Acquisition when?
Acquisition when?
Platinum needs to be put out of their misery. Hate their fans, hate their games. Let them get bought out by EA or something so they get a bullet after two flops (which will be quick for how fast they turn out QTE mashers)
Nintendo doesn’t do that.
Xbox bought them
Platinum wants to stay independent.
So did Insomniac
>2 masterpieces in a row (not counting the mobile game)
>Platinum needs to be put out of their misery
You ok buddy ?
Probably might happen if they make another mistake like starting 8 projects at the same time with no budget only for the people funding them to pull out like what happened with scalebound
You have to be a literal gorilla to think anything Platinum puts out is a masterpiece. Hell, even the pseud shit you love about Automata is probably Taro's input and has nothing to do with Platinum
Odds are the Spiderman drama let to Disney offering Ted a pile of money he couldn't turn down so he asked Sony for a dollar more.
Bayonetta 3 is going to be a 90+ game
Acquisition will come after that
>new game comes out to good reviews
>"REEEEEEeee Platinum was never good, and the games you like are trash"
Get cancer and die, you fucking child
their highest selling title by far is on every system minus nintendo, I don't think it'll happen
>we got a new DMC and a new Platinum game in the same year
I'm so happy.
Reminder to all Platinum fans to play Transformers Devastation, the real Bayonetta 2.
Awww someone doesn't like your golden calf games awwww sorry I hurt your feelings :(
Depending on how well Babylon does square enix might buy them if nintendo doesnt
no one likes your retarded opinions and that clearly upsets you, how pitiful
Masterpiece doesn't automatically turn into profit user. To give you a perspective, Bayonetta was a flop and barely break even according to Platinum
Hopefully never. P* likes their independence. Why do you think they don't belong to Capcom anymore?
>Nier Automata
>1 game that save the company from the verge of bankruptcy
>Even have to publicly thank Yoko Taro for it
>"haha I prove you wrong!"
So what about other games before Nier Automata?
I'm not the one who thinks Platinum's mediocre dick should be sucked as a rule of law. Hope they go under so fags like you never get the validation you crave
That game has been MIA almost as long as Bayo 3, but at least with 3 the devs actually talk about it now and then.
I wish Nintendo bought GhM instead
there's no reason for nintendo to buy platinum, they work well with them like they do with other studios like koei tecmo, next level games, grezzo or goodfeel
Platinum only works seriously when the game is Nintendo exclusive so Nintendo buying them wouldn't change anything.
Well, the PS store and Steam would get a couple less shovelware every two years
Must suck to be a fag whose only interest in video games is so to see other creators destroyed. Name a game you like, your kind usually scatter like cockroaches when you have to name a game you like instead of being a drive by peanut gallery.
Has Nintendo actually ever acquired a company?
That independence doesn't mean anything when Nintendo are the only ones willing to fund them. They should get bought so they aren't dependant on miracles like Nier A Tomato
nintendo is too cheap to buy studios. monolith was the exception, not the rule.
Probably never. Nintendo prefer long partnerships and rarely do acquisitions. They don’t even own HAL Laboratory and Intelligent Systems and refused to buy Rare when they were up for grabs. Plus Platinum value their independence which Nintendo seem to respect.
Never, they aren't as versatile as retro and monolithsoft
Like three quarters of Nintendo's exclusives are by second party companies they own.
There's value in cornering a genre niche on a market where there is few competition for said niche. Ninja gaiden is dead and the only real output for the action game genre is Capcom when they feel like it and Platinum. If Nintendo bought Platinum, they would by default own every action game that is not Devil May Cry or whatever From puts out, which are usually ARPGs.
They are free to go when they make MGR2.
Outside monolith don’t need to.
Why buy the cow when the milk is cheap?
I agree, but too bad that thanks to digital distribution expired licenses that's now either pirate only or second hand keys/console physical. Easily one of their top 3 games, and no longer available.
