There should be an alternative nsfw Yea Forums where everyone could shitpost about videogames and post nsfw things and where jannies can't do anything.
There should be an alternative nsfw Yea Forums where everyone could shitpost about videogames and post nsfw things and...
those tits are way too big
those tits are way too small
It's called Yea Forums
those tits
yeah, hiromoot should add a porn board, and maybe an alternative one, and an ecchi one, and a cute one, and one for 3D girls, and a board for random stuff.
I dunno why he sticks us all here
God anime girls are so hot. I want full immersive virtual reality already
Sure, as long as furries aren't allowed to post there
Furry porn is explicitly only allowed on Yea Forums and /trash/, it's not even allowed on /aco/ or any of the other porn boards.
kys tranny
Yea Forums?
Taihou's Taihou's are the best
I love Taihou, but her voice is annoying. She should have a voice more similar to South Dakota in my opinion
My wife Taihou is so perfect!
Please don't post pictures of my wife in suggestive clothing.
That's what /e/ is for, yet porn still gets dumped here, much like how people still post pokemon threads here even though they have their own board.
You're posting on it.
>have all the event ships but taihou
I'm pissed
Does she even have non-suggestive clothing
>hating Aoi Yuuki
I love milkies
i think he's not hating the VA but the choice to pick a high-pitched voice for a "mature lady"-looking character
>post nsfw things and where jannies can't do anything
Its called /e/
>disliking Gap Moe
You wouldn't happen to know the author of this would you?
I wouldn't mind /e/ actually having content for once.
No it's more fun to break the rules.
I like that
Why the heck are her feet in the way? Can't even see her boobs
Stupid idea.
Lewd threads on Yea Forums are hot because you're violating a rule when making them. Everything is more exciting.