Let's have a some discussion about FE3H, only people who cleared all routes allowed. What did you think of the game and which route did you like the best?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Other urls found in this thread:
>only people who cleared all routes allowed.
>released a month ago
seriously this. how the fuck do people get the motivation to do a 3rd fucking run
Normal/Casual only takes 6-10 hours if you skip all the story and monastery bits.
Brave of them to make Black Eagles the Nazi faction.
>if you skip all the story
What's the point then if you skip both story content and gameplay content?
They really should've locked most of the units to specific routes.
It makes absolutely no fucking sense for some of them to join the other side.
>That final map theme for the Deer Route
GD/BL are pretty interchangeable, what you mean is that they should have locked Edelgard from recruiting most people like the game does with Hilda.
I honestly think that every route is good it its own way but i also like edelgards route the most.
It isnt that long of a game when you beat it once sjnce the first time around you are focusing on grinding skill levels n shit
>Other 3H thread gets deleted
Why tho
I don't entirely agree, but I kind of do.
Lock too many units and you lose the whole poaching mechanic, but a few more route exclusives would have both been nice and would force players to try new units.
Lock Lysithea out of BL, for instance, or Ingrid out of GD because she's racist.
Yeah I don’t see someone like Caspar joining Edelgard but it would be hard to artificially balance the route around it when you already lose other Serios people.
>or Ingrid out of GD because she's racist
She only hates Duscur people, not every single race.
And her support with Claude is retarded enough to be fun.
Fair enough, mostly just shitposting anyway.
But you get my point, yeah?
It got deleted because of the twitter picture being the opener is my guess
>lose other
Why? You get at least 3 additional units: Shamir, Hanneman and Manuela.
>just hit the time skip
>put nearly 50 hours in
I've been talking to everyone and doing absolutely everything i can. Realistically, how much further have i got left? September is fucking stacked.
I agree there should be more locks, but really, the main problem is that most of the cast, including people in BE, would never join the empire in a war.
There's just a severe lack of actual thought put into Edelgard's path and her supporters.
Those dudes are available in every route
Figures Yea Forums would like the Nazi route
How many units do you have? There’s much less running around to do post time skip, especially depending on how many units you have.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Several guaranteed additional units could be used to tinker the balance of main cast.
Jesus fucking christ, how can someone be this autistic
Why would you keep the clear data and not save before the final mission
I've only got a couple over the house and the other staff/knights you can recruit.
>put the least time into the best route
Yeah there’s no more finding items and know there’s just less people to talk to so time goes by a little faster.
You also get more and more points to spend.
The game is already super easy on Hard mode. And what's the point of playing another route if you just skip its story?
I know after the jump it's chapter 2, but is it literally the mid point of the game? I just need to know how hard i need to push with this game in the short amount of time i have.
You have like 10 more chapters unless you are doing Edelgard which is just 6.
Depends on the route. They’re not equal lengths
>Only people who skipped the story are allowed to talk about the story
Okay, cheers. Will probably start picking and choosing my dialogue and time, don't fancy juggling 4 games next week. Fuck Edelgard.
>Bought it on release
>Still haven't finished my first run
>Closing in on 100 hours, just retook Fhirdiad
How many layers of incest is Rhea and Byleth on for S supporting?
It's a long but really engrossing ride, super worth it to delay new stuff a bit.
Yeah, i can see myself not pushing through it. I'll probably do Astral Chain and Fire Emblem at weekends, and Spyro and FFVIII during the weeks. I don't want to rush it as it is my GOTY so far.
You're her mom, she's your grandma and since she shared blood with your dad technically kinda like your aunt too.
In all technicalities, none.
At most, two.
At the very least there should have been more units like Lorenz in BL, where you have to re-recruit them after the time skip.
Hauteclere, Parthia or Dragon Claws?
Only have enough Mythril for one
Which characters had the best supports?
Game should have hard capped recruitment at ONE student and ONE knight/professor.
The recruitment shit really ruined a lot of things in this game.
Caspar really likes pumping kid after kid when he's not busy being a homo.
Save it for gradivus.
Otherwise, Parthia
I'm trying my best to finish my first run on Black Eagle Edelgard route but theres so many fucking paralogues to do I never even get to the story missions
I just got the game and normal/casual seems rather meh one month in. Should I restart and choose the harder options instead? It's my first FE but it feels way too lax
I'd give it one per house and maybe an additional one after the timeskip.
Casual mode is inheritly against the nature of fire emblem.
normal is easier than usual in threehouse, probably to ease in the new crowd on the Switch, change to Hard Classic senpai. If units die just rewind or else you'll just get lazy
I still working on the Blue Lions route, and it's looking to be my favorite unless it fucks up big time later.
meant for
I have absolutely no itentions of using NG+ to give my Byleth professor rank A+ on day 1 and just recruit whatever the fuck there is. Two playthroughs (BE and church), 70 hours each and I'll do it again with other 2 houses when Lunatic comes out.
