Attached: suck on it, retard-era.png (638x406, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread: Armageddon /type/op/’s-banned-list-of-games.29980/

Based. Fuck trannies.

Wasn’t it just like a soda cup or something

Does someone in the game call somebody a faggot or something

Keep pushing until they take back the donation and sensitivity training.

Attached: 1566853527529.jpg (980x558, 217K)

not in a billion years will they do that

The end boss is canonically homosexual and you kill him by injecting him with a substance called "Ayeds", which even I thought was a bit much.

Then why the fuck are we rewarding them with positive reviews?

AIDs is how you kill gays though

because they decided not to remove the content in the game, which is what pretty much everyone cared about
the tranny donation is irrelevant

How about no.

Because literally only things that actually affect the game matter.

because it's funny that it makes resetrannies S E E T H E

Why not? It makes Resetera mad.
Plus you know, that donation has NOTHING to do with the game itself.

idiots never s hould have crossed us in the first place

>which even I thought was a bit much.
Fuck off. Homosexual men are the reason why we still have aids in the west.

>all this free publicity
marketing genius


they just kept one sprite but they still censored other things

Attached: 1085834f5be98e86491fab8d27944d7b.png (1591x291, 98K)

We did it, reddit!

>parents shouldn't mutilate their children at birth

"Concern troll" is what these speccies use for anything that shuts down their batshit crazy viewpoints.

Yea Forums BABAY!

Holy shit, I'm not an SJW and I'm fucking disgusted. It's patronizing to even imply that he couldn't get Ayeds by himself

So like, what the fuck is the game even about?

Attached: 19D7E7B2-3376-4AE8-AB7B-5F5410C4EDDB.jpg (269x306, 16K)

>getting up in arms over a fucking soap bottle
You're all a bunch of loonies just play the game niggas

you play a woman and shoot stuff. it plays like an old style 90s fps.


And then Yea Forums was the SJWs

>mfw I'll pirate it anyway

Attached: 1560493546980.jpg (1080x1256, 60K)

You know the drill. Post your smugs

Attached: 1565575886252.jpg (444x444, 64K)

Taking back a donation isn't a good look

Hello again, it’s me Yea Forums, Twenty5Thousand! I know Sophia Narwhatshis name figured out that I spurred this whole thing but thanks to the fact I sent a PM I’m hoping that I at least sowed the seeds of doubt in her mind that a random Yea Forums poster could possibly be a false flagged.

In any case, I’m tremendously glad everything went exactly according to plan. I managed to spur the TrannyEra SJW community against Voidpoint and now Voidpoint has made it public they won’t side with the SJW community.

The fact I was able to lump 3D Realms into this mess is another massive plus I wasn’t even planning for, though it remains to be seen if 3D Realms is actually gonna stick with Voidpoint through this.

Overall I’d call this operation a massive success. I was able to turn a development team away from SJWs and helped expose how crazy they can be. I was also able to extract two spoils that I hope people continue to use, that of the Era member being permanently banned for not wanting a witch hunt and the massive amount of people who review bombed the game due to censorship compared to the people review bombing due to Voidpoint sticking to their guns.

Also, to all the Voidpoint devs, I’m truly sorry for having to drag you guys through all this. Honestly none of you deserved this and I’m really proud that y’all are sticking to your guns. I did what I did out of the best interest for the gaming community at large and I think through your involvement, it’ll help get us away from the SJW infected industry that’s been established.

Also, hi Sophia, hope you screenshot this post and send it to all your dumbass twitter followers who honestly believe that a random Yea Forums post is enough to convince people them that everything that’s been done is a false flag. I do commend you for figuring it out, but for the love of god try to find some better proof than a random Yea Forums post. It’ll make you look like less of a total retard begging for attention.

So is/will it be any good or is all this controversy being drummed up around it because it offers absolutely nothing

Shoutout to all the cripplechan autists completely assblasted about the 10k tranny charity donation

Any more butthurt retardera screencaps?

Attached: 1566853910591.png (1015x176, 28K)

>they still haven't taken back the donations and sensitivity training
On the one hand, I seriously doubt they ever actually did any of that stuff in the first place, on the other they might have, so I'm still going to wait to buy Ion Fury.

It's fast and fun. I only have minor complaints about it.

Good. Don't reward them for only half cucking out. Behavior like that is what allows ResetEra to have so many wins in the first place.

No, fuck off. All I care about is the vidya. They can donate to Westboro Baptist for all I care as long as the game is intact.

if they go through with the donation and fagera still seethes then they will just make themselves look even worse

I’ll stick to DUSK and other games then if that’s really it

Wtf I totally forgive them for donating 10k to a child mutilation organization now!

Best tactic ever.
>be Publisher
>buy dumbshit Developer cheap at a contract that benefits them (temporarily hue hue hue)
>Developer must meet financial demands
>force Developer to act woke and apologize to woke crowd
>Developer proceeds to lose everything and fail the contract conditions, poor results
>Developer can't whine and doesn't have legal weight now, so you can freely fuck them in the ass now
>you now have the Developer's IPs in the pocket cheap AND didn't lose much while buying them
Straight from EA's handbook.

Attached: GET WOKE SHIT BLOOD.png (1500x900, 595K)

Everyone knows how resetera reacted, but what about that Alien Armageddon shill? His tortanic campaign went to an abrupt halt

Attached: 1528501178743.jpg (640x480, 48K)

Too late, there's no cure for AIDS.
They are pozzed forever.

Just like Yea Forums is looking worse for still seething after they went back on the censorship


Attached: 1566242904947.gif (540x302, 2.33M)

Yeah, we're fucking boiling here.

fuck off sjws
you realize this is literally the definition of being a social justice warrior, right?

The sensitivity training doesn't exist, user.


Actually it's men, period.

>i'll pirate anyway
>i'll pirate
>i will
the game is already out and cracked, why haven't you pirated it already

>i'll stick with DUSK
based DUSK bro, we will reign supreme with the superior game

Attached: dusk2.gif (968x664, 307K)

Actually read the thread, honey.

Did Yea Forums write this game?

>Yea Forums is one seething fagbag

>y-y-you're just as bad as them
>p-p-please buy our game
nope, you're still half cucking out, shill

i think this game was as fun as dusk. its maybe not quite as fun as amid evil, but that game is just on a whole other level of awesome.


I'd love dusk but there's too many industrial complexes, found it kind of boring.

Who are you quoting?

Attached: 1566835984857.jpg (640x477, 65K)

This just means you bullied them in the other fucking direction. Which is a step towards no-censorship but they're still fucking pussies.

>parents shouldn't mutilate their children at birth

Attached: 1542365217941.jpg (422x768, 98K)

Concern troll just means "you're asking legitimate questions but I don't want to think about them"

>say homophobic slur in video game
>able to murder people in video game
>oh this is fine

Read the thread retard

>Not even giving it a chance and enjoying all these new games
So, you're here just for DRAMA? Got it.

So literally one guy.

that's just one guy who keeps shilling his mod here

I don't care. If they get forced into faggotry camp, they can start looking for other dev teams to join if they don't like it. As long as they keep that faggotry out of the game. Censorship is the only thing that matters.

im thinking ill masturbate to celebrate this occasion

finishing my backlog

Recuckera trannies BTFO.
This is a pivotal point, expect this to happen a lot more in the future where developers just say fuck you.
Your incessant sabbotage, whining and temper tantrums will go unheard, the world is ours.
Trump era baybay!

According to journalists, it's about hating gay people and the trans community. Also there might be some gameplay or something.

lol you got blown out, fag.

If I had to quote everyone on Yea Forums triggered by trannies the thread would 404 before I was done, you retard.

