>VR is just a me-
VR is just a me-
Other urls found in this thread:
>moving your character without moving yourself
>in quake
Dear fucking god I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it
cool gameplay, but darkplaces kinda sucks
on the left
>classic fps in vr
That sounds pretty fucking great actually.
It is. Motion controls make weapons like the Super Nailgun and Grenade Launcher so satisfying to use.
Never had an ounce of thought for VR or what its like, but anytime I briefly saw a VR why was it always on rails, or the movement was retarded. Also why cant people just play a normal game with a standard controller but its just in VR, I assume its related to motion sickness.
I could literally play this just fine 20 years ago with my ball point mouse. VR fad is already over.
Some can. I can, and it's great. A large percentage of people who do get sick can acclimate as well. Just have to do short bursts and build up tolerance.
>Facebook still pumping money into it and just released two headsets
>Valve just released a headset
>Microsoft still doing WMR
>Sony has great sales for PSVR and still funding exclusives
stay mad, poorfag
>I suffer really bad motion sickness so nobody is allowed to use VR.
Motion sickness only ever seems to get bought up when oversensitive poor fags want to catch out VR. I have Dyspraxia and am incredibly sensitive to motion sickness but I can play VR with locomotion just fine on my Rift S and my friend's Valve Index. If you genuinely can't that's okay but don't ruin it for the rest of us.
Your ounce of thought was probably over after the initial release. Developers greatly overestimated concerns for motion sickness. All VR games now have normal movement. For controllers, it is because motion controls work better and allow more intuitive interaction with the game.
I remember reading book about this, some Russian SF.
Pretty much all games made in VR have some form of locomotion. It's why Rift and Index controllers have analog sticks. Most games require locomotion now. There is no way you can play Blade & Sorcery with teleporting. Watch this video for an example of good VR games
oculus quest is a normie flop meme, but quake unironically plays better on this than on the vive
can't play fast paced shooters on touchpad garbage cause valve is buttfuck retarded. still waiting for a decent controller to hit the market so i can do a full playthrough
>TFW Years of playing GBA on car trips with no AC has made me all but immune to motion sickness for anything short of the most abusive of carnival rides
VR Feels fucking amazing.
This game is legitimately terrifying in VR .
How do you turn 360 in VR?
You play these games standing up. VR is for power stance chads, not gamer chair virgins.
Either physically turn around, or use the analog stick like on a regular game.
scared the shit out of me as a kid, kind tempted to try this on my rift, didn't know it was modded for VR.
>analog stick
So you are forced to use shitty console controllers?
No thanks.
(1) I said you could physically turn around, dumb fuck
(2) They're motion controllers, one for each hand. They track your hands in 3d space and allow you grip and touch objects. But they also have thumbsticks to facilitate movement since even in roomscale VR you are limited by the size of your room.
You use hand tracking controllers. You can literally see it in every webm posted so far. Are you retarded or shitposting?
Yes, a mouse and keyboard set up would work great standing up with a giant plastic blindfold on your face.
weak genes dont matter you should've been culled out of the population centuries ago when none of your ancestors fought in battle
I don't understand what you think VR is? Do you think you just load up a game on your PC and slap a headset on right where you're sitting? They're not 3D glasses.
>not knowing instinctively where your hands belong
You'd be surprised how many people think this. I see 3DTV comparisons all the time. I have to confess that's kind of how I imagined it before I actually tried a real headset. The cardboard shit is about as impressive as 3DTV, which is where a lot of people first try it. Also poorfags who don't want to feel like they're missing out (they are).
Not him, but that's what I wanted them to be. I'd love to load up a standard M&KB shooter but also have a VR headset instead of the monitor.
But how do you F A S T?
You can do that with programs that mirror your monitor into your headset. It displays your desktop on to a giant screen in 3D space like a movie theater. The problem is that the games won't be 3D because you're not playing them in VR. It's still nice. It's like playing vidya in a private theater. You would use the KB+M in this case.
