Can you believe it. It's been 15 years, 15 fucking years, and they still don't know how to launch a game...

Can you believe it. It's been 15 years, 15 fucking years, and they still don't know how to launch a game. The store has been down for 8 hours in EU, nobody can buy the game. The queues are massive, nobody will be able to join. The server will most likely crash. This is horrible, this will probably be the worst game launch anyone has ever done, even worse than D3

Attached: jewed.png (545x348, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's driving me fucking crazy over there, can't pay for the subscription, FUCK

What game?

i'd like to see you try fucking bitch
you know how much money it costs us to run your faggy game?

It's not that they don't know how, it's that they don't think it's worth the money to expand their infrastructure for a problem that will last one or two days and won't cost them anything because everyone that wants to buy will buy eventually anyways, and people waiting in server queues aren't going anywhere.

fucking drones

Because every fucking idiot like you decided to pay a sub to play Classic in the last few hours before launch.
You're the only one to blame

I wish I could be that incompetent and still have a job.

Why would I pay for a subscription before I can even access the game? Are you legitimately retarded?

>XIV SHB launches with no issues apart from a small DDOS attack that lasted for 10 minutes
Still can't believe I was able to see a launch that doesn't shit itself.

The one time when I volunatirly want to give Blizzard money and they won't let me

imagine the money they're losing right now because they rely on poo subcontractors to handle their fucking client

>he didn't sub 2 weeks ago to reserve name


>implying that any of you shiteaters are going to not play just because of a rocky launch.

Don't fucking fool yourself. Even if you get pissy you'll come crawling back to it in a few days.

some people at blizzard have been trying to downplay the popularity of classic hard because it could kill nu-wow and their jobs
i'd totally expect launch to be a shitshow

fucking nothing

Who fucking cares? Is your poor name that no one looks at that special?

I have the client downloaded but I'm not reliving the WoD Launch. If I see screenshots of queues in the thousands, I'll just sub another day.

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How could it possibly kill their jobs? All they care about are sub numbers and this ups those.



Literally nothing since slavs high school dropouts with youtube experience with linux could run it on donations.

If you were even half serious about playing the game you would have anticipated this and subbed weeks ago. Fuck, even days ago.
>b-but muh 15 dollars
>w-why would i pay before i can even play???
Cry more while you go to sleep. I'll be playing.

It means all the new designers that came after vanilla/TBC are shit (and they are) and need to be fired in order to employ people with talent.

You need to pay for the sub to play the game, retard.

>I'll be playing.

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this is bullshit

>How could it possibly kill their jobs?
classic doesn't need staff to run, it just needs hardware
if classic becomes what people want to play, nobody needs to update the game, and the "useless staff" that is taking salary is going to be cut

they have good reason to worry for their jobs

>I'll be looking at my 10,782 spot in the queue

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The high ups will just move to different projects if their "talents" aren't needed on nu-wow. There's no real threat from Classic doing well.

Tada. Classic+.

x person makes y type content for blizzard
blizzard now learn they don't need y type content, or x as an employee

>blaming blizzard
>not blaming the laws of the country

might as well argue for tipping

>they laughed at us when we subscribed to reserve name
>post yfw now when we will be able to play with no queues since they cant subscribe

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You are technically wrong
The sub is for BfA in first place but it offer access to Classic servers
You people really need to unserstand this slready, literally the 99% of your sub money goes straight into retail despite you not even playing it




I subbed yesterday, you literal retards wasted like 14 days worth of sub on literally nothing, might as well given money to a hobo.


How it can kill retail if you pay for the sub?

so we're not actually going home after all...


jokes on you i was already subscribed because i played bfa

>wow classic countdown site crashed

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This happens with literally every big MMO release.
If you going to shill, please learn about what you are shilling about.
It used to happen with Everquest and Ultima for fucks sake.

Can you believe that it's been god how many years and you people still do not understand that it is not worth for a company to get more servers just for a few days ??? same with Steam sales.

Business as usual, you're just an entitled child

Attached: firemaw.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

fuck it join asmon stream guys, its legit kino


Play Mograine instead.

How come I'm not getting this? Is it just on some individual servers?

>hurr durr what is renting

>Because every fucking idiot like you decided to pay a sub to play Classic in the last few hours before launch.
>People who save money are idiots
yeah you sure told them the hard tru oh wait HAHAHA

Post your addons

Attached: addons.png (703x671, 270K)

I'm a spaniard and apparently all the spanish alliance guilds threw a shit fit and switched servers to firemaw 6 hours before release because our server showed about 65/35 horde to alliance ratio. Most horde guilds followed suit just to not split the community

Now I either play this overcrowed piece of shit server or play without JAJAJAfags


Attached: stop.jpg (283x283, 20K)

Lel. Glad I didn't pick Firemaw EU.

Attached: yookes.jpg (1912x1080, 305K)

>nobody can buy the game.
you can add gametime through your account, it doesn't use the store
but are you high? i done this shit earlier, it certainly hasn't been down for 8 hours in eu when i used it maybe 5 ago jesus christ son
blizzard are a bag of dicks and never prepared for anything, but that particular complaint is dumb

>reserving a name
m8 im 52 years old you think someone's name is gonna impress me?

What are you talking about? Everything is down. Where is this account page you are talking about?

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>haven't learn
they know that if they do the bare minimum you will still wait and play like a good well behaved slave
they not only expected this, they made this happen because you're just that fucking easy

>im 52
Prove it.

the battle net website. log in, click your fuckin username and go to manage account. then click wow, manage game time, add game time.
going through the blizzard store is completely unnecessary unless you want to actually buy a game for the first time

Well it doesnt seem to matter, it works now. But i tried your method and it didnt work before so you are full of shit anyways

wouldnt surprise me if im charged twice, went through the hassle of paying and it just goes back again

>so you are full of shit anyways
If you say so buddy, whatever it takes to make you feel better. Like I said though, I done this at like 4pm because you'd have to be retarded to expect their shit to work right before launch

Kill yourself.

Why? I've never used it but having mixed bag types at the beginning triggers me so I thought I'd give it a shot.


how much does it cost to play this game ?
if its not like half the original cost per month that it used to cost at launch then thats just a joke ... hardware is so much better now that it should take like 10x less servers to host the same amount of players, and networks are better too.

More updates in an hour. No, this isn't the same tweet from an hour ago saying that.

I never played WoW and i don't intend to, but i am speechless on how something this popular is treated like this, i honestly think it's just a publicity stunt to get more people to talk about it on social media.

It's 15$. If you cant afford it, dont play it, poorfag

Ok I got in by purchasing a 60-day gamecard off

It took a few tries and it's a few bucks more but at least it works I guess

The store was up before but now it seems to be down again so kinda glad I did it

>the absolute state of blizzcucks

your mom is a whore. thats why you are mad