Why doesn't Dragon Quest sell in the West?
Why doesn't Dragon Quest sell in the West?
it would if they went back to calling it dragon warrior
Westerners have higher standards.
You'd think it'd be popular with normalfags because of the Dragon Ball character designs
Thank you for using my crops user, and all I can say is it has always been more popular in Japan due to its culture focus
I don't play weeaboo garbage but I did buy Dragon Quest Heroes 2 for $12. It's a fun game minus the weeaboo aesthetics.
Because DQ is boring. You can't sell it based on the gameplay. You can't sell it because of the story. There is nothing
It sucks. People only pretend to care now because of smash.
haha nah bro that's my crop i think we might have a problem
probably because a bunch of idiot normies think 'wtf, this ripped off dragon ball z, gokuuuuuuu!!!!' or whatever it is their brains 'do'
Dragon Quest IX sold over a million copies in the West. Fanboys are going to get mad, but the PS4 was the problem Dragon Quest XI in the West, they would have done better teaming up with Nintendo again and selling the 3DS version here.
It has no legacy in the West since it never released outside of a couple games that got lost in a sea of other titles, and it's hard to market to people. It doesn't have a brand name in the West as mentioned before, It doesn't have a unique UI/Aesthetic, It doesn't have anything that would catch someone's eye upon seeing commercials and things of the kind.
Nice try fag I been posting this for the last three days, try to find one (1) post in the archive that predated mine
What do you expect from a series that sells hard on nostalgia when half of their titles weren't initially given a Western release?
It's not edgy & realistic like Final Fantasy is.
looks generic as fuck
that name alone screams "dont give a fuck" in my ear.
It's too "boring" for ADD riddled gamers.
It wasn’t advertised enough
I play some jrpgs but I never bothered with dragon quest. i dunno it just doesn’t seem all that flashy to catch my eyes. Like I own xenoblade, FE, etc. on my switch that I’m playing right now
the west doesnt care if it was Le first dumbed down JRPG
Isn’t it because it’s shit?
Piss poor advertising and localization as opposed to FF which actually played it smart.
Honest answer? They didn’t capitalize on Toriyama’s art style and its visual similarities to Dragon Ball and, instead, opted for a medieval theme.
Ergo, it’s going to skyrocket in western popularity soon rather than in the late 80s/early 90s.
It will on the switch. Snoyboys don't appreciate good games.
It created the genre.
I used to watch DBZ and I don't find the art that appealing in DQ just because it kinda looks like DB. It's weird it works out like that. It's not bad, it's just, I don't think to myself, whoah Goku.
>Fighting the same boring enemies for hours for a slightly higher number with the most stale rpg combat ever
Series weren't coming to the West when most people got into RPGs, during the SNES and early PS1 era. By the time DW7 came out, most people had the FF imprint on them.
Has anyone here played DQ11? I've never played any DQ game and I was wondering if it's any good.
I'm looking for a fun, classic JRPG to play because Persona 5 didn't quite scratch that itch for me.
For reference, the last times I enjoyed myself playing a JRPG, it was when I played FFX, P4:G, and Tales of the Abyss. How does DQ compare to those?
>I'm looking for a fun, classic JRPG
You honestly cant go better than DQ11 for that. Feels wholly like a classic JRPG with a few QoL features that dont make it as tedious as older titles.
If you want classic jrpg with modern graphics then yes DQXI is absolutely something you should try out.
Try out the demo and see if you’ll like it.
Is each DQ it's own thing or do I need to know some backstory before jumping in?
Thanks for letting me know about the demo!
1,2,3 and 4,5,6 are in the same universes, but 11 is pretty much its own universe. No prior knowledge needed.
Thank you anons. I appreciate the replies. Have a good one
I'm going to be real with you, even as a fan of DQ, I don't think the series is particularly special. Mainly because the battle system has changed even less than Pokemon's, and if you've meta-gamed one DQ game, you can meta-game them all.