It's at least several seething fagbags

i don't care if the devs are racist/sexist
i don't care if the devs are homophobic
i don't care if they beat their wife
and i don't care if they donated to some bad charity

you know what we call the people who care about shit like that?
we call them sjws

I was here for video games and got drama instead, so...

>Which is a step towards no-censorship
It's a step towards far right censorship.

Alright then I'm sure this will solve the dilemma

go ahead and vote, retards

how the fuck is private conversations using their platform to spread hateful and transphobic messages. Are people fucking insane now

>you know what we call the people who care about shit like that?

>if I say fag they won't realize I'm a tranny


Attached: Kjell-625x352.jpg (625x352, 36K)

The sensitivity training was a joke.

yeah episode 2 was a step down in quality imo because it was filled to the brim with them
overall is a great game though

>dude everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
You forgot to tell me to dilate and cope

They're kinda dumb for even thinking it was a good idea to try and pander to the nutjob demands to begin with.
Those kinds of people are never satisfied. Whatever they did would never be enough.

Its nice that they're saying this though.

>yfw retardera bans the game from ever being mentioned again.

Attached: 1547396179226.jpg (700x551, 69K)


>great writers
>THOSE 2 writers
and thats how you know this is b8

>shit they're right
>just fucking throw some stuttering in
got em


>donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity

yaaassss, now the 40% will become a 39% , trans rights!

Attached: tlhrita.png (930x1370, 973K)

Im content with this outcome

Attached: bb507.jpg (1075x1200, 117K)

simple response.

all is forgiven.

I am buying it for this weekend :) I just hope I can finish it in a single night


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>western developer standing up against SJW culture

Is this real life?

>if you don't care that a dev is homophobic you're a cuck
are the trannys brainwashing Yea Forums?

>Adds in something they removed as to not offend people
I mean I can see it as some slippery slope pyramid where everyone gets bullied into removing trans people from existence but we're still far fucking off from that utopia.

>10k donation to trannies

atleast the training, not sure if they even can do anything about the money.

Attached: USA.gif (326x284, 2.34M)

BEWARE OF THIS FAGGOT It's that autistic Duke Armageddon mod nutjob who screeched that they changed Shelly's big titted bimbo design. Aka Green Skeleton aka aka aka aka who started this entire mess.

Attached: 1391102540216.jpg (600x450, 53K)

Based H/v/umungus

Attached: TITANly.png (1543x995, 1.44M)

If you don't care that they donated 10 thousand dollars to a tranny charity and instituted sensitivity training to not be """transphobic""", you're a cuck, yes.

I already beat the pirated version after refunding. Too late.

>ahah those incels are bombing reviewing game
>waaaah bombing review it immediately!

Attached: weliveinabottomtext.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

We did it, Redditera!

*High paws*

Re-purchasing it on GOG next weekend. Not sure if Steam likes it if I re-purchase something so soon after a refund.

>Yea Forums and resetera literally advertising a game for free

Yeah this reeks of manufactured outrage

>tfw I keep replaying levels if I don't finish them with max ammo

Attached: 1566541390219.jpg (200x275, 10K)

Will get it if they don't crack from pressure

Just another reason i shouldn’t buy it honestly. If the game can’t generate interest on its gameplay alone then it’s not worth playing

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Nice to get some good news for once

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Money speaks louder then dilation.

I'm just gonna replay the original doom games

I wouldn't even know this fucking game existed if it wasn't for all the political bait. Everyone knows this is just marketting, right? These threads, the ""outrage"", it's ALL marketting - everyone knows that right?

That sucks. But reversing their original stance and telling leftists to shove it on censorship is a big start. No other Western developer has got this far.

This is a reverse from a position when they caved to leftists. They'll probably stand their ground.

It was pretty well-known among classic fpsfags long before the controversy though.

>Resetera? Never heard of it. Now Yea Forums, that is more my speed.

Attached: 1565991835327.jpg (859x960, 224K)

genuinely cannot imagine being such a pedantic overly sensitive crybaby that a pun, a not even a fully structured joke, is enough to drive me into an emotional hissyfit. I mean, OLAY > OGAY? That sounds like a fucking pun Seth McFarlane would make. If that damn pun was in a Family Guy episode it wouldn't have gotten so much attention. The pun didn't even have any teeth to it, it's like some stupid word-play thing you'd play with your friends just bullshitting around. >OLAY...OGAAAYY hahaha dude pass the chips. I'm being serious here, Retardera needs to fucking nut up. Imagine if the bottle just flat out said "Faggot"? They'd probably slit their wrists to avoid the emotional spazzout.

Attached: 1474527335001.jpg (400x400, 14K)

Not good enough, Only way I am playing it again is after torrenting it

Attached: 1529458088649.jpg (1242x2208, 394K)

You talk like a cultist, my dude.


Fuck ResetEra

you are missing out, faggits. the game is genuinely great. if you are not sure, just pirate it.

This place was flooded with Ion Fury shilling before the shitstorm began. Expect them to return now that the shitstorm doesn't prevent them from talking about the game anymore.

War of the ideologies and the soft civil war between libs/cons in the west means $$$$.

Companies would be stupid to not take advantage of this.

You talk like a tranny, my xude.

Then why the need for outrage marketing? Clearly it wasn’t known well enough

>Reddit spacing
>Le is this real life maymay
Go back
Literally no one cared
>But muh literally who resetera fags

Because people here care about the actual game not your incel faggot politics.

I bet you think everyone that calls you a retard is a tranny.
Do you realize how underage you sound?



Attached: 195.png (1054x750, 427K)

Well no I’m absolutely sure I don’t want to play it now.

>the devs reverted a change they made to the game, but they still haven't changed something that doesn't affect the game at all
Back to twitter with you, SJW

Attached: 12293541257.jpg (403x381, 37K)

Because it wasn't outrage marketing. It was literally an autist mad his waifu was redesigned. He had been spamming threads advertising an different mod featuring her original design for months constantly before this controversy started.

>le reddit spacing insult

Sick burn!

If any one you Resetgender faggots is reading this, you'll never be a woman, you're beyond ugly and will live for the rest of your short lives with a gash between your legs as a coping mechanism. NOW LET'S MAKE THAT 41% A 100% SHALL WE?!

Attached: 1564735734553.png (770x595, 31K)

Because trannies aren't actually bad, only control is. I am a libertarian and believe on the principles of self ownership. They have a right to do with their property (their body) as they wish.

The problem occurs when the trannies extent beyond their self, and in this case clearly trying to stylistically control the property of someone else by strongarming them.

The soap remaining ogay, is fine.
And them now being trannies, and fighting for other rights like them not being attacked on the street is Also fine.

Stop being fucking retards who because they are bored think they are glorious warriors of Islam. The west is build on Liberty.

Party A should not censor, party B has the right to be trannies.

Attached: 1000x-1.jpg (1000x666, 48K)

Larpin faggot detected
This doesnt effect the game, it only effects their pockets.
The devs now know not to jump ship next time and throw 10k out the window out of pressure.

Smells like publicity stunt
But if it's true, I'm glad they're uncucked
If building sand castles and making devs afraid is winning, then I'm batman
If all that 'controversy' is real, and not some calculated marketing ploy, then they won nothing, and it's a result of their own strategy - eventually, they will alienate everyone, but not until their jannie staff has another rape or pedo scandal, which will inevitably happen.

That's a fucking laugh. Everyone here is here for the SJW drama. People are here for screencaps of twitter, discord, reddit and retardera. People here are NOT here to talk about gameplay.


