Soulless, boring, uninspired, monotonous, repetitive...need I continue?

Soulless, boring, uninspired, monotonous, repetitive...need I continue?

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It literally says SOUL right there in the name, dude.

thats not classic wow OP

Still better than ds2 lol

Enjoy your "poise" lmao

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Do you ever get tired of falseflagging all day in every souls thread?

boss rush mod is the only way to play it

Yes actually

it adds to the depressing atmosphere

Post >yfw you aren't a DaS2shitter

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I liked it, the original was lightning in a bottle and can't be remade, but I like what they managed to give us.

look ma I posted it again!

>lightning in a bottle
Shut up zoomer. It was a soulless rehash of demons souls.

>uses the word zoomer
You’re the zoomer, and fuck your beta test

>lightning in a bottle
>half of a game

>lightning in a bottle
Keep talking boomer. It was a complete step-up from demons souls.

after playing all the souls games, miyazaki is a straight up hack

Demon's Souls
Dark Souls

Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3


>boss has infinite stamina and literally spams R1
>rolls take away 1/50 of your stamina
very fun game design, rolling is so fun I like the part where you roll I think that's pretty cool
overall I like the game, the most fun thing was probably rolling but honorable mention goes to rolling I liked that a lot too

Dark Souls 3 is literally the best game in the series and only incels disagree

>magic isn't overpowered
>faith isn't overpowered
>heavy armor isn't overpowered
>poise isn't overpowered
>dodging (ie the skillful way to play the game) is the most balanced it's even been
>highest variance in builds
>best level design
>best enemy design
>best npc's
>best stories
>best bosses (no more garbage like Gaping dragon and Gargoyles) that make you feel like you're dueling someone

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Okay, still good though.

Some areas suck but the boss fights are the best in the series and the

Better than 1 too
Nostalgiafags make me fucking sick

>Some areas suck
All areas in Ds3 suck save for one
Areas are to DS3 what bosses are to DS2

>Nostalgia for a 2011 game
You have to be 18+ to post here

>Iudex Gundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Abyss Watchers
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Pontiff Sulyvahn
Big humanoid in armor swinging TWO swords at you.
>Yhorm the Giant
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Dragonslayer Armour
Big ___________ armor swinging a sword at you.
>Champion Gundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Lothric, Younger Prince
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Nameless King
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Soul of Cinder
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you AND sometimes uses the magic attack from the Crystal Mage.

Simply epic.

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I'm not the one being nostalgic for it, 1fags are you absolute braindead retard.

DS2 fags are obnoxious. Need I say more?

haha you retard you got everything wrong!
Lorian sometimes uses a spell and Nameless King has a thunderbolt. And Gundyr doesn't even have a sword absolutely BTFO how will you ever recover

3 unironically had the most fun invasions.

You've shown your true colors, zoomer.
Showing distaste for something due to popularity is a childish trait.

>boring empty maps with nothing fun it'd interesting to exploit
>pvp consists of mashing r1 with a longsword or comboing r1 into WA on applicable weapons
>invasions prioritizes worlds with multiple phantoms so it's always 2v1 or 3v1, only the most braindead of hosts would lose in this situation
>when someone gets hit they just backflip 10 times in a row and sip

3 had the worst invasions


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B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1...

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I have enjoyed every single game in the series. Even 2.

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Hell yeah Slave Knight Gael is an epic fight!

I kind of want to replay the game with a none shit build but then I remember that almost of the areas just aren't very fun to go through.

they are pretty well animated with nice movesets and only the dlc bosses hit hp sponge levels
from clearly got very good at animating big sword dudes and I'll take that over two games of dragon farts

No area is fun to go through. The only ones I don't mind are Cathacombs, Dungeons and Dreg Heap.

This. The bad with 2 isn't even a problem for me anymore because it has some good that cancels it out.


Yes but the visual aspect is the only interesting thing about most bosses in DS3. The rest is

>spam B
>r1 once twice if straightsword

It's fucking boring

Needed more huge bosoms.

You forgot best waifu

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I like the feeling of exploration that ds2 gives, that map in majula really help me to be interested in the games and most area are wide open and have vista in the background to help you understand your location, Ds1 you are in a giant tower and it's really hard to find your way , i had to cheat to find the catacomb, Ds3 level design suck because of the big ass castle city that you barely get to visit

Based af

The only part of the game that I liked was when you get the key to the tower behind the Firelink Shrine and find all the corpses of the past Fire Keepers.

poise doesn't work at all though

She's a basic bitch

The thing I hate most about DS3 is how linear it is. It's like the quality of the dark souls world design lowered with each entry

Maiden in black>Emerald herald>doll>a fucking bonfire>Fire keeper

>a fucking bonfire
You mean the Crestfallen Warrior?

>ds2 and ds2 desperately fighting over which is the SECOND worst game in the series
Don't you pathetic worms have any shame?


Are you implying that, as a ds1fag, I can't and shouldn't state my opinion on the other games in the series?

Everyone knows that Miyazaki can't into sequels. Ds2 and ds3 are both equally "eh" (not even bad) for completely different reasons.

>from brough back estus use during pvp it all ends the same, a chug match
FUCK that