>he fell for the switch meme
He fell for the switch meme
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks good to me dude
what am I supposed to hot see here?
>literally just a port of the 3DS version
Why do Sonycucks want this again?
Looks good to me dude, the only thing maybe bad is the dude in the back not having a shadow but he's so far away you'd never see it while playing anyways
how much better the PC version looks
>he thinks this is the switch version
60 > 30
>he’s still upset he didn't get all the improvements and bonus content so all he can constantly bring up is muh graphics
3DS version doesnt have all that new content the switch version has
It's good enough for a turn-based JRPG and I'm sure as fuck not sitting in front of a TV for 90 hours to play fucking dragon quest lmao
I can literally smell the fat stink and poorly-wiped butt coming off this post.
>tfw black fans of the switch and Xbox get thrown under the bus because of shitposting wojak posters
Enjoy that extra content. Oh wait, you can't. EAT SHIT
The extra content isn't worth it for DQ remakes and I say this as someone that has bought every DW/DQ game and remake since I was 8.
Yay you get a recolor of a Killing Machine or a recolor of a Badboon or something. I won't even comment on the marriage stuff because you waifu or husbando who you want bro or gal.
I cant eat shit? thank god, it would have ruined my day if I could
That shit doesn’t apply to me because fuck a PlayStation
I like more than just Fifa and madden
Imagine prefering better graphics than better soundtrack in a RPG game
>durr white fans of Sony get thrown under the bus because the Nintendo wojak is white!!
Next you’ll tell me the Xbox wojak is hurtful towards dead people
>snoyfags post this three times in an hour
Smells like COPE
I didnt meme out and buy the PC/PS4 version
>switchtards are finding ways to stretch a demo out for a month because their system is that game deprived.
>others find their obsessive behavior perplexing
They have internalized a stockholm syndrome. Let them be. The game came out 2 years ago at this point in the west. They won't be getting a real experience because they know all the spoilers already.
Let them play in their mud, its not harming anyone.
>snoyfag can't update his script
LOL, literally an NPC
No, you memed out and waited 2 years and bought an inferior version to spite people that think you weren't very smart 2 years ago.
Good job, you played yourself.
Switchtards are going to seethe when they get to Act3, you guys are too emotionally unhinged to deal with what is coming.
Dragon Quest games have never been about the graphics in the first place you faggot. It's like being the smartest kid with downs. DQ games have the gameplay come first.
literally we get Astral Chain by the end of this week
Final Fantasy 8 on the September 3rd
Daemon X Machina on September 13th
Links Awakening on September 20th
If you are only a Switch owner you have plenty of games before DQ comes out
>DQ games have the gameplay come first
Ah yes, the gameplay, I really love the uhh
....... the pep system I guess?
The problem with XI's soundtrack isn't fixed by the orchestral soundtrack. The actual songs are uninspired this time and its a real shame. Act3 overworld march is the only track that is amazing. Boss track is great too but only if you like all that woodblock clanking, which I did.
The problem was the overall composition and how often those uninspired tracks play.
Stop being poor
look at you
You are calling shit on switch owners but you still arent spoiling shit
what made the way you are?
It isn't about the graphics but you are a tard if you think a downgrade in graphical fidelity that huge isn't a net negative on your experience.
Play a tabletop version of DQ if graphics literally don't matter to you, until then accept that this is a visual medium.
Yup, I'm canceling my switch pre-order. fuck it.
Ya, just like how Octopath Traveler is still only on Switch right....... oh wait
>game deprived
>3rd month in a row getting exclusives every month, sometimes more than one
>3 more months at least confirmed
cope harder, nogaemstation
look at this downgrade bros!
2 of those games came out 20+ years ago you clown.
I'm not spoiling anything because you guys still deserve to play the game for yourself. I can put some spoilers in spoiler text if you really care to know what happens.
>play it on my huge ass 4k tv @60fps
>stop being poor
Come on now
Is there any chance for a PC to Switch save converter like there is for Dragon's Dogma? I only finished Chapter 1 before I stopped
you pussy, ninbabies do it every day, why can't you adapt
think about all the extra content (waifu options, soundtrack, 15min youtube cutscenes)
>not game deprived
>bragging about remakes of 20 year old games
>bragging about a remake of a 3 year old game in this very thread
epic my man. Did you know Bill Clinton is getting head from his secretary? Its breaking news, keep it close to your chest for a while.
Imagine not owning all current gen consoles + a decent PC. I love my Switch and I can't wait to play Astral Chain this weekend.
About to restart this on PC with orchestrated soundtrack. Can anyone attest to the fun of Super Strong Enemies?
First time I played about 40 hours and avoided most random encounters. The bosses usually weren't an issue but it wasn't mindnumbingly easy. I'm hearing hard mode is just rng.
it's amazing how seething people are over this port, constant threads since the demo dropped - and that applies to both sides.
These clowns were bragging about the extra content like the visiting past worlds until someone told them DQBuilders 2 lets you do just that and do it better.
Oof my man.
Spend 2 years waiting for a neat feature and then it is just added into a different game in a much smarter fashion. And that game runs like shit on their platform but like butter on the PS4 that they seethe against.
Oof my man. Oof.
>not buying and and 100%ing both the pc and switch version
no , Im good.
if you've played a DQ game before stronger monsters is the only way to play, coupled with reduced exp for weaker enemies.
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Daemon X Machina
>Astral Chain
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Pretty good two months desu. What has every other console got in terms of exclusives?
Dqb2 is the only reason I am even interested in Dq11 now
The Xbox wojak is a a 17 year old school shooter
>he thinks a harder game makes a better experience
difficulty fags need to fuck off
good man. You are still going to love the game to death. Cherish every moment you have with it.
I shit on you guys because you seem more bitter than happy about this whole affair but I still hope every DQ fan gets to enjoy more DQ.
When the default mode doesnt encourage you to explore any of the game's mechanics then yes making it harder is better
That really doesn’t look significantly mind blowing better or anything and draw distance doesn’t mean shit in a game that isn’t open world anyhow. Graphics don’t matter especially not in a damned turned based combat game.
reduced exp isn't necessary as long as you don't grind an excessive amount plus it still gives you the option of grinding if you're really stuck because you're a brainlet and can't find a strategy to beat a specific boss
It still isn't difficult, stop being a clown and trying to pick fights with anyone. I prefaced it by saying "if you've played a DQ game before" meaning doing what I said puts it closer in line to the rest of the DQ games in tone, as a person who plays DQ would want.
Challenge is the core of play you soi guzzling mongoloid
I only bought a switch when they announced MHGU
I played it for like 300 hours (so combined with the game its less than £1 per hour of entertainment, which to me is one of the metrics I use to consider if a game is a good investment or not), which is okay for me.
cope harder
>20 year old games
When I told you cope harder, I didn’t mean it literally
You don't need to grind in this game ever though. Between the varied weapons and skills and peps there is always a way forward even at insanely low levels.
When the game first came out people were beating Sand Stalker at lvl 11 on draconian thru playing smart. Others who couldn't insisted it was impossible because they couldn't do it until lvl 15 or so.
I'd like a challenge but I do see what this poster is saying, DQ was never a very ballbusting series. But thanks user I'll give it a shot.
>early 2018
>super hyped for smash, octopath and the pokemon entry for the switch
>one ended up coming to PC
>one ended up as the laziest lousiest biggest disappointment I have ever seen in the last 10 years
>nintendo online is absolute garbage and poorly coded, the community seems to be dying now and if you're good at the game it's four times worse, buying a console just for smash seems incredibly stupid now
I really wish I enjoyed zelda and bing bings every generation. It's frustrating to have the money but not worthwhile things to spend it on
>can marry best girl martina at the end
>8-bit mode
You mad?
How is this WoW related?
>he’s upset that the switch is fun and has great games
If the switch has a competent online system it would be the perfect console.
I'm glad I did, because unlike with my PC I actually play games on it.
is there a point of moving around in the battlefield or is pure fluff?
without it you are playing press x to win mode. It won't turn the game into the dark souls of rpgs but it will make it reasonable.
If you've played DQ8 and remember the first Dhoulmagus with wings fight, it turns the boss encounters to that.
>Switch gets one game per week
>PS4 gets one game per half year
All those games suck
I just wish there was a mod or something that toned it down just a little bit on the early game bosses
A PC powerful enough to run it at this resolution costs 10 times as much as a switch
Cope nogamestation owner
desu last year we only got like 3 games bought purchasing
but yeah this year is fucking packed for switch owners
The demo ends when you get to Gallopolis right?
You guys are going to be happy you ground levels for a month when you realize what is going to happen as soon as you boot up the real game.
>even considering the legend of funko pop and ps2 game ports as valid entries
my my
the switch had NOTHING to play before astral chain and the long wait since its last game (smash)
if you're a manchild and considers bing bing maker a video game I can only feel sorry for your tragic taste
It's kind of a useless option though because you can still grind metal slimes. The way I played through the game was tougher monsters only and I killed one of every enemy I came across to fill up the bestiary. I did grind a few levels once though and that was against Dora in Grey.
Since when is Fire Emblem Bing Bing Wahoo?
I never had a problem with the sand boss honestly. Beat it my first try with tougher monsters and I was like level 12-13. Veronica died but I didn't have too much trouble. I was using +3 forged items though.
FF8 was ps1 , user, wtf
>not blinding him the entire fight so 99% of his attacks miss
As long as you didn't abuse the pep combo for instant 20+ levels like a casual its all good.
we got Fire Emblem Three Houses and Super Mario Maker 2 before Astral Chain
OP still absolutely fucking seething that definitive edition of this game is exclusive to Switch.