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>Reviews back to very positive
The pedophiles are really mad now

reminder that this one sperg has been trying to dump on Ion Maiden for over a year now because Shelly got redesigned from the trashy 90s-ass look she had in her one other (trash) game and he may or may not have orchestrated this entire controversy by baiting resetera with the initial discord caps out of sheer concentrated autismal delusion.

He's been having a constant meltdown for over a year straight. You can find his threads in the archive.

in before he responds to this saying that he was framed by resetrannies and proceeds to offer absolutely no substantial proof of it


the sensitivity training does not exist and if you give a fuck about them donating 10k to some shitty charity you're literally a sjw

Resetera still crying.

Attached: 1540515490007.jpg (1215x312, 96K)


>incel faggot politics.
Insults? You have lost then, dilate with a chainsaw already

A spectre is haunting Yea Forums — the spectre of trannies. All the powers of nu-Yea Forums have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: admin and mod, weeb and /pol/tard, frogposter and wojakposter.

Where is the poster in opposition that has not been decried as a tranny by their opponents in the majority? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of being a tranny, against the more numerous opposition posters, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Trannies are already acknowledged by all Yea Forums users to be themselves Yea Forums users.

II. It is high time that trannies should openly, in the face of the whole site, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Trannies with a manifesto of the discord itself.

To this end, trannies of various nationalities have assembled on Discord and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.

Chapter I. Jannies and Yea Forumsirgins

The history of all hitherto existing e-society is the history of shitposting. Armageddon /type/op/

The fucking salt in the reset tranny thread is overload

They cannot fathom western dev bucking the trend. It's giving them Trump'ish nightmares.

Attached: fefe.jpg (528x550, 45K)

#reddit spacing filters

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Is this the narrative they are trying to push now?

Post yfw sweet victory

Attached: smile.jpg (507x511, 46K)

>gays don't care about this
>other normal people don't care about this
>crazy people on resetera and Yea Forums both seething back and forth for days
You're truly perfect for each other.

>this thread

Attached: 1521597545615.png (1080x7426, 2.7M)

If you honestly hate the "SJW" boogeymen you need to get the fuck off of this board and go back to

The little sperg's been at it for months and only succeeded because he managed to get ResetEra riled up and THEN started shilling here. Dozens of absolute Yea Forumstards were desperate for anything resembling a raid and started shitting all over the game for doing some PR shit geared towards the Wrong Politics.

Attached: IK0D11A.jpg (2469x5047, 3.36M)

Attached: 1566493888718.png (879x657, 299K)

Fuck trannies
Fuck resetera
Fuck liberals
Simple as

They never even changed the game.

Yeah, that shitpost has been going for a lot of threads. grasping at straws to save face.

>all this pathetic back and forth
who still not buying it

i really hope you niggers arent this easily bought back from a drama that is so easily avoided by not listening to trannoidera in the first place

Attached: 99721476.jpg (500x500, 70K)

I found a twitter with a bunch of them.

Attached: 1556757729434.jpg (2048x2005, 590K)

>there are only three positions possible in an argument
what is this meme

>gays don't care about this
Yea Forums is the gayest board on Yea Forums and Yea Forums clearly cares about this.

But then again Yea Forums is always gay for resetera.

Attached: liberals.jpg (793x601, 62K)

Archive it for future laughs.


I see the antifa sjw trannies are back to pretending to be moderates to tell everyone that fighting back is stupid and not cool.

need to see this list

Attached: ws.jpg (880x495, 108K)

>look i'm very different from those SJWs but this moral panic over a shampoo bottle possibly being removed from a game is unacceptable


Attached: sweet victory 2019.jpg (5000x3000, 3.81M)

tranny go home.

>m-muh I never even cared about this.
Sure you don't, tranny.

Fuck off idiot. You're no different than the SJWs.

Attached: brutal grin.png (953x684, 1.28M)

Shouldn't you be dilating in your resetera thread?

>""""fighting back""""

This picture is not applicable to the post you linked to.

It's too late to pretend Yea Forums is above this shit after weeks of seething

Attached: 1556310218287.jpg (750x928, 604K)

>you are either with me or a tranny
10k, lmao

I am glad this is over. All I learned from this whole fucking ordeal is that Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs. They are identical. Literally no difference. Anti-SJWs are whiny bitches who can't handle something as insignificant as a small bottle here. They are fucking babies and mostly at fault here

>Yea Forums is the gayest board on Yea Forums

/fit/ would like to have a word with you.

Attached: 1561138430568.jpg (640x960, 480K)

Post full list, I've been looking for new vidya to play

LMAO! They have a fucking banned list of games and then try to say they're not censoring shit. Absolute fucking pedophile fascists. Delusional broken faggots.

Everyone hates the SJW boogeyman.
You can't escape them now.
They have infiltrated any form of escapism that exists to shove their identity politics down our throats.
Look at Gillette.

>It’s not outrage marketing, just some autist being outraged about this and in turn generating interest.
AKA, outrage marketing. Doesn’t need to be coming from only one side.

Attached: tumblr_pll86fx1cD1w9q1uyo5_500.gif (500x259, 2.66M)


Oh wow, backbone in [current year.] Wasnt gonna buy this, but it looks like they're going to need the support.

Attached: 1559069943097.jpg (400x400, 33K)

Suit yourself :-)

Attached: capt0002.png (1920x1080, 202K)

Kys tranny

>blaming the devs for some autist outside of their control

>the recent reviews went from "mixed" to "mostly positive"
Call me petty, but that pleases the shit out of me. Heck political correctness.

Attached: 1566650249590.png (497x263, 89K)

Attached: 1503524230060.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

just another dev that wont cater to the sjw crybullies again
and other devs are seeing this too
>but that makes you da real sjw's


Attached: 1527894439521.jpg (359x347, 66K)

Yea Forums has an amazing ability to memory hole how assblasted they get

Hey now don't be so hasty, I'm here along with the 3 other anons who do the same

Unironically dial 8


>LMAO! They have a fucking banned list of games

I bet all games in their banned list sold more than Wolenstein

Since it made them buckle, I’d say they indeed had some control’s-banned-list-of-games.29980/

Attached: 1555085627903.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)


Best part is watching retardera's users run to these threads and cry about how they're not losers.

Attached: 1548178483051.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

>winning is so cringe you guys

Yeah I’m good dude, thanks though

I think I'm the only person left on Yea Forums who doesn't spend time on resetera.

So you're doing what retardera is doing?

I'm sure cutting your dick off will solve all your life problems, trust me. :)

just trust the level design and keep going and blame the game when you run out of resources like the rest of us

Attached: 1542233082381.png (858x542, 415K)

Attached: 1539173475297.png (737x961, 747K)

You're right that they should be able to do with their body whatever they want.

Problem is, most of them are, unironically, incels in denial and gay men that fell for pseudo-commie propaganda. It's not about fighting for rights, it's a fight to deconstruct the society and it's building blocks, fueled by loneliness and spite.

The harsh reality is that the only societal sctructure that would permit their hedonistic lifestyle is the one they despise and want undone.

Attached: wake up 5 peons.jpg (641x556, 52K)

You can't lose if no one can talk about how hard you lost.



Attached: 1566009642400.jpg (720x721, 65K)

Not him but this is one of the few games that took so long to release I'm not sure I want to even pirate it anymore

That's fucking hilarious though.

All this over a parody of Olay shampoo

Don't you just love happy endings? Turns out non SJW's are way more forgiving of fuck-ups than SJW cunts because they're not malicious dickheads that only want to be outraged by shit!

Attached: Untitled.jpg (973x509, 368K)

Based of Voidpoint and 3D Realms telling those terrorists to fuck off.

