A+ game from the same vein of Dark Souls and BloodBourne

>A+ game from the same vein of Dark Souls and BloodBourne
>Great mechanics
>rewarding difficulty
>beautiful aesthetics
>Yea Forums stops talking about it within a month

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Other urls found in this thread:


For me it's because I literally could not get good and gave up at Genichiro

too difficult

its pretty short desu

singleplayer game with no build variety, a straightforward story, and no DLC
good game but not much discussion to be had

reused enemies galore, short levels, also fuck sword saint ashina I gave up on him

It has ZERO replayability. I vividly remember the same dumbfucks on this board defending the fact that it had no co-op or a fraction of customization of From's other games.

It's a one-and-done game. Is it bad? No, but I couldn't be assed to play it again.

No multiplayer. No build variety.

No more content

Souls niggers dont like their games unless they can cheese with builds and friends

why the fuck would i talk about same game for months?
i've moved on to other games
kys, you retarded cunt

>it had no co-op
There's pretty much nothing wrong with not having co-op features, but I'm surprised that they didn't milk it out with DLC expansions, normally helps boost replayability

It was a fine game and all, but there's really not that much to talk about or do once you've beaten it once or twice.

Good gameplay but lacking content, 8/10 with great potential

Actishit backing, and they could've at least hinted at DLC

I couldn't finish it yet, the monkey part was ABYSMAL, and then the optional bosses with limited mandatory items to have a chance to beat them was stressing me out

Nearly no waifus.

It has 4 endings, but basically you're just doing the severance and Ashura. The other two are weaker a d lack unique bosses.

Great game with little replay value equals no discussion.

It's a great game, but there isn't much room for discussion.

no online, no soapstone messages, no invasions, no coop

The game removed all of its distinguishing multiplayer features in an attempt to be more than another souls game, which it isn't.

no gameplay variety
no multiplayer
no fashion souls

It legit took me like 100 attempts to beat that fucker.


I cannot get good on Demon of Hatred. I hate this boss so much but I want to release sculptor from his suffering so I'm taking a break. Maybe a month It's a very hard game. I almost gave up on ape. When I saw that fucking headless monkey crawling in Ashina Depths I fucking screamed.

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this is why

fun for a quick playthrough, but the game is just bland and no reason to replay it

removing features good ;)

Literally one of the easiest bosses in the game. It took me 5 hours to beat Isshin, but two tries for genichiro.

Zero replay value. Souls had longevity because different playstyles would have wildly different experiences. In Sekiro you find the art and ninjutsu you like the most and never need to change it, nor are you incentivized to because swapping them out is clunky and doesn't mesh well with other options. The Headless Ape rematch was a fun idea, but all paths should have had something like that so the player would have a reason to do things differently on a subsequent playthrough. No PvP also kills staying power, because at some point you just do everything the game has to offer and can shelve it. Personally, it lasted me 50 hours, which is a pretty good amount of time for a singleplayer game.

It's a great game shame that for everyshit game with DLC up the wazoo great games like this don't get any and suffer for it

>no multiplayer
>no dlc
>no bullshit levels of lore to talk about
Still a fun game.

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Use the Fire-blocking fan to trivialize the fight.

Or you could make him commit suicide.

I really thought beating bloodborne meant I would be able to beat sekiro but I just couldn't do it, even after going after some of the available upgrades.

learn demon pattern and attacks, then do the poke and run strategy, if you don`t want to cheese it that is

Bloodborne bosses are huge while Sekiro bosses are mobile, they're really different so you need to learn the game mechanics from scratch.

If you can't parry and jump dodge you won't get far in sekiro

>all these casuals ITT

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we all played it and talked about it to death. it's all done. it's too recent to get nostalgic about and too good to shitpost about so it just kind of exists for now.

>no build diversity
>linear gameplay
>linear story
basically it has no replayability whatsoever compared to something like dark souls. it's a good game but you beat it once and probably never come back to it, which basically mirrors how people talk about it as well

>material incentives for repeated runs were minimal aside from unlocking the moves from alternate endings
>no character creation or build variety to encourage alt characters
>no pvp or co-op
>lore didn't have enough ambiguity or intrigue to keep theorycrafting going
Gee. I wonder.
Still a great game, but it's not the sort of thing you dwell on for months like DS or BB.
I had a really fun time just blowing through the first half or so of the game on a second run from the start. Feels good once you've already mastered the systems and find the early-game ten times easier than you first did.

