This doesn't make any sense

This doesn't make any sense.

Attached: 51-512219_the-weapon-triangle-dictates-that-swords-beat-axes.png.jpg (880x711, 131K)

The way I see it
Spear out ranges axe
Axe can chop the spear in half
And sword is faster than the axe

>Axe chop lance shaft
>Spear poke sword where sword can't poke back
>Axe slow and bad defense, sword outmaneuver
It's retarded and doesn't actually make sense, but in a game with magic and shapeshifting it shouldn't affect your suspension of disbelief all that much.

If it was realistic, then skilled axe beats sword, unskilled axe gets beaten by sword, spear beats axe and sword. Polearms are the best melee weapons, but that doesn't make for good balance.

It doesn't have to, it's a video game.

Fuck off cavalry fag, don't you have some horse shit to clean?

Nothing beats the reach you can get with a greatlance

>but in a game with magic and shapeshifting it shouldn't affect your suspension of disbelief all that much.

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spear is literally the best on and off horse

t. woolie

I assume the reasoning is
>Sword beats ace due to range lead
>Lance beats axe becomes of range again
>Axe beats lance because the axe grabs the pole and then attacks


If he can’t tell left from right...

>Spear longer than Sword
>Sword swifter than an Axe
>Axe can't be parried by Spear

first I thought this was some of bethesda's bullshit but then I realized there are no spears in TES anymore.

Axe crushes spear
Spear stabs from out of sword's range
Sword folded over 1000 times slices through axe
Sword strikes swiftly before heavy axe can react

it makes much more sense than the magic triangle

>thunder beats fire

neither does rock vs paper

The solution is simple: replace Paper with Dynamite.
Dynamite obliterates rock.
Scissors cut fuse of dynamite.
Rock still smashes scissors.
It works.

Are you implying fire should beat thunder? Because that doesnt make sense either.

true, spear was op in actual history

I prefer Spear > Shield > Sword triad

this is just stupid

Axe can snare spear and destroy their defense.
Spear is longer than a sword and easy to counter kinetic energy with.
Sword is better than axe because weebs are faggots

It's just a video game mechanic, chill out user.

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The fuck do your hands look like where you can make the shape of a stick of dynamite with a fuse?

Does unskilled axe get beaten by unskilled sword or regular sword?

The real weapon triangle

Attached: 1566850722044.jpg (880x711, 47K)

Have anyone ever try to block a Sword with an axe? You will get your fingers chopped off.

Where does this fit into that equation?

Attached: 1.png (200x200, 3K)

Beats all but is countered by katana.

ZWEIHANDER aka the sword for chads beats spear.

Here's the REAL weapon triangle

Attached: Frederick.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Yggdra introduces a larger Weapon triangle after that. Then everything is dead under a Scythe.

Have you guys ever tried splitting a lance from a flying horse or even a ground horse charging you down? Its probably impossible and not to mention they arent made of flimsy wood like infantry spears, they are reinforced lances. Lances should dominate axes no contest with the sole exception of a poleaxe meant to grasp armor/shields or spears and pull them away.

Sorry, here's the real one

Attached: OsWIN.png (612x336, 132K)

This made me Kek

Attached: 1560901003342.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

spears were only good in mass combat and more importantly are lame as hell. cope harder

t. seething swordfag mad he couldn't close the distance and got stabbed.

the roman legions used swords to BTFO the greek/egyptians using alexander tactics just fine because they didn't need a replacement penis and knew how to fight

Why, are you retarded?