This is amazing. Nothing gives me a glow like the delicious tears of assmad jelly babies.
okay, oops, forgot about that one
okay, a 7/10 entry before astral chain
arguably one worthwhile game every 2 months (on average terms)
even more tragic. I lost count of ps1/ps2/gamecube games being ported to the switch while the ps4 got the earlier most modern version by now. final fantasy and resident evil are good examples that come to mind immediately, but I'm sure the list is endless since it's all the switch gets
Dazzle only ever works when it wants too and that death was before my characters could even act anyway because DQXI thought that having fucking RNG deciding whether you or the boss get the first turn was a good idea
I've not followed this at all and I have never played DQ. Why is the definitive edition on Switch? Is there extra content?
>going greatsword like a tryhard min/maxer when sword and board gives you a block chance that does change things for that fight.
I beat it at lvl.11 by dazzling him and blocking.
Fuck off child. I own a PS4 AND a Switch.
I haven't turned my PS4 on in nearly a year. What an absolute fucking piece of shit no-games waste of space that was. I'm going to sell my PS4 so I can buy some of the amazing looking games coming to Switch over the next few weeks.
an old abridged list is here, but there is more.
how do you not get a headache playing games at 15fps on the switch? the slow motion is fucking torture
I guess if you don't experience modern consoles framerate your eyes are incapable of noticing the difference but a few seconds playing a 3D AAA game on the switch is enough to make me nauseous
ironic as DQ11S runs at a more stable framerate on switch than it does on PS4pro
>I p-post picture of console see???
I like to believe anyone who isn't a poor thirdie has every modern console that came out for more than 3 years now. Screech all you want, the switch has 1 game every 2 or 3 months and if you're not a baby who still plays tedious bing bing you better clean the dust off that thing every week so as to not ruin its screen
same here, all the games I could have gotten for the ps4 I got on my PC
Resident Evil 2
and Im getting Code Vein for PC as well
my ps4 this year is basically gonna be about Death Stranding
if you can handle Bloodborne at 24fps, you can handle DQXI at 30fps
Basically the Switch version has a fully orchestrated OST unlike the fart-noise soundtrack other versions had to put up with, it has new story content for every character, tons of QoL improvements and a sweet 2D boomer mode which is literally like having a second version of the game to play through.
>get fucked by RNG
>suggest to invest heavier in even more RNG
not all of us have the Devils own luck user. It took me 20 fucking tries before I got a run where Dazzle didnt take 4+ tries at the start before it worked, also fuck sap RNG as well
I havent bought any games on the switch that had slow downs
extra content that won't be worth anything. If you've played a DQ remake before you know the extra content is always hollow. Its just an extra dungeon with palette swap enemies that were already palette swaps.
Disregard waifu derangement syndrome posts about marriage. It is a single line of text.
The graphical downgrade is unfortunate but the way it runs choppy and has pop in 3 ft from your character is unforgivable.
Switchtards will tell you it doesn't matter but its like driving a car with a fucked drivetrain.
how can you people not find anything worng with lying through your teeth
ironic since earlier weaker entries of dragon quests that are both on switch and ps4 runs HORRENDOUSLY BAD on the switch lmao
I played the demo for this shit, I have over a hundred hours of dqxi on the ps4(pro), I know the difference too damn well and the slow motioned switch demo was giving me migraines the other day
I didn't even know about the pep combo when I first played. I grinding the ol' fashion way.
content > graphics
Name a single Switch game which runs at 15fps you lying sperg.
for someone who owns a PC and Switch , what version would you recommend if I havent played it?
Switch has a free demo btw. YOu can even transfer your save to the full game if you decide to buy it. Demo will last you ~10 hours btw. Very good PR move imo.
eek, that does look bad
I wiped a single time and it was an RNG bullshit double crit on that spin attack but that was it.
good man.
Whichever you have a personal preference for. PC has mod support, switch has added content*. The music is kind of crap this time anyway, regardless of soundfonts used.
Thats the wrong fucking game you mongoloid
We got cadence, FE, SMM2, MUA3 in the past 2 months off the top of my head, and that’s just exclusives lmao
But doesn't the Switch version have extra content and more?
This. DQB2 is downright unplayable on switch after about 10 hours of game time. Not "oh it runs sort of bad," it runs at single digit fps and will seize up easily. The system just can't handle modern day games.
Candence was like an hour long and was $25
fucking not worth it
most of the extra content is really minor and the game is already too fucking long as it is.
and it's dragon quest heroes which has much weaker assets than even the dqxi version for the switch
>posts an entirely different game
based retard
People in this thread keep saying extra content in DQ games isnt worth it
>He fell for the graphics meme
Switch version has more content and better music, don't really need anything else. For all I care, I'll probably be playing in 16 bits mode most of the time.
we call that the denial phase
how can one have extra content AND more?
There is extra content but it is literally meaningless content unless you actually have autism and 3 extra palette swapped enemies is worth a sale to you.
You will understand why we laugh at the waifufags when the game comes out. Not for your choice (that is laughable in itself) but because the marriage angle is incredibly weak and it is literally 2 lines of text
wait, its not DQIX , you retard , you got me for a sec
are they even the same engine?
DQB2 has issues with detailed builds, but that's the case on all platforms - even PS4pro can chug at 20fps, however the issue is most prominent on the switch version of the game since obviously the hardware is weaker. Still, DQB2 needs serious optimization improvements across the board.
>refunded my steam purchase to get the switch ver for extra content
>switch looks like ass
Well.. I guess I'll just buy it again on PC during the winter sale.
>DQXIS runs bad because DQH runs bad
Pure and utter retardation, I seriously hope sony gets a containment board soon, this shit is pure Downes syndrome tier of ceased cognitive development at display.
PC version when?
The exaggeration aside, who even looks at a game’s length to decide if they buy it?
Are people surviving on food stamps and need to make sure they spend no more than 30 cents per game hour or something?
You dumbfuck, why you are using a different game to try to prove your shitty point
Labyrinth of time adds a lot.
Looks good to me, id play that all day.
Erik's poison blade annihilates the desert slayer.
I mean, extra story content and actual music, and a new play mode sounds like “and more” to me
The active weather is what is actually killing the switch port. The new update added weather control cards so you can control the weather yourself but switch users don't even get that far into the game because actively playing it to that point is a headache.
Then if they get there at all and use one of the cards they realize the game is now permanently at 8fps even in sunny weather.
I don't know if its a GPU problem or a CPU problem but there is a real bottleneck that the switch struggles with.
Don't think it'll be a problem with XI though. that pop in and draw distance is a travesty though.
because I thought I was getting the same replayability I got from the original but this one loses all dungeon crawling aspect because your maintain your hearts and weapons during all game and dying doesnt matter
new play mode would just be extra content like everything else and we can do everything the new play mode has in DQB2 where it will actually be worth exploring those worlds.
I ran around a remake of the home island from DQ7 yesterday. It even had the fane temple on it. Great fun.
Imagine the Switchfags butthurt when they will announce dlc for the PS4/PC month after switch release
Owning anything Nintendo is literally an embarrassment these days.
Nothing else gives you such immediate introspection into someone's political views, hobbies, what films they like and dislike, whether or not they like anime and their sex life than does a Nintendo product.
The basedboy meme that surrounds Nintendo fans is almost always true.
dollars per hour spent has been the de facto measurement for if a game is worth its price since the dawn of time. The exceptions prove the rule, not the other way around.
got a source/clip on this?
>Demo will last you ~10 hours btw
Holy shit what the fuck.
draw distance seems about the same on the switch port of DQ11, I think you're getting mixed up with LoD, although imo they did a reasonable job blending in most of its transitional detail.
>actual music
you'll stop using this as a bragging point eventually. The music is bad regardless this time. I say this as a guy that falls asleep to DQ music on the regular (and then wake up in terror to the boss themes).
Doesn't matter the source, the actual compositions are weak. Its something we complained about when PC added symphonic suites to their game. Past games had a much better selection. Most of the music in this game is from past games, but the remixing is weaker there too.
>but the way it runs choppy
stable 30 throughout in the demo, where are you getting choppy performance from?
why? it would be nice if others can enjoy the extra content too, why should I be mad?
The ONLY worthwile content seems to be scenes when you play as the other party members, but if these turns out to be 30 minutes long then the Switch version and the massive downgrade is not worth it
I actually think the Switch additions are worth it. I'm mainly gonna play for 2D mode and the extra character centric story content. Oh and visiting the past DQ worlds sounds fun too.
>anime girl pic
I thoroughly believe your words and sense no passive-agressiveness and asshurt in them
just don't reply to me anymore plEASE
No, I understand expecting a game to be longer, but I keep seeing saying things like
>the game is only 20 hours long, that’s a $30 game at most, not full price
Is $3 an hour too much if you actually enjoy the game? If you don’t enjoy the game, why would you even okay with paying $1.5 an hour?
I don’t know, the whole dollars per hour thought process seems retarded to me.
Found the newfag at life, measuring game length at all has not been a thing “since the dawn of time”, let alone devising some retarded algorithm to decide if you wasted money on entertainment
Snoys believe everyone are as stupid and jewish as they are.
sorry user, I just want everybody to have fun
No. I just watch all the vids from BenXC (highly recommended) for the game and even he jokes about playing on PS4 because he can't in good faith play it on Switch and present it to you as a youtuber saying he is giving you the best viewing experience.
