Greatest game of all time

greatest game of all time

Attached: 220px-Witcher_3_cover_art.jpg (220x311, 27K)

Yep, pretty much.

Not even in the top 100

That’s not Persona 5

shitty combat mediacore story
mediacore osts
mediacore characters

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Post your top 10s

greatest time of all game

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Even if i posted my top list it would not make your opinion valid.

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>Bait poorly set, markings all over the thread, smells of smegma and solitude. An OP. Gotta be.


Just finished 1 and enjoyed the hell out of it, moving on to 2.

More like greatest scam of all time

Just finished W2 and started this, do I get anything for doing that stupid card game or can I just skip it?

Unironically 7/10, shit game

Western games are so shit in these days that this boredom simulator is considered a masterpiece

*spams light attack*

How is 7/10 shit?

>light attack
>roll backwards
Wow, I JUST beat the game. I'm so glad I got to experience this thrilling and engaging combat experience.

Sorry, wrong pic

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Because hes using the shit grading scale of 10=great= 9=good 8=average 7 and below=bad

>zoomers think a 7/10 game is shit

My 10/10 games
>The Witcher 3
>Mass Effect 1&2
>Dragon Age Origins
>The Last of Us
>Red Dead Redemption 1

>he doesnt know

>zoomer thinks only zoomers would think 7/10 is total shit
You are ACTUALLY a newfag.

bruh look at this dood

>Wow, i'm a retard. I played like a bitch and now im gonna complain about it

>greatest game of all time

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not even close

Not even the best WRPG, that's pic related.

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I wanted to love the game, I really did but the combat is just so ass for me... wait for enemy attack, dodge and counter attack, use some spells inbetween. Boring.
Despite of that, the world building is amazing, the characters and their reletionships are amazing, music is amazing, voice acting is amazing, story line is amazing.
I really just want to experience the game but without the gameplay aspect of it. Am I just a game journalist in denial?

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>game puts you up against creatures, to which blocking does nothing
>only way to deal with receiving to attack is to evade

No you just realized you value gameplay options.


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If it was 10 years ago, I would be right there with you.
