Surely we can have an XIV thread now, right?

Thoughts on Gamescom lore revelations? Rising Event? And what are your plans come 5.1? Will you do YorHa first, or the MSQ?

Attached: I came here to laugh at you.png (1280x723, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Get dabbed on, pedo

Attached: FHvPVba[1].jpg (600x315, 16K)

>Gamescom lore revelations

>Will you do YorHa first, or the MSQ?
Always MSQ first.


Ascians, ascians and more Ascian questions.

Attached: Get in loser we're bringing about the Ardor..png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

>We've seen theories online that the Warrior of Light may be Hythlodaeus himself...I will tell you that this, at least, is not the case.
thank god, was so annoying seeing people here on Yea Forums touting this as fact.

Such a shame I never got to see Ethys' reaction just because Yea Forumsermin wouldn't stop parroting him.

Though I am glad to see outright theory crushing and implications the now dead Ascians will be touched upon. Since we never learned their true names.

Genuinely why did people think this? He had all the same face options ticked as him, lmao, plus the wind-up.

>unsheathes katana

>sub for 2 months
>sub finally ends 3 days ago which is convenient
>made it EXACTLY to level 35 leveling after 3 days /played
>hear about the free trail the other day
fml what a waste.

>free trial in bold letters on home page
Are you blind?

never went to home page. I used steam.

>no free trial
Well at least I hope you're having fun

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>Starter Edition
Please tell me it does include more than the simple base game.

I used the /30 day free trial/ over 3 years ago.
I assume the unlimited to level 35 free trial is for everyone, which I had no idea about. I just bought that 60 dollar game card when I decided to pick the game back up.
At least I got that fat black chocobo.

Starter is just the base game A Real Reborn and 1 month. This was free if you had twitch prime awhile back. And if you had that, you could have gotten Heavensward for free during the promo for Shadowbringers.

It's just the base game. They do a reverse WoW and include all the expacs with the last one tho.

No I already have everything.
What I mean is that you can buy the game for less than 10 dollars and yet they fucking sell it for 20 on stupid ass Steam.
That price is for the full edition (excluding ShB)

>Alright. Meet me in Gridania to discuss our plans.
>teleport to gridania
>Alright. Let's search around Coerthas for clues.
>teleport to coerthas
>Nothing here... Meet me back in Gridania to discuss what we've found.
>teleport back to gridania
>Alright. I have news from Limsa Lominsa that could help.
>teleport to limsa lominsa
>Alright. Get this news back to Gridania.
>teleport back to gridania
THE FUCK???? do the fucking aethernet jews design the pacing of the MSQ or something? they must be rolling in quadrillions of gil by now. fucking hell

Attached: image.jpg (398x354, 200K)

>start in Ul'dah
>they literally bring up how it'll cost you
Glad they cut that shit out for Heavensward. I think the most mass teleportation post 2.0 I've done in 1 sitting has been job quests.

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Attached: file.png (1105x325, 486K)

>watching people streaming login queues
I am glad these people won't be playing this game.

Attached: 1369349339787.jpg (413x451, 62K)

I guess you aren't a crafter working on nodes. I've literally had to go from Doma to ala mhigo like 15 times a day when I was working on my gatherers.

There should be a queue skip option for verified Twitch personalities!

Honestly, what is there to stream for XIV besides Feast? Atmosphere of dungeons doesn't translate unless it's a mass event like speedrunning with YoshiP, or worlds first clears.


Rent free my dude.

Hey man, hope you have fun with your game. I'll be enjoying mine.


Purely because they didn't like him as a character. That's it. Even though this would help him expand as a character

And it very much did. He's easily one of my favorite characters now.

>Mito'te males in the Source
>tribal, hostile, cherry boys, retarded
>Mystel males on the First
>Intriguing, intelligent (sans Kai Shirr I don't think he can read), actually useful to society
Ishikawa is the fujoshi XIV needs.

Attached: Now fujos shall sing.png (1280x720, 885K)

G'raha is from the Source, though

True, but still written by Ishikawa and much different from the purring asshole from the U tribe and the Moonfire Tia.

To be fair, it's not unreasonable for most people to assume they can't really be made to care about crystal tower cat man that they never really cared about in the first place. Cid/Ironworks/their Descendants being behind this shit is something that would actually make for an interesting story, since they're characters that are far more important to the story as a whole and that we already cared about to some degree.

In reality, they used the latter to help build the former into someone we actually would care about, which is the absolute best thing they could have done, but who the fuck expected them to accomplish that or Shadowbringers in general after fucking stormblood.

>who the fuck expected them to accomplish that or Shadowbringers in general after fucking stormblood.
I did, because I thought Stormblood was great too.

>after fucking stormblood.
All depends on how much you liked Stormblood. I, personally, thought it was messy until it really found its legs around Under the Moonlight onwards. I honestly did not give a shit about Ala Mhigo outside of Zenos and post 3.0 with the WoL being helpless against politics.

I knew it would be good, not /as/ good as we got it.

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This is a weird one, I'll tell ya.

Attached: ffxiv_08262019_174816_892.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

one of those is me

What scene is that from?

The rising, just started today.
But they're all me!

at least you were able to join an FC which you wouldn't've been able to do on a free trial.
you did join an FC, right?

>Surely we can have an XIV thread now, right?

Not like it ever stopped you trannies from making threads outside of your general before no matter how thinly veiled.

Attached: 1552344568852.jpg (589x308, 30K)

Right, so any game that has a general shouldn't be allowed to make threads. Sounds like a deal, how about you start?

could post a pastebin of all letters, if you guys want

Except it does because the janny deletes them while leaving the board flooded with wow/smash/waifu ass threads all day

herd u like twitter screencaps

Go for it.

I kind of like suncats being a tribal culture, wish they looked a little more grizzled though because of it and left moonlads as the more effeminate ones.

To the lore buffs, what's next now that we know the end-game? You think they'll divulge what started the Asgardians to summon their false god to begin with?

Attached: ToMuchMakeup.png (532x823, 636K)


I'm bored. Post mains from ARR/every xpack and rate others

White Mage, switched to Black Mage
Black Mage
Black Mage
Black Mage

it will be the ANCIENT EVIL that will be the main enemy of 6.0 clearly, the retard legatus from ivalice wanted to use tartarus to get to the center of the planet

BRD but I got in late

Dark dragoon

White Mage+Black Mage
Scholar, Summoner, Warrior
Scholar, Summoner, Dragoon
Scholar, Phys. Ranged, Ninja

AST at first but SCH after

White mage





Sorry, expert roulette popped
Here you go:
You might have to retype the URL manually because of spam filter memes
kf7SzxVp here's the last part of the URL

Thanks user, I wouldn't mind grinding them out to see them all but seeing repeats gets annoying.

fuck this cuckshit game

Should the Ishgardian Knights destroy the Garleans? Aren't they supposed to be strong as fuck from waging war against dragons for a millennium?

Since I've done almost everything the game has to offer up until now I decided to skip this month and play some wow while I wait for 5.1
Man, I think I'll never be able to like WoW anymore after Shadowbringers... It's been a struggle. And I tought I would like Nazjatar story. What a letdown.

WHM WAR MNK haven't leveled WAR yet though

What do people even get out of typing such useless posts


GNB is like 73 but I'm currently annoyed that I suck fucking shit at everything over level 50 besides day 1 of story content (literally I go from being the most competent guy at nuTitan in a party the first time to getting hit by everything like a tard when I go back to farm the drop a few days later) and the game isn't high enough in my priorities to fix it.