Remember guys
The new SJW tactic is to pretend to be moderates and convince you that pushing back against them makes you an sjw too
They only win when everyone else stays silent and lets them

Attached: Awful.jpg (1200x628, 109K)

Attached: boreale.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

>the alien armageddon autist getting site-wide bans
Best outcome

Post yfw

Attached: 1453605507617.jpg (480x351, 11K)

>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Attached: 1546456935723.png (1446x641, 330K)

>they're not malicious dickheads that only want to be outraged by shit
I've yet to see any evidence of that

>3dRealms: "We will not censor any games coming forward!"
>-What they really mean-
>3dRealms: "We'll be hiring minorities and lgbtqospasjkxa+ members to review aspects of all future game developments to censor them internally before they see public eye."


>we beat the SJWs and saved an innocent company!
>by waging a campaign against the company on social media and attempting to destroy their credibility with fake reviews
>because they made a reasonable marketing decision in response to controversy and didn't change the game substantially
Blind mob justice motivated by the target doing something you politically dislike.

Attached: 1564972088858.png (286x321, 92K)

Attached: tfp.jpg (225x234, 25K)

The "non-SJWs" are butthurt about the donation and still trying to get people to boycott the title.

This whole thing is fucking embarrassing. Its two sides of people celebrating the effectiveness of reviewbombing an indie dev. Meanwhile you dipshits are totally passive when EA tries to do some shit.

Actually niggers are, you filthy nigger.


Attached: big words.png (1045x181, 14K)

Trannies still get $10k in donations.

But enjoy your soap bottle my dudes.


Attached: gorg.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Have you considered that literally acting like an SJW might actually make you somewhat similar to an SJW and that any criticism SJWs get for acting the way they do is also valid for you? Ever cross your mind at all?

>Even GameFAQs is celebrating

Everyone hates resetera

Attached: gamefaqs.png (1186x809, 48K)

I will now buy your game.

>fake reviews.
How are they fake? You need to purchase the game to make a review. And people didnt like the censorship which is fair criticism.

fine by me
cry about it.

I literally couldn't care less about shit that doesn't affect the game.

Even baster


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>posting Guidelines

>The Importance of Being Respectful

>Please be respectful when posting in threads. This includes when you post about the topic at hand and especially when you address other members. Do not make unfounded and inflammatory accusations to discredit and/or antagonize your fellow members (such calling them a shill, astroturfer, etc). Do not shame users based on their post count, avatar choice, or what community they belong to. Avoid hurling insults or making disagreements personal. If someone else is causing trouble, report them rather than trying to reciprocate.

>Do not send hostile or confrontational private messages to other members, especially if such contact is unsolicited. This kind of behavior, if reported, will result in a ban. If a member you have privately contacted indicates that they do not wish to continue the conversation, disengage. If you receive an unwanted and hostile message, report it so that moderators can investigate.


>Respect a Diverse Audience

>What might seem harmless or funny to you can be hurtful to others. Exclusionary behavior, casual or otherwise, is not tolerated. Be mindful at all times that your posts are not only being read by men; you should be considerate of women members and how your words might make them feel. We specifically discourage inappropriate or vulgar objectification of women. You should also remember that we have members from all over the world. Be considerate of all nationalities, cultures, and ethnic groups and avoid making jokes at their expense. Do not mock accents, ethnic names, or languages.


>Remember to Take Breaks

>From time to time it may be prudent to step away from the keyboard for a few minutes or hours. If a discussion is getting heated to the point where you feel you are at risk of losing your composure or breaking the rules, you should disengage immediately. Always make sure that you are taking care of your health.

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Yeah bro this review is definitely about the game

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Good, it's honestly embarrassing to release a game with a texture that says "fag"

>Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library
>Gal Gun
>Monster Monpiece
>Omega Labyrinth Z
>Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura
>Tits N Tanks

except for Hatred, the fuck is all this?

I mean, why would people like pedophiles user?

Holy fuck he's mad as fuck his shitposting ended

Oh no they'll buy shotguns, ammo and join the 40%. How truly awful for us all.


You can't fool the dog even if you fool yourself.

lol this is not going to end well for them.

Dude, even Neogaf is celebrating.

>they should have just stuck to their guns and ignored the minority outcry

So... "they should have ignored Resetera" is what he's saying

>buy game
>play for 0.1 hrs
>refund it
>make review complaining about SJW keks and how the devs are evil censors
>n-no, it's totally a review of the game!

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It's actually a gay suicide hotline

Good en all but it wont pass snoy or xbox "quality assurance". They will have to change it if they want it on those platforms.

No shit neogaf is celebrating, they hate resetera. Remember the split?

By "non-SJW" I meant normal people. The only people still trying to boycott the game at this point are just political extremist retards from both sides using the game as another battleground for their petty pointless pissing matches.

Outrageous anime tiddies games

>>From time to time it may be prudent to step away from the keyboard for a few minutes or hours. If a discussion is getting heated to the point where you feel you are at risk of losing your composure or breaking the rules, you should disengage immediately. Always make sure that you are taking care of your health.
they should listen to this advice and take a break of 15 years each

Yeah yeah, we get it. How much are you gonna false flag? Or are you being paid to do this shit?

I am not. It would be better if they didn't, but it's their decision, their money. Eat shit, user.

no its you nasty crackers that are the reason for that, you inferior bitch blaming blacks for everything,cant wait until you devils are extinct.

with me Yea Forums


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>tfw someone says ogay near you

Attached: 1552942289266.png (724x560, 295K)

we cant do anything about the 10k and neither can they.
We're not sjw who keep bitching even when they win.

>Have you considered that literally acting like an SJW might actually make you somewhat similar to an SJW and that any criticism SJWs get for acting the way they do is also valid for you? Ever cross your mind at all?

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>Your appointment to Voidpoint should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with 3D Realms
>I take it he was agreeable?
>He didn't really have a choice
>Has he been infected?
>Oh yes, most certainly. When I mentioned that we could put him on the priority list for the gender dysphoria vaccine, he was so willing it was almost pathetic
>This twitter outrage-- the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
>Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the trannies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
>I've received reports of armed attacks on the dilation station shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the trannies are starting to get desperate
>Of course they're desperate. They can smell their suicide, and the sound they'll make rattling their wound holes will serve as a warning to the rest
>Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think -- intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in A hat in time.
>A bunch of pretentious old females(male) playing at running the internet. But the steam forums left them behind long ago. We are the future
>We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again, a new age. Yea Forums spoke of the mythical Cunny on the Hill. Soon that cunny will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings. Or better than kings. Based and redpilled

Attached: BobPage.png (350x347, 140K)

>mfw all this shitshow was planned and the ones who tried to shut it down were the devs themselves larping as trannies so Yea Forums would pay it attention and make it skyrocket in sales

Attached: shaq.jpg (880x480, 91K)

God damn that's a lot of words about something that doesn't matter at all

>That one faggot who bought the game just to leave a negative review is wondering why its been flagged as abusive by the devs
Don't play dumb you retard, you know your review is bullshit
Having said that I'm glad they backed down fuck that retard who tried to stir shit up

Nobody likes Resetera. Don't you remember the Neogaf exodus? Everybody was cheering about it on social media and gafugees were getting kicked out of other communities because nobody wanted them.
Retardera is the very definition of a containment site.


Dude, Neogaf is Yea Forums and Kiwifag now.

Wait, what? I thought they were gonna take the 10k back.


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Not an argument

Hear me out Yea Forumsros!
Imagine having something akin to a Quality Seal Of Approval just because ResetEra put it on their "nasty banned games" list.