But what you have to understand is that VR games need head tracking, which means the camera is controlled solely by your head. You can't just make stereoscopic versions of non-VR games and load them into a headset so they look 3D without any adjustments. If you were to play a VR game without headtracking where the camera was controlled by the mouse (like your standard FPS) you would get sick. Your brain would be thrown off by the subtle movements of your head that aren't being translated to the world around you.
It can be that. It works really well for the old FPS vr mods. Missed opportunity for more modern games. The real bitch is getting a modern game running well in VR. NMS is fun but runs like a dog.
BTW does anyone know to increase the rotation speed on the thumbstick in the quake vr mod? I tried fucking with the yaw settings in the cfg file but no dice. It's painfully slow.
>we're stuck in the VR dark ages because of retards like this
>If you were to play a VR game without headtracking where the camera was controlled by the mouse (like your standard FPS) you would get sick.
That makes sense. I guess I thought it would be a combination of both, where you still had head tracking but looking behind you involved using the mouse. I could still see that being sickening though. Oh well, I'm glad I stuck around for this thread. I just don't have the space necessary to play.
Obviously I've never played so I don't have a fucking clue, but would it not be easy to transition games to VR just by using the headset as a screen, I.E use PS4 controller for prey, headset screen is moved by analog, would be an easy way to port games to VR and get install base up.
How does one play this i have my vive ready to go
They should just fucking give up on locomotion because even the best systems are fiddley as shit. Superhot VR has the right idea.
I think the main thing you are missing is that there is never any need to have the precision of a mouse. Your head works better for turning the camera. Your hands with motion controls work better for aiming since you have full 6 degrees of freedom. Using a controller is just to just point you in the general direction you want to face if you are playing games sitting down. After that, you would switch to other types of controls for things that actually matter.
kek what a braindead retard
i noticed a trend with people who fall for blatant scams, blind hype, etc... they can't extract implicit context from gameplay videos and make judgements based on that, they think they need to actually experience it. it is as if they didn't even pay attention to whatever they were seeing
that's gay. you can do it using a cheap phone and Vorpx, we are way past that. the sweet spot until a viable consumer device is able to write/read stuff on the brain (possibly never) is standing VR, you get to interact with objects, reload guns, and etc... while covering ludicrous distances through artificial locomotion. this way any regular flat games can still work in VR as they are, it just needs to be ported
that's how you play elite dangerous in vr.
>no movement smoothing
enjoy your stomach crawling up your throat while you walk up and down stairs do you?
Quake and Skyrim are games I'd lose weeks to in VR though
Jesus christ retard learn to shut up. The current set up is fine for VR. You have controllers that emulate your hands. With buttons similar to a gamepad so it's easy to use. With Rift S you can simulate forefinger, thumb and griping motion. On Index you have full finger tracking for even more immersion. You can't just sit down and have a TV in front of your face. You need spacial awareness that comes from headtracking. Motion sickness can come from moving in game but knowing you're not moving in real life. Which is why we have analoge controlls and all kinds of help shit for people with motion sickness.
Chill the fuck out. He already admitted he doesn't get it and is just asking why VR is the way it is. I don't think he's trying to shit on VR.
Like I said here you CAN play non-VR games in a VR environment with a program called Bigscreen that mirrors your desktop on to a virtual screen in 3D space.
The content on the screen itself won't be 3D, but you can still play the games normally with either a gamepad or KB+M. There's no need for the developer to do anything to get this to work.
This isn't going to attract more people to VR because people who want VR games are looking for full 3D immersive experiences. They want games with full headtracking that put you inside the world.
that is actually worse. you would still be moving after letting go of the stick. it would be unplayable, possibly causing sickness
A VR 1st person shooter conversion should be really straight forward even with basic hand tracking. That is why there are mods for several games. I think the main problem would be adjusting the interface and it also opens up the possibility of a lot of glitches when you can move your body and hands in a way the game wasn't designed for. It doesn't matter in a mod, but developers other than Bethesda can't sell games filled with bugs.
>Slow as FUCK
Why the fuck doens't he just use keyboard and mouse for movement?
We just finished responding to this bait already
Just because I'm right and you're too brainlet to prove me wrong doesn't mean it's bait
kill yourself, you dumb fucking retard
You've never played Quake if you don't see how being forced to play with an analog stick is a problem.