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I couldn't beat the first boss because my friends and I were just getting fucked up and rushing him without learning how to play

You beat it and then there's not anything else.

There's no invasions or alternate weapon/spell builds.

So once you get the good ending where the young lord lives you're done.

It was entertaining for a playthrough and that's it. Honestly felt like their most half-baked game yet. So many unrealized mechanics and strange design decisions that seemed thrown on at the last minute. Seemed like it was two games layered together but it couldn't manage any sort of identity or consistency in its design.

I fucking hate zoomers
>muh builds!
>muh online!
What ever happened to replaying a game because you enjoyed it?

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No online, no coop, no pvp, no weapons, no fashion, no builds

>no character creation
>no stats/builds
>one single weapon, a katana, which has an even smaller moveset than any other katana from any souls game
>no magic
>no armors, not even costumes
>almost all ninja tools are repurposed spells or even weapons from souls games
>going for parries is almost always the most efficient playstyle, making the entire game revolve around it and discouraging any other way to fight
>the only interesting gameplay addition, the Arts are extremely limited because you can always only equip and perform one single move
>considerably shorter than souls games
>not even any dlc
>absolutely no replayability

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No multiplayer isn't a critique

Zoom zoom
It is for kids who grew up on Xbox Live

I did this yesterday, it was fun as fuck and very graficating. I want to make a run solely with the an infinite puppeter mod for enhanced pleasure

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It's a game you play instead of meme.

>>Yea Forums stops talking about it within a month
Is this what you tell yourself while making multiple Sekiro threads every week?

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It's a great game, but very much "one-and-done". There's very little replay value unless you want to see the different endings.

Singleplayer game. Same reason Lords Of The Fallen 'The Dark Souls Killer' was forgotten after 3 weeks.

No, that was because it was derivative garbage

Treat DoH like a bloodborne boss and you’ll have a better time of it
He definitely has specific attack patterns so pay attention to when he does a specific attack and what he follows it up with

If there was PvP and co-op it would have survived a lot longer than it did in relevancy and you can't deny that.

Singleplayer, no replayability value, no different builds

There's no replay value. You can play it without attacking, without blocking, with only tools, a lot of ways, yes, but there's no incentive to.
Sekiro is a great example of how boring Devil May Cry would be without the style system.

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No equipment, no builds, no multiplayer, it's a linear action game.

It's a singleplayer game with a super focused scope gameplay-wise, that has many of it's story and world-building elements locked away behind a cultural barrier.

Maybe due to autistic faggots who think DaS is the best thing ever

>Yea Forums stops talking about it within a month
I keep seeing threads like this everyday, though.
Also there is nothing else to discuss about.

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>Sekiro is a great example of how boring Devil May Cry would be without the style system
DMC1 doesn't have a style system and it's the best in the series

0 and I mean ZERO replay value. Its just that simple

It was fun the first time but there is no point in going NG+.

Nothing to talk about once you get a couple of the endings.

- no build potential
- one primary weapon
- relatively simplistic (if satisfying) combat
- the majority of collectables are similar and/or useless
- poor for repeat plays in general
- main castle is over-used and outstays its welcome
- swimming mechanic is under-used
- extremely punishing even by FromSoftware standards

I mean I loved it at the time but I have almost no incentive to replay it unlike Soulsborne games

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The game is not on DeS/DaS/BB level. It's around the level of DaSIII, and better than DaSII.

My problem is the combat (though the game lacks in many pther respects as well). I know I'm an outlier here, but disregarding PvP, DaS had he best combat. It has a great wealth of mechanics, that while individually may be trivial or not very engaging, together make the combat hard, fair, varied, and interesting for a long time.

Sekiro has cool additions, but it's combat is the opposite. It has a smaller selection of mechanics (like I said, with some new additions), where A LOT of the are annoying by themselves, and together they make a worse off experience then the previous games (a couple of these problems seem to have been inherited from DaSIII).