Doesn't help there's only 1 mature male face. Everyone else is pure vanilla gay bait.

Report bait. If enough reports go into low quality posts, mods delete the thread.

Make sure to ignore that guy in particular. Not actually shitting on the game gameplay wise like a WoWfag, he's mad about Runar.

Where is the event vendor at? I can find the quest giver, but not where to exchange tokens

She's right next to the quest giver. Hold X if you have a lot of people around, unless you changed that keybind.v

Sure, but there's not many of them. One City-State's military, however hardened, isn't going to do jack against Not!ImperialRome

Thank you thank you

As broken as it was, I liked 2018's Rising event over this one. Also mad/10 the pillars and flags will be forever regulated to mogstation $5 each. Ever since then I hoard 20+ of every item.


Didn't play then
GNB / Raid WAR

I'm just mad I had to spend 20 mins getting my 999 Real Reborn Red from tokens.

The crystal exarch was cool until it was revealed he's a fucking catboy

>from not!Russia
>speak Latin
>military modelled on post-Marian Rome
>have their own Caesar in Solus
>more technologically advanced than almost all it's foes (then again that goes for most Persian empires too)
How the fuck are they even remotely Persian? Even Ala Mhigo has more Persian influence than Garlemald.

>Nobody's rating
Fuck you guys

what is coming in the next patch?

Don't be mean to crystal boy.

Attached: 1547388688463.png (700x701, 337K)

They're culturally Roman but the original concept for Eorzea was inspired by the Greek city-states during Persian invasion.

SAM buffs are all I know of. hopefully some fucking NIN buffs.

Balance adjustments (No reworks til 5.1) Probably some bug fixes as well.

Why? For anyone who was paying attention and wasn't one of those spastics on Yea Forums who thought he was OBVIOUSLY NOT G'RAHA YOU RETARDS LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE, it was pretty obvious. Dude was pretty short, covered in crystal shit and is soft faced.

10/10 to anyone using monk, 0/10 to everyone else. There, you happy?

Was it? I'd imagine if that were the case we'd see more of the city states aligning with Garlemald of their own free will like Halicarnassus, Boeotia or Macedon.

You mean known about since he was first shown.
But yeah, he's honestly a great character.
>wants to be a great hero just like us
>sacrifices himself to see if their interdimensional time tower works
>even lies to our party and says he's just taking our power for his own selfishness so that they don't mourn him, doesn't want to trouble his friends with his death
I love him, and I'm not the biggest male Miqo'te fan (I like Elezen more)

Name a better axe. Protip:
I just want some other axe suggestions to shake up my glamour that I haven't changed since HW

Attached: 1562603143522.png (300x360, 107K)

1.0 had a different lore lead so I imagine things have gone in a different direction since that original concept. In 1.0 Ul'dah though the monetarists were discussing the potential benefits of allying with Garlemald so it's not something that hasn't come up at all at least.


He's trying his best.

Attached: Exarch fretting.gif (500x572, 3.93M)



Foolkiller, Farsha and Sparth pretty nice, as are the Bearsmaw, Behemoth King and Shoryu axes. The Twin Adders bardiche is nice but only really works with a specific kind of outfit. I've seen a lot of people swear by the Heavensward artefact but personally it's a bit on the bulky side.

Bravura, always

>level BRD and DNC to 80
>feel required to take MCH to 80 too so I can dump all the 71-79 gear
fuck MCH with a rusty knife

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I think he's overrated. It's another case of 'npc shows some admiration for your character so now the fan base is madly in love'

Explain Emet Selch then.

Attached: 1563723042641.jpg (600x719, 81K)

But I like him because he puts that admiration to use to save us specifically.

>Get titania on trial roulette
>Healers don't do shit after AoEs
>Tanks don't pick up the adds
>DPS can't focus adds
Send help

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>All the roles can't do anything
So which one are you?
The shit healer? Shit tank? or shit DPS?

Attached: 1542061072122.png (369x378, 144K)

I don't do trial roulette past lv60 just to avoid getting current content. I don't think I could stomach another Crown of the Immaculate normal when it felt like EX was easier.

>playing potd
>im the only tank
>3 dps no healing
>mch keeps pulling everything
>isnt even opening chests
>steps on a landmine that gets us killed
I understand the need to rush but would it hurt to excerise caution without a healer?

Attached: 1559064990794.jpg (720x715, 55K)

I just thought the time travel was dumb

Your fault for doing potd as a tank really. People come there to turn off their brain and mindlessly level their dps classes.

More than that.
Crystal Exarch is a competent and powerful companion but at the same time he feels more vulnerable and symphatetic than the scions, despite us knowing them for much longer.
During the adventure, the exarch acts in a way thatmay cause concern and suspicion but when his moment of sacrifice comes, all those feelings convert into appreciation.

He was written with a concrete story arc in mind so he feels like better character than most in this game. Heroes of the expacs are naturally better recieved than the long lasting ones.

Time travel is a pretty frequent theme in FF.

i usually think time travel is dumb, but i thought it was a cool way of mixing the powers of omega, alex, and the tower

Ryne is for ______

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MCH mows down mobs with Drill and CDs. They probably forgot Second Wind does fuck all and the party would automatically adjust.


red hair dye

Time Travel has been part of FF since day. fucking. one. FF1's WoLs go back in time 2000 years to fuck with Chaos.
If anything, the time "compression" of different Shards to explain what happened was dumb.

>Heroes of the expacs are naturally better recieved than the long lasting ones.
Yeah, I think this is really important, and also why Lyse didn't translate well. She *was* a long lasting one. But became a core expansion one.
I liked her. I like Y'shtola, Thancred, Alisaie, etc. But they don't feel as impactful as that moment of "i'm going to kill myself to save the warrior of light to save your future"
I like Zenos myself, too, though.

The time difference between shards makes perfect sense though. They're all different dimensions so the flow of time isn't consistent between them.

Go away Pa'jeet

I would chalk it all up to care going into the story flow and choice dialog between languages. I thought Emet Selch would be another mustache twirling Garlean like Varis and Zenos but I've never so quickly changed my mind with just a bold entrance and that line of not considering us alive.

Holding hands

I've always told anyone who claimed this as fact that the writing is not subtle at all. If the WoL was in fact Hythlodaeus they would have said so about 3 times before Hades.

God am I gonna miss this fucker.

Attached: 1563033591802.jpg (400x600, 35K)

pumping full of cum until she explodes doing raidwide damage that the healers will have to cooldown through

Serving drinks.

Attached: ylzsYjW.png (1835x1080, 2.64M)

Fuck off Epperson

Post the beach one

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That was the last thing from the last person I expected.

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guys I love her too but do we have to make every thread a c-word one

What's the comfiest EU world?

It would, if it were consistent. We just "happen" to show up when time flows the same as the Source, despite it going megaspeed before, even though they have canonically gone out of their way to not reference the passage of time in almost every way and, as far as lore whores are concerned, not even a year has passed between ARR and ShB, let alone the SB parts where the Scions all go comatose.
Which just raises another question: Does this apply to ALL Shards? How much time passed in the 7 Rejoined Shards vs Source time? How much time has passed in the other unjoined Shards? How much time did the Thirteenth get? Unulkhai showed up sometime in ARR if I recall right, and he's basically our Harry Potter final soul shard. Was he brought straight to us when the 13th fell? Was that a long time ago and he got brought to us later? How much time compression happened there? We don't know.
They're making it up as they go along anyways.