And in every comment section to every vid there are people lamenting how they can't enjoy this content because they can't even stomach playing it on switch to get that far.
The fact that assets pop in 3 ft from you. That is running choppy. It should be able to show everything on screen much futher out than it does. Its like playing with an invisible FoW for all the sparkly spots or enemy spawns.
If switch is all you know and its good enough for you good on you. But the game came out years ago on a platform that could handle it running as intended.
>Be Japan
>Take what would and could be DLC 7 years ago and make it a rerelease
>People double dip after a single year for a grand total of $130
>Also make the latest version exclusive to a 720p30fps chugbox just to rub salt in it
imagine if EA tried this
Im dissapointed because the original is cheaper and has more content
is there any valid reason these upgrades aren't universal to all platforms?
I retired at 24 from good investments and still value the dollars to hours spent system.
most of its sales are not gonna be from people who have bought it twice, this is a game on a different platform
its not like fucking Persona 5 Royal , that one does check everything you said
They did that for Labyrinth of Refrain, and it was enough to make me want to buy a dark comedy romp in a fantasy land.
Then they threw in Dronyas memories and I lost any fun that I had playing the game. All endings felt hollow and didn't give me any closure
They can feel it coming boys ()
It usually starts like this after some weeks of absolute sass "oh my goood we have exclusive content and it's only ours :) who cares about shitty blurry version when you have that"
Inevitable tsk tsk...
>The music is bad regardless this time. I say this as a guy that falls asleep to DQ music on the regular (and then wake up in terror to the boss themes).
At what point in writing this did you think this was a reason to believe anything you say to be worth listening to?
SE is the EA of Japan.
>The fact that assets pop in 3 ft from you.
I haven't seen anything pop-in in front of me, they just made the LoD scaling really aggressive.
I agree user
Wish you guys were able to experience this game that I love so much in the comfyness of your undocked switch, even tho you guys keep saying that you hate this entry (despite not having played it, or "played" in some "emulator" or something hehe)
:( one day, maybe
2 more generations and I'm SURE the switch will keep up with ps3 graphics
Why did you assume anything I had to say was worth listening to in the first place kek?
Its Yea Forums son. Only a fool would take the things they read here as worth value.
>>got a source/clip on this?
stopped reading right there. Have a nice day user.
emulated it on pc mate
>I am worried everything I have has been a fluke and I will not be able to secure more income later, so now I am autistically compensating by using an arbitrary standard for paying for useless shit that lets me believe I am responsible with my money
You don't notice it because you didn't play the versions where it worked as intended.
You know how I know you guys don't really care?
No screenshots left and right. When the game came out on other systems we were giddily posting cute monsters and cute girls and amazing vistas.
You guys are just shitposting instead of having fun with the game.
you missed the threads when the demo first dropped, then. Plenty anons were posting screenshots. I do wish it was more convenient to post screenshots on switch, though.
y-yeah haha
Based fpbp
kek whatever man. I gave my mom and dad a great life they didn't have. I get to spend my days on my leisure pursuits and I can rest happy knowing all the people in my life don't have to worry about a fucking thing ever again.
Be as petty and upset about it as you feel you need to be.
This is why PS4/PC players are bullying you. As soon as you heard you were getting your port you didn't jump up and down with glee. The first thing you did is went to people that beat it years ago and gloated like an ingrate.
Imagine playing games on the Switch
I can't.
>whatever man. I gave my mom and dad a great life they didn't have
Just wanted you to know I stopped reading here because you are clearly an insecure loser feeling the need to justify yourself on Yea Forums
Have a good day and kys
Doesn't the switch have a dedicated screenshot button? How can it be hard when you have that?
I know some dude was taking pics of his tv to shitpost but that should be disregarded. Actual real screenshots look meh to me. most of the foliage looks really choppy and jaggy and any face not front and center looks buckley tier bad.
>he hasnt hacked his switch
>Doesn't the switch have a dedicated screenshot button? How can it be hard when you have that?
because you have to upload to twitter, and then manually open 4channel on a separate device to post it here in shitty compressed quality because twitter. Alternatively, you have to turn the system off entirely, take out your microSD card (if you have one), and connect it to a PC to upload screenshots, then afterwards put the microSD back in the switch and reboot it. It's tedious as fuck, even the Wii U had an easier way of doing this.
>bring up family values
>switchtard gets unreasonably upset
for what reason does this keep happening? Is there an overlap with switch owning manchildren and broken homes? Is this why they hold onto their kiddy stuff so hard?
You are all CWC levels of embarrassing.
I tell you I'm well off and you get upset. I tell you I use that being well off to help my family and you go ballistic.
Seek help man.
sadly there are games I enjoy playing online, butI plan on hacking it in the near future. Already got a hacked wii u
unironically why are sonyfags blaming everything bad that has happened to them to nintendo?
>good game comes out on PS4
>2 to 3 threads on Yea Forums
>bad game on ps4
>3 to 5 threads on Yea Forums
>good game comes to Switch
>20 to 500 threads on Yea Forums for many years on why the game is a flop with vice and buzzfeed articles explaining so
>bad game comes to switch
>500 to 2k threads on Yea Forums
literally this entire thread is a clusterfuck of pissed ps4 fags crying on why the game looks awful on switch, when most people already said it looks good
what the fuck
sonyfags have very few games worth playing or talking about recently so shitposting is in full force. I'm not even joking, either.
That seems strange as fuck to me and having to go thru twitter seems ass backward ontop of the already strange nature of it.
>dismissing me is going ballistic
>let me sperg out about broken homes
>I am not projecting my insecurities at all btw
Sad 2bh
Seek therapy, user.
But try not to be stingy with the rates, you need some top tier specialist
it is ass-backwards, and it's why so many lazy niggers just post shitty phone pics taken in front of their tv/monitor. Can't say I really blame them, though.
rent free
There’s no falling for memes the fuck is this retarded culture holy fuck
Ever since that retarded kid stood in class and said “it’s a meme you dip” retards have been parading this shit around and Yea Forums is so goddamn paranoid they act retarded and shitpost in purpose on this shthole of a website where they act so undesirable and stupid so their retarded little brothers at Reddit won’t copy their precious behavior
Nobody falls for a meme the fuck does that even intail? Fucker I make choices for myself nobody stands around in a fuckin store browsing this place to see what people have to say about the product there’s no falling for a meme
Surprise nobody uses memes outside of the internet
Maybe retarded children do like the ones wearing those shirts
But those are children who are retarded they don’t know any better and will grow the fuck out of it
Buying something or doing something isn’t falling for a meme that’s not a meme
A meme is like a shitty joke like doge or unironically liking ontas shitty artwork
I bought metroid zero mission off eBay last week
Did I fall for the fucking Metroid zero mission meme? Do you not see how retarded this shit is?
If you honestly were getting the best version and you knew it you wouldn't care what anyone had to say.
Why does the opinion of others make you feel inherently insecure?
The biggest letdown you are in for is there is no way you are going to get an organic experience. The world has already played this game years ago and they WILL spoil it for you left and right, probably unintentionally.
Day 1 of it releasing is going to have every spoiler in the game posted Snape Kills Dumbledore style and you WILL be in these threads because while you say you dislike the fighting we all know your sissyboi mindset revels in it.
That is the real tragedy. You get the game, but you won't get the experience.
>switch port bad
>lmao y u so insecure
Snoybois are turning more and more braindead by the day, this will only get worse until november, September is gonna be hell as they will eat their own feces every week since a new semi big - big release will be released on the Switch, I don't think most of them will be alive at the end of the year.
Sonyfags are utterly traumatised by Nintendo's enduring legacy, cultural impact and ongoing critical and commercial success.
They've always felt threatened by Nintendo for some reason.
>b-but sonyfags
>b-b-b-but sonyfags sonyfags they have nothing to play
do you tendies ever get tired of yourselves holy shit I would smash my head on the concrete if I were so braindead repetitive
go play whatever absolute garbage you have to pretend you like in that pile of trash that is your cheap console lmao. cool down for a moment I see more tendies going absolutely crazy in every thread of the catalog than any other thing, this is more nintendogaf than I'd like that joke to be
My content didn't lambaste the switch in any way. Just the atmosphere of discussing the game is going to be tanked because everyone already knows every story beat. They won't care you haven't played it. I love the game and will be tlaking about it in every thread when the game is released proper. If it spoils you I'll just tell you you should have played it when it came out like a real DQ fan did.
In our threads 2 years ago we were respectful and called the last party member Eight. That isn't going to be happening this time. Enjoy the next couple months user.
Tha's because it's the PC version.
Things really didn't turn like you hoped. How are you coping? lmao
it's blatantly obvious a sonyfag keeps making this thread, the ps4 (in particular ps4pro) version is brought up regularly, in spite of the pc release being superior to it, which is strangely rarely acknowledged in these threads. Hmm...
120 > 60
>meme words
everyday theres the same post with the same picture with sonyfags crying how the game doesn't look good compared to PS4 and that anyone buying it is retarded
most people that played the demo already said it looks ok and people are having fun, yet these threads still persist and even more when the demo released
>that frame comparison at the end
people to this day don't spoil xenoblade 1's party members, I'm sure it'll be fine in the DQ11 threads.
I refuse to go past 60fps because I know that if I end up taking the 120fps pill I will never be able to go back to console shit and most modern games wont be able to manage it even on top tier PCs
This seething assmad baby.