Yea Forums seriously needs to do that. I mean creating a logo "approved by ResetEra's tears" or something.
We have constant draw threads here, we could ask some of our drawfags nicely to design it for us.

Attached: Japanese hookerbots.jpg (425x292, 23K)

>normal people
Normal people aren't involved with this manufactured outrage

couldnt give two shits what you think
take your false moral highground and shove it.

>Our advice is to join the 40% you monster.



i noticed that youre still breathing like most of retardera
why dont you stop doing it so you dont end up being like them

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looks legit
I didn't read it, but that's a lot of words

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based, suicide hotlines only serve to ask you if you're suicidal over and over until you say yes and then they send the cops to your house

>Critisizing censorship in the game is not critisizing the game.
Time for you to go back to Resetera.

>acting like an SJW
We don't go into tranny made games for tranny people and demand changes, there's a huge difference, maybe if you lay off the hormones and ignore your mental illness for more than 5 mins you would work it out.

>group of crazy people who exist solely to undo damage caused by ResetERA

I don't know, they sound pretty based to me

>dude its totally a legit review
lmao dude

wew lad check out the top steam review researcher, published in Who Gives A Flying Fuck Journal, with over 3000 citations

How can you logically refute it? You can't. But of course logically refuting things is for people who are not SJWs.

>it's okay when we do gay ops and ruin careers
>it's NOT okay when you try to bring awareness to censorship

Attached: 8Tv6TsCyVos.jpg (1035x1080, 698K)

Fucking pleb who only played on normal. On hard difficulty he doesn't die from Ayeds, there is a phase 2 of the boss fight where you have to fight through a gauntlet of enemies kiting the boss behind you, then lure him into the gas chamber, escape and gas him.

It's more about not giving a platform thus denying their legitimacy. As you can see in the original image it's a moderator who can remove, edit, or change anyones posts on the forum, as well as remove users. He's using his power to dictate the conversation before it even happens. Typical lefitst.

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>kicked out of other communities because nobody wanted them
ah, that reminds me

Attached: 1564900948826.jpg (1902x874, 345K)

Nope. The 10k were still donated. We pushed them to take the "ogay" out. We could easily push them to take the donation back. To give up on sensitivity training. So why aren't we pushing? Why have we stopped? Is there a large portion of Yea Forums that actually secretly wants ResetEra to win?

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I'm reminded of James Gunn getting fired.

There's nothing wrong with using SJW tactics against them

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All right, if you're content with literally being a right-wing SJW. As long as you're not in denial about it.

>implying this entire thing wasn't Yea Forums and ResetEra running gay ops against the same target

tfw even /pol/ is celebrating

Attached: freg.png (300x214, 15K)

The game is now on the front page of the best sellers list on steam. Good work bros!

Tranny tears are disgusting but it’s better than them being happy

>to beat the sjw's you have to do nothing while they convince the entire game industry to do what they want and only what they want.

You know that everyone here knows your an sjw faggot right?

I'm triggered user, literally shaking

You guys really think you can get them to take back the donation? Good luck.


>wow classic launching earlier then I thought
>ion fury devs not cucks
Today's a pretty good day

It's really heartwarming and reassuring to see that when it comes to hating Retardera we are all brothers in spirit.

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The only people who don't hate SJWs are SJWs and people who's hobby/profession/community hasn't been infiltrated yet


What did Resetera do again? Post on their forum about it?

Also you totally did go into a tranny made game for tranny people and demand changes. Remember Siege of Dragonspear?

10 thousand dollars donated to a trans-supporting charity.

Try harder tranny

>Making valid criticism about /pol/ makes you an sjw

>the only option available when SJWs are doing awful shit is to do the same awful shit to the same people the SJWs are doing it to!

not playing by SJW rules is not acting like SJWs, you offsite diaspora scum.

>games forum has a list of banned games

Attached: 1563747624668.png (644x800, 26K)

lol yes you do

Today, I will remind them.

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If there's no censorship and there's money donated to charity, that's the best possible outcome.

fine by me
just as long as you know we are going to do this to EVERY game you sjw trannies try to crybully into submission
Soon there wont be a single dev or game company that caters to you.

Then there's nothing wrong with SJWs using their tactics in the first place.

>I don't care my money went to people convincing kids to cut their dicks off

Oy vey! Good goy!

suicide hotlines ironically only make people more suicidal, so this is good

>game launches
>review bombed by resetera for devs comments
>dev bends the knee
>review bombed for bending the knee
>bombing was hundreds of times higher then resetera's attempt
>devs unbend their knee
>REEEsetera repeats the cycle

Attached: 1559634851664.jpg (480x853, 57K)

>criticizing /pol/ in Yea Forums

What's wrong with a game using slurs?

>Jokes at the expense of marginalized communities will not be present in future games published by 3D Realms
So jokes about anyone except straight white men.

>I am a libertarian
Why would you out yourself as a retard that early?


That's a very Movie Bob thing to say


Now we're cooking with gas

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It's a suicide hotline, lad
What's wrong with that?

But you are playing exactly by their rules.

They know there is a difference, they just dont care
They are just trying to get you to stop fighting them.

You'll never pass for a woman

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where the fuck have you been dumb nazi?

pursuing sensitivity of their dick in your moms cunt

ironic shitposting is just shitposting

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If you send money to something which insults you, you're a cuck.

>crybully into submission
Well now, user, that also means you can't use terms like this without being a massive hypocrite. It's basically a contest to see who's the better crybully, now. Nothing more.

Resetera review bomb accomplished nothing. When the devs bent the knee that’s when the actual players review bombed. Now that they have unbent the knee they score pulled a 180

Attached: cope.png (808x486, 351K)

>Resetera invades the thread

Attached: 1563302894768.jpg (566x500, 135K)

You forgot:
>THQ Nordic chosen as the publisher of the year in Gamescom 2019.
After their AMA in Cripplechan, Resetera been seething about them every single day. Expect that place to ban all discussion of Gamescom in the future.

this particular shop always succeeds in cracking me up. it will never ever get old.

lol fucking losers

So now Yea Forums is going to talk about the actual game, right?



Nice to see Yea Forums getting along with others.

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Always funny how quickly you abandon any pretence at logic and just start calling your opponents ugly trannies.


Attached: e28.jpg (600x576, 55K)

>Plebbit spacing
Thanks for autistically highlighting random sections of the screenshot reminds me.of those epic 4chin screen shots on reddit

Jesus man, are you really this mentally broken?

lol you know SJWs have this exact same kind of image but for their side
Being a lefty user is suffering, absolutely nobody agrees with you

its in the top 50 now, #32 the last time i saw it

My problem with Restera/SJW/liberal slacktivist trannies isn't that they're trannies, it's that they're fucking cunts.

I know a real tranny and she's pretty cool. She's not a cunt, far from it.

The moral of this story- don't be a cunt.

Attached: 92a8a4bfe1f3c2a2db0c49dae237638314075982ad75b73902c9cf4774311e07.jpg (577x608, 55K)

if its the only way to make them stop pandering to crybaby sjw's
then so be it. we have talked, we have asked, we have reasoned. If devs only care about backlash, time to use it.
and that is what you're afraid of, backlashes work.

>suicide hotlines ironically only make people more suicidal
where'd you get that hot opinion, must be a place of scholarly virtue and I want to visit it to laugh my ass off?

>Implying post election Yea Forums will talk about video games

when the best insult you can think of is to pretend to be a mirror, get help

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Rent fucking free

You're seeing things, user, take your pills

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Cute bun

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Nah you're blatantly not from here, I'm not going to have a discussion with you

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>I am a libertarian

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>reddit spacing

Fuck man, sounds like the devs are in trouble.