>okay we have this young girl who is basically a prisoner of war, which scion should we leave her with for safe keeping?
>the asexual elzen?
>the mommy cat?
>the young adult teens?
>nah, let's keep her with the guys whose's entire storyline is being horny for someone with the exact same name as the girl
seems legit

I’d lick the sand off her toes

What are you, gay?

>nah, let's keep her with the guys whose's entire storyline is being horny for someone with the exact same name as the girl
he literally only saw her as a daughter, ever.

>horny for Minfilia
Stop skipping cutscenes, nigger. Minfilia is his daughteru.

>entire storyline is being horny for someone with the exact same name as the girl
nig u dum. Thancred gonna fuck that cat if anything.

Attached: MiqoteBody.jpg (679x928, 76K)

>leave her with for safe keeping

More like he rescued her from a prison she’s been in all her life and as a result of traveling together they share a bond

are you the dude that sperg'd out about catboy sitting on your bench the other day lmao faggot

Unulkhai is friends with the elf girl from the role quests and she's been hanging out in the first for over a hundred years. You can get a vague sense of how much time has passed but nothing is explicitly stated

Why you faggots play fonal fantasy? Grow some dicks sissies


What was that you worm?

Attached: 1563561261772.jpg (680x604, 91K)

We just happen to show up as the time evens out for the sake of the story, yeah. They don't move at consistent speeds in relation to each other because they're self-contained universes. Rejoined shards run on Source time because they become part of the Source. Time on other shards don't really matter because they aren't relevant.

What i really want to see is ryne trying to get out of the "daughter" role with thancred and him being dense about it.

>being horny for someone with the exact same name as the girl
Spotted the lorelet cutscene skipper.

Sorry, that's Rielle's role with Sidurgu.

*ruins every quest he's a part of in your path*
no seriously what the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: ranjit-final-fantasy-xiv-shadowbringers-91.3.jpg (210x240, 17K)

>tfw friends want to play classic but I want to play ffxiv

Attached: 1562352465878.jpg (750x1000, 81K)

>friends want to play classic
Sounds like you need new friends

>You’ll never be the WoL (female)
>You’ll never go on adventures with the Exarch in the First, making his dream come true
>You’ll never give him his first blowjob while he’s visibly nervous, reassuring him that you care about him and asking him not to fret
>He’s overcome with emotion that his hero and inspiration is having sex with him and he nearly breaks down crying

Attached: A840046B-F887-42E3-AA55-98839650E521.jpg (629x900, 138K)

Somehow they thought having to fight Zenos for 15 minutes every couple levels was fun and worth repeating with even less logic, justification, or effort.

God I wish that could be me as the WoL

Sid will never see her as the elezen lady she is. Not until she's 25 and effectively taller than him.

Attached: 07_09_2019 07_47_0.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

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I have no other friends

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I remember seeing it and he mostly just chuckled and said something that amount to
>I fucking knew it, it was so obvious
Why anyone takes him as any kind of lore authority is baffling since he just flips and flops and pretends to be smart.

difference is Zenos felt like a threat

Not surprising at all coming from a wojak poster.

Only redditors think he's any kind of authority. He doesn't even go into actual lore in his videos, he just googles the names of shit and reads out what they are in real world history and mythology. Actual lorefags know Anony Moose and Sounsyy are where it's at.

>nearly breaks down crying
>goes soft and you just hold hands all night.

>lore authority
The same reason people treat Mr. Happy like an actual XIV dev or employee when he has literally 0 say in anything. He just has a lot of views and a good mic.

Attached: 1563642498316.png (900x700, 583K)

Gonna need an uncensored link for that user
Also I really wonder, what is it about the Exarch that seems to attract so many [female] players to him? Is it because he's a male cat?

Anything good in the Rising letters?

I thought you were playing Classic WoW

Yeah, but it can still be dumb even if it's frequent.

>Hair dryer
>Gay Trap Cat chink cartoon

The fucking tranny meme is true

Attached: smile simpsons.jpg (512x512, 24K)

>Anony Moose and Sounsyy
Hell yeah mother fucker. I know Anonymoose had a hand in the lore book which he kept from the forums until he was allowed to reveal it, and I treat Sounsyy's blog as a secondary lore book. Because while both offer speculation, everything is backed with in game facts. Not just reciting wikipedia articles.

Just like Wojakposters


Also asking this, I can't play right now.

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Sounsyy's blog is especially great because it has obscure 1.0 lore blurbs on it. Anony Moose has the entire script from 1.0 saved but he hasn't made his documents public because apparently he doesn't have time to do that, but I'd kill to have access to that.

He’s such a wholesome and good boy.

>very attractive
>obsessed with you
>crystal cock
Not hard to see why. At least for me.

Show me your FSH level right now.

Attached: 1536834819868.png (680x760, 191K)

>wow thread making fun of classic players for banding together and making lines so people can do quests
>remember this being really awesome in ffxiv when instance quests would get buggy if everyone tried to initiate at once
Whats your take ffxiv thread?

He, Arbert and Hades touch on personality types girls like. Sweet and sensitive bf who would help you with make up, solid and strong bf that doesn't flinch at your morning breath, and the cold tsundere (male) that girls will let walk all over them.

>that one user that kept trying to force the "Minfilia is a headpats slut" meme during early access
I hope he's dead in a ditch somewhere

Attached: 1559416196797.gif (342x316, 1.36M)

MMOs generally just aren't very fun for streaming. Wow's biggest streamers (Sodapoppin/Asmongold) are big because they keep it interesting in other ways. I think FFXIV just doesn't have a very strong personality streamer to retain viewers.

Messages from devs.
Future Biggs, descendant of our Biggs sending a message thanking us for our help in the past, and that he has hope for their future to be saved.

80, anything else would be unacceptable

Attached: levels.png (331x250, 28K)

>calling him Hades
how familiar

Attached: 1549555757744.png (454x255, 103K)


Nani user?

I fucking hate fishing but I have it at 70 anyway. Still haven't bothered to do the job quests either.

I refuse to craft and nobody can make me do it.

Attached: 1559591856125.png (262x245, 27K)

You want some, pussy?

Attached: all80.jpg (383x352, 41K)

Unfinished Bravura Replica
Royal Nymian Marine Battleaxe
Horde Axe (not the Seeing version, the OG version)
Ravel Keeper's Axe

That's pretty good variety on styles, and all are pretty solid. A lot of the crafted white quality ones you can find on the MB look really good, too.

Just did the level 70 ALC quest. Who was that elezen standing around the corner after destroying the blade?

What did Gamescom reveal lore wise?

>doesn't have a very strong personality streamer to retain viewers.
I think there could be, but good luck getting people to watch when they don't have any plugs or push from any other big names. Pat's a literal gremlin but he knows how to keep up the entertainment when he isn't doting on his gf because I'm lonely and it hurts to watch.

You could have a great mic and jokes but 2 views because everyone's too busy sucking off the current well known names.

stop making me want to play WAR

Here's all the letters in one post.

Niellefresne's brother who runs the GSM guild. The whole questline was closure for 1.0 players.


Gotcha. I knew about the 1.0 stuff from threads here but figured he was someone that popped up before and I just completely forgot about him. Happens alot, i didn't remember who that au ra slut was from the 80 WHM quest at all at first.

Play WAR then. For once all the tanks are balanced. Even if I think it sucks that PLD edges out on DPS over WAR is a little scuffed.

