>game lets you commit genocide
>game lets you trade slaves in a galactic market
>game lets you crack open planets
>game lets you sacrifice your citizens to summon god
why aren't you playing stellaris?
>game lets you commit genocide
>game lets you trade slaves in a galactic market
>game lets you crack open planets
>game lets you sacrifice your citizens to summon god
why aren't you playing stellaris?
Too lazy to get into it and I have no idea what type of faction I want to make except for *generic warmongering xenophobe humans*
These paradox games have shit tutorials that only explain 5% of the mechanics
DLC machine with half-baked ideas that took over a year to get it ok.
Because I dont really care to enslave or genocide to be quite frank with you
I liked your pitch a lot but I hate those paradox games with 500 stats and too many shit screens full of crap I'd need to fucking study to understand how to play.
I am.
It's a bad 4x and a bad grand strat so I see why people wouldn't play it.
Decent for roleplay and I'm having some fun with it.
Shame it's extremely poorly optimized.
Currently playing a game where I'm playing as earth humans with inward perfection.
Trying to play by Sagans principle, where he said that if there was life on mars, even microbial life, then we should do nothing with mars, it belongs to the martians. Also trying to play in a somewhat moral manner, so will not build blacksites for example.
So no colonizing planets that already have their own biospheres, only ´terraforming candidates.
It was a struggle up to habitats and the terraforming tech for barren worlds.
In the last decade I think Mars outgrew earth in pop size, it's an Ecumonopolis and produces all of my Alloys.
is this game actually fun tho
It gets boring after 20 minutes.
The ai's insultingly bad.
Yeah its great, i love it.
Doing anything bad makes you extremely hated while going full multiculti open borders has no real downsides.
ost for this game is amazing
Because you aren't allowed to be european
Human factions are seemingly forbidden from having white males.
Because its way less interesting in practice.
It's a rarity fren.
>You can mod this game to be lewd
Not very, and you pick them yourself.
You described it pretty well. You can do all of these things. And they're all irrelevant. Games are supposed to be interactive, action-reaction, but the reactions the game gives back are so pointless and inconsequential that it devolves to just "I do this, then I do this and that", there is never "I wanted to do X, but the game adapted and now my plans are fucked" or "wow, this decision I've made had consequences I did not forsee". Stellaris is a good space empire roleplaying game, not even a good galaxy simulator and definitely not a good strategy game. Nothing you do matters, the game just continues on according to the script. The little reliance on actual systems there is detoriates and breaks down extremely quickly due to broken AI. But hey, if we can't provide any challenge why not just spawn in some mega fleet out of thin air? Wow, how exciting, it even has a unique avatar...
If you're "playing" it, why not just write a book? It would also satisfy your creative itch but you're not limited in what you can do and you might even earn some money with it.
Why the fuck do you have 100+ year olds governing and leading science?
this is rather off-putting
Just wait for a sale.
pirate it
Utopia, Apocalypse, MegaCorp, and only a few story packs (at the very least synthetic dawn for AI's) are required. Although you're right to be worried because paradox games often just become DLC machines. When is somebody going to make a legitimate competitor to paradox games and the Sims? I mean, Parkitect/Planet Coaster and City Skylines did well breaking into their genre.
Because they're high level and have good traits for what they're researching.
Ideally I'd want a Genius+Particles Specialist though.
My leaders can't die of old age until they hit 270 years.
The hard level cap is 10, but for my scientists it's still 9.
Looks like Salvatore Marchetti is the closest to getting to level 9.
Get shit races with terrible traits working my jobs is a pretty big downside
$200 is literally nothing, poorfag
My brain is too small to comprehend the mass amounts of shit on my screen at one time.
Because it’s shit and all those things end up being meaningless flavor that attempts to cover up the shit like all paradox DLc
>gift a Territorial species a system
>they're grateful for it
>said system borders another species' system
>territorial species get giga pissed and demand them to fuck off
>war ensues
Join a multiplayer lobby and you can try the dlcs out without buying them
Should I play Stellaris or Endless Space 2?
Too much fucking DLC. I already suffered through CK2 DLC shit buying every expansion since release, I'm not going to spend another 150 bucks for shit that should be in the base Stellaris game.
Stellaris is trash, but Endless games are all style over substance
I've just gotten back into stellaris since they did the tile rework. Its a really fun game but i have to always fight minmaxing and just have fun.
It gets harder as it goes on and you can just remove bad traits.
It looks cool but I don't like RTS games.
Combat is completely broken and uninspired and is based on a CR number. Bigger number smashes smaller number with no strategy involved. Not only does bigger number smash smaller number but even if they are close the bigger number takes laughable damage at best while annihilating the smaller number. Makes mid game and end game boring and pointlessly stale. If you want a colonization and space diplomacy simulator go ahead. If you want a actual 4X where you can use strategy play something like the original sword of the stars or distant worlds universe.