Even though I would love to see something similar to Mikiri counter in their future games, as a whole I don't like Sekiro's combat.

I replayed DeS right after it, and in my opinion Sekiro can't compete. Hes, DeS has a few clunker bosses (and item weight), but overall it completely blows Sekiro out of the universe.

Zero replayability or variation in playthroughs.

no autistic builds, waifufag fashion, and le ebin invasions

>Better than DaS2
DaS2 gets shit on despite it being the only Souls sequel that tried to be different. DaS1 is unfinished garbo with zero explanation for fog, phantoms etc like DeS did save "lol time", 3 is a shameless rehash with DaS1 references fucking everywhere.

2 had King's Field feeling and was very different, for good and bad. Bloodbourne and DeS are stil lthe best in the series.

because you can't invade and bully scrubs

>within a month,
Why do you morons feel the need to lie about obvious shit? I see almost the same amount of threads about sekiro that i see about dark souls. Thr only game i see more threads about is bloodborne. That said, the interest on this game died as much as any other big release. There's only a handfull of games that keep being talked about for years in here.

>People comparing Souls and Sekiro because they were made by the same studio
>No one compares Souls and Armored Core though
Brainlets are scum

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Shut the fuck up, Sekiro sucks balls because it's not Tenchu.

This is honestly a very wrong opinion. Combat is miles better than any previous title. The rest is pretty lacking for a From game.
I personally think we shouldn't compare Sekiro with the soulsborne series though.

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>I can't enjoy an experience by itself
>I must compare everything

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I don't enjoy garbage no.

there's literally no point in playing it more than once

I'm glad it's not Tenchu, I'd rather play an action game than a stealth game.

The only good thing about not having online features like summoning and messages in Sekiro is that it exposed the scrubs to the public. suddenly game journalists had to drag themselves through boss fights and git gud or go home

combat was mildly satisfying. the same animations got really tired really fast. I felt like I had seen the same animations a million times by watching three trailers.

I 'm not surprised that there are people that think Sekiro has the best combat. I definitely see that people can be categorized for a preference towards either DeS or Sekrio style of combat.

For me personally, Sekiro does too many things which are unforgivable, and on top of that make enemies have advantages over you (essentially cheating). The way they can track you and close distance, while chaining attacks, and still outrunning you while you have THREE methods of escape (running, dodging, jumping), while they themselves can disengage from you easily, and your attacks don;t have the tracking/moving further potential that they have is trash. It's also trash how you can be interrupted mid-combo (and I DON'T mean deflected), while you can't do that. It's trash that a single swing from an attack can stun lock you or ground your ass, where you have to mash buttons (but not the block or direction ones, which are the most likely ones you would be pushing), AND be able to hit you while you are on the ground, while if you want to stun them you have to make a non interrupted for any longer period of time series of attacks while they are also attacking you, and you can't hit them while they are on the ground.

And on and on and on the cheats/annoyances/shortcomings of Sekiro's combat mount.

Like I said, I can see people into traditional Street Fighter style fighting games like Sekiro. I like it when I can dodge, put a hit it, deflect, follow by a mikiri counter, put a hit it, then dodge some big attack with a long windup by jumping on my opponent and hitting him while I land. I get the coolness of that. But there are just too many aspects that I don't like that work on top of those good ones. I also think the nature of the combat is the main reason there is no multiplayer in the game, it would definitely shine a spotlight on how unfair and unbalanced it can be.

On my first blind playthrough the confetti shit really stressed me out as well. What really killed me was finally beating everything and realizing that it didn't really matter if I could have beat the optional bosses early or not. There wasn't any significant reward gained from doing things out of order except for maybe some tools/upgrade items. Which really don't give you a massive advantage anyways and if you're good enough to skip bosses why do you need overpowered gear at all?

Honestly I wish there were more optional bosses, even more difficult if necessary, that gave you a real incentive to beat them throughout the game. I like the game but it's unfortunately shallow.

I liked the game, beat it. Definitely harder than any of the souls by a degree. The problem is I simply have no reason to ever put myself through that again. No builds, no fashion, no anything. I understand how those fundamentally change the game but it simply does not have replayability to me as a result.