Hell you can see it from the OP webm and awkwardly and slowly he's moving around.
>seething poorfags baiting as brainlets to cope with the fact that they will never experience this
Commercial VR is as cheap as it is ever going to get.
If you haven't bought in by now you're never going to.
Sorry that you expected the fucking holodeck from a HMD
That doesn't even make sense because analog controls only affect Quake's aiming, not movement. It is entirely possible to run, bhop, and circle jump in Quake VR. An analog movement stick does not prevent that.
Also keep in mind that the aiming is not done by analog sticks. You aim with your hands like you would point and shoot a real gun. It's entirely independent of where you're looking. You can shoot around corners or behind you if you wanted to.
you're the one who never played quake if you can't recognize that that is the speed you get on PC, the mod doesn't touch on movement at all. he just isn't doing all of that strafe jumping + bhop chore
The only thing that makes me doubt you is that quakefags, doomfags, all those classic shooter faggots are genuinely complete fucking retards.
Holy fucking shit. You're literally parroting shit you've heard but don't understand at all.
Quake is a really shitty game.
this. remember when motion sickness from reading books in cars were a thing? how its completely and utterly gone now? its because people got used to it because they did it more then a few times when phones became a thing
the weak should fear the strong
what the fuck even is "good VR" and "bad VR"?
VR makes it better. It's more immersive. The dark environments actually feel oppressive. The monsters sound like they're growling right in your ears. Fiends jump right at your face and get your heart pumping. Then, you're given an arsenal of kickass guns to shoot just like you would in real life. Hand-tracked aiming is to mouse aiming what mouse aiming is to gamepad aiming.
movement and rotation on fucking touchpads isn't even "bad VR" it is straight unplayable.
hope i cleared this one for you non gamer
Bad VR is VR that does not keep the player's comfort in mind at all, or is so poorly optimized that it results in getting poor tracking or dropped framerates. Poor performance is what causes the motion sickness. The reason so many people report motion sickness in VR, but enthusiasts don't is because casual VR experiences are on shitty devices like cell phones that can't get the performance necessary for a smooth and comfortable experience.
Some VR games have great implementation that is smooth and fun to play. Others are badly thought out, broken or just badly designed.
Compare and contrast From Other Suns (Good, smart, intuitive) to No Man's Sky VR (Awful, laggy, unresponsive and unpleasant to control)
>that texture pack
>those tiny weapon models
god im so tired of people talking like fantasy characters once they've been 'redpilled'
Chet probably just refuses to adjust and avoids it all together instead of powering through the sickness and getting his VR legs.
I had the same problem real bad when I got my Vive and I've never had motion sickness in my life. Forcing myself through several hours over a few days of a pounding headache and wanting to puke every time I put the headset on for more than 15 minutes and I was able to zoom around running and shooting no problem. Never gotten sick since.
and everyone is tired of people talking as if everyone had to cater to their mental illnesses
>>moving your character without moving yourself
>>in quake
tell me why is this even here
that's nonsense
So that would be bad controller design (retarded Vive Wands), not "bad VR". And that wouldn't make you sick
Motion sickness 99% of the time comes from smooth locomotion and turning. Poor performance has nothing to do with it - first of all you have shit like ASW to keep it at high frame rates even on minimum spec cards.
But if you jump into joystick locomotion as a beginner, even 4k panels running at 240Hz won't help you.
Poor VR implementation doesn't make it more likely to get you sick. As long as you have you VR legs, it makes no difference
The camera movement is very important when navigating in quake and because it is bound to the analog stick in VR it ends up being slow and imprecise.
>he just isn't doing all of that strafe jumping + bhop chore
Because he can't.
Looks at :10
He sees the enemy, but instead of shooting at it WHILE moving for the box of ammo, he has to do one thing after he's done the other. It's slow and awkward.
During the whole video he has to drag around the camera.
I guess the issue become from the fact that now you have to deal with 3 things to control at the same time in different ways (movement, aiming, camera). Plus the fact that the camera is bound to shit-tier controls.