Bwahahahahaha, you brought this on yourself. You wasted your life fighting your pathetic infantile crusade against the Switch for 3 years. Where did it get you? The Switch is crushing everything at the moment. Feels good man.
doesn't matter. If you honestly felt confident in your decisions you wouldn't let it get to you like you clearly do.
It won't, because you rub people the wrong way and they will enjoy spoiling it for you.
And yes they do spoil them. I don't even own the console and I know all about the gachabait party members.
When the game comes out though we will all be brothers in arms lamenting the real problem in the game: camping sites. You'll get it when you play the game.
>gachabait party members.
what on earth are you talking about?
yes, I'm seething holy shit I am on the floor crying
can you please stop bumping these retarded threads if you hate it so much
the ratio of nintendies going mad to this one retard that makes this thread every 10min is 60:1
it's not even fair how many tendies are in this place ALWAYS BUSY - ALWAYS FUCKING HERE USING EVERY HOUR OF THEIR DAY to take part in these threads and repeat the same exact thing holy shit you're actually making me loathe this place
turn that dogtrash portable console of yours and fucking go play a video game for all the love you have or is able to muster for your fleeting time on this earth
I just digitally pre-ordered Astral Chain boys.
Imagine not being a Switch owner in 2019.
That's a jrpg with turn based combat, 30 fps is enough for such a slow paced game.
>retard that haven't played a dragon quest game before only care because they lost a console exclusive. I put 130+ hours into the PS4 version, and I plan to put at least another 100 hours into the Switch version. Idort masterrace.
Imagine not having the money to own everything being able to play anything you want at any time in the most comfortable way possible
Fuck I forgot to hit enter
XC1 is a wii title so I just didn't think you were talking about that in a discussion about the Switch my bad.
And yeah they spoiled that too. They revealed who came back from the dead as a terminator by way of laughing at who it cucks. Its always sexual degeneracy with nintendo fans. I again blame the broken homes they grew from.
I have to be honest. The lower resolution textures work A LOT better for the art style. The hyper realistic clothing and hair look off. I was torn between getting it on the switch but having it look worse or getting it on pc and having less content. Then you idiots started shitposting about how "bad" it looks and I saw how much better it was without the hyper realistic clothing. The environment was always low res so that doesnt matter.
I'm convinced the switch version is best on all fronts. Even if the pc version gets the extras, even on low settings the clothes are too realistic and you can see all the threads and stitches. Really, REALLY doesnt mesh well with toriyamas designs
Frame rate is as important for graphics as resolution, you might as well say that 480p is acceptable because you dont actually need to see the bad guy to hit him in a turn based game
Idort is PC + console.
Switch + anything is just normal idiot masterrace (ported)
melia was cucked even before they came back, shulk ignored all melia's advances the moment they met.
whoa whoa whoa nibba did you just spoil the game for me?! what the fuck. Have some self respect. Even the other guy didn't name names.
Jesus christ you people are terrible.
We live in a time where Switch ports are the best versions.
How did Nintendo win hard?
>you might as well say that 480p is acceptable because you dont actually need to see the bad guy to hit him in a turn based game
I mean, you're not wrong. I'll spend most of my time playing 2D mode as I prefer the aesthetic regardless of platform.
I know you're meme'ing, but melia isn't a spoiler
Is the lighting supposed to look so terrible on the switch?
I can deal with the weaker polys and shit but if they destroyed the color balance I will flip my shit.
Please tell me that is edited, please.
I heard this town is where the switch risks blowing up and everything is a slowed blurry mess
To think that's only on demo where they probably optimized just for that...
Gonna be fun to be here next month when it officially releases
it looks better than the flat fullbright lighting on the right
That town also explodes on PC
No, idort is not conforming to one specific console. And what gives you the idea that I don't have a gayming pc?
>Is the lighting supposed to look so terrible on the switch
The lighting on the Switch version is better. But you won't accept it.
And graphics aren't even important if you're over 15 years old. Everything else about the Switch version shits all over other versions.
The biggest letdown is no other town has the level of verticality this one does. It was obvious they frontloaded that freedom for reviews.
Show me a screenshot of Cobblestone Tor and Heliodor and the prison.
visuals are art
if you're spouting a meme sentence because your console of choice is cheap you are below a 15 year old
They will never get it. They've never been in a sports car and think public transit offers the same experience.
A higher framerate would be nice, but gameplay doesn't really demand it, and it would require some hefty cuts to graphics. I'm quite happy with how the switch version turned out, it looks very nice in handheld, although a bit soft, and the only drop i could catch in the first area was during the cutscene under the tree when depth of field was used. I'll have to get farther in the demo, but impressions are really good so far!
someone explain console wars to me, because I don't get it
I owned Nintendo consoles since the SNES era because they had exclusives I wanted to play (I'm a huge Zelda fag)
but why should I be angy if other consoles (Sony, Microsoft) get good games too?
when I wanted to play exclusives on these platforms I asked friends if I can borrow their console and vice versa
Have we really reached a point where people are complaining that a game is too long, and adding more content is a *bad* thing?
>n-no! W-Wait until we cherry pick something else!
Creative content is art. And the Switch version has MUCH more. But you can't handle it.
Persona 4 Golden was 8 years ago user
there's only so much enjoyment to be had, if you divide it in multiple platforms the individual enjoyment will be minimal, that's why exclusives are good
Party that ends up with the worse version (graphically or gameplay or just timing of release) always gets salty about sloppy seconds or lack of care and they go start shit while others are having their own fun.
Regardless of platform that is how it always happens.
>game gets ported 3 years later
>brag about getting the game when others are like "that came out YEARS ago"
>game runs like shit on 1 platform
>passive aggressive comments about how it doesn't need to run well
It always stems from the group that internally felt they got the shaft first and need to kneecap the other people just out of spite. Again, it doesn't matter which platform you are talking about, it is always the slighted that act like this.
PS4/PC players were genuinely happy for Switch owners when it got announced. It wasn't until Switch owners started acting petulant that the shitposting really kicked in.
As an apology that the Switch version took so long.
Also, as a reason to sell the Switch version.
No, I asked for further shots as the one provided didn't do the switch version any favors and I didn't want to judge it based on what might have been a cherry picked pic in the first place.
I asked him to bring the picture, he could get the most flattering one possible if he so chooses.
How petty and insecure are you that you need to act this way?
Show me a screenshot of all the extra content the Switch version has. Post a sample of your fart-noise sound soundtrack compared to the Switch's fully orchestrated OST.
How are you enjoying your fart noise soundtrack? Why do you put up with that? How uncultured are you. Its disgusting. Oh well, I guess thats all you have.
PC has an orchestral mod though
>How petty and insecure are you that you need to act this way?
Oh ironing.
Switch version is the best version. Accept it and move on. Seeing you crying about it is just heartbreaking.
I genuinely feel sorry for the state of your psyche and live overall.
Enjoy the game user, it appears you aren't capable of enjoying much else.
>PC has an orchestral mod though
LMFO! Hey guys! How about I just MUTE the sound and put on ACDC? LOOOOOOOL!
this is what tears streaming down a fully flushed, red face looks like in text form
Why is it the best version though?
You guys act like a legit cult.
ok I can't handle it, let's settle on that. have fun playing nintendo for a lifetime
>why is it the best version though?
Even on PS4 you have to stick in a USB drive and copy everything over or upload it to social media if you want your images. Xbone too, on an Xbone it's either upload it to social media/Xbox and download it, upload it to OneDrive and get incorrect filenames on top of screenshots being incorrectly ordered, or have the thing save screenshots to an eternal like a flash drive so you get correct filenames and pop out the external to upload your screenshot. If you want proper quality screenshots you have to avoid social media and that means so many more annoying steps that no one bothers.
I've already played the game on PC at 4k 60fps, I'm still considering the switch version purely for 2D mode
I genuinely don't understand the console war mentality someone explain this shit to me
slighted party tries to slight people that didn't and don't feel slighted in their choice.
It is always how it happens.
70 different posters and not a single one answered you.
Kinda tells you all you need to know about them doesn't it?
Its literally called the DEFINITIVE EDITION.
Do a google search to discover why.
>b-b-but muh 4K grafix!
some people prefer graphics over more content, others prefer more content over graphics
I don't see the problem, just play the version that suites you better
I think it's a great game no matter what and I'm happy others can play it too
nobody gets a Switch because he expects high end graphics
Can't you fucking read?
>n-n-no none of that counts!
>PS4 vs Switch anywhere away from a TV
And my version was the Edition of Light. You aren't getting the Edition of Light when the protag is named the Luminary. Sad!
So you get alot of [???] added, amazing content there bud.
Why don't you answer him with your actual opinions on why it is the best instead of shilling a foreign language at him like idiots.
You losers don't even know what your new content really is and you are still talking about it like an authority.
>he doesnt know about vita remote play
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
what am I coping with?
>another DQ8 on 3ds in the making
oh boy
>shit battery life
>needs wifi
>small screen
>missing controls
>people upset that you now have a portable option for a game
Why the fuck is this a bad thing? Were people pissed when the DS got DQIV, V and VI? Or when the the 3DS got VIII? Did people rue that the DQ III got an awesome gameboy color port? Why is this such a shitshow now? There's a console version with great visuals, and a portable version with extra content. Everyone wins. There's nothing to be mad about jesus fuck
you should be more honest and reduce resolution plus framerate, along with EVEN MORE blurried graphics rofl
I mean, we''re talking away from a tv right?