I'd recommend DQXI just because the game looks amazing, it's incredibly long without feeling grindy (aside from the casinos), the characters are actually good for the first time since DQV, and I liked the music.. Still wouldn't recommend it over Xenoblade Chronicles 1/X, Ys VIII, or Tales of Vesperia/Symphonia/Berseria, but it's still higher up than FFXIII/XV, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS/S/M/US/UM/Sw/Sh, Tales of Zestiria, and Kiseki shit like Cold Steel or Trails in the Sky.
I loved that game
I'd reckon it's the 3rd best JRPG on the Switch right now, behind Vesperia and Ys VIII, tied with Octopath Travelers. Even if you own the other JRPGs, it's worth buying just to give it a try, unless you regularly replay the others. I actually dropped my second playthrough of Xenoblade 2 because I got way more invested in DQXI (PC version).
because dq is for faggots
But I finished Act II of DQ 11 literally the same night I lost my virginity to my girlfriend.
You too man. Take care!
Go home girl gamer
I never understood what the appeal of it was so supposed to be.
I picked up DQXI long after discussion died out on Yea Forums and don't have any relevant memes for the game
>Why doesn't Dragon Quest sell in the West?
everyone just pirated the game on PC. thread me.
It may come as a surprise but Akira toriyama art is dogshit for non weebs.
>fire emblem
yikes. thankfully it's working as intended to keep things like you away
It's the Super Mario of RPGs. The most basic, by the numbers game you can pick up, but also extremely high quality, even if it doesn't try anything new.
If you're trying to introduce someone to the genre, or the last game you played was a little too gimmicky, Dragon Quest is perfect for you.
Not well marketed. My first one was DQ10, I'm nearly 30 but knows Final Fantasies better while I don't even give a big fuck about them.
He's legendary in the West. Dragon Ball has about the same brand recognition as Mario or Mickey Mouse.
I blame marketing. Until the Smash inclusion, there was an absurd amount of people who had no idea about Dragon Quest. And they still don't capitalize on it.
You realize Dragonball was one of the big game changers to bring anime to the west?
I'm sorry, but it's true. Especially in places that speak Spanish or English.
Because generic western fantasy is alot more generic in the west than in Japan
Only if west means Latin America and I said non weebs.
Consider the fact that everyone recognizes Dragonball, unlike every other anime that you have to explain to people who don't care for anime.
It's super well known in America and Canada, too. Do a person-on-the-street interview in Toronto or London or Dublin or New York and ask how many people recognize Dragon Ball, and I guarantee you that more people know about it than could point to where Japan or Germany are on a map.
Not really, considering there aren't too many fantasy RPG games in the West. When was the last time a WRPG came out that had even a similar setting to DQ? Dragon Age Cisquisition?
>every western game setting is either Star Wars or cyberpunk-esque shit
to answer your question The Witcher
Because it's garbage. One of the least interesting JRPG franchises out there. That's all there is to it. Every other argument is just DQtard cope.
It's hard to build a brand when your games are spread on plenty of platforms making it difficult to follow, and half of those releases don't even make it in the West
JRPG nowadays heavily rely on nostalgia to selln that's why Final Fantasy is the only one holding up while all the other brands have become confidential if not extinct. Dragon Quest don't have this nostalgia factor in the West.
>Make blonde, blue eyed generic hero
>Make tiny brown side-character with mr. Popo face
>Ends up being my favourite character by the end of the game and I hide hero's face with the dragon armour
Great game
Because SE just expects DQ to be popular because it's DQ. They never advertise it. I don't think they even sell slime-based merchandise in the west
Poland =/= The West
>They never advertise it. I don't think they even sell slime-based merchandise in the west
DQ is difficult to market. The appearance of the game makes it look like it's a game for kids, while it's actually a game for 30+ year old nostalgiafags
You and I both know that whenever some dickweed on Yea Forums says west they mean everywhere that isnt Japan