Ogay - the skin care product for gamers, by gamers. Uncompromising yet smooth.
Ogay - the skin care product for gamers, by gamers. Uncompromising yet smooth
more like ugay lol
Why does the word "gay" appearing at all in a work automatically equate to disparaging homosexuals?
the bottle that destroyed resetera
I thought they liked being called gay, y'know, typical taking an insult and giving it a positive spin.
Like slut and cuck.
How could anyone get triggered by this? Blows my mind, imagine if the devs actually said something homophobic
Nosegays are flowers that like to fuck other men in the ass.
Ban this problematic filth.
It honestly blows my mind that people could get offended over such a trivial thing. It's like these people truly have absolutely nothing better to do.
Should have been ugay
>now both sides end up buying the game
its okay to be gay
Daily reminder that the instigator for this entire shitshow was one sperglord who got pissy about the main character's design changed, and used both Trannyera's and nu-Yea Forums's desperate need to be offended to try and get the game reverse-shilled to death.
Why is Ogay homophobic? Is there some reference I’m missing? If it was spelled ‘Ogae’ nobody would bat an eyelid.
nobody cares about your damage control resetard.
>This is considered "homophobic"
It’s probably because it’s that juvenile kind of humor where ”gay” is seen as funny as itself.
But it’s also so damn juvenile that I can’t understand how anyone can actually be offended by it. It’s homophobic in the same sense as it is an insult to call someone ”a big meanie poo-poo head”. Sure, it’s technically an insult, but can you even take something like that seriously? At least I couldn’t, it’s too stupid and childish to be offended by.
You misunderstand how petty and sensitive people can be.
Why would someone get upset about oh-gee-ay-why?
Say goodbye to your homophobe soap gamers ;)
Smash faggots and smash homophiliac trash.
your problem is that you are using logic to determine what is offensive.
SJWs use their emotions.
and since their primary emotions are fear and hate, they think anything can be offensive.
>This is considered "censure"
They should've accepted to remove it and changed to Ovey
I’d even say that it’s more of a meta-joke, it’s such a bad and stupid joke that you laugh at its stupidity itself.
muh soap bottle
It's like 'nigger', it's only okay when they say it.
>N-no! I wasn't tricked into being s-some gamer's personal army over a bunch of literally whos pissy about textures!
Absolutely beautiful deflection there, champ.
They see the white supremacist conspiracy everywhere.
>homosexuality so accepted in the future you can put the word gay in the product name
>faggots fear this because they can't get their victim card punched if that happens
>might actually have to have some degree of personal responsibility rather than cruising by calling everything homophobic for free handouts
>Actually no
Imagine unironically beginning a sentence like this
>there are retards here who think gays are actually offended by this
The gays don't give a flying fuck. Its SJWs getting "offended" (aka wanting attention) on behalf of everyone and anyone they can because that's just how they stay relevant and play the victim.
No actual gay person would be offended by this.
Nobody actually cares about this apart from resetera nutjobs and Yea Forums nutjobs.
As a raging homosexual I'd use ogay in real life.
Also, I grant you all permission to start calling me a huge faggot. Get started.
non-homo here
explain to me why this is considered homophobic
Fuck you user, I'm gonna respect who you are so fuck off and enjoy sex with men.
You know, I remember hearing about a "protest" called a slutwalk once. When are we getting a cuckwalk?
the fuck, is this what was controversial?
It wouldn't be a joke if it weren't meant that way.
>biking is oppressive!
Imagine thinking this way about one of the cheapest and most egalitarian modes of transport. The only cheaper option is walking.
It's not. Homos don't care. It's all just an excuse for resetera and Yea Forums crazies to fight each other for attention.
When are we getting a gamerwalk? You know, gamers are the most oppressed minority.
It's okay, I pirated the game after I got permission.
you make it sound like we were somebody's bitch. he did the heavy lifting and we got to feign outrage for a while. internet mobs are always fun to be a part of.
>gangweed tier meme
Shoot yourself.
I feel so bad for the devs for going through all this shit over literally one fucking word
Why don't they make a more inclusive game like Chex Quest?
I bought the game in February last year because I'm an enthusiast for these types of games for many years. Personally I was saddened at the outrage and hate thrown at the game and it's disappointing that most people will only know or remember the game because of this pointless incident. I don't feel the real fans got what they deserved.
I've sucked two cocks in my life and haven't found this joke offensive at all. But maybe it's because I don't consider myself gay because I didn't like the times I sucked.
Homo here.
It fucking isnt.
It's just a silly joke play on olay.
Twitterati just like being mad about things.
Maybe they should make a PG13 version where you hug men and spread AIDs.
Honestly this whole controversy seems pathetic
>Screeching over a lame Family Guy tier joke
>Actually bending to the will of retards and removing said joke
>Screeching and review bombing a game you barely played to stick it to the SJWS
>Being so weak willed to bend to retards AGAIN and change it back
>bombing the game because said joke was put back in
>Giving positive reviews again just to stick it to the SJWS
Probably would have never even heard of this game if it wasn't for this stupid "controversy"
Don't blame us dick sucking fags for this one, lads. We didn't give a shit and call eachother faggots all the time.
It was straightfags getting upset on our behalf.
It pretty much always fucking is
I haven't been following this but you've got to be fucking kidding me actually FUCKING KIDDING ME THAT this is the shit that people on Twitter have been upset about.
I thought maybe the bottle say "NOGAY" or like, someone hid a poster in a room somewhere that flat out said "KILL ALL TRANS PEOPLE" or some shit based on the outrage and the apologies and all that shit but it was a fucking bottle that had the god damn word "Gay" on it are you fucking crazy?? Am I the crazy one?!
>be shit developer
>create fake controversy
>GG retards so up in their own autism your stupid fake controversy bombs
I care nothing for this.
So much this. I'm pretty sure at this point that this was all one big ploy to get more sales and attention.
at this point I assume it's just falseflagging from a bunch of uninvolved people who just like to see shit crumble
>needing permission from anyone to do anything
If you ask me that IS what's most offensive about it. It's such a puerile statement, and with no apparent humorous underpinning to give it any impact. It's not even inflammatory enough to be audacious.
If this were my game studio and my employee that did this, I would have removed it, and given a written warning to the employee. Not because the content was offensive per se, not to bend the knee to resetera, but because he clearly needs to work on his material. I don't care who you offend (myself included) if you're funny about it.
70%recent/80%all and climbing.