Now start rocket jumping
>bad controller design
it is designed as intended. the wands got memepads cause people like chet insisted to death that you couldn't have artificial locomotion in any VR games ever or people would get sick and die of cancer
and i was criticizing the controller. to me that quake mod unironically plays better on the oculus quest
The camera isn't controlled by the analog. You CAN have the turning controlled by analog if for some reason you aren't able to move your body. The camera is your head. You turn your body physically in the world to look around. You play the game by standing. This isn't a seated experience with a gamepad in your lap. And I even said in that same post that bhopping and circle jumping is entirely possible in Quake VR.
Here's rocket jumping with TF2 weapons in another game. It's also possible in Quake VR, but I don't have a webm of that.
Rocket jumping is at 1:00
Half Life VR is coming out this year.
Analog stick only controls movement in VR. That's it. Having it control turning is optional.
trash that fucks with the logic of quake
is now the slowest and worst way to play quake.
And I played it just fine years, decades ago.
>literally says "analog movement" in the post
>still think it controls the camera
I was referring to image you posted. I can smell onions through my screen
i dont get motionsickness from vr or boats. but i do get sick from cars, whats wrong with me?
Different origins of sickness, same symptoms though
Honestly, at this point, I think the best shot VR has of taking off is if developers just start adding VR to their old games en masse. It would be a quick way to pad out the market with reasonably good VR games, and get it out of the "shitty tech demo" slump it's in now.
>He sees the enemy, but instead of shooting at it WHILE moving for the box of ammo, he has to do one thing after he's done the other. It's slow and awkward.
Conveniently ignoring this post You can shoot where you're not looking. You don't have to look in the direction you want to move. The camera, aiming, and locomotion are all independent of one another.
>he has to do one thing after he's done the other
no he does that cause he is a noob
most people aren't MLG. they don't bhop, they don't strafe jump, they do action after action in a succession as if they were a character from the sims. can you even understand that?
hlvr isn't the first game remade in vr it's a new game that will only be playable in vr.
analog movement dosent imply one or the other.
I've never seen a post this fucking brainlet. This isn't even shitting on VR. You just don't understand what it is or how it works. You don't get how the camera works. Your brain can't comprehend it. You're like a blind person trying to imagine what it's like to see. You don't understand what head tracking is. You don't understand how a headset works or what it does.
Yet despite all this you're trying to shit on something you cannot begin to grasp.
Analog movement means movement. What else could it be. That post even mentions the difference between analog aiming and analog movement. Analog aiming implies controlling the camera since they are bound to one another in a traditional non VR game. Movement is moving. Moving your character physically. Controlling a camera isn't moving. You wouldn't even call what Quake has a "camera" anyways, even if it technically is. You would call it analog aiming.
>The camera isn't controlled by the analog. You CAN have the turning controlled by analog if for some reason you aren't able to move your body. The camera is your head. You turn your body physically in the world to look around. You play the game by standing. This isn't a seated experience with a gamepad in your lap. And I even said in that same post that bhopping and circle jumping is entirely possible in Quake VR.
So how the fuck do you turn 360 without tangling yourself?
The Oculus Quest has no cords. It's a self-contained VR headset. It runs the games without a PC. It can run Quake VR fine.
>analog movement dosent imply movement
ah shit that's enough Yea Forums for today
What about all other forms of VR?
Friendly reminder that the Quake and Half Life VR ports on the Quest are better than the PCVR ports
Step over the cord.
okay, lets think about this for just a second: when you play a computer game. with a computer. what part of your controller, the keyboard, or the mouse, would you consider analog input. now, of those two possible controllers, one of them, providing analog movement along the x and y axis, what do you use it for
if your fucking answer is you use the mouse to run around, god help you
to be explicitly clear, the analog refers to movement on the x, or x and y planes. a digital one is on, and off. analog is a range, percentage, whatever. it measures the movement along an axis. hence, "analog movement"
this has been your computer 101 introduction. report to class tommorow at go fuck yourself o clock
No shit OP is playing like a faggot, he's risking falling and breaking his neck if he were playing seriously.