>No fashion
Into the trash where it belongs.

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What are you supposed to talk about?
>1 playstyle
>nothing new in NG+
>5 bosses
>game is 30 minutes long after you beat it the first time
>bosses are just rockband songs
Also it's cute you're acting like only Yea Forums has moved on. DS3 and BB are insanely popular still, Sekiro has faded everywhere because there's nothing to it after your first experience which many don't like in the first place

No reason to play it again

How can you beat Grandma but not Genichiro? Genichiro is literally a tutorial boss and used as a beating stick and measuring stick for this game.

>enemies 'cheating'
>Street Fighter style fighting games like Sekiro
I honestly have no idea of what are you talking about

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serious question: is it the same person who keeps making these "if I don't see a thread about *game* every hour then everyone forgot about it" threads? I don't want to believe multiple people are this autistic.

playing Sekiro like BB makes it way harder. Play it like guitar hero

SF like games revolve around anticipation/baiting/prediction of what your opponent will do, and acting accordingly.

Sekiro does that.

The part with the cheating is separate, obviously.

Now do you get it?

It has replayability, it's just very short once you get good. Despite how much I liked it seriously was the easiest souls game, need more content and way less forgiving with parrying
>playthrough 1: 30 hours
>playthrough 2: 8 hours
>playthrough 3: 4 hours
>playthrough 4: 2.5 hours

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Thanks man, just knowing this helps.

SF is a 2D fightan
Sekiro is 3D action game
Are you smoking?

The mobs 'cheating' is the same bullshit From use to make them, now they can also combo your ass if you fucked up.

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Why did the confetti stress you out? You need them only really for optional mini-bosses.

of course its an anime tranny who complains about lack of dress up

Your whole premise is flawed because single player fighting games are beyond trash to play because they enforce parity between the player and the cpu instead of creating a unique challenge like every other single player game

Is this pic a motherfucking samurai jack reference?

i had more trouble on juuzou than lady butterfly

>SF is a 2D fightan
>Sekiro is 3D action game
>Are you smoking?

Lol retard.

>The mobs 'cheating' is the same bullshit From use to make them, now they can also combo your ass if you fucked up.

Not quite.

In DaS you control a lot of the aspects which you can;t in Sekiro. You find that opponents stun lock you more than you like? Get higher poise on your armor/shield/. You don't like how little you stunlock enemies? Get a weapon with higher poise damage.

Sekiro just let the enemies cheat.

Dudes, can you really be this dense...

Every samurai game will get samurai jack crossover art

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Nigga every single player game cheats by your standard. You think it's unfair that bosses can take ten million more hits than you too?

I played it day one and refused to look anything up. I wasn't sure if confetti was going to be finite or not and wanted to beat all possible bosses in one playthrough. Obviously it would be stupid to have it be limited but this was marketed as the superduperhardsouls so I wasn't ready to ignore the possibility. Then it turns out you can not only buy it but once your attack power hits a certain number you tear Headless and Warrior's apart. Honestly in hindsight it would have been more interesting to have had optional bosses with limited attempts. Shit game design but god knows the game needed something to make you play it again.

No, you're the retard. Also stop with the fucking reddit spacing.

The entire point of the game is the stamina bar, it's useless caring about 'stunlocking' when you have to parry that shit and finish them with one hit.
I wager Giraffe gave you a good time.

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Nigga, I'm not talking about all single player games. OF COURSE they cheat.

What I'm talking about is Sekiro compared to previous From games.

Goddamn troglodytes.

use fire umbrella and divine talismanz
use dragon tear after death so you can use all 3 lives in 1 fight

because Yea Forums is not interested in "talking" about a game
Yea Forums never talks about anything
you all just shitpost
don't ever come to Yea Forums expecting conversation
go to NeoGAF now that it's no longer pozzed or /r/pcgaming and help keep it from being pozzed

Okay so your problem is that you can't power through enemies with poise/buffs? Fuck off, you're even stupider than I thought.

Bitch if you want to talk about the game then just say so. ENOUGH with this "[CURRENT YEAR] I am forgotten" shit. It's so fucking stupid.