You really talking about shit battery and small screens and trying to defend the switch?
you two should get a room, there is a lot of sexual tension
Best music, more content, the ability to play it on a handheld. It's a no-brainer really.
>6.2 inch screen is small
>4-5+ hours at least is bad battery life
Ahem - one again for the seethers:
Complete orchestrated OST rather than a fart noise soundtrack of the other versions.
Additional story content for every character.
Story content visiting previous games in the series.
An endless list of QoL improvements to the gameplay.
And and absolutely to-die-for 2D mode.
Coper harder. Or get help to cope harder.
>He thinks this content is not time gated for sales.
user you really can't be so retarded as to think all of this won't be on PS4/PC next year, are you?
How does it run in portable mode if you overclock? I remember XB2 got a noticeable resolution improvement if you knocked the GPU to docked specs in handheld, curious if DG does the same
Seething lmao
I just love knowing how traumatised you are.
what is the content though in your own words that you know is there and why do you value it?
Is it worth waiting 3 years for?
More marketing blurbs. I asked why you think that content has value. Why you personally are excited for it.
Well my actual opinion is that it's the best version since it adds a bunch of small QoL tweaks, more party dialogue, 2D mode, some content that was exclusive to the 3DS version (visiting past DQ worlds), orchestral music (I know it was on PC too), photo mode, new NPCs, and the new character centered story content. Most of that was in the picture in the post I linked, which is why I linked it. At the end of the day what's worth it is up to the person in question. All of that stuff is worth it for me so I'm buying the Switch version. If it's not worth it for you, then buy the PC or PS4 version.
hetfags are disgusting
>720p on a 6 inch screen in 2019
might as well own a chink tablet from 2012
Is this a feature of the Switch version?
>Is it worth waiting 3 years for?
I mean I already played the game on PC, and now I'll play it on Switch with the extra stuff. So I'd say yeah, worth the wait
I'm a neet, my living room is the comfiest place on earth to me, I don't need to go away from the tv. Also you should do the same for the right like this guy said . we all know how that one looks, right?
thank you for actually wording it like a person who is using their brain to explain why those things are valued. Seriously, thank you.
If you have access to DQB2 check that out as well, you can find and explore every past DQ game in it and even stuff like Zelda. Pretty much anything with an overworld has been remade in that game. I went to a Vice City world one time.
Runs fine without any overclocking. Docked mode isn't visibly higher resolution, so i think resolution is fixed. Overclocking might reduce or eliminate the odd framerate drop, but nothing in terms of resolution, even looking at the ground or sky, resolution doesn't seem to reach even 720p.
Is this edited to look super washed out?
>resolution doesn't seem to reach even 720p
you are joking right? This is just shitposting for (you)s at this point.
Yes. You can play in 3D or 2D mode and switch between the two at churches in towns.
there's a crying black nintendo wojak too
I can play DQXI on the shitter, absolute checkmate
As someone that would defend the switch version this is pretty crummy looking.
>More marketing blurbs
It excites me more than 'grafix' kiddo.
Switch and PS4 are basically running the same game, you can compare PS4 and Switch side by side and you'd have to REALLY look to notice any differences in draw distance. I think the only noticeable difference is that one of the two is that the PS4 has darker shadows.
The game also runs just fine, the problem is that they place no limits on the player. You likely won't run into any significant framedrops unless you head off to one of the online creations from other players where they went fucking ballistic, but these make the PS4 chug to single digits as well, so whatever.
I don't regret buying this game on switch at all, its a straight up improvement on the first one and the only time issues with framedata came to my mind are when I go into threads on Yea Forums to talk about how much fun it has been, only to have fags try desperately to convince me I didn't actually have fun while making shit up.
that is the most accurate representation of what (You) get if you want to play your comfy kino switch AWAY from your tv kek
actually it's looking even better than that since it's a stale screenshot. expect to feel nauseous when experiencing the real thing
yeah, excuse me if you're american but for most of us going to the bathroom to poop takes 5 minutes and it's not the type of experience where you want to hold a tablet to play a video game lmao
People that already own the beta test version are REALLY desperate to convince themselves that the extra stuff isn't worth it eh?
this prototype really looks bad, unreal engine templates have better colors than this, I hope they make it better before release
Are you even trying?
Literal babies playing with toys on the shitter lmao
What? is there like screen tear or something?
Not that user but some of the content includes
>new character-based stories that offer additional background
>Travel to past Dragon Quest worlds
>Change between HD or 16-bit graphics, synthesized or symphonic music, and English or Japanese voices
This is just from the Nintendo page on the game. nintendo.com
You're welcome I guess. I have DQB2 on my PS4 and I'm loving it. It's better than the first game in almost every way. My only complaint is that there's a little too much dialogue at points. At times it can feel a bit unimportant and almost drags on. The other DQ games obviously have more, but I there's something different about it in Builders 2.
>not a single word about gameplay
guess how everyone can tell that you're a Snoy
People shouldn't have to spoonfeed you what is literally 1 google search away. The only one not using their brain here is you.
No, no, thats the high quality PC version user. Thats the one that looks amazing, make sure you're replying to a post with a picture from the switch version before you just go and say stuff like this.
not blurry enough to be the switch version, all switch games look like they have a film of dust over it
Nope, the game runs below 720p in handheld and docked doesn't look any sharper at a glance when docked. I took a screenshot of the same scene in handheld and docked and, going back and forth between the two, i was hardpressed to find any difference. A proper docked mode might simply be missing from the demo, who knows.
>Have a question?
>Get help
not making fun of you I just thought it was funny.
Nah you are right about the dialogue. I had to actively resist the urge to skip thru it and the moments when Hargon speaks are waaaay too long and drawn out. I don't care what the "effect" is meant for, it is too long for 3 sentences.
>the moments when Hargon speaks are waaaay too long and drawn out
Yeah I have no idea what they were thinking about with those extremely long pauses. I could go make an entire meal in the time it takes for the text to advance.
Why is this acceptable? It's a new game and everything renders worse than fucking Skyrim. You rpg babies are ridiculous. It looks terrible. Set the fucking bar and keep it there
You're talking about the PC version user, thats the one that is supposed to look really good.
It was to add gravitas or something but Hargon's speech doesn't have the "doot doot doot doot" noises as it happens so its just silence.
The one time at the end when Malroth speaks as real Malroth and its that really deep doot doot doot was actually impactful though
>it's a new game
but it isn't.
>windows 10 settings menu
poorfag neophyte detected!
Hack it and play your hacked game on emunand you won't get banned if you stay offline/airplane mode
I'm doing this to test the overclock on my games
lol you switchlets are pathetic
Its the "definitive" edition to make up for the terrible downgrades on your plastic tablet
Oh woops, yeah I mean the one in the OP looks great. The fucking Switch version though looks really bad, if someone can reply to me with a screenshot from the switch version it will prove my point, I just don't want to make the mistake of replying to the wrong image again.
Honestly when you directly compare the PC and Switch version you're basically stupid if you don't want to cry and throw up when you see the lower AA and variable resolution. We're fucking men, not animals. I don't know how you can resort to playing games that are only halfway between the PS3 and PS4 just so you can play portable
Did the new shit come out for the PS4 version?
Imagine playing the inferior dragon quest XI on PS4 LOOOOOOOOL
Recent enough. It's recently released. This is not acceptable. You fucking retards complain about how Cyberpunk looks, but it's totally okay for trees, grass, horses, the fucking enemies to spawn in 5 steps away from you.
The Switch port is lazy and unacceptable. If other versions of the game render this terrible, then you're all fucking stupid
they don't know every DQ game since this gen have had some type of "edition" just to trick people into thinking they are getting something special
They just don't know because they haven't gotten every game released like we have. Look at Heroes1, 2, Builders 1, 2 and DQXi. Every one of them is a "something edition."
Its a marketing stunt so you feel like you are getting a collector's edition when there literally isn't a non "something edition" version at all. Its all marketing.
>PS4 looks amazing
>Switch (docked) looks pretty good
>Switch (undocked) looks okay
i will just wait for game update for pc
if it won't happen ever then fuck that, i have other games to play
>no of course I don't suffer owning a ninten-
Oh look, it's another thread full of idiots who don't know anything about Dragon Quest parroting 20 year old memes.
>baby version for a baby console
I don't think anyone has brought up any non-DQ games and tried to derail in this entire thread until you. Please stop.
Yes its an unfortunate port but at least judge it on its own merits or lackthereof.
The overall lighting effects look so fucked. I can deal with the graphical downgrade fine but the lighting is really not helping. Those palm trees look like something out of a crash remake they look so plastic. They looked lush on ps4/pc.
Imagine playing on toddler tablet and having everything render in and out every 5 steps. It's 2019 retards. Stop settling for shit. Play on a real machine
We all know everything about DQ, we just have standards also.
I can write you a book report on why camping alone made this a lesser DQ game because it destroyed the risk/reward element that is integral to DQ's design.
If I had to pick between:
>amazing graphics
>pretty good graphics + all the new features
I’d pick the latter every time.
PS4 version is the worst version of the game, not even worth talking about.
The choices are really only Switch for the most content/playing in bed or PC for the best graphics, performance and mods.
PS4 has consoletier graphics and performance but also lacks the exclusive extra content and portability, its basically the ultimate cuck version.
what about the same but the second option comes with a caveat of being 3 years later and everyone else already playing the game so you won't be able to socialize about it without your experience being lessened?