Hate to break it to you user, Platinum doesn't owned any IP
Well, you can easily grab it for 20 bucks on Amazon.
Digital-only cucks would want you to believe that once a game is delisted, it's just gone.
All I want is for PG to do Rising 2, after that they can get sold to Nintendo, Activision or go bankrupt, I dont really care
Just make Rising 2 and then you can die in peace
>Bayonetta 2
>nier automata
>wonderful 101
Let them be the whore they are and stop trying to make them a house wife
They clearly own Bayo's IP enough that 2 and 3 happened without Sega's involvement. Also Nintendo owns W101, which they could hand to them again.
Sega owns Bayo, Madworld, Anarchy Reigns, Vanquish
Nintendo owns Bayo2, w101, astral chain
Activision owns Korra, Transformers, turtles
literally nothing stops us from pirating it tho
I'm sure Transformers Devastation is just merely mediocre and that's why no one cared about it, but Sony and PC gamers overhype the shit out of it because it's the only recent Platinum game they got that wasn't horrible shit like Korra and Turtles, while Nintendo got TW101, Bayonetta 2 and 3 and now Astral Chain.
tl;dr Transformers is shit don't fall for the memes.
Nintendo buy a new studio every 10 or so years
Retro around 2000
MonolithSoft around 2010
P* 2020
Sega was 100% involved in allowing Nintendo to use their Bayo IP.
When's the last time you booted up Bayo2 and seent he startup logos?
Absolutely based user
>Platinum only works seriously when the game is Nintendo exclusive
PG is an overrated studio that its falling into the same niche as Grasshopper.
But if Nintendo owned Platinum they would by default own any IP they make. They already own Astral Chain and by default own every Bayonetta from 2 onward.
It's not like any game Platinum has worked on besides Bayonetta, which Nintendo would probably try and get from Sega if they bought Platinum, will ever get a sequel again. Nier might, but Automata was a sequel in and of itself, Platinum is not necessary to making another, and them not being involved probably wouldn't change the quality of any would-be sequels anyway, considering how weak their contributions were as far as making it a "platinum game".
>They clearly own Bayo's IP enough
That's not how intellectual property works user.
They bought out Retro studios which only happened because Nintendo sunk a ton of money into multiple of their projects which later had to be scrapped. The studio was in disarray and Nintendo decided to make the best of a bad situation by just buying them out and cleaning up house.
Never too soon.
Bayonetta was developed to attract Nintendo's attention. Bayonetta 2 is the first fruit of their union and The Wonderful 101 was one of their best games.
Automata was shit. It was something they rushed out to get money from playstation suckers.
Platinum doesn't own any though. It doesn't even make sense, like Insomniac where they absorb all the IP's under one roof. Nintendo buys Platinum, and they own, um...
There's a reason why nobody was rushing out to buy TellTale when they went to shit.
Mainly the original owner. Part of the buy out deal was him leaving and he used the money to create The Guy Game.
>There's value in cornering a genre niche on a market where there is few competition for said niche.
except the competition exists and is better. devil may cry, kingdom hearts, god of war, sekiro, etc. are better than the shit that platinum has been putting out post-2013.
>itt: retards pretend to know about M&A
Monolith was bought because Nintendo felt they needed them. They don't need P* and P* prefer independence. They literally referred to themselves as mercenaries
Bayonetta is still Sega's property. Just as Scalebound is still Microsoft IP, even when the game was canceled
Nintendo doesn't even own HAL, IS, Camelot, Alpha Dream, NLG, etc and they handle Nintendo Big IP. Why does ninty needs to buy platinum?
Reminder that Platinum are releasing their first independant game next year and are promising that it's like any other game in existence.
Very curious what platforms it will release on.
Wonderful 101 is the real bayonetta 2.
The combat and controls are not similar, but the game structure and progression clearly takes after and expands upon the methodology they used to structure bayonetta.