Hey if you made it to 70 on WVR you've done it enough to know that it's not for you

>The letter from the woodworker and minions

Attached: 1551270525613.gif (720x312, 1.74M)

>BLU 50
basically as good as an official doctor mandated autism diagnosis

I am actually crying over a fictional message in a bottle
I don't know how or why I got to this point but it is completely and entirely unfair

I did it purely do I could do beastribes so I wouldn't really call that crafting.
Nigga can I just enjoy doing cane emotes, blowing myself up, and wearing the BLU artifact gear in peace?

>want Golden Needle title for RP
>13m gil and several days of quick synth
Fucking Crafter titles.

Attached: Of the Golden Needle.jpg (430x145, 6K)

Do you have any idea how easy it was to get BLU to 50 before 5.0

Not to mention the super buffed EXP they have now as well. Did the aggro and kill grind for like 5 minutes or less and got someone from 49 to 50.

>He isn't making mad stacks while levelling up crafters

Attached: 1538913406610.jpg (326x324, 50K)

People rarely talk about it but the best thing about BLU is that you can get fast riding speed in all ARR areas in like a week with minimal effort

>Oda: The basic concept of the Ascians' existence was part of the 1.0 world settings. But...a lot of things about the Ascians had not been decided at that time... (Yoshida erupts into laughter)
what did he mean by this

Attached: 1485184942626.jpg (439x398, 25K)

Just a little nod for 1.0 players. There are a lot more of those than most people realize actually.

A resurrected Varis infused with not! JENOVA cells harvested from the center of the star using Tartarus will be the final boss of 6.0.
Zenos is killed for good in the 5.4.-5.5. patches.

probably means that 99% of the ascian lore was probably thought up while writing shadowbringers

Probably just a roundabout way of saying "we were making it up as we go along".

didn't play

Wouldn't be surprised. In one of the previous but still recent interviews Yoshida himself mentioned that one of the reasons ShB was made was just was just because they felt they had to tie up the warriors of darkness plot line.
Keikakufags BTFO to be honest


So the only real thing that was revealed was confirmation that the WoL is not a sundered Hythlodaeus. Everything else lore wise was obvious in the story already.


I think that making it up is fine as long as they have a team that will go back and fact check. Unlike Nomura's wild ride of bullshit he thinks is clever and no one but Disney is putting a leash on his unchecked autism.

I really like all the callbacks XIV has and tying up loose ends in unexpected places.

Attached: 1528673181849.png (311x258, 168K)


>trying to level crafters by buying shitgobs of mats and quick synthing

good lord there isn't a brainlet meme with a small enough brain for you

How have your guys FFXIV servers been like since WoW Classics launch? Is it more dead? Is it the same? Did player quality improve?

Make a Delicate Synthesis macro.

Click synthesis while you watch netflix or something. Change waits to preference.

>13mil gil to level up Weaver to only 55
Are all rich anons this stupid?

It's not going to make a difference retard

If you see Titania Deliora gathering on Cerberus, make sure to report them. They're a dirty bot.

Get queues to log in in the evenings sometimes but usually only like 5 or so people. World usually seems pretty empty though so i'm guessing everyone is off on other worlds. Aegis btw

>trying to level crafters
Did you even read the post?

I got rich because I'm an autistic money grubber that absolutely refuses to buy materials off of the MB if it's possible for me to gather them myself, no matter how far out of my way I have to go.

Actually that's the wrong one. My bad.

Just make Magitek Repair Material. You make money here or at least stay net neutral.

Missed the part about WoW classic somehow but everything seems the same, japs probably don't care about WoW. I didn't even know it was out already

you are stupid as absolute fuck


I was hoping that the WoWfugees in-game would leave.

my sub recently expired and I haven't logged in for weeks because of work. I was just checking to see how the general state of the game is right now.

You have no reading comprehension.

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Nothing changed

Really doesn't matter honestly. People playing xiv weren't going to bother with classic to begin with. Only people who left now are most likely a bunch of sprouts. And even then we'll likely see them back in a couple of weeks anyway.

fuck, are frost blms still going to be a thing then? I thought the wowfugees were going to bring their retardation with them when they left for classic

Walking around on Ul'dah in Mateus made me think about how i really can relate to Emet-Selch. I've been playing on this server ever since i started, back in 2.3. It was dead, you used to recognize pretty much everyone you ran across, had no raiding scene and the hunts were messy due to the lack of people but goddamit i miss it. I miss the cozy little community Mateus had. Balmung's invasion truly was our sundering. Now i'm surrounded by all of these individuals that i just struggle to even refer to as "people". Pitiful existances obcessed with their online drama.

i usually try to be nice on Yea Forums but you are a fucking retard

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Balmung is the source in your scenario though, since soon the rest of the world will be joined with them.

NYPA. We're all botting here faggot.

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How long until Shadowbringer goes on sale?

Nice mirror of when Varis shot him before to shut him up too

>Balmung's invasion truly was our sundering
You mean Balmung's refuse bin. Those people are unwelcome even here.

Shut the fuck up SMTnigger. Get off this fucking board and neck yourself.

I've created a character on Mateus and I'm unironically enjoying how all main cities have lots of people and even random inns on the road have people chilling in casual, harmless RP. It makes the world feels more alive. I've yet to see a single ERP so I assume it happens in whispers (which I never got) or closed instances

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>This case was similar to Estinien's. He was our opponent in the DRG story arc, but joined our party for the journey to Ishgard because he was a useful our assistant in showing us what Ishgard was. It’s the same for Gaius, but it's time to learn about the Garlean Empire, instead.
So is this a form of confirmation that we're going to Garlemald in some capacity soon or during the next expansion?

>hear Balmung memes since starting in 2.X
>it was really current Aether all along
>Mateus actually the shitshow and full of drama mongering trannies
Made me quit roleplaying honestly. And it's something I liked.

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You missed out on sales already. Newegg was selling it for $30 and Amazon had a 1 day deal promo for PS4 version for $20

Its not always terrible, but its just not the same. I miss how it was. It does get pretty bad from time to time, just today there was a massive argument in Ul'dah because one dude was RPing as Aymeric and everyone else hated him for it. Gotta give props to the one dude shouting the lyrics for Rules of Nature in the middle of the argument though.

enjoy not being able to clear any savage because all the decent players have fucked off to not gay servers

They confirmed that years ago

Why didn't we get any other job quest people in the MSQ
like for a job I actually play

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friends i want to get the frontline horse because it looks pretty rad. how long will that take

It's amazing how fast you can accidentally fall into an e-drama pit trap there. Retards can't tell fantasy from reality and will argue about discord drama in the open and then get off from the attention.

I bet Elidibus will be Ares

fuck you

>One wipe in Orbonne
>Pic related
Holy fucking shit I cant believe how much time I fucking wasted because one shitter couldn't handle doing thunder god.

The only fun I had in primal was when a kid was talking in novice network over dating his tutor.

For the amount of people TRYING savage, it's pretty proportional to the amount of clears on other servers.

>everyone bragging about how this game is better than wow because it's more like classic
>classic is out now
Why exactly are you still playing this game? As someone who hasn't played either, genuinely curious. Do you plan on ditching it for WoW?

Widargelt being revealed as the Mad King's nephew or whatever his situation was really confused the fuck out of me that it didn't come up in the MSQ, especially because it would've been pertinent to the hippie circle that Lyse set up to figure out what kind of government they should set up. On paper he should have been as important to the post-liberated Ala Mhigo as Estinien is to Ishgard.