>We all know everything about DQ
>mentions camping
You already proved you've played more than 90% of the posters here. Who can't cite anything besides "lol Toriyama sucks" and "Switch is a weak console" and "it's all the same shit."
>making legitimate points is derailing
>stop saying things I dont agree with
Continue to settle for shit and you'll continue to recieve shit. It looks terrible, end of story. Cope harder newfag
But the Switch is stronger than the Wii U, which was stronger than the PS3 and Xbox 360, so its not that far behind PS4 and Xbone, are you implying that playing on consoles in general is unacceptable? Because the Switch really isn't that far behind the PS4 or Xbone in terms of graphics, its basically the PS2 of this gen, sure the games will always look worse on the PS2 but no one really cares.
I don't think strawmaning about a game that didn't happen is making legitimate points.
I'm one of the PS4 guys saying this port is crumbum tier and years too late and even I won't make false equivalencies about things that factually didn't happen.
Forgot that you need your hdr and pure blacks for being in top competetive.
that’s not the situation now though. someone who hasn’t played dq xi before has two options for it now, and the switch one is clearly better due to the new content
Why are sonyfags COPING so much today?
They are even more cucked than usual
The PS4/PC versions came out in the west a year after the Japanese version. And those of us who played it already knew half the plot and all the spoilers because of shitheads on Yea Forums. Not to mention people were rushing through the game and spamming spoilers.
The game coming out a year later for Switch doesn't change much. But since most people are the general market who will play it because they saw Yuusha in Smash and don't visit threads like this, it won't matter.
Wait, cope about what?
I said nothing but objective truths about the game. The PC and Switch versions are the only ones worth caring about, the PS4 is the worst of all worlds.
>people actually care more about a bucketful of throwaway landfill """""content""""" than the true artistic vision of the developers not being kneecapped by underpowered hardware
Embarrassing. If your life is so empty that you need an extra 20 hours of meaningless grinding on top of the 100 hours of content already in the game then why not just kill yourself? Seriously, if filling your days with repetitive grinding is more important to you than being able to immerse yourself fully in a great adventure that shows off the passion of its creators in every aspect, including the visuals, then you should be re-assessing your life.
Is that a video of someone showing evidence someone fell out of the ride and died and that dude is trying to hide it?
To me a big part of the DQ community is how we all get to play it together and discuss it for hours and weeks because it takes so long and really is a journey. You honestly won't be able to get that experience. If that doesn't mean anything to you more power to you.
Alright, so i found a spot in cobblestone with a nice mix of foliage, NPCs and diagonal lines, and docked does look sharper than handheld, so it appears that it does in fact run at a higher resolution, but still not quite 720p. Colors also do appear slightly more washed out in handheld, dark areas appearing brighter and contrast being lower overall, weird. I took the docked screenshot with output set to full rgb range, but the switch could very well use limited rgb range in handheld, which might explain the slight difference in color.
>To me a big part of the DQ community is how we all get to play it together and discuss it for hours and weeks because it takes so long and really is a journey
I agree, but I’m looking at it from the pov of a newcomer who hadn’t even heard of the series before this. Of course it would be preferable to play the game on release, but that’s not possible anymore.
>Is that a video of someone showing evidence someone fell out of the ride and died and that dude is trying to hide it?
no it's just a fuckboy trying to block a guy from filming his ride photo instead of paying for it
The brighter contrast thing in handheld is probably so if you are playing it outside in sunlight
That level of kikery didn't even enter my mind. Why I went straight to death is another thing I need to look into.
So this is the power of the switch.
damn looks way better than the 3d trash, based
If it makes you feel better I'm going to be one of the good guys and talk about the game without ruining it for you guys.
I'm just wrapping up my DQB2 playthru and plan to replay DQXI when yours releases so I can double dip on the cozy fun.
I genuinely don't care about the new content and don't think it will schism our ability to enjoy it together.
Looks like fucking shit on every platform fucking retard.
JRPGs as a genre can only be enjoyed by literal insects who are fine doing the same thing over and over again with no variation and this is the worst one that exists.
>all these idiots obsessing over graphical power
Dragon Quest XI looks fine on the Switch because it has a bright, cartoony style. Same as something like Mario Kart, Mario or Splatoon. No, it isn't going to win awards for graphical power. But it doesn't need to.
The games that look bad on Switch are the games trying to go for the dark, gritty and "realism" style. And those games look bad even on PS4/PC.
All the text in 2d mode being HD is a real fucking shame. Makes an otherwise beautiful addition look mobile phone tier trash.
Would have preferred NES era retro instead of SNES remake era as well.
As long as I can repeatedly go up and down steps for that tinny midi step noise I'll be happy.
>true artistic vision
Yeah, i bet Sugiyama wanted his compositions played back with fart horn samples. Who wants music played by an orchestra when you can have shitty MIDI renditions instead?
It isn't about graphical power. It is about it running at a competant level and the switch just doesn't seem like it. It is very easy to see where corners were cut and seeing corners cut in a DQ game at all is not good.
Consistency and good quality and all that.
He unironically did. But he is making shit decisions as of late. DQB1 had audio pops in every track unless you used the Lyre of Slime Immemorial to listen to retro versions. There is no way those audio pops didn't make it past a tester. Its incredibly noticeable.
I think he is intentionally gimping his own music for some reason.
Anyone that has played XI to completion will tell you it isn't the source of the music that sucks, it is the actual composition of it. Its just uninspired in a franchise known for inspired tunes.
I don't think so. I understand why it was the case on the GBA, but there is no reason for this on the switch. Backlight is quite strong and the screen is IPS, so it has half decent colors and contrast. I really don't know why it's different.
Sugiyama clearly doesn't give a shit about anything except money because all the music in the game is fucking terrible. This is the first game where I have just turned the music completely off because I thought it couldn't get worse than the overworld theme but then the Hotto theme started.
softer colors might need to light the screen just that much less so its to preserve battery or something. I know nothing about tech though.
Not every JRPG is FF you know
Aside from pop in, which is because of the Switch limitations, I don't see any issues with it in the demo. It's actually amazing they were able to keep everything else. This is why they had to remake the whole game with a new engine just for the Switch. To fully optimize it.
Could just be a side effect of texture compression/file conversion
Or it was just because he has his own record label under which he distributes his music. People who played on ps4 had a good reason to buy the orchestrated soundtrack. Sugi made his money, so only now do we have the music in the game the way it was meant to be heard.
>JRPGs as a genre can only be enjoyed by literal insects who are fine doing the same thing over and over again with no variation
Sounds like fighting games, puzzle games, action games and especially MMO/MOBA games.
>and this is the worst one that exists.
>I don't know what Disgaea, Pokemon or Final Fantasy are
>people think this looks bad for a handheld game
Is that undocked? That looks totally fine
no, docked. undocked isnt that res
>remake the whole game in a new engine
You do know switch supports unreal engine 4, right?
>fighting games
Infinite variation, human opponents. Don't be stupid.
>puzzle games
you mean shit like bejeweled? DQ is as good as bejeweled? not helping your case.
>action games
most action games display at least a little variation and also have some element of skill or execution requirement to them, it's not literally selecting cutscenes from a menu for 60 hours.
>wah Sugiyama did this and this!
And your claims are always wrong. Sugiyama didn't "block" orchestrated music, which has been proven by us getting it in the Switch version. He didn't "force" the PS4/PC version to skip it. Horii and SquareEnix kept the synth music because that's what the Japanese public prefers. He doesn't sell his CDs in the west, so claiming he's "blocking" the music from the west because of CD sales holds no water. You're all just repeating Resetera/Kotaku lies.
its """docked""" because its a PS4 screenshot you mongoloid retard
I didn’t see that button icon, oopsie daisy
Docked Switch and PS4 versions look basically the same
>fighting games
>Infinite variation
By your logic, Dragon Quest has "infinite variation" because enemies are randomized. No, when you're playing a fighter or MOBA, you have a limited number of characters and set skills. Adding human players to that doesn't make it "infinite."
It was keeping the retro spirit in the series most recent and visually impressive entry
Sounds like you're just bad at fighting games.
That's not switch. You can see a triangle button prompt and the watermark says 2017, whereas it is 2017,2019 on switch. Grass is much denser and displayed much further than on switch. Here, i took the bait, have a (You).
Switch has orchestra to cope for how bad it looks
Sounds like you're just bad at forming an argument.
>switch isn't even 720p
>ps4 is 900p
>basically the same
Your eyes are fucked mate.
Wtf roach and mustard suddenly care about DQXI switch so much? Even 3DS version sold more than those two platform combined
>pretty good graphics
>And those of us who played it
why do nintendies do this. if lying reduced years of your life you guys would literally post yourselves to an early grave in one week spent on Yea Forums
it's always an excuse, always a lie. I understand it's tragic to suffer alongside nintendo cause you need to have a sense of community with your mentally challenged LGBT friends, but you really don't need to do this
>Dragon Quest XI is coming this year to PC and PlayStation 4, but the Switch version could be next year or beyond. In an interview from PAX East, game producer Hokuto Okamoto explained just what's happened to set the Switch version so far behind. It appears to be a case of the game needing some elbow grease to work with its engine.
>"It's true that the Nintendo Switch version is under development at this moment in time," Okamoto said via translator. "Specifically with regards to the development, this game was developed on the Unreal Engine, but the version for Unreal Engine needs to be updated, I suppose, in order to support Switch. In that sense, the development is still expected to take a very long time. It's still a long ways out."
