Is Dota 2 or League of Legends more intricate, complicated, and skill rewarding? What are the 10 major differences between the two MOBAs?
Is Dota 2 or League of Legends more intricate, complicated, and skill rewarding...
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The world wants to know.
DotA 2 is better in every way except for one thing.
It doesn't have Yordles.
She seems like a nice woman.
Dota has Willow.
Dota 2 is more mechanically in-depth, many of the mechanics from it however are intuitive and sometimes even feel bad until you are able to get used to them examples of these are denying towers and creeps, lane pulling both offensively and defensively, and turn speeds; League of legends is less mechanically in-depth which leads to it being an overall easier game to get into with a far more gentle learning curve; the meta is far more set in stone allowing people to just practice a single play style, and the game feels more fast paced and action packed due to lower cooldowns on smaller spells that tend to have big visual effects to reduce the feeling of downtown being actually relevant player interactions; both have highly different art styles with dota being darker in tone and style while League is more bright and whimsical in design; if you are looking for a game you can hop in with your friends and have an alright time for a bit without too much upfront learning you will likely enjoy League a lot more; if you would prefer to try and push past the initial learning curve for a more difficult but rewarding long term than dota may be what you are looking for; either way the games are best played with friends so often times its easiest to just play what everyone else wants to in your personal friend group
>the meta is far more set in stone allowing people to just practice a single play style
Would you say Dota allows you to counter strategies effectively?
Who's better looking?
League has a more cartoon and anime aesthetic to it. On top of that, it emphasizes you using your skills more and doesn't have some more complicated mechanics than Dota 2. Dota 2 in general is more complicated as it introduces a lot more mechanics such as denying creeps, pulling, and etc. Some argue this is in poor taste as they find it "needlessly complicated." But I feel as if it's more rewarding and especially more engaging as it feels as if it rewards skill more. Personally, I prefer Dota 2 pretty much in every way. The only thing Dota 2 doesn't do as well as League is marketing which to some people is a positive as they find it obnoxious.
>it emphasizes you using your skills more
Does Dota or League emphasize intelligent use of skills and items more?
Yes. Dota 2 has a lot more flexibility with heroes and their builds. Items can even be situational often. Also, there's many items that essentially give you more abilities whereas League I think only has a couple of those. Overall, it emphasizes both more I think
Very neat. Excellent. Dota sounds to be nearly perfect.
the core of hero choosing is based on counter picking; dota heroes have major counters that can absolutely destroy the hero at almost all points in the game; things like earthshaker vers meepo, or silencer vers enigma. Due to the core design of league counter picks that are that significant are not possible, since you need to buy or unlock champions you want to play in league it would not be viable to have champions you need in order to counter other ones since some games would just be over at picks if noone on your team owned the champion you need to counter pick; the upside to the league model is that you can learn just one or two champions that you really like and not have to play heroes you don't really enjoy sometimes in order to properly draft a team, the downside is that there is a lot less thought that goes into a team composition, and the design space for making new champions is smaller because they can't make anything that needs a specific counter; dota has the opposite pros and cons, in that sometimes your team really does need a Ancient apparition and you may not like that hero all that much but without it you really could just get run over
LoL doesn’t even have micro. That should be enough for you to form a conclusion.
Sounds awful desu.
Interesting. Who gets to choose the first hero? Is it a coin-toss?
Dota 2 is better balanced and has more depth, but imo League "feels" better to play in that it has more detailed animations, sounds etc.
Dota 2 can be also be pretty shitty if you're loosing, as there are alot of mechanics where the enemy literally instakill you the moment you spawn, in Dagon + Queen of Pain etc. Obviously you can counter this with certain comps, but that brings me to the final point:
If you're playing Solo, League is going to be overall more fun, but if you have a team Dota 2 will be more satisfying.
At the same time tho, League's balance is getting progressively worse every season so it may not be good time to get into it right now, coming from someone who's being playing since 2012.
and that's a good thing
Does Dota and League both have skills that automatically lock-on to their target? Can you dodge them?