It's not an rts.
It's okay to stay away from it anyway though.
>there are people on Yea Forums who actually buy paradox DLC
it doesn't tho. if you do any of those, every other faction is gonna instantly attack you because apparently there's an hidden spying system that lets them know everyone you do instantly
>game lets you do all these things
>but the devs threw a shit fit when someone made a mod that made all humans white
Endless space 2 if you want to play a good game, stellaris if you want to rol and fool around for a bit
>balfour declaration in a game
>game lets you do all this evil stuff
>Egalitarian Xenophiles are still the best way to play
As for why I'm not playing. Honestly, it's because the interface is taxing and the win conditions are atrocious. It's still an improved version of something like Star Wars Rebellion. But they need to stop adding tons of races/content and polish the UI/game mechanics that already exist.
Egalitarian Xenophobe is the best way to start
and then you flip to egalitarian xenophile
You can do it with ck2 to
>Haven't played since Apocalypse
>This new planet management system
I don't fucking understand it. What are the point of 'Amenities'? Also what's the point of building housing districts if your other districts cover housing for jobs made there?
The combat is shit and that makes literally all of this boring.
>What are the point of 'Amenities'?
They're local benefits on the planet.
#pops decrease it, certain structures and jobs increase it.
Low Anemities lead to unhappiness, high leads to happiness.
So if Anemities are low, you may want to build a Holodome so the people are entertained enough.
Otherwise you get unhappiness, which leads to lower stability, which leads to less gains.
Not sure if it ties into crime.
>Also what's the point of building housing districts if your other districts cover housing for jobs made there?
You get more housing from housing districts, and you also have Buildings that just give jobs.
So you can have 5 mining districts, that give 10 housing and 10 mining jobs, those miners are housed through those.
Then you have a building, lets say a Cathedral, which gives 10 priest jobs, now they need housing. Housing Districts solve that for them faster with their 8 housing vs the Mining districts housing of 2.
This game is super repetitive though. Most of the options just feel shallow. Tech and exploration start off fine. Diplomacy and war are mostly shit. You just end up sticking the game on faster speed settings to get by. There isn't really enough strategic depth to it.
Right... I've only been tooling around with the game for 2 hours so far, but buildings don't give housing? Okay.
Also, I'm playing robots and have 3 base farming districts on my homeworld. Can I eventually convert those 3 unneeded districts into energy/mineral ones? I have a lot more energy/mineral districts and can convert those into others but I can't for these 3 little farming ones. Do I need a tech unlock or something?
>not making the Roman Star Empire and conquering lesser races to bring them your superior culture
just click the districts and there should be a "replace" button on the same panel that has the "build" button and shit
>but buildings don't give housing? Okay.
Generally no, there are a few buildings that give housing.
There's Luxury Residence that give some housing and amenities that you can use a building slot for, for example.
>Can I eventually convert those 3 unneeded districts into energy/mineral ones?
Planets have a district cap, which is based on the planet size, and possibly a few other modifiers.
That is any and all districts combined.
So a size 16 planets can have 16 housing districts, 8 housing+8 farming, etc.
Then Mining, Farming and Energy have their seperate caps. So a planet might be huge and have a large total district cap, but then a very low energy district cap.
It's based on Planetary Features, it's a button under the districts, shows a list of features on the planet that gives bonuses to different types of districts.
You're not actually missing out on not being able to use those 3 slots. Since you're already gonna cap out on total districts.
So a planet may have "Green Hills" which gives +2 agrarian districts, or "Hot Springs" which give +1 generator districts.
how can you make a game lewd if it's a fucking 4x??
By making it 5x senpaiii uguu~~
>game lewd if it's a fucking 4x??
Endless space is better
i don't think you use your dick as spaceship and yadda yadda, if you only change the portraits it's not lewd at all
its not a good game, all these things you mention aside.
>I hate those paradox games with 500 stats and too many shit screens full of crap I'd need to fucking study to understand how to play.
well, good for you then, this game is not that, since it is not a grand strategy, but a 4x with allusions of a GS; sadly, it is a bad one.
basegame is garbage now and i'm broke
technically it is, it is real time, and strategy.
it is not the specific niche of strategy game that is commonly referred to as RTS.
Because every game you play no matter what ends with you attempting to conquer everything and getting bored before even getting close because it's just a 100 hours of dragging fleets around and fighting war exhaustion.
Exactly. There needs to be an ideology victory, a commerce victory, a discovery victory, Federations need a total rehaul (again) and so many other things. But nope, the only way to win is take over [x] number of planets. Even if you like conquest, that gets boring.
Technically it isn't, because RTS means something else than the components of each singular word.
You're not a CIA agent, even though you may stand in the Central of your room, has some semblance of Intelligence and is standing there of your own Agency.