That another great point, and shortcoming os Sekiro.

You can play DaS many different ways. You can go through the game parring everything, or you can go full tank Havel.

Sekiro doesn't have the wealth of mechanics and potential for player expression.

although, once you can beat genichiro, you can beat anyone

>OF COURSE they cheat.
Goddam you're stupid.

you're so dumb and gay. you say there's no variety then avoid combat arts because you have to actually learn how to use them (because they vary in implementation)

We have better things to do than wait for dial up while replaying some linear trash for the 50th time


Doesn't have a whole lot of replayability. It's got a few endings, but in the way of gameplay, there's not much variance.

Personally for me, it was a rough enough challenge that two playthroughs was enough. I went back for a third recently, and ragequit after getting OHKO'd by the Nord giant's bullshit magnetic grab-suplex. Nothing is still more broken and utter bullshit than that fucking grab. Nothing in the game I experienced through my two back to back playthroughs gave me as much trouble and induced as much rage as that asshole does. I'm surprised that fucking grab was never patched. I've had some DaS2-tier shit happen with getting teleported into that grab from a meter away.

No man.

Read again.

I've done all my Souls playthroughs basically naked.

My complaint is that Sekiro puts you in a locked disadvantageous AND annoying position, where Souls didn't have these annoyances, while putting you in control.

Honestly, I've been playing it again and it legit holds up, really fucking great game, easily on my top 5 list.

I got stomped by Guardian Ape and haven't bothered picking it back up yet

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>how do i jump

pussy can't handle the lack of kuro's charm. go play some other games on easy difficulty and pat yourself on the back some more. hahahahaha

excellent game, excellent ost

gonna wait a few months before i do another playthrough

Imagine replaying Sekiro and not stunlocking to death the Ogre with the Fire Lance.

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>at game start


I don't understand how people find Guardian Ape hard.

Demon of Hatred got down in less than 5 attempts, no cheesing.

Owl (Father) on the other hand...

Both Owl's are tough but their difficulty is a bit overblown I'd say

You're not on NG+3 without Kuro's charm? Are you scared?

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>Remove 90% of the content in the form of gear
>End up with zero replayability and forgotten in a month

It's almost as if everyone with common sense saw this coming.

Honestly Yea Forums was never really talking about it. Think back, 50% of the posts were just the usual bragging
>Huh? lmao hard boss? I beat sword saint without any upgrades blindfolded on my first try git gud scrublord
and the other 50% was about the fake "controversy" surrounding the difficulty, which was just more dickwaving about how casualfags need to git gud. It was dead from day 1, man.

>still get grappled

It's happened a dozen times to me, and I've beaten the game about 4 times into NG+++. It's just shitty luck. That grab is legit bs tho. Every time I reach an ogre, I stealth one of it's HP bars down and burn emblems on flame vent / leaping spear.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Great mechanics

I do not get this, why not learn the mechanics of the game?

Fuck off, Sekrio threads were fun on launch

There's literally no point in using different combat arts. Just find a good one that you enjoy using, and you can use that for the rest of the game. It's not comparable to a different weapon at all, it's just a single variation to your moveset.

I don't know man. I stopped playing the game for a large period of time right before Owl (Father), and when I got back I think he took me something like 5 hours...

different guy here. i beat ng+12 with no charm and with bell demon within a few hours. now that I've established my cred....... some sweeps don't really communicate that they can be dodged very well. this is the worst offender with another being a certain attack from the demon of hate. it's annoying to go up against initially unless you're a gigantic fag and read guides.

>It was dead from day 1, man.
No, but you were 'cause you got walled by the Ogre

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>>rewarding difficulty
Anything you learn from a boss doesn't apply to the next bosses or enemies. As soon as you understand how the fundamental gameplay works and Mikiri, everything else is basically the same. There is nothing rewarding about the difficulty. You never really get better at the game, just at individual encounters, and the difference between a pro-player and someone who's able to beat the encounter is minimal.

As much as I thoroughly enjoy this game, no game, not even DeS, DaS, or BB, induces such a rage upon me as Sekiro does. Some of it is such bullshit, but I get such a great satisfaction every time I overcome.