The alternating order of drafting is “1-2-2-2-2-1”, meaning that the first team picks one hero, followed by the second team picking two heroes, then the first team picking two heroes, and so on, it leads to the first team getting first pick but the second team getting last pick; which team picks first is based on which side of the map your on; outside of a tournament setting that would be decided by coin flip by the server
league has hot ladies and lolis alike and some of the best porn artists around to capitalize it. For every hero, every fetish, you'll have dozens of artists who have done 3d sfm porn, doujins, and high quality drawings for all tastes alike.
I pity dotards who have to rely on the same 3 mediocre futa fetish artists for their vidya porn needs. They'll claim "b-bit the game has better gameplay, graphics, tournaments, skill-requirements, and non-p2w fundamental game structure!"
these are all coping arguments as deep down they know the true vidya connoiseur has boundless porn available across all platforms at the drop of a hat from which to choose from
You can dodge every spell in Dota. Unless it’s instant cast. That’s when you need to be a step ahead of the opponent.
Seems fair.
dota: unique heroes, unique skillsets, broken as fuck at times
league: generic kits for everyone
dota is the harder game BY FAR, mechanically on all levels.
how can dota 2 even compete
I wouldn't say League balance is linearly getting worse, just look at Ardent Sensor ADC jerkoff meta. It is getting more difficult with all of the champions in the game tho.
Someone picked Garen bot and fucking won in playoffs.
Great. Dota sounds better and better. What about League?
>That’s when you need to be a step ahead of the opponent.
As in positioning and avoiding the fight entirely or micro clicking away?
both games do have spells that chase the target, dota has a significant amount more howver also included a lot of ways to dodge out of the way of them, things like manta style, puck's phase shift, phantom lancers dopple ganker, etc; League shifted its design to more spells that you target on the ground and they fly out; theres less mechanical ways to jump out of the way and more just trying to walk to the side to avoid them;
Dota wins again. lel
how do league fans even cope
what am i missing
Most spells in League are "skill-shots" that are to be aimed or empowerments/buffs to your stats or autoattack, but a select few abilities are point-and-click
>TI9 is over
>I... am... forgotten...
So, do offensive spells in Dota or League take more skill? Like which is more avoidable, punishable, and more of an opportunity wasted. I heard Dota spells recharge more slowly.
Dagon Qop was a terrible example, just because it had burst
league spells are lower cooldown and lower costs but do a lot less damage, allowing you to throw out a lot more of them during the lane phase to keep you entertained, dota spells cost a significant amount of your mana and many have long cooldowns causing a wasted one to be more significant on the game. the league ones are "harder" to hit although for the most part they move pretty quick so if you're able to click where the enemy is walking you should be fine, the dota spells are easier to hit outside of a few exceptions, however have significant more impact on when and how they are used including several that could accidentally harm your own team is misused
dota 2's sound design is really awful compared to league
unironically the only thing keeping me from playing it over league is that and this
Another great answer. Thanks. Today is a productive day for Yea Forums. I am proud.
league skills can be avoided/dodged etc but they are spammablr and champs have pretty much inf mana.Hell, some even dosnt even have mana.
However, dota skills mostly fire-and forget BUT way more punishable, cooldowns are huge and you get mana for only 3 casts.
Let me sum up games for you - if you want quick gameplay and games and also love anime play LOL. If you want to sink your hours into something and make plays play DOTA.
yes, but you dont need to play lol to fap to yordles
Sound design?
I too love hearing same quote from champions 100 times a game
>Let me sum up games for you - if you want quick gameplay and games and also love anime play LOL. If you want to sink your hours into something and make plays play DOTA.
I'm more interested in which one has the highest skill ceiling and is the most strategic.
How does the macro and micro between the two games compare?