Attached: Reviewbombingvs.png (720x415, 13K)


their entire point is to find people who are deemed a threat to themselves or others. once that happens, you lose basically all of your rights.

I love it.
>w-we still win! Just let me move the goalposts first

Attached: 1550029606473.jpg (673x680, 336K)

Unfortunately, most trannies are cunts. Your sample size of 1 (one) is not enough to convince anybody.


Attached: 80CAEE34-B103-441C-BF73-DE6999EE10AA.jpg (640x360, 189K)

what did it originally say?

Did anyone get fired over this?

What the kind of sick and disgusting person would support censorship?

What level of submissive degenerate do you need to be to kiss this amount of ass?

Attached: 1566272194443.gif (416x410, 876K)

Hang on, how is not /pol/?

I think you meant to write 8ch

Shit, I better not watch all those great movies that use the n word also then.

Now resetera will review bomb and all these concern trolling fucks who were critical when Anti-SJWs did it will be quiet all of a sudden. A civil war cannot happen soon enough

You're literally celebrating how much more effective you were at bullying the dev into submission than the other guys. It's just a fact. You're the one that needs help considering how deep you're in denial about this.


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Dunno about fired. But I'm sure that PR company isn't going to be working with Voidpoint anymore.

You guys are getting played like a damn fiddle.

join bunny and pray the gay away

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You better pirate it, tard.

Or we could just move on with our lives

I've been here longer than you. Longer than 95% of the thread, I wager.


All trannies are inherently cunts. Only bad people try to propagate a fad that teaches people to hate and mutilate themselves rather than accept and love themselves. Good people become crossdressers if that's what they're into. Bad people become trannies.

Good. Negotiating or falling to a terrorist groups demands is a bad thing to do. Yes, that's right, SJWs are terrorists since they use fear and fearmongering to some extent to make a point. Causing fear is an act of terror, acting on terror is also a form of terrorism.

Seriously, fuck SJWs.

Nah I'm not a cripplecuck like you fags

Attached: 1525144425025.jpg (1248x974, 379K)

>trannies use shit methods to change game
>normal non-hormone fueled people use same tactics to change it back

trannies mad


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one more time, from the top

Attached: 1555134495139.png (412x222, 58K)

Are you admitting to being an anti-white fascist as opposed to a pro white fascist?

still gonna bomb every dev that panders to you
sniffle sniffle.


And your sample size of 0 (zero) ((bbbut I saw a few be mean on the internet!!!)) is not enough to convince people who actually interact with real people.

>I've been here longer than you.

Attached: 1542173063491.jpg (1024x992, 98K)

>devs have thing in game
>people boycott it, as is their right
>they change their game
>other people boycott it, as is their right
>they change it back again
How is any of this not just the free market working as intended? Yea Forums won because they're more of the actual market than the reseterannies, as is ideal, but none of this was censorship.

God damn it user

>Negotiating or falling to a terrorist groups demands is a bad thing to do
This was caused because retards reviewbombed them over removing an ogay shampoo bottle and a tranny donatioon

Welcome to the cunny-lition JC. I might as well start using your code name.

Most of the times, the only ones that aren't cunts are the ones that actually look good. The rest is so unhappy with their appearance they will try to shit on everyone else

Found the unironic redditfag

>guys if you fight back then your just as bad
fuck they are so obvious.


he's not wrong

>Only bad people try to propagate a fad that teaches people to hate and mutilate themselves rather than accept and love themselves.
If only you transphobes would realise this makes you the bad people.



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Finally... we rose up...

No it wasn't you dishonest fucker.

It's kinda sad to see some anons talking about "rewarding" the guys with positive reviews and buying the game.
It just reminds me of that Nintendo Treehouse thank you card.

They should ban all mention of soap, too. Just to be safe.

Fagbag detected

>uses a filename from this year
im not a newfag ive been here all summer

Except thats what happened lol, it was reviewbombed.

>they were going to change two textures
>because of a bunch of angry virgins, they only changed one
>we did it, reddit!

You guys are fucking retarded

I'm proud of you guys. Yea Forums and /tg/ have become completely over run with Resetera and tumblr types, but the Yea Forumsirgins stand strong still.

Attached: dukat2.jpg (705x388, 21K)


Attached: 1563226946176.png (736x1444, 274K)

>Yes, that's right, SJWs are terrorists


So how many of you faggots bought the game after the backpedalled on all that censorship crap ? This is what you wanted so i presume now the game will sell a fuck ton of copies , right ?

Yea Forums has so much raw hatred that marketing geniuses finally found a way to convert this energy in to success and money. And for some reason I am absolutely proud of this.

This is the only place where with enough incentive just about anything can be accomplished. Strip the identity of a group and all it takes is one stupid idea and everyone will end up pitching in. Like operation get that flag.

That's nice, but the thread's only been up for an hour.

>Unfortunately, most trannies are cunts.

It certainly seems that way. But I wouldn't assume that someone is a massive dickhead just because they decide they want to have a fake pussy instead of a dick.

I mean if they're pleasant, reasonable people, then I'm going to be pleasant and reasonable in return. SJW internet trannies are doing themselves no favours though because they're neither pleasant or reasonable. For the most part they're behaving like complete shitheads.

Nope, people who hate trannies are the good guys. You're the bad guy here. The sooner you realize it the sooner the world can start healing.

Mods on /tg/ ban threads promoting raids

>if i type in lowercase with no period he won't think i'm samefagging

Get the fuck off our site.

No western developer has ever stood up in any degree against any leftist outcry.

This is the first. Which is why its a big deal.

they will bitch all day about the effect but wont say shit about the tranny cause,

No. But I take it you're admitting to being a white supremacist fascist, then?

>He doesn't know about randomised filenames

Attached: 1546855775898.jpg (1536x1079, 83K)

imagine being a disgusting tranny subhuman, just imagine..

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I just laugh at them. Let them spend their money, if they want to. For my part, I didn't give them money before, and I won't give them money now.
fuck, other people do that too?

Attached: blackbeard.png (639x959, 794K)

If becoming a villain means eliminating a writhing evil, then so it will. DIAL 8 before you can't pee anymore, faggot.

t. underage newfag

The only people who do that are people who use pepe and wojack images

unbelievably wrong. people who speak out against trannies are saints. trannies are bullies who try to force people into a fad that caters to their disgusting mutilation fetish. seriously, i'm a gay twink who likes to crossdress and i get harassed by trannies who seethe at the idea of somebody who's comfortable being male and wearing skirts.

jaycee denton
in da fresh!

Attached: 1564634623632.png (775x429, 286K)

It's censorship and bullying and terrorism when THEY do it, glorious free speech and the market working as intended when WE do it

>I'm proud of you guys. Yea Forums and /tg/ have become completely over run with Resetera and tumblr types, but the Yea Forumsirgins stand strong still.

Attached: bhh.png (1099x1215, 455K)

Attached: 1368651724561.png (580x424, 322K)

>Guys you have to let the sjw's win or your just as bad
they try the same shit tactic over and over.

Standing up AFTER giving away $10,000 of other people's money to tranny charities

Yes well done you gaggle of faggots. The devs were harassed and then when they planned to cover things up and apologize you harassed them until they threw their hands up.
What a bunch of fucking heroes, you weren't going to buy the game anyway, some of you faggots complained $25 was too expensive or that now that you got your way that it was worth a pirate but not a purchase.
Who fucking cares that this is a 2019 Build Engine game, it's just a political maypole now thanks in no small part to the drones of RetardEra and the drones here who immediately threw them into the fire when they tried to cool things off so people could talk about the actual fucking GAME.