I have to play it in small bursts, or else I spend my entire day angry as fuck.

dark souls doesn't revolve around those things?

wtf are you even talking about?

From Software games were never good

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Because the mechanics were shit and the gameplay was shit but people ate it up for some reason

you can also stun it with grappling hook frequently

That's implying you dodge the grab, which is the topic of discussion here in this reply string.

Yes it does. How the Hell it doesn't???

I can't seem to get into it. I don't like the lack of build variety, the single weapon forced playstyle, the complete openness lacks real direction, and feeling that it is just a fanfic of a souls game. I'm letting it rest and attempting it again once I get a new TV.

He wasn't critiquing it, he was answering OPs question.

the point could be, for you, to have the variety you asked for. you said there wasn't, but you're wrong. retard.

that was my point. sekiro is as close to SF as dark souls is. you might as well classify every game as a SF-like if anticipation, baiting and predicting an enemy is your criteria

Maybe we were reading different threads, what I remember is people sharing useful advice and strategies with each other.

I'd rather play 5 hours of consistent quality than 20 hours of otherwise.

it's good but not that good

>>Great mechanics
>>rewarding difficulty

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No, I finished it twice. And NG+ actually made me like the game less because it gets really fucking stale playing the exact same style again and just sprinting between the boss fights because there's nothing else to do. It was really poorly thought out.

Sekiro is a lot more about it than Souls, and fighting games - even more.

But I don't et why people even latch on to this comparison. If you don't like it, that's fine. My points weren't connected to that. I just though that the people that like fighting games are probably the people that (would) like fighting games as well. If that's not true, doesn't reflect in any way on my points.

Wait, what? How is this possible? I know the finger stunt him, but I never heard about fucking making to commit suicide? Please someone say something.

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It's pretty short and has little replay value as there aren't really any "options" on things as there aren't any weapon choices.

It also has no online play and autistic pvp is something that keeps people talking about the game.
Also I don't that there is no announced DLC plans...so if you have already played it then you are done.

But it's hardly variety. Choosing different weapons in a Souls game fundamentally changes your experience in a lot of ways:
>different stat allocations necessary
>completely different moveset, including weapon art in DaS3 and trick moveset in BB
>different speed/ranged
>different weights will result in further modifications to the build
>different properties (elemental damage, divine, etc.)
Meanwhile combat arts just give you one or two different moves. You can't even use two different ones at the same time, which would factor in synergy/utility between them. Not worth a replay to use a different one.

Attack is the best defense


He can fall of the cliff lol
But don't do that, it's better to just normally kill him since in his dying breaths, he will thank you for freeing him

i mean.... you can counter literally everything in the game in a blind playthrough by jumping backwards and using aerial block.

dark souls is a fanfic of the souls game. sekiro is much more original and much better

>dark souls is a fanfic of the souls game
What did he mean by this?

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Just keep trying anaon...
You're missing out on an amazing game, I'm telling ya.
the last area is so beautiful you MUST see it

just be honest and admit you suck to use anything but the most basic bitch combat art you could find

what is demons souls

>You've gotten stronger Wolf
>That's my boy

Why does it hurts so much?

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>one is 2d and the other 3d so the same basic principles don't apply for some reason

Pokemon Colosseum was also 3D whereas Pokemon Red and Blue were 2D

>turn based RPG = fighting games
>fighting games = action games
This is the true Yea Forums experience.

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6'0 vs 5'11

Because it's too hard for casuals without any way to cheese it like Souls games, and it's too long and complex for Souls fans.

Because I got the full platinum. Wake me up if this game ever gets a DLC or something, but I’m not gonna keep playing a game over and over, my 5+ runs were plenty

Because Armored Core is nothing like Souls

Why is everyone so tall in this game?

Lack of build variety and there isn't nearly as much interesting world/story content to discuss considering it's yet another feudal japan game and not a whole new fictional world.

The game is literally not called BloodBourne, britbong.

>why aren't people talking about a game that deliberately kneecapped its own replayability for its "vision" of a half-baked action game with recycled bosses.

It's fun but it feels like a skeleton of a game. There's way too much pointless baggage from Dark Souls that needed to get shaved off, and yet all the stuff from Dark Souls it needed to retain is what they cut out instead.