>haha bro we're going to the garlean empire next expac they brought in Gaius!
>literally last second everyone goes into comas and you get told to go to the crystal tower and fuck off to the first
I mean ShB was good but fuck. Next time for sure right..

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alright then. asshat how long will it take for me to get that damn horse

God damn it

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>More like classic
Who says this?

I mean that scene in the capital and the Imperial Palace were very detailed, they are definitely planning to do something with it.

I'd like to see a full on invasion of Garlemald now that the Alliance got their most powerful weapon back and they could break the stalemate but we'll probably see some espionage/behind the enemy lines work with Estinien until the next expansion

I'd play it if it had BC content. Classic on its own is trash.

This whole WoW vs XIV thing is largely shitpost and falseflag-induced false drama. People who play XIV will play XIV, people who like WoW will always go back to it. If anything i hope Classic ends up being sucessful in the long run so this discourse gets reduced with time as the players return to their original game

>everyone bragging about how this game is better than wow because it's more like classic
Why are you making shit up? It's like wow circa Wrath era which is why there are so many wrathbaby wowfugees infesting the game. If you can get them to leave then be my guest, I want them gone

>better than wow because it's more like classic
nobody has ever said this except (You)

FFXIV is a Final Fantasy game. It has its own game design, legacy, and audience.

Some how got into a part that wiped at knight lady. No idea how you could wipe at that unless you’re just fucking around,

Why would I do savage raids?

>it's more like classic
Literally nobody said that.
>Do you plan on ditching it for WoW?
I wanted to play both, but I want to raid on XIV and if I play WoW I would like to raid there too, so I'll have to pass. Really tempted tho, after all is the 2nd MMO I played the most

>load in after expert roulette where I was fishing
>people RPing where I load in
I love Balmung, seeing people doing shit, especially out in the world, is always the best.

>see my fem midlander in the level 80 dancer outfit
>immediately whip my dick out

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At least in the 80 MNK quest you get an explanation that he had essentially tried to avoid them for as long as possible, which I guess is in in-character.

Why the fuck would I go to WoW? FFXIV has a more well optimized client and I pay less money for the sub than Classic or Retail. WoW is a rip-off by delivering a poorer quality client while charging me more.

Post pics.

midlanders are the biggest whores

>Why exactly are you still playing this game?
aesthetic, music, story, gameplay
>As someone who hasn't played either, genuinely curious.
>Do you plan on ditching it for WoW?
I don't play blizzard dogshit sorry marketer.

learning to play your job better, bragging rights, gear and weapons that are outdated next content patch and may or may not look like shit, pretending to be a master of job-design when arguing on Yea Forums because you've cleared a savage tier

To prove yourself you're not a carried shitter or one of those guys you can read stories about on every online forum
For real, to challenge yourself, since this game is for the 99% of the time absolute easy mode. Eventually you'll become like me, where I reached a point where even Savages are so easy and void for me, only Ultimates can satisfy my need for challenge (and other actual difficult games).
Otherwise stick to whatever you like and nobody cares

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Based on my FC's nsfw channel, I think I can agree with this.

>literally (you) during rising event cutscene
Wasn't expecting that and kinda weird. Torn between feelings of Congratulations Shinji and DRK job questline.

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>saw a femroe in the DNC artifact once
>looked shockingly good for a wide-shouldered bear woman race and the musculature made the idea of a battle-dancer more convincing
>feel my prostate begin to go into overdrive

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>Otherwise stick to whatever you like and nobody cares
Yea Forums cares, for some reason. Any time I say I don't savage raid they ask "what do you do then??"
I just wanna get tomestones, do ex fights, do stories, do DoH/DoL and hang out with friends.

Players or overall. Because you know sun cats are the actual whores of the Source.

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Ignore mouthbreathers, acquire treasure-maps.

suncats are pretty bad but midlanders are worse.

savage is only hard because it requires you to find 7 other non-retarded people

The explanation since before SB was that the people HATED the Mad King and were tired of monarchs, so if he stood up and told them he was the heir after Ala Mhigo was liberated he'd be more likely to get attacked. He also didn't want it, because he's more focused on the Fists of Rhalgr and reviving the monastic order.

>Yea Forums cares
That's right, nobody cares.
To be honest I'm on the side of the guys who tell you to raid, not because I'm an asshole but because I mainly play the game for that reason alone.
Removing raid = me instantly quitting the game.
But I'm happy you found something you enjoy and having fun so, as I said, who cares.

No but I keep "LOOK! THE EAST IS BURNING RED!" on a macro for my MNK LB3

Okay, if in theory I get the weapon coffer tomorrow, which tank has the most a e s t h e t i c weapon? DRK, or GNB?

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Almost all roleplayers will ERP, but the good ones will keep that discrete and private. But also the best approach to roleplayers is what you are doing (admiring at a distance) followed by brief casual dips. It's when you get in the deep end that things go crazy.

Elezen are so rare that whenever I see a cute giraffe chick I do a double take.

I can't remember the weeb names, but if I put on youtube.com/watch?v=OwJ1EpxiWb4 or youtube.com/watch?v=RhhP-IJS2Ro suddenly the most boring roulette becomes hype.

As far as we've seen, and we've admittedly seen very little, Miqo'te actually tend to marry in their tribal circles.
M'naago's father is married to her mother. The whole "breeding rights" thing is there, but it's more like, if Naago's mother died, and there was a Tia in the tribe, her father could be the only one to remarry and mate.


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>Yea Forums cares, for some reason.
Because they will never amount to anything meaningful outside their well enough paying jobs. Nor will said jobs take them beyond where they are in life now.

A Savage/Ultimate clear is the only achievement they'll have to their name despite just being advanced Simon Says.

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What are we getting in 5.1?

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Hard choice, but I like glamouring my DRK like an edgy faggot (Cronus Lux is the best looking weapon in the game) so go for GNB

cats exist

I was never into Warcraft as a series, so what reason do I have to try World of Warcraft? As much as I enjoy FFXIV, I'm not a MMO addict or anything.

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no but I pretend that SAM moves are swordsman skills from the Tales series.

Shifu = Kogahazan
Shinten = Shunjinken
Enpi = Majinken
Ikishoten = Raijinken
etc etc etc

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I'd like to if my friends wanted to, I'm definitely not an ultra casual who thinks raids are stupid or anything. I just don't want to without people I really enjoy playing with.
I don't think anyone should align themselves with any one content, I will admit, so I'll be honest I don't like your message of raids being removed=quitting. But that's your opinion. That's what YOU like to do. And that's fine. I hope they do keep making things that you enjoy, too.

Nier raid
Ishgard reconstruction maybe
balance changes
Lots of salt

>Plagueofgripes plays FFXIV


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24 man raid
1-2 dungeons
Bigger balances to classes that need it (Like SAM and Shoha)
Possibly new game plus, I forget if it's 5.1
Changes to how aethersands are generated, I forget details just that it'll be easier in some way.
Maybe Eureka or whatever the fuck it's called? Or is that 5.2?

>complains about everything at every minute

>that pic
but that's exactly why she's a "flat" character is because she goes retarded with the stuff on the left, without her straight man to sort her out and keep her focused. It's part of her character arc (which is retarded that she needs an arc) to learn to handle herself without Papalymo, and think for herself.

everything everyone else said plus crafting/desynthesis changes. crafting will be made more accessible and desynthesis will have its loot table and rates changed to make it more useful.