>league has more detailed animations, sounds etc.
thats false
Stop posting this thread every day. It's 90% Dota inferority complex. Then a bit of waifu posting. Then the three people who have actually put significant time into both games explain that one is more about action, micro, and out-playing your opponent in the moment, while the other is more about macro and teamwork. Niether one is lacking in the other entirely but that's where the focus is. Dota is more about knowing what to do, League is more about actually being able to do it.
>they are spammablr and champs have pretty much inf mana.Hell
yes the game allow you to have fun instead of having to auto attack like a retard 99% of the time
Dota is both.
Deleting someone with finger of death is fun.
dota sound design is similar to its aesthetic design in that it is dark and a bit gritty, some people don't like it, here is a categorical assortment of all the sound files from the game
>one is more about action, micro, and out-playing your opponent in the moment
How does League have more of this than Dota? Explain yourself.
then play dota, micro and macro play far greater role in DOTA. In lol you cant even control units besides your hero(as I remember, played long ago).
Basiclly, lol is whos gonna make first mistake game and dota is outmacroing your opponent team
the skills, autos and ambient sounds in dota have no impact compared to league
i wasn't really talking about champion voice acting but you can mute that easily
>point and click instakill button
League has no micro, you control one unit and only one unit; dota includes the possibility of micro with heroes like meepo who is effectively 5 heroes at once, and heroes like chen/enchantress who can gain control of creeps; as well as items that let you control addition units and a large list of units with summons
>League has no micro
it does though, it's just greatly simplified
look at azir and ivern
Yes. And you also get an upgrade that deletes an entire team.
Abilities feel more impactfull when they have consiquenses. See Sure, having leap on every hero is fun but casting that sweet sweet 140 cd 600 magic damage nuke on the right time, position, with enough mana and getting a kill feels WAY more satisfying.
My mistake then, its been a fairly long time since ive played league and I don't recognize either of those names
>not playing the superior MOBA
>the skills, autos and ambient sounds in dota have no impact
I don’t think you played Dota.
care to post some examples?
I have, and not to be rude but I don't think you have ears.
you're just releasing that frustration of not being able to press your fucking spells for 99% of the match, so of course it feels satisfying
>Day after TI9
>Gyro with Diffusal everywhere
Nah fingering someone is much more fun than spamming arc lightning on Zeus.
You dont need to press your spells 100% of the match, in DOTA you have tons of other shit to do
it still has problems here and there as it's difficult to get into but i think it's definitely the superior of the two. only had one person i knew that hated it because it rewarded "not playing as a team" and that it had a bunch of needless mechanics. i genuinely don't get what he meant though because mechanics are meant to add more depth and possibilities which is what dota provides. it's more complicated yes but it allows more room for skill i think.
pretty much what
said. it looks like you want the more complex and skillful game which would easily be dota 2. just go with dota 2 as it has a lot more micro and macro heroes and in general just has much more complexity and is less about whoever makes the least mistakes as another user said
This game had some fun heroes and was kind of enjoyable for a while. Too bad about Blizzard killing it though.
In dota I can literally name what abilities have been used in any teamfight just from sound alone
Dota is far more intricate but sometimes too much so. The skill floor is still low enough that anyone can play, but its impossible to have a perfect game.
With higher ceilings, comes more detrimental mistakes. With 4 other players to rely on, you easily end up losing 5 peoples worth of games and winning one.
Low divine/High ancient shows this all too well. Only takes one person to do something wrong that snowballs into your loss. All you can do is hope the enemy team messes up just as bad or worse.
On the other hand, you have the problem with intentional mistakes. With it being so easy to lose unintentionally, its even easier to lose when you try to. Theres no shortage of cancerous adults in dota. You simply cannot make up for a player who throws in the towel too early.
I thought that was Smite??
Help guys, I can't stop playing Shadow Fiend.
>video from years ago that holds no relevance today
are all dotafags this dumb?
>Turn time in Dota
For what purpose?
Didn't watch much of TI, Gyro with Diffusal the
new meta?
Any particular reason?