Pretty much the foresight of "From B-Team" summarised in a single game where bad decisions aren't stomped out in the development phase.

No replay value

>pointless baggage from Dark Souls that needed to get shaved off,
Like what? Elements like Estus/healing pellets/bonfires/status items are almost comically derivative at this point but I'm not sure what I would want to replace them. I was sort of happy to see them at least attempt to make dying interesting with reviving but it didn't make that huge of a difference other than making it more convenient to learn bosses.

it's like you're trying to win the world championship of being the most wrong out of all wrong people

Seriously? the game "clicked" for me way before Genichiro, besides the Chained Ogre, Seven Spears forced you to git gud. I literally beat ol Genichiro on my very first try.

around here we call it blutenbong

is that the spear guy at the hut you find little jap nigga at, but later in the game? thats where i stopped, not giving up entirely, and ive come close to beating him, but where i had played a decent amount and generally im not in the mood for the concentration it takes to make progress

probably the fact that its single-player only, and those that got gud enough to beat it probably were able to beat it for all the endings they could have wanted to see easily after the first playthrough

>removing easy mode bad

Literally one of the easiest bosses. Just stay on his back and keep attacking, dodge or block his punches and always stay close to him when he jumps to create distance. His other fire attacks are easy to dodge, just jump and use grapple.

No invasions.
It's that simple.
You play through the game a few times, and there's no reason at all to play it again until you a few years from now when you feel nostalgic. The Invasion system & the streams/videos it spawned are what made Dark Souls such a huge deal.

Sadly this is true. And most of the combat arts are pretty much useless because the enemies can easily block them.

First time a game has ever made me break something. Fuck that guy.

>inb4 get gud
got him eventually but god damn what a pain in the ass

im i never beat dark souls and ive collected about two lord souls or however you call it. i have no idea where i should be going to continue. should i look up a guide or should i move on to 2?

Stopped at the shit flinging monkey and the Sunken Valley. How much game am I missing out on?

>gameplay revolves around using a batman utility belt to swing around like spiderman
>combat is parrying 50 times while tapping the enemy once to slowly take down health

armored core died for this zoomer trash

Attached: 3.gif (480x561, 227K)

git gud, also Zoids>AC

Attached: Zoids.jpg (1920x1079, 476K)

its better than 90% of what is coming out recently

No multiplayer
No builds
For most, a pretty uninteresting story

Maybe 30-40%, depends how much you've done and if you want to 100% bosses and upgrades. It's slightly non-linear as far as progression goes.

>0 replayability value

do builds and stats really add THAT much replayibility? I swear i restart ds3 or bloodborne every few months with hopes to do a new build, but a few hours in, i just end up doing same shit as before and it turns into a boss rush

ur missing out on two of the best bosses of all time in any game. isshin and owl daddy

this. ive started a few min/max builds vs my normal balanced build and they all end up kind of shit. though ive never tried a min/maxed magic build, but then again idk what to focus on and where to get the spells and shit

I could have sworn the was a DLC expansion announced for this game before launch, or there was a season pass. Did I step from an alternate dimension?

Attached: 73788445_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x1038, 896K)

I found it boring. Maybe it's the 10 years of souls games taking their toll.
>but it's not a souls game
It very much is.

It's because it has less replayability than any of the Souls games. it's still a fine game though.

not enough to shitpost about for Yea Forums. easier to just have a dark souls 2 hate thread for the billionth time

Thread really should have ended here. there isnt a more correct answer than this.

Even CyberPunk 2077 had a Samurai Jack crossover

Angry DaS2 scrubs who try to hide the fact that they suck dick at the game with complaints about muh viable builds. It's the best From game, and no amount of faggot whining about PvP will change that.

No variety = no replayability

you're short, the game is fine

Bloodborne is far more original. Sekiro is a step back. It feels like a dime a dozen action game from the 360.

No pvp
No invasions
No reason to play again unless you're a sperg as you can't build different
No customization to character
No jolly coop

You don't just cut out the most involving things in the dark souls series and think it'll keep well to dark souls fans.