They completely redid the game from start, porting every thing in by hand. Which took a long time, but also let them polish the game further from the PS4 version.
>music doesn't matter
>content doesn't matter
>muh graphics
Cope harder.
I own the game on PS4 and completed it. Why are you making assumptions and getting angry? Is the Nintendo boogeyman really that traumatic for you?
>bringing up LGBT crap when no one else even mentioned it
>in a thread devoted to a game which has gay characters as a joke
Christmas is gonna be lit, Sony boys are gonna be flipping a shit over the Lite selling so well
music is fine for me
have fun with your extra romance options and underwhelming extras (that I'll be getting later anyways) not that I care much. my experience with dqxi happened last year and thank god it was as beautiful as it looks on op's image. I wouldn't have it other way with a game like this. not that you'd understand it... you don't even have the OPTION to appreciate art in video games since you have to use the argument that visuals aren't important not to cry yourself to sleep
anyways have fun with something I'm willingly opting not to have. beggars can't be choosers
Sylvando is one of if not the best characters in the game and fags get their ass chapped so hard knowing we unironically love him for his faggotness but when that same behavior is mimicked in real life it is repulsive.
They hate it so much their defense is it isn't 100% proven he is gay even though it is painfully obvious he is flaming gay.
2d is superior to 3d in every regard.
>They hate it so much their defense is it isn't 100% proven he is gay even though it is painfully obvious he is flaming gay.
But puff-puff works on him tho
if only gaytendies were as cool as sylvando
instead you're obnoxious little queers with a lisp and a talent to get pozzed at gaming/anime conventions, all the same exact reflection of the other, playing your mediocre gaytendie titles without question, being annoying and feminine, uninteresting and in eternal cope, worse than a woman
If you go to the legal mentions on switch, unreal appears. This article is quite outdated, the team only transferred the game over to a newer version of ue4 with switch support. Unreal engine 4 games have already been released on switch. Snake pass was the first, there are demos for yoshi's crafted world and daemon x machina, which also use ue4, not to mention redout.
>why should I be mad?
They think everyone is loyal to a brand rather than just enjoying the game.
He is a beacon of positivity and wouldn't stop someone from doing something like that. dude is mad gay. Davey alone proves it. I wont discuss it further because I'd have to spoil some very late game story stuff to prove why that defense doesn't work either.
I agree with you that it's great to see SJWs so confused over a character who is both okay with homosexuality, but not blatantly pushing it. But when it comes to Sylvando, it isn't really confirmed that he's gay. If anything, he comes off as a man who wants to be a girl. But sometimes those type of men still like girls. He even makes a few comments over the game that hint that he kind of likes the girls in the party...though he also say similar things about the Hero. It's made intentionally obscure. I'd say he's most likely bisexual.
All his posse that follows him around though? 110% gay.
a giant titty monster (literally in this case) is trying to murder him, and he would play along to getting so charmed by her tits he can't even attack her?
I'm not gay. You're projecting.
Speaking of sylvando, what’s the “healing trick” with him? I keep hearing people mention it
Yes, he constantly advocates that you do what you want to do most. If a giant tiddy monster wants to puff puff him he wouldn't rebuke them. He is that body positive.
I can't remember but I think he can equip the fishnet stocking as well.
He is also the only male in the game with his own male puff puff equivalent.
He is gay and wouldn't be half as awesome if he wasn't.
In his character specific tree he has a skill called "hustle dance"
It heals everyone for around 75hp when other heals at the time are single target 25hp healing.
Dude can just spam that shit all day erry day. And he will.
sorry couldn't hear you over my comfy-ass soundtrack. i'll be on the couch grinding slimes
I love 720p!
actually had my hopes up for a moment ngl but yeah, looks like i'm skipping this irredeemable trash port after all
Visuals are fine for switch, don't forget it's a handheld with less than a tenth of the ps4's power budget. The fact such limited hardware can run a massive game like dqxi in any playable state while keeping the visuals recognizable is impressive in itself. The better music and extra content are just the cherry on top.
>Visuals are fine for switch
please don't reply to me again shitendo. if reading 25% of your posts and throwing the rest in the trash isn't enough I don't know what else to do...
hey Eric, how are things
>snoyfag still COPING
>le eric
I don't know if it's one of your tranny furry friends that you used to suck in your gamecons until you got pozzed but you should quit being a cringy schizo if you have zero arguments
yeah it's Eric alright
someone have that youtube channel he accidently doxed himself on? I'm on my phone atm
>snoyfag COPES so much he has a mental breakdown
the switch version literally looks like a bootleg.
The lack of shadows is alarming.
There isn't a single asset that wasn't downgraded.
omg are the shadows in the foreground actually hardbaked into the textures?!
holy fucking shit.
>you guys actually spend your entire days in these threads from post 1 to post 500, not missing a single one, then later want to make a point that the switch has games to be played
I would try to call you pathetic and all sorts of names but shitendies like this that swim in the garbage they turned their life into definetly see it as a compliment or something above their level lols
i'm out of here before the schizoid makes some sort of voodoo curse or something. I know for a fact these nolife aspies are dangerous
>this kind of snoyfag COPE
LOL, didn't read your SEETHING blog post
Graphics >>> Gameplay and Content
Don't @ me
>Dragon Quest VIII comes out on PS2
>one of the best looking games of the generation despite being on the weaker platform because the art style matters more than processing power
>Sony fags ignore it
>game gets ported to 3DS 12 years later
>HAHAHAHA game looks like shit! Nintendo fags owned!
>Dragon Quest XI comes out on PS4
>Sony fags ignore it
>same game comes out on Switch
>OMG it looks like shit HAHAHAHA! Nintendo fags owned!
Hmm...it's almost like they only care when a game gets put on a Nintendo platform. Sony fans really are Tsun for Nintendo.
>DQVIII on 3ds all over again
fookin lawl.
This is unacceptable on every metric. The only ONLY way this is okay is if the PS4/PC versions didn't exist. The difference and being 2 years too late is just bafflingly bad.
>Very good PR move imo
I guess. I mean I was going to get it until I got bored like 2 hours into the demo. I know everyone’s going to be like IT GETS GOOD 70 HOURS IN but I’m not going to buy a game that has several hours of mindnumbingly boring gameplay. Even Twilight Princess’ notorious intro is only like 1 hour at most
Star Citizen is indeed the best game ever made.
Every DQ fan bought VIII on release. There is a reason the Trodain togs are the bonus outfit you clown.
Turn on hard enemies.
>Every DQ fan bought VIII on release.
I'm not talking about DQ fans. I'm talking about consolefags. Most of who never played the game, as you can tell by the various misinformed posts in this thread. They just rush to bash any game that gets ported to a Nintendo system.
The distant trees are rendered at a lower quality since they're less visible with the lower resolution and smaller screen, it wouldn't make sense to still render their shadows, as it would waste resources on a detail you won't be able to appreciate.
Don't forget how they did the exact opposite when Resident Evil 4 got ported to PS2.
Every DQ game but XI was released on consoles, and even XI was on consoles. Consolefags are the DQ fans.
There is no misinformation in the thread except shitposters posting low effort pics of the PS4/PC version and claiming its the Switch. But they get called out instantly anyway.
You are just upset about something and claiming others aren't "real fans" for criticizing something that is deserving of it.
I've written extensively about why DQ is amazing over the years and DQXI missed the mark as a DQ game in the most fundamental of ways while nailing it in the most superficial of ways.
Definition of a good game but a bad DQ game.
I just played the demo for about 15 mins and I’m seriously considering buying it again on switch.
>Game looks fine, definitely not as good as PS4 but still very good. I am glad I played it first on PS4 so my first experience had the best graphics though
>Battery drain on handheld is pretty bad, 15 mins = 13%. So about 1 1/2 to 2 hours probably, that’s pretty heavy
>Faster battle speed options are a fucking godsend
>New soundtrack is 10/10
It's acceptable. Switch is a handheld using 2015 tablet hardware, you're retarded if you expect it to compete with a current gen home console or a capable PC.
This guy gets it.
the only people who haven't played the game itt are switch people because it isn't out yet. And they are the ones making claims with utter authority in their posts about the state of the game. All without actually playing it to completion.
The switch isn't a handheld. PS4 is also using 2015 tech.
I've literally had no problems with the demo so far.
Jokes on those fucking retards. I own a Switch and a PS4 and I still haven't bought the game because I'm gonna wait for the extra content to come to PC where I will finally purchase it. Of course they're gonna triple dip, they'd be decent people not to.
Looks better than PS4 t b h.
I think the dramatic irony will be they will wait for the PS5 to rererelease it.
>Every DQ game but XI was released on consoles, and even XI was on consoles. Consolefags are the DQ fans.
>doesn't know what a consolefag is
Consolefag refers to someone who obsesses over one console over another. And this thread is full of Sonyfags bitching about Nintendo.
>the only people who haven't played the game itt are switch people because it isn't out yet.
You fucking idiot. Every DQ thread is full of idiots who parrot all the same memes and misinformation, while claiming to have played the games. It's the most obvious in DQ threads. And your comment also implies anyone who owns a PS4 or PC has already played Dragon Quest XI. Which is just stupid.
There's also plenty of people who already played the game on PS4 or PC, but is getting it again on Switch.
Would kinda suck dick but I would still be waiting and my backlog would still be fuckhuge.
>I own a Switch and a PS4 and I still haven't bought the game because I'm gonna wait for the extra content to come to PC where I will finally purchase it.