Transformers is like MGR 2 in the "game structure" sense, but with wicked weave and witch time.
I like MGR.
Platinum didn't actually make any gameplay decisions for that game though
>haha cope cope seethe bazinga
But they literally didn't though, why do shitposters ignore this. This wasn't a Platinum rail shooter, they just did art for another one of Miyamoto's hair brained gimmick schemes. There's a paper trail and everything for it.
>by default own every Bayonetta from 2 onward.
Am I talking to a 12 years old? How can Nintendo owned an IP that doesn't belong to Platinum in the first place? Nintendo may have an exclusive right to Bayo 2/3 but they doesn't owned the IP itself
Literally doesn't refute my point. How you feel about Platinum doesn't change the fact that Platinum has a following and a broader following of people who like any and all action games and want to be able to play the newest Platinum game.
I haven't played most of their games but the ones I have I loved. Viewtiful Joe, MGR and Automata were all super fun, though I wouldn't say I really got into Automata's combat mechanics too much. But the style and presentation of VJ and MGR tied with their satisfying mechanics had me unable to put them down
Looking forward to Astral Chain
Reminder that pic related is now part of the PlayStation nation.
Maybe I'm typing too casually. They own the publishing rights, which they means they get to decide what happens with Bayo 2 and 3, because they hold the purse.
Platinum refused to merge with Cygames, you think They want to be Owned by Nincel?
>Platinum has a following
Not on Nintendo consoles
The Wonderful 101
Global Total0.36m
Bayonetta 2
300k on WiiU 400k on Switch
WRONG! Bayonetta 1 and Nier are real games while 101 and anything else on Nintendo consoles are for babies.
I doubt Cygames really wanted to buy those slackers
>tfw Yea Forums memed you into buying bayonetta and it's like 75% cutscenes and QTE's and only 25% actually playing the fucking game
>the story that is shoved in your face is also horrendous
they don't have that much of a following. they've put out their fair share of flops. bottom line is that buying platinum would be a waste of money. they need geniuses like kojima or yoko taro to make them look good.
You faggors are worse than Mouse cucks who want Disney to own everything
It's too late for that. Somebody already bought Platinum a while ago. A holding company or something. Details are vague. Platinum did the usual spiel about how this will allow them to maintain their independence because, for some reason, these companies always think when anyone but a publishers buys them they get to keep their independence. It never works out that way.
Shows what you know how Cygames actually works
Well, there is the Cygames that makes money from gatcha addict whales and the one who wants to make traditional games as a passion project. PG have been scrapping by doing half assed merc work for the past years so their views dont match
Donkey Kong Country 2.
>Ori and Cuphead on Switch
>Sony now own Sunset Overdrive
>Switch will outsell the Xbone this year
The absolute state of MicroCuck.
>Platinum refused to merge with Cygames
Wait what?
>second party companies
>they own
Those are very good numbers
I don't see those games selling more than 10k copies on either the PSN store or Steam.
Second party companies don't exist. If you're thinking of companies like HAL and Gamefreak, those are third party companies that produce a series that Nintendo owns (at least partially). Monolithsoft and Retro are subsidiaries. Second party is jargon made up by message board posters without a clue, and even then, at best it refers to the games themselves (Kirby, Pokemon), to illustrate the discrepancy between a first party IP exclusively developed by a third party company, it doesn't describe companies themselves.
I like Platinum but
Kill yourself nigger
Bayonetta 1 sold more than 1milion only on PS3 (and it was a terrible terrible port)
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and are only on this to wave the flag of your brand.
It debuted no.1 in japan alone with 135K sales user.
If Sony buys Platinum, then this board would never recover. God, I hope that leak isn't bullshit. You motherfuckers would be livid for years.