I swore off Paradox games after what they did to City: Skylines. This is ridiculous.
Little confused on rouge servitors
Do I want more docile fatties to care for?
Endless space has a great background setting and the gameplay is simpler, but it's also more shallow and the combat is pretty bad compared to Stellaris. Both are automatic, but there's more engagement and control on Stellaris.
How's there more engagement and control in Stellaris? Last I remember the fleets agro one another and then charge and shoot until the last man is standing. There's no formations at all, just a big blob of shit.
It somehow manages to make all of those enticing options rather boring
Apparently grabbing too many fatties early on can put you in a death spiral, since you don't have enough robots to support those freeloaders.
I always feel a little overwhelmed trying to find what a world should be (mining,factory,farming,etc).
I figured there would be some pretty easy formula to figure out how to nestle everyone into a job and house. Adding pops that are different classes makes shit harder to balance. Slaves were easier than this shit.
A literal retard could play a nu-paradox game. They are designed for normalfags.
I started playing again recently, hadn't played for 2 years.
The jobs and stratum was interesting, but god one thing with them is so fucking stupid.
They take a long time to demote, fine, a Specialist doctor may not just wanna become a farmer over night, sure. That is fine on its own.
Coupled with instant promotion, and unemployed pops taking jobs within their stratum slower starts some problems.
I had an unemployed ruler on one planet.
So I upgrade the capital building, which would create another ruler job.
Instead of him getting the job, a miner was instantly promoted and got the job.
>to bring them your superior culture
>roman 'culture' is just being a greekaboo, but prudish
>literally turned one of the greatest cultures of all time into a mcdonalds tier franchise
I know what you mean
I played it for a bit it's a fun game but the combat is so lackluster. Also their DLC policy can fuck right off
There are formations, there are more ship types too, and there's far more customization per ship and fleet since the scale is various orders of magnitude larger. You can adjust the loadout of every ship type, and their behavior in and out of combat. There's also the turn system versus real time; you can throw them to chase enemy fleets across the galaxy, you can protract engagements, retreat midfight, throw another fleet in the pile, more parties can get involved, you can block FTL jumps, warp directly from a non neighboring star. Things like edicts, race traits, ideology buffs and even star types also alter the result.Endless Space 2 has meatier combat than the excel sheet that was ES1 but it's still basic by comparison because the game is on a simpler scale.
I'm not saying it's bad, though. They're different games with a different focus on different things. Stellaris is all about gameplay with little substance beyond what you yourself create on each game, but the Endless Universe is without peer and fucking fantastic.
Do they still have that atrocious warscore system?
I would buy it but it isnt on GoG sadly.
I don't play it as much because I don't like the completely basic starting positions where everyone's on equal footing. I have to fall behind on purpose so the AI stands a chance because as soon as I colonize a few worlds, I slingshot so far ahead of every AI empire as to trivialize the game.
Also, the empires and their government forms don't feel distinct enough from each other. Unless you're playing a hivemind, everyone feels mostly the same.
can you play as a Necron like race yet?
can you play as a Tyranid like race
whats the creamapi link m8
Endless Space is one and done though, all the factions demand you play them in specific ways rather than experiment and make the best of your situation like in Stellaris. It's the same issue Civ has, why would I go for a cultural victory with a militaristic civ, I should just play them as a warmonger and call it a day. Emperor Zelevas is GOAT though.
I'm not 100% on 40k races
but you can play hive minds or robots that either kill everything or implant them to join as brainwashed populaces if thats the thing
Determined Exterminator
Devouring Swarm
Play on a higher difficulty with advanced neighbors turned on?
They start with like 25 systems
how many thousands of dollars do I have to spend on DLC?
You can play as robots devotedto exterminating every other race (the "Determined Exterminator" machine ethic), and a hivemind of biological creatures likewise devoted to eating every other race (the "Devouring Swarm" hivemind ethic). Not all of the 40k details are on the nose but they're close enough.
look if it was any game other than stellaris
The game is bland itself so if you're an uncreative person with no imagination. Or, on the flip side you game and want to shut your brain off for awhile, not have to come up with the content yourself I can get why people don't like it.
I boot up a run every now and then, but for a 4x game it is pretty bland to look at with it's menus and copy pasted stars. Sure the leviathans are cool, and space battles are great to watch sometimes, but overall it's just a lot of repeated stuff with the occasional anomaly galaxy to get your attention. Thing is if you've played the game a lot you've probably seen it all before, of course the mega structures are neat too.
Not everybody wants to have to roleplay their entire campaign and that's kind of what you have to do. For Stellaris, the meat of it's aesthetics are in the anomaly texts and the one image of anothers empire you get.
look, don't worry about that, just hand over your wallet and I'll take care of it
because star citizen exists for $15 instead of $40 and $142 DLC