Reminder: Superbeat Xonic is on sale for 97% off for Switch

The game now costs a staggering 89 cents

Get it before the sale ends

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>asymmetric input
One Juicy Step a best

Reminder that its 100% off all day every day for homebrew chads

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Yeah I got it and going to try it out out

It doesn't get too bad at all, until ALL of the inputs come at you randomly, and having you almost blindly mashing the buttons and analog sticks and praying you don't miss too much, from BOTH sides of the screen.

Off yourself, you pirate

That's some weird anatomy.

this game is good, well worth a dollar

The game would play much better with only touch controls, but those are botched. Apparently because of the sale, the developers are making a new patch to fix touch controls.

I'll give you a bump OP.

Not a top tier rhythm game but at that price it's a steal, absolutely worth it.

Nah DJ Max is way better.

If i use my 79 gold coins i can get it for 11 cents. Thanks OP

It has touch controls? Might make it easier now, the sticks throw me off cause they're up and down

I'm interested but my R button is malfunctioning and my sticks are drifting

> Being American
I SINCERELY hope you guy's don't do this

didn't have a choice

You can move and claim citizenship elsewhere, Trump tard

Yeah, but it has 2 problems. First, the detection of the pink notes is terrible, they usually get cut and make you lose the combo. And second, the EX notes (the large ones) only work with buttons, so you can't play only with touch,
With all the recent sales people noticed and the devs said that they are preparing a patch that will fix those problems.

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.


>still 27 USD in australia

My switch is hacked, why the fuck would I pay money for shit?

Australia doesn't deserve nice things, which is why it's not on sale there, and that all your wildlife can kill you in horrible ways.

>both my joycons drift
Yeaaah i think ill need to pass unfortunately

>your wildlife can kill you in horrible ways
Please stop meming that shit, Australia has less deaths by animal than Japan and the US

But i already have

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Keyword: CAN
Plus Australians don't go outside anyway.

>Plus Australians don't go outside anyway
You mean soft eastern staters (Melbourne-Gold Coast) yeah, they suck.

Guess I'll get this one instead. My vita doesn't have shitty sticks that drift to no end. How big is it? 3GB?

yup and theres a couple dlcs that are between 100 - 200 mb each

Is this game as good as DJMax?

>Unsure if game is any good
>Too lazy to type in credit card info
>Realize I have 300ish nintendo points I never figured I'd ever use and price converts to 89 points
>Just got a free game and realized my loyalty points aren't totally worthless like I assumed
Thanks for letting me know user. Even if its shit, it didn't cost me anything and I learned my freebee points aren't worthless.

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Must be really fucking shitty since I opened the page and there are no lewd girls, they just used lewd girls on the cover to grab attention.

No but it's serviceable.

Thanks for letting me know op

Also i fucking love the gold coin system

desu I'd rather have the old physical rewards they would ship you

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It helped the Collection of Mana be less than half price, since $40 is way too much for that.

SBX is a banger, well worth the penny

Isn’t this by the same people after Pentavision got dissolved?

goddamn this game is making me feel like a brainlet. I aced the first song but got a b on the next 2. I don't even have all the notes yet.

Don't know but Respect is dope.

points expire eventually, so be sure to use them.

Why is it so cheap?

This was really easy on vita, but asymmetric sticks really make it hard to process at first. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I tried to jump straight back into higher difficulty 6 key stuff and I kept instinctively reaching down for both sticks when doubles came up.

>Have the Vita version
>Bought this for £11 thinking it came with all the DLC from the VIta version as it was a re-release
>Doesn't come with dlc
>its now less than a fucking dollar 2 weeks later
FUCK everything

>switch to muttshop
>”current offers” is instead “great deals”
>they ask me for a zip code for my tax
>can’t use my paypal
>have to fill in the card again because lol zip code
I have shopped on eshops from Mexico and South Africa to Russia and Japan, and I never once had to do any extra steps at all, what the fuck is this shit?
thanks for the game though, op


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>jump straight into 6 button mode
>tfw you get SS++ perfect play on the first attempt

I already own it on vita and switch.

