can completely ignore your units dying unless it's the Lord, you can clear a map no matter how many died as it's still possible. And they will all be revived next map.
Normal game+restarting: you still have to figure out how to make all your units survive in every map, which will require multiple tries and having to master said map, of course.
The difference is quite obvious.

Jakob's the ultimate meme unit in Conquest if you romance him with fem Corrin. There's so much dumb shit you can do with him. Like give Corrin ninja as a sub class and romance him and you'll have two Jakob's for the price of one with the duplicate ability almost by Takumi's chapter and then you'll have already shit out Dwyer into the hyperbolic shadow realm so you'll basically have 4 bodies for 2 spots.

good thing 3h nerfed horses to the ground

feels great not being a slave to the horsecock

probably chapter 4


I personally prefer malig felicia, but then you get jakob later in the game and hes useless. Felicia can be pretty useful if you get late felicia because shes a good free staff bot and a good flame shuriken debuffer that you dont need to invest in at all. Much better than late jakob
Tf are you talking about. Besides the growth rate debuff horses are broken as shit in 3 houses. Gambit canto is absurd pre timeskip while gambits are still just dont move buttons. Post timeskip every class is a mount and has canto

Movement is the biggest problem with armors. They're supposed to be the units that are more powerful and durable in exchange for worse movement but all they have is overkill defense in exchange for bad movement and speed which are the two most useful stats in FE in general. As they are now, armors are a class that's more powerful in enemy hands than player hands because they precisely don't have to move as much to see combat.

To improve armors, they just need at least two of the following
1. Better movement (at least in 1st tier if you want to maintain the gimmick of them having slightly worse movement_
2. Better speed or resistance but not both. (See Gatrie and Effie who are considered good for armors because they have mediocre speed instead of garbage speed)
3. Stronger enemies or the rest of the team's durability isn't as hot so their high defense is more valuable.

Effie's considered a good armour knight because she's in a game where Wary Fighter exists and lances have WTA over magic

>She's good because of Wary Fighter
Not really, Effie has an existing speed stat that will get wasted if she learns it and General is just worse than Great Knight in general as a combat unit and a pair up bot.

>Lances have WTA over magic
Effie either one shots mages if she can hit them or won't fight them at all because they do a lot of damage to her. Leave Kaze or someone else to handle mages..