Then the joke is still on you.
bad game
It's still the same game. So it is not a negative to my experience at all. In fact is has more content so I'd say I'll actually have a better experience overall. Plus, I'm going to be playing this while lying in bed so I couldn't care less if it "looks worse".
It's honestly more horrible than you guys can imagine
Exactly how? I will only purchase the game once instead of the intended twice or thrice and will not have fallen for marketing tactics.
>switch has a battery, screen, speakers and controls integrated into a form factor that fits in your hands
>somehow isn't a handheld
>ps4 was released in 2013
>somehow uses 2015 tech
I really don't know what to say here.
things suddenly showing up in the distance close to you is actually so immersion breaking. I could deal with the total lack of shadows and lightning if they at least served to fix that.
If you buy any product for any reason you have fallen for marketing.
You think they're going to put the extra content on PC. If you've been following the development of the Switch version, or just follow SquareEnix as a company, you know they're never going to do that.
How do the maps compare? Pretty much the same?
It's not really noticeable on a 6 inch screen, even less with the low resolution.
>plugs into an external power outlet
>outputs to a television
>Lighting differences
>Texture downgrade
>Some far off pop-in
These are acceptable trade offs for the new content and portability.
>PS4/PC players were genuinely happy for Switch owners when it got announced. It wasn't until Switch owners started acting petulant that the shitposting really kicked in.
the fuck are you lying for faggot the shiposting for this game started as soon as it was officially announced
are you fucking with me
You are not worth my time to correct.
Never say never, you are also not worth any more time.
>buying anything means you fell for marketing
I honestly can’t deal with this ultra new age woke take, holy shit user.
They had to completely remake some of the areas in 2D so they'd translate better from 3D. NPCs even have additional dialogue to make up for the lost expressions and animations they had in 3D.
Perhaps the most useless gimmick of the console that totally fucks up everything else.
So my PS4 controller and my dick are handhelds. got it.
Look up the definition for reactionary and note how it is about politics when reactionary isn't about politics and realize modern definitions of things are not representative of their actual uses.
Fuck you that's why
Guess again bitch. Buy a switch or fuck off.
>smartphones aren't handheld
Yes, handhelds need to be charged and can even have video outputs, how crazy is that? What the hell was sony thinking trying to market the psp as a handheld?
wow, just wow.
No shadows
assets downgraded literally everywhere
color balance completely borked
just generally less crisp in all regards, looks like vaseline
trees are a single model and they look like 2d sprites at this distance
I'm in awe lads.
all I can see in my mind while looking at these are the faces of evil rich japaneses in formal suits laughing at me with a lot of money in their bags
why is it called consolewars then if you lot don't even have a console?
Game looks decent for a Vita game I guess. Enjoy your ngage port.
Switch looks about as good as ps4 sounds.
the lack of shadows is fucking damning.
Remove the logos and I'd think the switch side was a PS1 game in a really compressed jpg.
>you don't play DQ for the graphics
at some point it becomes unacceptable niggas and we are far far past that line. Have some fucking standards.
I've seen literal DS games upscaled and it looks crisper than this.
I thought these type of autists existed exclusively here but apparently the poor weebs in full cope are on youtube comments too lol
wait, the stones are on the path in this picture. Is the draw distance for assets that fucking small?!
...W-why do you have this saved to your hardrive.
>I'm ignorant so I get a warped view in my mind
In reality, Yuji Horii spent three extra years to make a PS4 and Switch version when SquareEnix wanted him to only make a 3DS version. He's the most caring developer in the industry.
>So my PS4 controller is a handheld
Did you think this was a good point? Of course the PS4 controller is a handheld device, what the fuck?
Under your logic a dreamcast controller with the VMU is a legit handhelf when it is actually a controller with the memory card inserted.
you probably kiss girls you faggot.
What Are The Chances of this version Coming to PC?
100%. Even if some autist has to backwards engineer it themselves they will.
>Have some fucking standards
I wonder if that day will ever come to them.
Seriously, how much can you eat up until it reaches that limit when you say "enough is enough." It seems to never happen to them, it's like looking at an infinite bottomless horizon
Yes, don't forget you're looking at half the memory, a lot less bandwidth, a tablet processor and less than 1/10 the power budget. It's not that bad all things considered.
Any device that’s designed to be held in the hands and used in a portable manner like that is a handheld
To be honest with you I appreaciate his effort. I had in my mind the evil japanese men of nintendo with their hundreds of thousands in the bank wondering when it's the time to release another version of their cheap rushed product that adds next to nothing. Wondering if they should make an effort next so that the switch successor can rival the ps3 late era in rig, or just go cheap and quick again to amount more of those easy bucks
It has more content and features. It makes the other versions irrelevant by default. How hard is this to understand?
Every realistic response always says "all things considered" or "for the switch."
It shows you know we are right that its shit but you are rationalizing it enough to respond.
And when all things are considered, all things, it isn't good. It is only good if you willingly and purposely don't consider all things.
The real problem is you guys are gonna get spoiled so fucking hard and it is going to be sad. Alot happens in this game and it has alot of neat developments. Entire past DQ stories could fit into just the first act of this game.
you are just vomit indulcing. I wish I could filter zombies like you from my internet experience. go play and promote more of your corporate brand list of selections and leave us alone please
Man, how long can you play PS1 and 2 games before you realize it's shit. Because there's another stronger system in the same gen.
I'm pretty amazed that I've had to do this demo in several sittings. It goes impressively far and isn't afraid to show how good the narrative is when you take a bit of a moment with it.
This was a good game and I'm glad I took 168hrs to beat it. It's very wholesome and endearing.
sure is going all out today, is it because of astral chain?
because those extra features in no way justify the wait. Enjoy your extra dungeon with 4 color swapped enemies.
If you want a powerful machine you build a PC, the switch is a console, it should be a cheap toy.
Microsoft and Sony have forgotten that.
look dude, you can't even accurately quantify the extra content in any meaningful manner. I can't either.
It is almost cultlike behavior to speak of it in a positive tone with no litmus on if it is good or not.
Battlefield games kept adding more content and all it did was make every game they added to it worse as it splintered the already dwindling game modes.
More is not universally better.
They do what their corporate tells them, they think what they tell them to think
Their Reggie goes on video and says "If game is not fun why play it? bing bing wahoos are fun, play them instead :)" and they believe him. They're so brainwashed they can't even think about what the concept of fun is personally, by themselves
Excuse me. We're trying to have a fucking console flamewar here. Stop trying to talk about the actual game content you fag.
Does it end as soon as you arrive at Gallopolis?
You are really going to enjoy the prince of that area. His character is fucking great and he gives Sylvando a reason to really shine early.
I haven't ended it yet! I've just passed through the stone with three faces.
>fps counter only double digits
crikey bruv
I won't (and didn't) spoil anything.
Rest assured, every character you meet is going to be awesome. Prepare for your cookie cutter jrpg characters to have surprising depth.
I'll talk shit about your port but also wish you guys the best of luck and tons of fun.
wouldn't archiving it ensure more people see it?
I would've personally have bought it on the 3DS or Switch even if the content was the same. Game looks gorgeous but the portability factor is huge for me.
I just want this cursed thread gone from the catalog
The game began development before unreal engine 4 supported switch, so everything had to be brought over to a newer version of the engine that actually supports switch. That and the huge work needed to get it to run on switch, and then make it actually playable probably accounts for most of the wait.
It's pretty amazing how they twisted the regular "starting village" trope to be gut wrenching. Very very well directed game.
Or I don't give a shit? Yes games are a visual medium, congratz on figuring the riddle out captain cuntknuckle. Thing is...I don't need 4k polygons to enjoy this medium and it doesn't actually fucking add much to 90% of games. Only hyper realistic movie games benefit greatly from polygon bloat...goodie on them..they also look outdated grapghically in like 2-3 years. Brilliant.
Unironically I'd be satisfied if games never left the ps2/ngc era graphics...maybe wii/ps3. More than enough detail for any art style wanted, and devs could actually fucking focus on framerate, which is leagues more important for smoother inputs/flowing movements, or putting content in games than gloating they have 50+ polys over the competition.
Graphicfags are the worst type of gamers besides esports niggers. you both can die painfully.
Not only that but the double fakeout was killer.
I'm just saying, the Switch version has a lot of shit that's new and not featured in the PC or PS4 versions. Why should I buy the other versions if the Switch version has all the cool shit? That's like asking me if I'd eat a cake without frosting over one that does. You know what the obvious answer is.
we will start another as soon as this one dies. Hopefully we can all act civil. I think we all learned alot about each other this thread.
we will work toward something positive.
Absolutely brutal. Almost had me crying with the grandparent speaking in a frontal shot
fucking cope harder man
>played the game on PS4 with "better" graphics
>played the Switch demo and it looks fine
>buying it again on Switch for the added content
why do tendies attach an image to every single post they make?
do they think people won't read them if they don't be obnoxious with their posts?
well, they are right...
anyways, tl;dr
talk like a man next time, or at least a grown queer
Are you mad because I'm right.
Same. I didn’t think I would, but I played the demo for a bit and was suckered into buying it again. Holy shit they got me
Would fuck both. Am I degenerate?
Most of your arguments are a bit nullified by the game discussed in the thread, which manages to have a solid aesthetic in modern graphics and lightning (not a small feat considering how flat Toriyama's artwork is in terms of colouring) and content.
I don't think this aesthetic is done that poor of a deal on the Switch port, though. I think thread's overreacting a bit.
Read OP post honestly. Thank you to user for the picture.