>he doesnt switch up his prosthetic tool usage on subsequent playthroughs

As far as the setting goes, sure bloodborne is more original. Sekiro is more fun to play though.

It kinda is.

>Oh boy I get to use a different gimmick for an entire playthrough, obviously that's on par with going from a SS build to a sorcery build in dark souls!
Neck yourself.

We live in a strange time where a game that provides over 50 hours of content are criticised for being too short and lacking content. People's autism causes them to want to waste huge amounts of hours redoing the same content over and over again under the illusion it's somehow different, it's the same zoomer phenomenon that causes people to waste lots of time in mmos, competitive games, roguelikes, etc. Soulsfags are the same, replaying their game again and again under an illusion it has variety.

It's unfortunate then that Sekiro, which is both a Souls and a Tenchu game mixed together, gets criticised for these reasons. It can't be appreciated for what it actually is and unreasonably compared to Souls.

I beat the game once. NG+ I went for shura but couldn't beat the old man. Gave up and played minecraft instead.

It doesnt have PvP so Yea Forums cant watch epic trolling montages

DSP was right. It isn't good game. It's a bad Souls-style game without any interesting mechanics. It's a Rythm style QTE game for ADHD kids who can't handle Dark Souls.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 70K)

>stop with the reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing

Sekiro would have been awesome with pvp especially if From went full Soft and didn't allow people to bitch out of it

Attached: Demons Souls 2019.08.17 - (1920x1080, 475K)

Combat arts are fucking shit dude

/ourguy/ has never once been wrong

I liked it a lot, but it's very straightforward and there's nothing really left to talk about. By the time you've finished the game you pretty much know all there is to know in sekiro.
Good and gorgeous side project, can't wait for Elden Ring.

I almost never replay the games consecutively but I finished Sekiro thrice in a row and every single playthrough went differently, your argument is invalid.

Play unlocked and just go behind him whenever he tries to hit you. Always to the right.

You’re right but the question wasn’t “is it bad”
The question was “why isn’t it talked about”
Because no one is still playing it so nobody is thinking about it that much

That's literally impossible

>different stat allocations necessary
Equals soul grind and nothing else.
>completely different moveset
So just like every single combat art in Sekiro.
>different speed/range
Like combat arts in Sekiro.
>different weights will result in further modifications to the build
So you can grind souls to put them into vitality so your character can lift more, gotcha.
>different properties (elemental damage, divine, etc.)
So... just like Sekiro (poison, lightning, fire, projectiles to air, antiapparition etc.)

You're fucking dumb mate.

At this point people are just used to Souls-like games. The game was completed by everybody who'd been interested, there's nothing left to talk about.

It is too hard for most of Yea Forums.


Sekiro feels like an experiment that comes very close to perfection yet still manages to miss in all its fields.

My major complaint with the game is that i reached peak enjoyment on any boss at about the 60% mark of total attempts. It would be frustrating for about half the attempts, then I'd get in the zone and the combat would be glorious, then the last 30% of attempts would be frustrating again because I'd still made a mistake or two that would cause me to lose and have to start over.

But I'll be damned if it isn't one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.

There is no variation in subsequent playthroughs, Sekiro has no replayability compared to the Souls games and BB which all atleast have basic build variations focused on each stat and or even on a certain weapon. And of course, because of Souls PvP, one of the funnest and most unique PvP systems. Despite how Yea Forums loves to cry about it because despite getting gud and beating the game, they can never git gud and beat other players.
Sekiro just plays much more like any other action game when it comes down to it compared to souls, from the smooth controls and combat, to the lackluster depth and variation.

There's just nothing TOO talk about. It also got overshadowed by the bigger, proper, action game of the year, DMC5.

It's mostly a one and done game but damn was it a good one.

in short, it just doesn't have the same replayabilty as other souls games. Lack of weapons, lack of skills, lack of builds, etc

I knew that would happen. The game is bland, no build, only one weapon, which makes exploration boring. It's a failed experiment.

i wish you could've teamed up with one of the bosses and fight other bosses

Attached: surpassing the master.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

they could've worked puppeteering into the game in a much bigger way. puppeting genichiro to fight isshin would be perverse as fuck and isshin could call you out for it.