Attached: 1509748020452.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

What happened to /tg/?


Attached: 1560207020740.jpg (988x1059, 148K)

The scale doesn't matter. No one should accept censorship or political correctness

Implying you could ever do that, RetardEra.
Daily reminder that you tried to ruin this woman's life and make her miserable. You are scum of the earth.
Normal people are beyond sick and tired of your faggotry. Something needs to be created to always remind people why you are the negativer cesspool of the internet.
And the best way to do that is to turn your negativity into something fun and positive.

Attached: 1560197786562.jpg (750x661, 113K)


You're wrong. Anti-tranny people are in the right. You and people like you are all in the wrong. You are pushing an agenda that hurts vulnerable people who don't know better than to avoid mutilating themselves for no benefit.

Imagine thinking that hating anyone for something they can't help would ever make you the good guy.

Not going to work. Just skip to getting your journo friends to screenshot your false flag and write a dozen hit pieces like you always do.

It's bait you dingus

They didn't even stand up to them! They still removed the most offensive thing!

You're fucking retarded!

>anyone whining about trannies is a falseflag
So this is where we've come to

It's their money, user. They earned it by selling a video game.

I don't think anyone on here has an irrational fear of trannies.

They do dislike, however, when self-proclaimed trans people use their orientation as a leveraging point, i.e. exploiting a sexual orientation for social points.

The tranny friend I mentioned before got the op and she's not the militant type at all. She's got a good sense of self-deprecating humour and is willing to talk about her experience and even her life back when she was man. Basically she doesn't use it as an excuse to give people shit with 'moral impunity'. If there were more trannies like her around, we wouldn't be in the shit we're in now.

it's time to dilate

>The only people who do that are people who use pepe and wojack images
Backpedalling tech illiterate

Attached: 1546848182856.jpg (246x337, 32K)

Imagine thinking removing "fagbag" from an area not even seen during normal gameplay is censorship

Does it have your fucking face printed on it? No, so give it back.

why can't Yea Forums ever put this much effort into getting a job?

After today they're gonna need some suicide prevention.

Most trannies suffer a hell of a lot more socially than they could ever gain. They'd have to be from a middle-class yet liberal household with skilled job prospects (i.e. not going to ever need to enter customer service) and also get lucky enough to pass well just in order to break even, I'd reckon.

>You should have just let us win!
You didn't buy it either faggot

Attached: 1558174053505.jpg (320x383, 59K)

>was a man

If you actually cared you would maybe try talking to any of them, reading the research, showing support, doing anything at all constructive instead of telling people you hate them but it's really for their own good. You are, in fact, a liar. Whether you're also lying to yourself or just to everyone else doesn't really matter.

>bitches about pepe and wojacks
>calls others newfags

Attached: 1563987459801.jpg (1000x1148, 128K)

imagine getting upset about a shit pun that has a bottle of lotion labeled ogay
then imagine getting upset that someone's removing it

Willingly removing something from your game so more people buy it isn't even censorship to begin with.

Except your entire premise is wrong. Being a tranny isn't something you "can't help". It's 100% a personal decision, and it's a decision only weak and selfish people make so they can get free attention and praise. Your understanding of sex and gender is completely fucked. It's fine to be a guy who likes crossdressing. It's not fine to lie to yourself and fall into a spiraling whirlpool of delusion that only causes you to hate yourself and ruin your body, or to encourage others to fall into the same well. You're an evil person for trying to tie people to sex stereotypes and preventing them from growing past them, and you should be ashamed.

>political correctness

I would hate to be either of those people lol

retarded anime shitter kys immediately faggot

>you weren't going to buy the game anyway
Keep telling yourself that, maybe it will make your dilating feel better.

>I don't think anyone on here has an irrational fear of trannies.
They noticeably do. There are some recurring posters who can be easily recognised by the fact that they will never shut up about trannies and will keep repeating misinformation and if you debunk it they'll start calling you a pedo tranny. It's all very clearly coming from an emotional place.


who actually and honestly gives a shit

Yeah and I have a friend who's an anime fan who doesn't have a dakimakura and doesn't have an anime profile pic and doesn't sperg out about his favourite Sabre waifu all the time
It's amazing what being friends with normal people will do

Imagine getting upset for something written an area not even seen during normal gameplay

And what exactly did Yea Forums and literally everyone else who is not resetera did that is even comparable to what SJWs do?
The review bombing? The thing that resetera and other bootlickers push to destroy? It's a tool, and nothing more, and it's a tool that consumer can use.
They used it to push their ideology and failed miserably, thinking that it will fly under the radar, or because they are used to everyone kowtowing in their cesspools.
What Yea Forums did is fought back against censorship and let the dev know who the real audience is.

So in short, go dilate, you pathetic retard, your gaslighting is childish.

Biologically she's a dude, I know that. But I respect her (and crucially she's earned that respect rather than angrily demanded it on twitter) so I'm fine calling her 'she'

he's completely right, actually. trannies are horrible cultists who prey on people. the research shows that trannyism isn't a legitimate lifestyle or identity, and that it's actually extremely unhealthy. the only person lying here is you, because you are an awful, destructive person who wants everybody else to hate themselves as much as you hate yourself.

Fagbag should be removed because it's pointless text thats not even supposed to be there. OGAY needs to stay BUT it's a unfunny non joke.

>Except your entire premise is wrong. Being a tranny isn't something you "can't help".
user, your ignorance isn't an argument. My premise is right.

We dilated millions
To save trillions

I think either way it's a non-issue but getting upset over it being removed is the far dumber of the two

Stop samefagging.

you sound like a tranny desperate to get us to keep attacking them even though they admitted they were wrong for doing it and saying they wish they hadnt done it.
Ya cant take back money you already gave away user.

Meanwhile on Resetera

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Our money our decision. If they prefer non paying dilaters then ill bbq them. Fuck trannies.

Worst fucking fad weve ever had.
Scene and emo bullshit was horrible and sissy shit now


Case in point: >he's completely right, actually. trannies are horrible cultists who prey on people.

your premise is wrong, actually.

>"he isn't cheering that the devs are being beaten by both sides and that their game is now about a few comments and textures some people didn't like? i'm going to tell him to dilate, heh owned"
Yes how dare I not be happy that a video game has been entirely ruined discussion wise by a bunch of moral policers and a bunch of drooling retards.

>my """"friend"""" is totally normal trust me

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>"Censorship is good!"

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trannies keep crying even after getting what they want

What's with all this limpwristed defensiveness? Grow a spine and admit that you're pro-trannies. You know that twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums are deliberately selecting the most inflammatory shit they can, so stop hiding behind that.

Or it’s a simple meme word to call someone a tranny on the board at this point. Getting baited by it is a sign of being especially sensitive.

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Not only are you completely wrong, but you're a dishonest scumbag too.

Your premise that my premise is wrong is wrong. Your understanding of the entire issue is completely fucked. Stop relying on fucking Yea Forums to educate you about the world.

shut up tranny

nigga I don't think you know what censorship is

Resetrannies are doing backflips off buildings. Maybe
they could use a suicide hotline.

Devs can do whatever they want with their profits

This is no different than going after the mozilla guy or chik fil a owner for previously donating to anti gay campaigns

I remember when Yea Forums didn't explode at the mere mention of trannies.
It wasn't even that long ago. This tranny obsession just kinda creeped up a couple of years ago.

You're wrong, tranny.

>Or it’s a simple meme word to call someone a tranny on the board at this point.
user, you haven't seen these people. It's not just a meme to them.