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Looks like you got ripped off.

Pretty much one of the only reasons I turned my PS4 back on recently.

This game isn't bad but I'll agree that DJ Max is a bit better but a game like Xonic for 89 cents especially when it was originally $30-$40 is more than a steal.

Eh that's fair.

I just like the cute art

how the fuck do you do the mission where you can't miss more than 10 notes with limited vision? Am I missing something or do I just suck?

not buying because there isnt actually a cute anime girl its just blocks

Wait, there isn’t?
I’d be mad right now if it wasn’t 89 cents

Now it's time to get *that* song stuck in people's heads for eternity since this game's got people's attention

I'll use my gold coins; I would rather use them on a game that I won't play than having them expire.

>Europe's price cut is just a 25% one
I'll keep playing my pirated copy then.

If you want cute anime girls DJ Max is right up your alley.

I guess I'll pick up a DS4 adapter since I'll need one for Miku next year anyway.

>Apparently because of the sale, the developers are making a new patch to fix touch controls.
Would be nice if they patched the broken note in Donut Island
I contacted them about it, they told me it was a known issue that they were working on

It's still broken
Two years later

Eww, I said cute anime girl, not aeni tranny


The songs are actually made by many different people. But honestly I like some of the Korean ones. Better than the Jap Idol trash at least.

>tfw Respect has literally never gone on sale once

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>paying for switch games

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But Xonic was also developed by Koreans. Hell, many of the artists are in both games. DJMax outclasses SBX on every front except that it isn't a multiplat.

I understand being a poorfag and still wanting to play games, but being so poor you can’t afford $0.90 is a bit too poor

Are the DLC worth it?

Some of the best songs in the game are DLC, and almost all of them are good

The Guilty Gear DLC is pretty good

>only on playstation

I mean, the disc does only work on playstation, so...


Attached: PSVitaCartridge.jpg (375x500, 13K)

That's not even the same game.

"ExCuSe Me SiR"

All vita games are cartridge

>tfw I will never in my life have completed All Combos/Perfect Plays because I simply refuse to play that song ever again
Whose stupid idea was it to put that in the game

That is because there are NO images of the cartridge online, dumbass.

The PS Vita uses CARTRIDGES, genius.

Yeah but we haven't seen it for Xonic yet, so it's not proven yet. it could be made out of jelly for all we know

Good deal but im not into rythm games.

Are you SERIOUSLY this dense?

Go ahead prove me wrong.

For a dollar you could be.

Man, and I thought the Vita boxart for the game was bad. Did the Switch version ever include more songs? Main problem the game had was lack of difficulty curve within each difficulty tier.

They thought they could get more sales by including a badly drawn, awkward looking cartoon girl on the cover.

I got it cheap on PS4 ages ago but haven't played it much. How do you unlock 6fx mode?

The box art is the same as the PS4 port, which had a number of new song packs. I think it included whatever DLC was in the Vita version on release

I think you just have to clear a couple songs on 6TRAX

I was very, very confused by seeing the girl on the cover then playing the game and everything's in a completely different style with like anime characters in the opening who bear no relevance to the actual game itself.

Play moar

>world stage groups are called shit like womb and karma sutra

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You're the actual retard. If he was a Trumpbaby he'd automatically think the USA was the best thing ever with no flaws and never want to leave.

It's a metaphor for how you're going to get fucked when 6 Eleven shows up

>not being american
I pity thee

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I can't get this goddamn song out of my head.
This and the EASY EASY COME one.

Excuse me sir?

How do I unlock more shit on the world stage? I got all clear on all three missions and the next stage is still locked. Do I need to hit a certain player level or something?

Play moar

Can you name me ONE nightclub that isn't named after something degenerate?