>I just don't want to without people I really enjoy playing with.
Good taste, user.
While I said I enjoy the challenge, I enjoy playing with my static/friends too, I cannot raid without both of these things, so I really approve your choice for not raiding. Maybe one day you'll all be interested in raiding and have fun together improving yourselves.
Godspeed to you, sir

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Any NINfags here?
Need some advice.

>Just finished the role quests, didn't realize that there was one after all of them
>Mfw we're going to the void next expac with all this lore revelation

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>"what why? seriously as a writer this doesn't make any sense like why would you do this god this is so japanese ugh japanese writing"
>*mashes through dialogue* yeah yeah don't care whatever

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Change to MNK if you enjoy the positional gameplay or DRG if you like support skills.


Or we're going to the Void as our new version of Eureka to restore it.

>Change to MNK if you enjoy the positional gameplay

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>we're going to the void next expac
I hope so, but if WoW/Stormblood teached us anything next expac will be shit, so we'll go to Garlemand

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>this is so japanese ugh japanese writing
>translated to English and back to Japanese for a fully cohesive story fit for each audience without deviating
Can Plague just go back to making animation shorts? I think he's a very unlikable person and only entertaining to people under 21. Most being edgelords.

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why are people so salty when they die or wipe in msq roulette or alliance raid (especially LOTA)

who fucking cares dude lmao. did you lose a level for dying?

>have to get hit for it to activate

>she doesn't erp and raid
Never going to make it

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don't listen to the other anons, clearly none of them have bothered farming any of the autistic titles

the only thing you did wrong was not leveling btn to 50 so that you could have farmed the mats for free and only eaten the shard/crystal cost because farming those sucks even with aetherial reduction

There are so many raidwide aoes in end game fights you'd have to be mouthbreating retard to have problem activating it.

Based. I fucking love femroes. Was thinking about going viera but couldn't end up with one I liked enough.

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>LotA run, number 39025725358075295
>Atomos part before Thanatos
>Someone doesn't stand on the platform
Every fucking time.

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I honestly feel like this is the case, and that is the reason why they have been VERY hush-hush about the relics this time around, because it's big story spoilers.

i just chuckle when that happens.
but holy shit people spill their spaghetti really fucking fast when it happens.

>purposefully getting hit instead of just doing your positionals

Thanks user, good luck on your future raids.

It's an alt actually. My main (of that world) has gathering/crafting all above 50 at varied levels. Some nodes I really didn't want to farm and then there's fleece, and of course the cost of crystals.

All in all I think its 7000 crafts? If I bought my way to the title it'd have been double.

I have done that raid like five times and I still don't get the mechanic

He said raidwides, dumbass.
4 people need to stand on the close glowing platform so that the enemy to the right can be attacked.


Oh, I'm glad someone saved this. I hope to god people realize how shit these threads were becoming where even a thread about modding and people avatarfagging was better than the usual.
This thread is pretty nice right now though.

>be healer
>see rdm stay back so there's 5 people
>decide to go forward and dps
>wtf are you doing healer stay back

>4 people need to stand on the close glowing platform so that the enemy to the right can be attacked.
Oh, that makes sense. I always thought it was the one in front.

It's not like I actually learned any of the CT mechanics anyways, I just follow everyone else. Maybe I'll have to when I level a tank.

Each alliance needs 4 people to stand on the pad in the back to make the atomos for another group vulnerable.

>Someone doesn't stand on the platform
I /cheerwave the entire time for the platform color.

fuck off, you're literally wrong on all points. go back to /vg/

>rescuing retards back to the platform as healer when the fourth person runs off

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That isn't my post user, I just agree with him.

How many weeks until good but not tryhard raid neet players can orange titan? I assume the bar gets lower every week.

>literally wrong on all points
>brings up /vg/, one of the points
merely pretending

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>Small Bottle, Letter VI: We have no strength to lend you in battle, nor can we craft wondrous items to serve you in your adventures.
>We can't help you win a fortune at the Gold Saucer, nor can we lift your spirits with a happy tune. At the end of the day, all we can truly offer is companionship─whatever small comfort you can derive from knowing that we'll always be at your side.
>And yet, for some reason─a reason for which we can only thank the gods─that's enough for you. And so, we thank you: our friend, our master. Simply say the word, and we will follow you to the ends of the world and beyond. For you mean more to us than you will ever know.
>Ever your faithful companions,
>Your Minions

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I love when spastics lose their shit when parses aren't good in a lvl 50 alliance raid, like nobody cares nigga we just want to get it done.

Soo basically Limsa Lominsa before ShB came out?

During this Rising event, let us remember that Yoshi P killed the superior FFXIV for his WoW clone, and now WoW Classic will kill FFXIV 5.0 like it has killed all previous WoW clones before.

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Best fucking letter.
>tfw always have a minion out no matter what

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It would be part of her character arc, if they had remembered to write one for her. Instead she just acts retarded the whole expansion.

5.0 is the expansion of WoL/D appreciation. Scions by your side in dungeons, bringing people together, reuniting with G'raha, and the DRK closure.

The Source is awful because you're shit to everyone until proven otherwise. Even the Dwarves welcome you because you learned their greeting.

Guys help me make a Top Ten of Most Coping guys on the internet
I already have the 1st place:

>tfw spending 24 million gil on orchestrion rolls

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Best option for last minute Phantasmagoria farm? Just chain the 80-dungeons?

Where my Palico niggas?

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It's sad that we could've got some minigame like WoW's Pokémon and instead we got fucking LotV, which is actually fun but nobody likes it

>not running poogie with the little piggy title

>sometimes leave the pad for a sec or two to fuck over the other alliance on purpose, having them to suffer the shame of being the last group to kill their Atomos and making everyone else think their DPS is holding the raid back


Nigger it lasts 30 fucking seconds. You can literally pop it during the pull timer of E2S and it will pop during your opener. Then it will be off CD before the dot puddles so you can use those to proc it again after clicking off galvanize and then the rest of the fight you can basically pop it on CD so you have 50% no positionals uptime on top of true norths

Just repeat twining and akademia with a well geared BLM. Make sure it's a well geared BLM so you can speed it up as much as you possibly can as a one man effort. Amaurot sucks don't do that one.

Pretty much. Best amount for time spent.

>tfw no buff tomboy roe girlfriend


>tfw liked playing a womanly roe who genuinely acted feminine
Miqo'te are sort of the best tomboy race, really.

>not using puff of darkness
>not having those lil tiddies and thighs rubbing up on your shoulder
You haven't lived my dude

>roe that wants to be a pretty girl

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>Doing roulettes while waiting on queue in WoW Classic

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>tfw barely anyone plays Mahjong in FFXIV
>still has more players than LotV

At least there's Mahjong Soul if I want to play Mahjong consistently.

>not using the wind-up succubus for that
>the minion that implies with its "anatomically accurate in every way" line and being made with dark magic it might actually have a functioning vagina

I didn't dig her so much in robes/dresses but I liked the idea that she just acted more a regular woman.

Allow me to blow your mind friend.

On Bone Dragon you're supposed tank him dead center and pull the spooky skeletons to the edge of the paths before killing them so when dragon is dead you can DPS them down before they reach the center and trigger the raid wide AoE
On Behemoth you're supposed to press switches on the towers so everyone doesn't get electrocuted and kill the bombs so they don't blow up the towers

Scylla requires you to light up all the glowy things so you can stand on them to protect from Daybreak which petrifies everyone which was a de facto wipe. You might not even realize you're supposed to use puddles to reduce damage from Ancient Flare.
Glasya Labolas has a bunch of mechanics of connecting lines with adds and has an entire separate phase where you jump to a bunch of different platforms around the arena to avoid his instakill and kill adds

You will never in your life do any of these things because brute force bullshit. Glasya especially is a piss off as amusing as it was to phase skip when it was new.