>tfw Nintendo buys Platinum Games to stabilize their financial status
>we will see a day Yea Forums will hate Platinum because it was on Sony platform
There’s the Cygames that also wants everything under one roof. Likely plat refused to become “CyPlatinum” thus ended their contract & credits removed. I can’t say for sure but we’ll see come Dec if it was a takeover or if platinum was being incompetent. Those Activison contract games were cheap license cash grabs and you fucking know it. Those games may have been shit, but working on those 3 along side Nier2 isn’t what I would I call being slackers. Pardon my typos
PG and Sony have bad blood. Cant say why, but its clear there is some bad past between them because PG would make exclusives for anyone except for Sony, and its not like Sony doesnt like to pay for exclusives
Kojima didn't work on Revengeance. The writer was from Kojipro, though.
Those sales belong to Nintendo fans who owned a PS3 due to the Wii not being powerful enough to handle such games.
Now that Nintendo isn't bound by hardware limitations, the real sales can be seen.
As someone who has played most of those games, Transformers is better than most of them.
It's certainly better than Nier's gameplay thays for sure.
Platinum said they shopped around Bayo2 to EVERYONE, including Sony, and got turned down and accepted Nintendo as a last resort.
>The sole reason why Platinum was in the red
>saving them
do you have a source that confirms lifetime sales of Bayonetta on 360 were less than 350k? because 1.35m were the total lifetime sales of the game across both consoles, not PS3 exclusively.
We're not talking about Activision.
Automata is easily one of their worst games so that isn't a very high bar.
>sold less than Bayo 1
>"now we gonna see the REAL sales!"
What kind of mental gymnastics is this?
This. So long as they continue to make games for Nintendo and don't get bought out by anyone, that's fine. hell, make games for everyone else too.
Tell me which Platinum game sold more than 1 million unit on Nintendo platform
Astral Chain
Astral Chain
>13.5m install base
>160+ million combined install base
Bayonetta 2 did just fine
By far the best studio alive today
And their good game are exclusively the Nintendo IPs like Bayo
Well to compare it to some better games.
The combat feels better than MGR and bayo 2 at some points.
Just needed to be fleshed out a little more.
They already said they would work for Sony if they were asked.
>We’ve seen Platinum do extensive collaborations with Nintendo, and even tried a go with Microsoft. Would you consider Sony as a partner as well?
>Inaba: “Oh, we really want to. You guys should go tell the folks at Sony to collaborate with us.”
If there's someone in bad blood with Platinum it's Microsoft afer the disaster that was Scalebound's development.
Every single game they made for/with Nintendo was profitable, which is what actually matters, not sales numbers. A game could sell 5+ million copies and not be profitable while another could sell 200k and be profitable.
They even "say" they would work with MS again if they ask. But they wont really, thats just your typical hypocrite-polite japanese talk
combined install base of 360+PS3 when we got Bayo's lifetime sales was less than 80m
>and its not like Sony doesnt like to pay for exclusives
They literally turned Platinum down though, they were approached about Bayonetta 2 and sad "lolno"
Why are you all saying that Platinum is supposed to make games that sell millions and millions of copies?
Don't we already have enough of these in the industry?
Platinum makes passion projects, and they willingly sacrifice sales to make games tailored for their target audience. That's why I love them. If you are within the privileged audience that can have fun with Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Wonderful 101 and such, you shouldn't want them to massify their products like every other company ever. Let at least Platinum keep their soul.
It's a company, not a person. Kamiya might not want to work with them again, but he isn't the CEO, or the only director at the company.
>He thinks they’ll acquire Platinum
>Don’t even own IS, HAL or GF
>Told RareWare to fuck off
>Only bought Monolith as slave labor for Nintendo’s own first party titles
It's literally just spergs and trannoids trying to hurt each other's feelings.
And Wii U was at like 8 million when Bayo 2 launched, the point remains unchanged, it had a much, MUCH better attach rate than the first game. If it had sold comparably to Bayo 1 relative to install base it would have sold like 60k copies
It was Kamiya the one who said he'll work again with MS. And Kamiya is not an employee, he is one of the company founders
It wasn't meant to be a refutation, just a correction.