That's because most of these "trannies" are actually legit incels who've been swayed into it, without gender dysphoria (being a trutrans) they're nothing more than a fat balding incel taking extreme measures to fit in.

Ogay, faggot

>"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by a government, private institutions, and corporations.

Removing something because of political correctness is the very epitome of censorship. Time for you trannies to go and start reading books.


I'm sorry about your friend.

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These clowns are simply passing time attempting to impress each other how racist/sexist/homophobic they aren't

I mean if you feel the need to keep saying it, something's amiss somewhere

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How is he dishonest? Go on, point out a lie of his.
btw, disagreeing with you is not lying

>other devs with similar views or hatred now just going to openly say "Well, you can't censor us" like it isn't a thing

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I am not only completely right, but 100% honest as well. You can't stand that because the facts are not on your side but you're too emotionally invested to cope.

Scene/emo bitches were real sluts and some of them were pretty hot. Of course all their bullshit was stupid, like any fad, but banging their brains out was fucking great. Holy fuck, I miss being a teenager.
On the other side, trannies are not only retarded but deranged and the kike media is openly advocating for them. Fuck trannies and SJW.
And fuck niggers too.

I haven't finished OmegaLabyrinth Life and still playing Ys VIII on weekends.

I wonder why.

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Give resetards an inch and they'll ask for a mile

I can guarantee you no real homo would ever be bothered by the shit these retarded muppets are offended by.

>a bunch of fags leave Yea Forums
>Yea Forums suddenly becomes obsessed with trannies
No, that causality makes sense. Try this one:
>Yea Forums suddenly becomes obsessed with trannies
>a bunch of fags leave Yea Forums

I didn't say I wasn't pro-trannies

If they're adults and want to mutilate themselves, they're welcome to do so

I'm strongly against parents attempting to force it on their kids though, that's just fucked up beyond all measure

Are you serious? It's been nothing but reddit niggers spewing canned one-liners, going full fucking Don Quixote, fighting over the last word for the better part of a fucking decade. It's not like face #229 of the same exact shit is anything new.

>a tranny calls Yea Forums a gaggle of faggots

How unprogressive, comrade

Cancel the cheque

If as an adult you're willing to become a genetic dead end your kids' genes aren't good to begin with so you might as well end your entire lineage.

Real homo here. Well, you're right, calling someone a fag usually doesn't mean you're actually homophobic. I do think it's a monumentally retarded decision from a PR standpoint, though.
>going full fucking Don Quixote
what did you mean by this


It's literally 'If you can't fuck 'em join 'em'

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Fucking normie scum

tranglo detected

>Real homo here

Funny how they blame the devs but 3DRealms gets off scot-free. Especially given the kinda shit 3DR pulled in the past that you'd think Resetera would be blowing up over.

The game is shockingly Mediocre and the AI is finding abysmal and I keep scratching my head that I never see anyone else complain about the enemy AI. It's worse than fucking Doom. That games 25 years old.

Have sex

>calling someone a fag usually doesn't mean you're actually homophobic. I do think it's a monumentally retarded decision from a PR standpoint, though.
Exactly. It's how Yea Forums is absolutely convinced no company that includes a rainbow flag in their game is remotely sincere in their support, but they'll get pissed off about it anyway.

Except that doesn't even look remotely female. It's more like inflicting self-harm because you wake up and look in the mirror and see your incel self.

You're not a real homo.

Actual real homo here, and I can confirm that ResetEra is filled with unreasonable crybabies and that I believe VoidPoint did the right thing by not censoring the game. Fagbag and Ogay are not offensive in the slightest.


Yeah no shit

based faggot

Feel free to check if I'm a real homo, faggot. But only if you're cute.

90% of aids in the world exists in Africa. AIDS in the west comes from honkeys fucking niggers.

That describes every tranny. Trannies only exist because of self loathing and a culture that puts men down while elevating women on pedestals. That's all. There is no such thing as gender dysphoria, the true description of that feeling is that people have realized that men get a raw deal in our country but are too weak willed to try to change it so they defect to the other team.

Bend over.

It's okay to have shit taste user. I won't judge you

Become a tranny doesn't gain you respect from women either. It's not joining the other side, it's standing in the middle to get shot at by both.


Did you play the game? There are a lot of other things as tame as "ogay" that someone looking to be offended could complain about. These people never stop complaining and giving them a taste of blood only encourages them.

Those are called traps.

To be frank, the 3drealms of today is nothing like the one during their heyday.

>Am I one of the good ones yet, Yea Forums

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I'm unironically gonna buy this game now

If it were up to me none of this would be happening? Don't you think all this is fucking depressing? A few off-color comments and some textures people didn't like led them into being called monsters and villains and harassed until they decided to just apologize and take those small textures out so discussion can maybe go back to the game itself just to have a bunch of other people now calling you monsters and cowards for doing that but then ALSO review bombing the game for extra harassment forcing you to go back on going back.
Now when people think of Ion Fury it won't be about it being a 2019 Build Engine game, or a prequel to their garbage top down Bombshell that tries to actually be fun, or even a fun spiritual successor to Duke 3D.
It's going to be about this fucking nonsense, while you applaud it simply because it means you were horrible enough people that they'd rather not put up with you instead of the others. You claimed a victory and now any and all talk about the game is going to be tainted by this shit. I'd LOVE if none of this happened but at the very least I was hoping shit wouldn't escalate like this.

Look around you, you didn't save a damn thing. Two brats fighting over a toy's paintjob is Ion Fury's legacy now. And I'm supposed to fucking celebrate it?

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I mean they need their illusory rivals. You'll go through at least a dozen different factionalist accusations before you get a reddit nigger to actually read what you wrote in the first place. It's straight to defensiveness every time, they just can't handle the thought of anyone sincerely disagreeing, or worse yet, disapproving of them. Always gotta be a hidden agenda. It must be bias. The internet is serious business, after all.

If you're not with us, you're against us.

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>LGBT and trannies are only 1% of the world population
What do they expect to happen once the 99% wants their blood?

Yeah. It's no amid evil.

>it's okay when we did it and they caved, but it's bad now, cause you did it and they caved

Can you make it anymore obvious what your true intentions are? You lost. Get over it, sweetie.

New thread

>A few off-color comments and some textures people didn't like led them into being called monsters and villains and harassed
Pales compared to the anti-trans abuse I've seen coming from Yea Forums tbqhwy

I think 99% of the population wanting their blood is why they ganged up together to begin with

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>new thread gets deleted
>hey lets just make a new one
You deserve a permaban

I've always hated that mindset. It leads to people easily being manipulated and used simply to spite the team not wearing your colors. Too many people think like that and it's why so many shitty things happen, lots of people blindly marching in line to be used as tools while thinking themselves the heroes of the story who'll save the world from corruption while perpetuating it because they can't look past the people pulling their strings. I learned that lesson the hard way, thought that way once and got burned for it.

I didn't make any threads today


>implying there is a moral equivalency between those that want to obliterate your hobby and those that want to protect it

You're an idiot.

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Whoa! So deep. Think that one up during dilation?

I'm not saying it was ok, I'm saying I just wanted this shit to end before things got worse then a raving band of retards nuked their user reviews over it and made things worse. My point is about what this means for the game when discussion is brought up and thanks to the team efforts of you guys and RetardEra you have successfully made it all about your pretend wars against each other instead of the game itself because neither of you fucks know how to pick your goddamn battles because it isn't about the games, it's about pissing off the other side.

>Whoa! So deep. Think that one up during dilation?

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>Mods are deleting the other threads
Why? It's better than semenbrain threads that belong on /e/

Nice selfie!

>Nice selfie!

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