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>have loved having my Ironfrog Ambler out since I got it
>look back at Hunting Hawk, Anima, Poogie, Nana Bear, Tomato King, and Buffalo Calf
Why did it make me so emotional?

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Tomboys are for closet gays, so the Roe "females" that look like men are the best fit for them.

I hope we get a rock veesion of Eternal Wind as a boss theme.
Did ShB manage to make you cry? I did. Right when G'raha started to break down after we call him by his real name in the finale
What did you get?

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>Glasya Labolas has a bunch of mechanics of connecting lines with adds and has an entire separate phase where you jump to a bunch of different platforms around the arena to avoid his instakill and kill adds
I haven't seen that mechanic since fucking HW, holy shit

>Glasya fight for the first time in forever
>instinctively run into the turret add things when they appear
>no one frees me and just keep attacking the boss
It was pretty funny honestly but kinda sad you won't see most of the mechanics anymore

>On Bone Dragon you're supposed tank him dead center and pull the spooky skeletons to the edge of the paths before killing them so when dragon is dead you can DPS them down before they reach the center and trigger the raid wide AoE
To be fair, no one did this by like 2.4

I've just finished my first 30 days in XIV and I have to say its the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a video game.
I will not be subbing again. I would get a refund if I could.
If you like dress up and ERP its great(you are a faggot), but if you want an actual game you are going to be sorely disappointed.

The animations are complete and total dog shit. We are talking PS1 level animations.
All the bosses are just "dont stand in shit".
The classes all have too many buttons that do the same thing(my class Dragoon has almost 20 buttons in its basic rotation).
The abilities aren't even interesting either, they are designed to be strictly used one after another in a VERY specific order. So specific that your next abilitiy will light up with an outline on the HUD/Action bar.
Everyone is ERPing and pretending to be girls CONSTANTLY. They erp in the general channels, they erp in your FC channel(I joined 7 different FCs and they were all ERPing non-stop).
Most people actively talk about being trans and taking pills.
One person was discussing how they will cut their leg, collect the blood, and inject it into their anus to simulate a menstrual cycle.
I haven't wasted any time on professions, but if the rest of the game is any indicator its probably not good.
The leveling is absolutely the worst experience I have ever had in a video game.
There are like 5 different types of quests you do, then they just repeat with different flavor text, you do these same 5 quests 1000 times each(I am not joking).
The story is total garbage
Everything takes place in tiny instances.
Every dungeon is a very narrow hallway with bosses living in circular arenas.
None of the male characters look masculine, but instead are faggy little cunts.

I miss my roe desu.

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Considering the next expansion is the conclusion of the Ascian/Garlemald plotline, it doesn't even need to be confirmed that we're going to Garlemald. Its obvious we're going.

remove bow shock and sonic break from gunbreaker and give them more fucking ogcds, thank yoship

I kind of miss mine as well, but I'm genuinely happier with Miqo'te.

>noticing people afking in main scenario roulette
i''m kinda mad. why are you gonna phone it in?
there's like 4 people afk. man i don't wanna carry might afk too.

>What did you get?
All of them. I collected all of them.

>not using the thinking man's minion

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Why isn't GNBs Dot a OGCD? Having to stop your combo to apply the dot really fucks up the flow

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compared to traps that are totally heckin' straight, i'm sure

It's Scourge.

I went generic rabbit and I don't really regret it but it was nice not looking like literally every other character in the game.

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>Glasya Labolas has a bunch of mechanics of connecting lines with adds and has an entire separate phase where you jump to a bunch of different platforms around the arena to avoid his instakill and kill adds
Every few months I get a group in DF that doesn't burn him fast enough and he starts his roomwide cast and because we've ignored the adds, the outer platforms aren't active

It'd be fine if sonic break was ogcd like bow shock. It really slows down the start of no mercy.

we're more like 9/13ths of the traitor, but I don't thinkit's Hythlodaeus, there's no evidence the two are the same

I think this pasta is past its expiration date.
Femroes will never look cute.

>see that I can craft this
>materials are from exploratory missions
fuck you

White Mage
Red Mage
Dark Knight
Dark Knight

Bring Scourge back Yoshida you fucking hack.

I did a queue in progress once where the guy before me was kicked for AFKing after Nero, so I got Prae exp for like 15 minutes of work, 13 of which were cutscenes. It was cool

most female characters in general look like shit, half the time a default roe is a cuter than a dolled-up miqo'te

>don't have perfect ping
>will never ever fit gnashing fang combo, and five burst strikes and every ogcd + sonic break into a single No Mercy

im confused, let's say you no mercy before sonic break.
is it any different than using sonic break and then using no mercy before the first dot hits?

Trading cards anyone?

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it's that jew cartoon but it's a lalafel

DoT damage is decided on application.

Eh it was more like late 2.x the tanks could almost DPS the things themselves anyways. Of course the other problem is there isn't enough tanks to do it properly anymore.

they're all doing it at ultima weapon.
i'm a bit bummy because it's taking noticably longer. not enough to call people out but still annoyed.

Is it just me or does Nero resemble a younger, blond Kurt Russell?

How do you guys feel about Zenos literally being a divine intervention?

actually one of them isn't afking, he's just letting the other healer do all the work. he's running and jumping and not casting a single spell.

my biggest piss off is healers dancing around instead of doing any dps. I mean it will probably only save about a minute, 2 tops, off our time but still I'm so sick of prae and castrum I just want to blast through them as fast as possible.

memes aside, even though it made sense to get rid of protect from the standpoint of jobs no longer having limits on role actions, having to recast protect after someone died punished the healer by an extra gcd on top of having to res and that was a good thing.

Chad Mage for all time!

im going as healer right now and the other healer legit isn't doing anything except running and jumping. im a bit mad just a bit.

Do you think Yoshi P is playing WoW Classic right now?


Probably, Yoshi's a self-professed blizzdrone.

Why are there so many faggots on this server.

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>Founder of Allag
>shoots a guy with a gun

he does because he can

>implying you wouldn't slam her ready-and-willing vag at a moment's notice, using her ears as handles

There really isn't a whole lot, especially compared to the meme servers

I was a lizard once. Mine was the cutest and everyone else was generic trash. I took the lalapill and am quite happy with how she turned out.
I modeled her after my dreamgirl. Orange fluffy hair, emerald colored eyes that shine in the moonlight, and light freckles on her face.

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hopefully more triple triad cards

femroes are disgusting

It was one of the designated Crystal refugee centers during the split so it's to be expected

god i want a sharlayan race so I can make an aphinaud style fuccboi

>Be literally bred for taking dick
>Get out preformed by some random Hyur bitch
How can Miqo thots compete

That is some insane revisionist history

>now even the people who were trying to get away from "Crystal faggotry" are as bad as Crystal itself
you guys don't stop with the boogeymen do ya

cute roe

Tfw no Fem Roe gf to bear hug you after a long day of adventuring.