Keeping track of the cord isn't difficult. You just step over it. It's not ideal. I'm not going to pretend like it's perfect, but its not going to disrupt your immersion or be a constant irritation.
some people stick the cable to their ceiling
i have it braided so it is slick, and i just step over it whenever needed, but it is far more convenient to just rotate ingame
You learn to tip toe around the wire
Despite all the limited graphical power, the quest having no wire is pretty fucking great
Here is something pretty much impossible to do on any other VR system (dropping on my back and turning 180 degrees, any other system you'd have a wire either dangling in your mouth or it gets stuck on your back, ripping the headset off)
I'm waiting for the Index to get an official wireless streaming option before considering getting back into PC VR
OP is playing on the quest
We weren't referring to analog movement in the context of a mouse and keyboard, just the gamepad. Gamepads have analog movement on one stick and analog aiming on the other. Quake VR only uses the analog movement.
>shooting gallery
>I was stupid enough to think that VR used analog stick camera controls and its YOUR fault
no, they both have analog movement, and you can bind those axises to either movement or view. its why you can play call of duty with a rockband guitar, because both of those can accept 0, 100, or any percent in between.
its the stick ITSELF thats analog. the stick moves...in an analog manner. the buttons have just two modes. on, off. digital. i forgot, tommorows homework is to blow me
i mean, it could, but i dont really see how me defining analog movement because it technically dosent actually mean that infers that im either guy
battlezone 2 actually did this. moment was left and right on the mouse, but looking up and down was up and down on the mouse. shoot was space and jump was left click if i remember correctly. pretty annoying.
Movement refers solely to moving the character on a plane. Substitute the word "movement" in the posts with "locomotion" if this is still unclear to you. This is just semantics at this point. Either way, the way VR works is abundantly clear by the several webms posted here as well as the plethora of media on the internet. It is insane to think you would use an analog stick to control the camera in a VR game, even if you misunderstood a post to be implying that.
How is his personal experience "ruining" vr for anyone else? You are the one that is overl sensitive, as evident by your sperg post.
I get motion sickness as well, but I'm all for VR. I've only tried Samsung VR and I only feel a little I'll after a long time, I assume a better PC setup would make it negligible. The guy you were crying about was probably pointing out running around in a game specifically like quake too. Don't jump on everything like it's an attack.
>Movement refers solely to moving the character on a plane.
wew, good thing you were wrong in the first sentence so i didnt need to read all dat shit. how does the mouse change the number on the x or y axis
hint: you m___ the mouse
Because these are the same people who shout that VR should never have locomotion because if they suffer motion sickness everyone must do as well. And devs listen to these fucks.
you fucking baiting sperg. Movement in the moving of one thing to another place. The previous user even tried to change the terminoligy to locomotion because that is a more acurate way of describing leg movement seperate from camera movement. To make this clearer for you
I'm getting a HTC Vive tommorow, what games shall I try out, already bought L.A. Noire VR and the gun game.
>Movement in the moving of one thing to another place
ALMOST. the word i was looking for was "move". really, really close tho.
wow okay not sure what that has to do with defining analog movement as a method of input. calm down you sperg
Trade it in for Rift or Rift S with touch controllers. It's cheaper and the controls are better due to having actual analogue sticks. The controls simulate finger and gripping motions really well too. For games, From Other Suns, Star Trek Bridge Crew, and Blade & Sorcery
Dunno why you picked Vive. It's has outdated ergonomics, optics and screen.
Terrible value for $499.
I tried Here They Lie VR because it was a PS+ "free" game, and it got to me. Made me pretty nauseous and gave me a slight headache. Plus it's a shitty walking simulator full of cryptic bullshit. No other VR game has done that to me, I can play even fast moving games like Borderlands VR or Wipeout and feel fine afterwards.
Movement solely refers to moving the character on a plane in the context of analog aiming versus analog movement. Why are you purposefully ignoring context? It doesn’t make you look better. You’re arguing a technicality based on semantics.
Is there a way I can set up Doom Explorer to use my steam copy of d2 and have it count as hours played?
wew, good thing you were wrong in the first sentence so i didnt need to read all dat shit. wrong.
battlezone vr
skyrim vr
serious sam 1st 2nd encounters vr