Hi Yea Forums, this is haar, the absolute and most powerful unit in all fire emblem...

hi Yea Forums, this is haar, the absolute and most powerful unit in all fire emblem, not even seth or marcus can compete against his power

say something nice about him

Attached: haar.png (218x257, 20K)

>most powerful

Not when Edelgard's prf has multiple use Galeforce. Go to bed, grandpa.

Camilla is Harr with boobs and better availability
Although she does have an arrow weakness there’s not too many times it’s that limiting

When we can another emblem with PoR and RD's art direction?

When Echoes blows it out of the water? Hopefully never.

haar joins with almost capped stats killing everythng at base meanwhile you have to actually put effort and resources into edelgard

you cannot be absolute if you have weakness, haar only weakness is thunder magic which you cannot consider it a weakness because thunder magic is really really really bad

too bad echoes sucks as a game and has nothing more but good art and music

Attached: Mia_(FE10_Artwork).png (1868x3100, 2.42M)

it's not just thunder magic is bad, enemy thunder mages are also all awful and jokes, Haar eats them for breakfast

whew there sure is alot of fire emblem threads lately, is old Yea Forums back?

>genealogies in your path

sigurdbro is pretty good too and probably second best unit in the franchise, he only loses to haar because he does not have a wyvern

Does Sigurd really need a wyvern, or would it really help outside the desert crossing in 5, and the mountains in ch 4 to re-inforce Mahnya.
Apart from those 2 small chapter sub-sections a flying mount wouldn't help that much, especially with roads giving cavs such a reduced movement cost.

Also Pent isn't quite up there, but a solid contender

Do you think this is a canon thing where thunder mages get bullied for choosing such a shitty magic?

there is the forest in chapter 1 and the villages in chapter 2

also pent is kinda overrated

Thunder was the best magic type in PoR,the only reason fire came at all close to it was the amount of beast tribe feral ones, but outside of that eff. damage, thunder had good hit, and better mt and crit

He doesn't have to visit the villages in chapter 2, that can be done by anybody, maybe flying down the cliff to attack the 3rd castle quicker, but they do have about 10 ballistae protecting it, and only 1 RNG for hit, so that would screw him over.
As for the forest in CH1, you want to go slow so Deidre can silence Sandima, and Jamke can be lured out to get recruited by Aideen, it wouldn't do to have a killer bow user with continue and pursuit go after a flier you need to keep alive

>thunder had good hit, and better mt and crit
I'm pretty sure in PoR, Thunder had a terrible hit chance. The only thing I remember is fearing thunder magic because those fuckers could have some pretty scary crit rate.
They completely killed Thunder in the sequel tho, I wonder why.

>Playing Nu-Fire Emblem

Attached: a5c.png (750x750, 261K)

Maybe for enemy users, but I never had an issue with Calill, Soren, or Ilyana missing too often with thunder outside of very base level Ilyana, never tried using Tormod, or Bastian so maybe it's more of an issue with them.
Don't get me wrong, thunder always had the worst mt of the three anima types, but your mages tyypically had enough skill to reliably hit with it

Last I checked Morgan is the strongest by having your FeMU fuck IIRC Yarne for STR or Laurent for MAG.

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>Yarne for STR
This explains a few things about my sister in-law. Here I just thought she was a furry, but it's worse than that, she's a minmaxing faggot who's willing to fuck furries for better stats in a game where it doesn't really matter.

Hi Yea Forums. this is Sigurd, the absolute most powerful unit in all fire emblem, not even Seth or Haar can compete against his power.

Say something nice about him.

Attached: 1507879665635.jpg (1024x768, 84K)

I was slightly wrong, yarne makes the fastest, nah the tankiest, laurent the highest mag or critbot depending on his dad, and strongest is gerome, with Inigo tagging along for skill activation rates.

My point still stands.

But I married Cuckdelia because I liked her, so what do I know

PoR and RD is nu-Fire Emblem. Awakening is Nu-Nu-Fire Emblem but then Three Houses dials it back to Nu-Fire Emblem

Imma need a quick rundown, user. All the threads/videos I see involve waifu bullshit and not one mention of actual gameplay. What little I've seen makes it look like they made Fire Emblem easier than it already was by adding more JRPG stuff to it.

>cheese bosses by using phantoms the whole game to prevent them from retaliating
>final boss decide instead to go straight for Ephraim and cap him with a crit

Attached: Fomortiis.png (1557x1060, 18K)

Nice peripheral vision NERD!

he fucking died as soon as i got him lmao

>ballistas in a corridor level
It's like that level want all your flying units dead.

A game can be easy and still fun, just as a game can be hard and not fun.

Sacred stones is one of the easiest games ever made and it's still pretty fun. Meanwhile, everyone can't stop creaming themselves over Conquest's difficulty and yet it still couldn't save that travesty.

>this fag thinks FE8 is fun

Excuse me Caeda in 11 is the best unit in the game
More like the Wing Spear is the best Weapon in the game though

Pent is still an amazing unit and probably top tier and best non Mounted unit in Blazing Blade bar your refreshers

he got shafted in Feh, the guy didn't deserve those stats...