>if you skip all the story and monastery bits
So you like retaking the same bridge 4 times just for fun?
Should I keep it in normal of go hard/classic?
As long as you enjoy a character driven story, it's the best one in the game in that regard.
Only issue is that it does never bother to explain slither shit.
Caspar is such a little pissbag. I don't know how you didn't bench him as soon as you could.
I think it's just the rewind button that makes it feel easier.
If it's your first fire emblem, I would say normal. But hard shouldn't be too bad.
The most important thing is to stay away from these threads and don't look ANYTHING up.
Why do some people hate Caspar, even though he's great? Is it just manlets projecting?
No, it's definitely easier, especially coming from fates.
The hacked harder modes already have enemies with better skills and those are not even half finished.
You can always use Divine Pulse lol.
>but that beats the whole point of playing on classic mode
Who gives a fuck?
Raphael and Flayn is fun.
naw theres plenty of game mechanics that make the game inherently easier. Like relics, abilities and being able to heal basically anywhere on the map.
I'm playing on Hard and not really having any problems.
He's second best BE boy, I don't get the hate either.
Marianne has the best romance support
>cucking Dimitri
>annoying personality
>annoying voice
>horrifically awful hair
What do you see in him?
>not fucking Dimitri youself
His route is one of the most romantic things in any FE.
The biggest problem that I have with Blue Lions is that ao much of the route focuses on Dimitri's decay into an emotionally broken murderhobo, and all of the events that drive him to that state happen offscreen. There's no point to leaving them offscreen either since they're all neatly summarized in an infodump. Why would you just skip over the source of your main character's entire motivation?
>Not marrying best girl
This guy gets it.
It's weird how often the game acts like you're playing the Female MU, even as a guy. There were tons of romance flags with Dimitri, even though dudes can't S Rank him.
Because the contrast between him ten minutes ago and him right after the timeskip works because of how brutal it is.
One of the first things you do with him is killing his sword students, which is a pretty big
>no wonder he's so fucked up
Why is Indech such a greedy bastard?
>There were tons of romance flags with Dimitri, even though dudes can't S Rank him.
>your hands are so warm
It may have just been a moment for you, but it was 5 years since you disappeared. Having the sudden change in character design and motivation drives the point home that every changed.
aaaaaw! I hope she'll be a happy widow.
Everyone is a widow to Dimitri, even his bros, except if he marries Byleth, for some reason it never mentions his death, yet every single one of his supports outside of her does.
Dedue will take care of her.
See I could get that if there was some ambiguity or mystery behind the dramatic change, but the infodump renders that moot. It's surprising sure but only because it's such a non sequitur, and once that non sequitur is explained it doesn't serve any purpose. I'm no asking for a full misery porn montage of him in prison, just something pre-timeskip to connect point A to point B. At least show him getting captured or something.
Like consider Berserk. Imagine if Berserk skipped the entire Eclipse, and then summarized it in a short dialogue. That's Blue Lions.
All the route share almost all the maps. How did you guys get the strength to play almost the same thing four times?
Marianne's route with Byleth is superior dude, and follows the progression of the story beautifully. I can understand if you're a Berniefag and want to stay true to your waifu, but in terms of Marianne's supports it's the best one.
>Imagine if Berserk skipped the entire Eclipse
Considering the amount of time it takes to get there.
The game makes you understand why Dimitri turned out the way he did, the dialogue isn't even relevant. You see his country getting fucked and his people being massacred. Him going to prison, being almost executed and all that is more like fluff.
took me about 200 hours to do all three routes I'd rate them:
BL > GD >>>>> BE
This is based almost solely on story as every routes chapters are absolutely awful. I did zero recruiting cross house, ill do a church run someday to recruit everyone.
Game is good but they copy-pasted a lot between routes.
People argue about how Crimson Flower has less chapters but those chapters tend to be the most unique both story and map wise.
On that note, Silver Snow is by far the worse route. It's literally the Golden Deer route except no Claude so you have to make do with the charismatic black hole that is Seteth.
BL and GD also share a lot of maps but the story context often differs (BL is more psycological storytelling, GD is more sociological storytelling).
What about Lysithea? the "save the sick little girl " is appealing.
I understood the need to keep the monastery from a gameplay point of view, but man it really killed what could have been a great part 2 to the game.
It makes you understand, sure, but it doesn't make you understand in a dramatically satisfying way. Dimitri is the centerpiece of Blue Lions, merely understanding the lynchpin of his character arc is not enough. If understanding was all there was to stories we wouldn't need anything besides wikipedia summaries.
>People unironically expected 4 completely unique routes.
Why are you guys so stupid?