Why spend the money when they basically already work for you?
Bayonetta 2 was turned doing for being too sexualized
who are you
They could have just used some conveniently-placed sun rays, not an excuse
I'm The Dude.
Kaz Hirai
I'm Batman
This game sucked and no one liked or played it reddit nigger. It was slow as fuck and had reddit teir dialog from a washed-up SJW studio from the Don Mattrick era. You Sony fags can have it, never understood why some xbots and PCturds shilled this shit game.
Pea... Tear... Griffin. My name is Peter Griffin.
If I told you, I would have to kill you.
Ori 2 isn't coming though, no one cares about SO except xbots from reddit, they try use it to shill when the Xbox had jackshit for a bit before the console finally started getting better games.
Damn, good choice.
>before the console finally started getting better games.
The only game worth talking about on Xbox One during the SO era was Killer Instinct, they actually started getting good games again in 2015 since KI was the only good game the system had.
That should have an *
Monolith was acquired by Nintendo trading back their stocks in Namco back for the transition into NamcoBandai. They didn't go in with the intent to acquire Mono.
He's insinuating that the xbone has still not yet got any good games.
Hopefully never, acquisitions are gay and are only liked by console warrior fags.
>Being a free and independent highly sought after studio
>To being tied down, wages crimped and forced to make bing bing wahooo clones
Why do you fucking hate them?
Bayonetta would get censored to hell in nu-sony's consoles
she''s too problematic with her sexualized personality and unrealistic body standards, sony is looking for more trans black plus sized females
What is with the mindset of IP acquisition? Why are kids rooting for companies to buy out smaller studios for IP ownership. I don't want this Disney drone thought process invading vidia.
this but unironically
Those bastards
get struck by lightning
Ad I'm saying he's full of shit
Killer Instinct
Halo 5
Gears 4
Forza Horizon 2, 3, and 4
ReCore DE
Ori 2
Phantom Dust
Voodoo Vince
Gears 5
Sea of Thieves
Flight Simulator
Halo Infinite
Gears Tactics
Age of Empire II DE
Rare Replay
State of Decay 2
From there Psychonauts 3, The Outer Worlds 2, and Wasteland 3 will all be exclusive going forward, Fable, Perfect Dark, and Mech Assault are in development, Killer Instinct 2 and ReCore 2 are rumored to be in development, and much more, I was even hearing about Shadowrun returning and Xbox is currently the only console with BC to past consoles.
>Phantom Dust
Dont remind man.
Platinium doesn't seem to be in the mindset of being tied to one particular platform or publisher. Their goal is to become like From Software, which does whatever they want with whoever they want
>fighting game that stopped being relevant like 20 years ago
>generic shooter
>generic shooter
>generic racing
>multiplat indie
>poor man's DMC
>poor man's mario 64
>generic shooter
>shovelware also on pc
>shovelware also on pc
>generic shooter
>phone game
>20y port, also on pc
>more old ports
>ubisoft tier shooter also on pc
Face it, xbox is a garbage excuse for dudebros to play fifa, even as an idort there's literally no reason to get an xbox
So no arguments, huh? This is why I will only get a Nintendo console and Xbox, they're the only consoles have anything that's fun, PlayStation has nothing.
Nintendo should just acquire Platinum Games once and for all.
Platinum Games is a developer that only likes to work with Nintendo. Maybe Nintendo gives them complete creative freedom while other companies demand them to follow a particular template. Maybe they're just Nintendo fanboys. Maybe they only work with 100% Japanese companies. Maybe they hate everything that isn't Nintendo. Which one is, only they know. Still, the facts remain:
>For the past six years they only made good games when they were exclusive for Nintendo consoles. They gave Nintendo Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Astral Chain and soon Bayonetta 3, while the other platforms got borderline shovelware (Korra, Turtles), or mediocre games (Transformers, Nier)
>Scalebound was cancelled; they got fired from the Grandblue project so hard any mention of Platinum got deleted; Babylon's Fall became vaporware. Of all the infamous vaporware revealed around that same time Nioh 2 got an alpha test recently, Battletoads already has a gameplay trailer and fucking Code Vein is releasing in a month and a day. Babylon's Fall? Nothing. Zero. Probably Microsoft, Cygames and Square Enix realized that they were working with someone who doesn't care and decided to cut their losses the best they could.