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>no loading means immersion
>in a game world that's more copypasted than a Skyrim draugr cave

That's a pretty cute boy, but he's a bit too far on the manly side for my liking. Might look better in armor to accentuate his masculine features

No bully the Roe pls

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So I bought 3 story skips to get into shadowbringer (why the fuck do you need 3????) and it turned out my character didn't get leveled along with it. I had to buy another skip to 70 so I bought it on a warrior because it sounded the coolest and that's what I played in wow, but turns out the job is a fucking tank? I get into the game and there is so much shit I have to put on my hotbar and there are way too many ogcds and gcds. It's fucking stupid. I've barely even started the story and there's so much bullshit hotbar bloat. I got a dungeon through the leveling roullete and I couldn't even hold agroo because the dps was doing so much damage and nothing I did because provide allowed me to gain agroo. This is fucking stupid.

Can you be my lala wife user?

I can see it.

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That's why you don't skip the fucking story when you just start it you thick prick

Ugly as fuck, I'll never understand how Yea Forums can like them

They seriously need to make it so story skips can only be bought if you have the story finished on a character.

Please, you only want fap material and wont commit to a relationship of headpats and /dotes.

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Can I see your Au Ra?

bait bait go away

Obviously the solution is to find a femroe interested in being friends-with-benefits

.t Asmongold

Agreed, atleast go through it once to get a feel for the game before committing around 50 bucks or higher to skips.

Ever since I started using ninja, I like pvp now. I just wish the tab targeting didn't suck.

I didn't do any of this. I just spam succor.

>Fey Blessing has a gauge cost of 10
>But also a cd of 60 sec

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So how much is a savage clear going to cost?

The only solution is to give her snu snu

how is that any different from indom that has a aetherflow cost of 1 but a cd of ~30 seconds?

Yep, I see the reasoning if you want to make an alt (not really needed in this but hey if you wanna you wanna) and I'm fine with level boosts for alt jobs, maybe restrict it to only being purchasable if you've got the role high enough for the boost at most.

Exactly, I think the only time I ever spent money on a skip was because I lost the email to my FFXIV account so I had to make another one.

Jesus; Imagine being that delusional.

>people actually pay to skip the game

I will never understand it, why even play at all if you're going to do that shit?

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Because people in MMO's feel as if there missing something if they are not at endgame.

Going to moralfag me if I say I bot?

the copy pasting was bad but the no load times was pretty dank i gotta admit

also i really wish they would bring back hamlet defense

raidlogger retards

I want the flowerpot and shit. This game is ugly.

Story and side content usually is busy work nothing in korean waifu dress ups and china bot games.

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depends on what you bot. gathering makes sense, some of the mat requirements are completely asinine, especially if you don't want to pay for blue materia for pentamelding. leveling battle classes, literally why. i got 3 levels on an alt job today while i was jerking off, its easy as shit

I'm talking about first-timers skipping ARR/HW/SB and going straight to ShB.

I’m not going grind through the MSQ for months just to get to the good stuff. I will freely admit that I bought a story skip potion, I skipped all the way to Shadowbringers because the advertising for it was very tempting, plus I have friends that play and I want to be able to do current content with them. I beat the story recently and while I was a little lost for some of it by the end I was in full on hype mode, it was pretty good. Do I regret skipping the earlier expansions? No, I got to play what I wanted to play without dealing with the older bullshit. I feel like people who are mad at others who buy story skips are just salty that they had to play through that when others got to where they are in an instant. I’m having a blast with the game even though I skipped and I take joy in knowing that it’s making you seethe.

>I skipped all the way to Shadowbringers
You need to fuck off BACK to WOW.

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>I’m not going grind through the MSQ for months just to get to the good stuff.
>t nigger who thinks raiding is the only thing to do in this game
fuck off

>small dom

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Not really dom/sub but I think you'll enjoy this

>get a static
>try E2S all the week
>can't get clear
>join a last hours clear pug
>literally kill it first try

I'm surprised as fuck

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lucky bitch

>pay for something
>pay extra to not use it as intended

thanks for keeping my sub cheap

more common than you think

That's part of my point. Because other mmos side content doesn't matter, and only the endgame treadmill, people (with whale budgets) will ignore the entire game thinking they can jump right into Titan Savage with bare bones wikipedia knowledge of everything else.

>Install game
>Reach character creation
>Shortest height still hulking, no chance of making a convincing catboy
My disappointment: immeasurable

And I'll never understand why /vg/ loves generic fat faced cats that all look the same.

catboys are manlets what are you talking about

Remember, trannies gravitate towards youth and hyper feminine beauty they'll never achieve. A fat, round face fits. Especially when their own features are sunken and gaunt from lack of sleep obsessing over drama and bad genes.

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You can say that about literally any race in the game.
Dunno where you look that everyone looks the same though, I see people looking pretty distinct with all the different hair options especially now.

Around 36 or so. I'm taking it nice and slow and fishing for recipes that I make for fun for my CUL.

Why do you do this?
I just like cute catgirls. Why does everything have to be a race war?

I honestly don't know why they even bothered with 10 Fairy juice cost. Might as well be another ogcd aoe heal on 60 sec CD.
Even Seraph's equivalent (Consolation) doesn't cost anything.

The polygons didn't do anything for stuff that wasn't character models and believe it or not the game looked worse in actual gameplay since there was no dynamic lighting

>Plans for 5.1
Leveling BLU

If you like cute girls, then just say so. You look like an asshole when insulting other people's preferences for in game race and beauty.

I like all the races, I'm asking why people gotta say "the trannies did this"
I love all the girls, from roegadyn to au ra.

Because being generic and samey is still better than looking like IRL trannies

Sorry, I thought you were another user that did toss insults.
It's usually trannies.

Only E-Celeb, Smash and WoW-threads are allowed.

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I disagree entirely. All the trannies I'm friends with play races besides Miqo'te and shit on Miqo'te.

How does trannylogs calulate rdps contribution from crit rate buffs?

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The same way it calculates DoT damage, simulation.

Is Summoner fun at 80 or should I just keep playing black mage.

Do you like pressing a LOT of buttons?

How many more buttons than black mage or dragoon?

Is it like the MCH of casters or something?

even worse than mch


I play PLD when I want to help out as a tank, healing is for faggots.

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MCH only goes ham during Overheat.
SMN is worse.

The tranny of my fc love femroes and highlanders, but he's also 30+ and not a twitter sjw zoomer.

Requires a lot of effort to do acceptable damage with, does less dmg than BLM but it can raise.
It's like the Stormblood MCH, not SHB MCH, of casters.

Are Rapid Syn 3 and Preparatory Touch for macro purpose or something?
Seems like all they do is reduce amount of steps you need because it just cost double of everything while also have double the strength.

literally everything is ogcd. there is no rotation. only the blob

Just started playing and I have no idea what class to pick. I want something fun.

I really enjoyed both Summoner and Black Mage at 80 but you might disagree. A lot of people dislike it for some reason or another.


Preparatory Touch is insanely good in general.

CNJ, then tell tanks to pull big

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>crafting revolves entirely around actions which increase effectiveness of the next number of actions
>hey guys what's the purpose of these actions which fit more stuff into a single action

>tell tanks to pull big
>they ignore me
>i feel embarassed
i fucking hate you god damn tanks

it feels complete at 80 but hit or miss. pheonix stance feels good, but i don't like how the rotation feels static and feels like i have to do twice as much work for the same amount of low damage

what server should I go into if im aussie

Tonberry was the english speaking oceanic server I think if you want to play with non JP/AUS play on any primal server.

I think Tonberry is still considered the unofficial aussie server

Sexy times

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It's also considered cesspool of Elemental DC along with Kujata and Carbuncle.

Well it is full of aussies so that's not surprising