Astral Chain is the BEST SELLING game on Amazon Mexico

Why are Mexicans so weeabs?

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They have good taste in games and food. Mexicans are based.



wtf i love spics now

I'll pass

You ever tried no being poor.

Physical copies might get sold out with all the glowing reviews it's getting. Good thing I have mine preordered

Cause anime used to air on public TV circa 1994 and onwards.

Those pesos are about the equivalent of $64 USD

All the non-super white countries have weeaboos

true, the US is a bastion of weebs


At least they were until they beso mi culo

>Mexican intellectuals

Why do brown people love nintendo while white people love sony?

>Xbox One

All super white countries are filled with cucks and faggots

Mexicans probably experience less peer pressure than whites, so less stigma against products meant for a younger audience

None of the two companies have a racial demography, but Nintendo is more conservative while Sony is filled with degenerate liberals

>shitskin countries have shit taste

lmao poor nigger

So brown people are conservative and liberals are white?

>Amazon mexico
Lmao, who /liverpool/ here?



>Yu-Gi-Oh in second place

>Retarted parents buying manchildren their baby toys online because they're too ashamed to buy this shit at a real store like gamestop being made fun of by sonychadd

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It’s in pesos not dollars you retard.

Whats wrong, looks like a good game.

More like
>Be Mexicans
>Be broke
>need a system that you and all your friends can play together
>N64! And 4 player slappers only
>play with your 12 friends taking turns
>Everyone is having a great time
>Years pass there’s a new Nintendo out
>Remember how good N64 was
>Keep Buying Nintendo because it’s what you know

Nintendo appeals to Mexicans quite hard

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This was racist according to them though


If with "them" you mean californians, yes.
Mexicans? Nope.


nononono! sonybros we need to build a wall...

The only ones finding it racist were SJWs on Twitter. That got btfo by real Mexicans

A lot of people own the Xbox One here in Mexico, it's the cheapest current gen console.

Did the game leak already?

Mexicans are, dare I say, /ourgardeners/?

>#22, below even Plants VS Zombies

>#14, below some Shark catching shovelware

>#9, below MINECRAFT

>#30, below Crash, a rom collection and Assassins Creed Origins

I'm predicting 200k lifetime sales at this point


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Am I mexican?

got btfo
based mexico

I get #4, #9, #3 and #33 when I click on these.

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You have no idea how many weebs are in mexico, and how weeb subsculture is globally (although parcially) accepted amongst everyone, mainly because of dragon ball and how much influence it had in public (free) TV.

Dragon ball was literally shown everyday at 8 pm. Everyone loved it, be it 7 year olds, or 20 year olds. even old people know who Goku is.

Source: I am Mexican.

and by public tv, i meant that there were only like 4 channels, 1 for tv novels, 1 for news, 1 for tasteless movies, and 1 for cartoons and pop culture (This last one LOVED to rerun dragon ball for literal decades).

uhm sweetie, you might want to open those links before posting them

We even nominated Goku for President of Mexico.


Why do the French and Mexicans love anime so much?

Its more that Americans are really really up their own asses about wanting to look sophisticated for some reason.

Good top 4 all around

meanwhile uk niggers only play fifa on ps4. i'm starting to think british people are the real subhumans.

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Why we wouldn't?

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>Live in shit hope country were the government is corrupt and the danger of being caught in the crossfire of a gang war is always looming
>Most normie anime provides escapism through comfy SoL and empowerment of doing the impossible through shonen

Based and Mexicopilled

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What? The 360 was king at least around here in the north of Mexico. Nowadays PS4 is king with the switch being a close second.
What has always been low around here is the pc market because parts are expensive as fuck
t. Mexican idort

>"One copy of Astral Chain please"

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>a real store like gamestop

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So what you're telling me is Mexico is the last bastion in the world for good taste in video games.

Europe in general has awful taste in games and are the prime driver of several awful industry trends. The whole "good box art" angle was a giant red herring from the fact that they are the prime driver of FIFA and open world cancer. At least in America good fpses will occasionally get supported.

How does this happen? Bad skincare? Bad genes?

Guess what happens when you don't use soap in years.

Por supesto me encantan videojuegos de Japon, como sabias?
Sorry for the bad grammar.

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>dollar sign

Walmart is selling all their new games for 10 dollars off. So, you can buy the game for 50 dollars there.

So for those who have played it, how much does the game interrupt you for over the top animations? What does it play like out of all other platinum games?

It was “racist” according to resetera trannies. Mexicans skin people alive by age 7. They’re not a sensitive people.

thanks amigo

t. taco

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Its fucking Mexico what else do you expect retard?

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DBZ and Saint Seiya were what was played on their TV's so most of them are weebs

I see

for more information this user nailed it

I mean this has 2 million views not really mexico but yeah