Platinum could drop Metal Gear Rising 2, Vanquish 2, Bayonetta 2 Witch Edition, God Hand 2: God Hands and The Viewtiful Joe (2019) tomorrow on Steam and I wouldn't touch any of them because I'm 100% sure that they're terrible games.
People in this thread claims that Platinum "wants to be independent", but that independence doesn't benefit anyone, not even Platinum. They only do their good work for Nintendo so Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC owners don't benefit from it. To make ends meet Platinum is forced to do all kinds of shady, mediocre mercenary work not unlike an oscar-winning actor being forced to appear on Marvel movies to pay the bills, instead of just accepting the comfort of being part of Nintendo.
you can't falseflag as a dead person user
You're doing it now. Never understood why Europeans suck up to Sony so badly.
If Nintendo can't be fucked acquiring Game Freak after all these years, I doubt they're going to acquire anyone else.
I do hope they continue to work together in the future, something like Okami probably would've done well with official backing from Nintendo.
I'll bet they don't own the companies you're thinking about
>For the past six years they only made good games when they were exclusive for Nintendo consoles.
>nier automata
You fuckers made me buy this bland game. All it has going for is its story and I dont even like it.
>Letting retards online tell you what to buy
My friend, can I interest you in purchasing a bridge? Think of the applications.
I hope nintendo buys them out, Platinum games feels like they need an extra push to make their games go from cult classics to masterpieces.
Ready at Dawn, Housemarque, Bluepoint, KojiPro, Remedy. I'm calling this.
I wanted to talk about Starfox Zero but my post ran out of space.
Starfox Zero and Nier Automata are interesting examples because both are failures, blunders.
Starfox Zero was a bad blunder. The kind of blunder even the most successful creator has at some point during his career (thanks to Miyamoto's constant meddling) and that ended on a commercial and critical failure
Nier Automata was a good blunder. Thanks to Yoko Taro's directing, writing and fame ("oh, let's look at the cannibal giant babies guy's latest game! It has am extremely hot robot girl!") it became a commercial and critical success even when PG only did the bare minumum (gameplay-wise is easily one of Platinum's worst games. People who wants to attack Bayonetta claims that it is a button masher. Nier Automata is what Bayonetta detractors accuse it to be).
Basically, Platinum Games isn't to blame for either Starfox Zero's failure or Nier Automata's success.
>Ready at Dawn
Not a chance. The Order was a flop and the studio is MIA since then
Literaly who studio, they wouldn't bring much to Sony. They are fitting to be within the AA studio Microsoft purchased
This one is likely. They are great with tech and that's somehing Sony seems to look for. They could be used as an in-house remake studio that could take on deals from third parties to get exclusive remakes
Sony is probably waiting to see how Death Stranding performs before making a move. However I don't see Kojima agreeing to be purchased
It may happen, but I hope it doesn't.
>Hope they go under
You fuckers have been saying that since the first bayonetta, so don't hold your breath.
>pretending the music isn't hands down the best part of the game
I'm not sure if I'm sad or happy I saw that picture.
So you are admitting yourself that Nintendo's meddling is what led to Starfox Zero's failure. This is exactly why Platinum shouldn't be acquired by anybody, they are better when left alone.
>It may happen, but I hope it doesn't.
Why? they don't make anything good now, they only want to make movies and I really don't want a Quantum Break 2, Sony can have them.
>Being influenced by people who actually play games
Star Fox Zero's development is like a direct repeat of what happened with Metroid: Other M.