DotA's sound design is great though. Each spell and item have very specific sound effects that are easily recognizable.
>holds no relevance today
Wow did i miss complete sound revamp that happened 2 years ago?
Feel free to show any videos in defence of lol though
Dota > LoL
Can anyone objectively argue why League is better other than the subjective preference of their character designs? I'm asking genuinely. I'm not baiting.
>the skills, autos and ambient sounds in dota have no impact
So ranged heroes wouldnt be autowin against melee heroes
When playing league SingSing said multiple times that both are difficult games. League is micro heavy and dota is macro heavy.
They didn't, though, you can literally play it right now if you want to.
League is more micro-intensive and has more flashy/fast plays, Dota is more macro.
League is faster paced, Dota is more complex.
League is more team oriented and balanced, Dota has more solo carry potential and unbalanced/OP bullshit that you can exploit. Or get fucked by.
That doesn't really happen in Lel, so what makes it a big problem in Dota?
Imagining some of dota's ranged heroes without turn speed makes my soul hurt
It helped OG win against Liquid in the final game of TI9. Bristleback and a lot of their heroes barely had mana to cast shit by the end.
You literally have it backwards
It doesn't happen in League because of mobility creep. Everyone has like a million dashes, speed boosts and gap closers. And Flash.
That doesn't happen in lol because most melee champs have gap closers while in dota they're not necessary.
There's heroes like Viper, Veno, and Enchantress who are literal cancer incarnate. League has way more built in movement options to deal with it but there aren't as many in dota
>Sniper with no turn speed
>with the +knockback headshot talent
At this point it is so ingrained in the balance of the game (Because of the original DOTA being a mod for Warcraft), you can't not have it. Imagine bristle with 0 turn speed. Imagine playing riki when everyone has zero turn speed. What about bat rider?
>Spends 20 minutes complaining abut footstep sounds
>Food analogy
Another reason to never visit the shithole of youtube
How is League more micro intensive? For instance Dota has denying which League doesn't. I'm open-minded.
Because only selected few heroes have leap and mobility items cost money in dota
Prime example why is WR. Her ult is obnoxious for that reason alone.
Google Lee Sin or Zed montages.
Play any melee champion toplane that doesnt have multiple dashes and tell me ranged champions arent overpowered
League has no micro.
>Dota has more solo carry potential and unbalanced/OP bullshit that you can exploit
Dota 2 is more balanced. Thats why you see almost every character in use at TI.
But whenever I play lel I play this motherfucker top. To be fair, Cho and other tanks get around it by having too much HP to burst while they themselves have ways of dealing with mobility and range.
But... but that's literally just farming... your own creeps. You literally do the same thing you do when you farm enemy creeps. You farm you own creeps. Also that wouldn't work in league because AP vs AD.
I would let Mireska rape me and harm me any way she saw fit though
Yordles are just cocksleeves you burn out on
You havent played in a long time then.
Have fun against vayne and getting killed in 6 autos
Looks cool, but I want you to explain mechanically why LoL requires more micro, because I gave one example of why Dota has more.
Is this 2 different heroes or a different skin?
That was probably all thanks to the fucking cat
Two different ones. Left is best yordle, right is just annoying.
New Poppy and Old Tristana
i literally cannot fathom how anyone prefers league over dota unless they're obsessed with anime titties or sunk cost
dota beats league in LITERALLY every department
LoLfags in the thread: If this was added to your game, what does it do to your favourite hero?
DOTAfags: What do you think Snapfire/Void Spirit's aghs are going to be?
Denying has numerous consequences on your opponents experience, gold, etc. It's a perfect example of Dota being more micro intensive.
Because of all the dashes and mobility and teleports. You can do more outplays than you can in Dota.
Denying is just right click, it's not micro.
How the fuck would we know when we haven't seen anything about the heroes?
Remember when someone submitted slarks abilities and bio but renamed some things, and the community lost its mind?
Nice champion design
although i envy lol's porn. all dota has is gay furry sht