It's completely unclear how much Platinum contributed to Starfox Zero.
We know the game started as a Nintendo only project, and that Platinum was contracted later on to help out.
I've heard claims from Nintendo that they wanted a "Platinum feel" for the game, but also heard that platinum did nothing but offer staff to speed-up asset creation for the game.
At the very least we know, that With Starfox Zero, it was truly EAD's game, and that any input Platinum had, if they had any input at all, was at EAD's discretion; whereas Platinum had full control over Bayo2 and W101.
I'd rather see Sony's money funding interesting and fun stuff like Bloodborne or Spider-Man or even those quirky Chinese games that they advertised recently rather than a generic AF third-person shooter
One studio that looks like it could be on the line is CyberConnect2, after the FFVII debacle they seem to want to break from the endless Naruto and Dragon Ball purgatory and they would be interested to work with Sony in that
Sony doesn't seem to want to make fun video games anymore.
Are you really trying to imply that Zero is bad?
Zero is a watered down and worsened Starfox 64. Regardless of the controls.
Nope. It’s a blatant improvement with better levels, combat, bosses, and controls.
Nintendo don't buy companies just to pad their catalog or IP list. They get companies that benefit them in one way or another.
The only oddball there is Monolith soft, and only because nameco dodged an acquisition.
Not really; I'm just pointing at the reason behind this particular blunder. Even the most successful company makes bad decisions once in a while.
Nintendo buying Platinum would bring at the very least two very big, positive changes:
1. Platinum Games would be able to do the games they want to for the company they want to without while having actual economic stability. The wouldn't need to prostitute themselves again.
2. Playstation 4, Xbox One and Steam users would finally accept reality and stop yearning for new Platinum games.
In a banana republic a political dissident is kidnapped by el general's secret police in the middle of night and never seen again. Everyone knows the man is dead, being used as food for Crocodiles, but his family refuses to believe, holding to the hope that he will come back alive.
Nintendo buying Platinum would be the equivalent of the new government revealing to the political dissident's family that their loved one is in fact 100% dead, dismembered by crocodiles after being tortured for weeks.
I'd rather be able to play platinum games on something other than this toaster.
but if they were facing closure i wouldnt mind nintendo swooping in to save the day.
It has less content.
The levels they changed out are worse. It's also a project that was directly managed by Miyamoto and has his trademark soullessness he developed ever since Wii.
And for a game that came out nearly 20 years later, with no claim of being a remake, it should have been so much more than a crap rehash of 64.
Platinum had already established a good structure for linear combat-focused games. Where linear action-stages string together grand cutscenes and spectacle boss battles. If we were to have a truly Platinum-led Starfox game, it should have been an entirely new work following that structure, but with on-rails stages replacing the linear action stages.
Take a look at Kid Icarus Uprising for the kind of bar StarFox Zero needs to be held to.
Microsoft will buy Platinum and make Scalebound real
Sony will buy Nintendo and put Mario on the PS4. Microsoft will go bankrupt and Apple will monopolize the space
Thank you I apologize for coming off so strongly. You're probably a fine lad to play vidya with.
>shilling Nintendo this hard
>shilling a 25-year-old game
Why acquire them when they can commission as many platinum exclusives as they want?
Not him but Gears 5 is literally a cinematic game with a ugly female protagonist and liberal pandering BUT made by Microsoft instead of Sony, if you think that's "fun" you clearly have a problem.
What leak are you talking about?
Playtonic acquisition when?
This poster actually speaks the truth. Had to return/refund it on steam. I don’t know why it looked so fun to me previously. Couldn’t stand any word that came out the characters’ mouths.
Gears 5 is still a video game but wit cutscenes and you play as bot JD and Kait in the campaign so it's not pandering like the Lesbian of Us. Which turned the girl into a full on goblin.
Thanks user, I wish interactions on Yea Forums didn't have to come so harshly all the time.