>Silver Snow
Holy fucking shit was that route boring. you also get attention craving catherine, and Cyril "who?"
To be fair, the monastery should have been a simple menu with a nice 2d art, it would have been far less tedious and maybe they could have added more meaningful content in it other than Tea, fishing, praying, gardening and "everyone has holes in their pockets."
Finished GD and BL. Now doing BE and final route will be Church.
GD>BL, but I prefer BL more for characters.
>that ending
IMO Lysithea is top 3 girls, but Marianne actually changes dramatically in Part 2. Dealing with suicide and depression is also a more interesting story than Crest Aids, and she has the superior paralogue.
Can I SR aux battles and rare sightings?
I need more monsters
Third route in, and I really hope they drop the multiple route structure for futur game. There's so much shared content that it's just not worth it.
I really hated playing Male Byleth on my BL playthrough. Convince me that it's worth going back to that ugly bastard in order to marry Marianne. Otherwise I'll probably just gay marry Dorothea on my GD run, and Rhea on Church.
This. They should just put all their focus on a single route instead and add more maps.
You can tell the transition to the switch took a heavy toll. Fates had a lot of shared locations but all maps had their own little stuff.
Nah. The split shit is fine. They messed up by making Edelgard a possible route. The maps may be similar between the GD and BL, but the experience is very different.
Stop selling fucking Umbra Steel!
Give me some Mythril
I just don't understand how the game run so badly while being this hideous.
I'm guessing it's all because of the 3rd person camera literally nobody in their right mind would use.
Not really no, there just isn't enough content to cover even three route without feeling like you're playing the same thing in part 2 and in the paralogues and the xp maps. There's just not enough.
I'm curious to see how many really unique route each route gets.
Maps alone aren't enough to carry a fire emblem game.
I had to force myself through that shit story with the worst characters ever.
It severely ruined my experience of that game.
Dimitri and Marianne's was great
Wasn't expecting a cross-house support to not only be shit, but also have a solid foundation and resolution
Meant for
>not only not be shit*
>Tfw I wanted this romance but Dimitri was too much of a bro with Dedue so he didn't marry her.
Why did the church route exist? Its just a shitty version of Claude's route. This didn't need to exist and should have had no effect on BE route only having 19 chapters.
Is church route really the same as GD?
The "closest allies" thing seriously ruins how to plan supports out
If it was limited to "higher support stat bonuses" then it'd be better
Neither the church route nor edelgards route should have existed.
Whats wrong with El's route?
>Three Houses
>Can only pick 2 houses
Gee, I wonder who the bad guys are.
Byleth's magical genitalia fixes Crest AIDS and Fodlan Cold (a slightly weaker variation of the Japanese cold)
I never said BE shouldn't exist as a choice. Obviously come time skip, you would choose Claude or Dimitri to follow at that point.
Yes. Take GD, remove the Eagle vs Lion rematch and change the final chapter into a trash tier map and you've got the Church route.
Some characters you recruit acting OoC for the sake of keeping them in your team and handwaving unresolved issues in the ending
Also less maps and chapters than all other routes
Damn, that's too bad. I already did BE and BL, and was planning on doing GD then Church. Sounds like I couldn't have picked a worse order, but I definitely want to finish the game by marrying my daughter/mother Rhea.
>You pull a girl out of depression, help her to accept herself, after she becomes cheerful you go on a quest with her to defeat the original source of her past trauma, and afterward she proposes to you before you can in order to prove how much she's grown and to keep growing with you
I blame the lack of chapters on the church route. It felt rushed last second.
Characters act OoC in the other routes for the same reasons, that's not an El-exclusive issue. You're right about the route being shorter and generally feeling like it accomplishes less, though.
Probably because Edelgard wasn't intended to have a route and was added last minute. Weird.......
No recruits go as ooc as in Edelgard route.
Nothing in the game is worse than BE's Annette.
Nah, I find it hard to believe that someone like Dorothea, an orphan, would associate herself with someone who waged war on the continent, creating more orphans like her.
Or that Felix would join at all when his entire motivation lies within BL and his friends there.
But it would be OoC if Hubert was recruitable in other routes for example.
I can see why characters would join BL and GD, but BE is a harder case post timeskip.
I dare you to defend Mercedes joining edelgard.
Fucking retard edeltard apologist.
>fire emblem three houses.
Not fire emblems two houses and a church. How can you not think the church route is basically Claude's route without him?
>What are red herrings.
Felix makes perfect sense. He thinks Dimitri is a monster, and all it takes is a small push to get him to turn. He's a more interesting character as the guy who thinks Dimitri is a monster, but sticks with him anyway to attempt to fix him, but it's definitely not OoC for him to switch sides.
Defend Lorenz joining Dimitri
>how's that worst then copy and pasting a story again?
>He's a more interesting character as the guy who thinks Dimitri is a monster, but sticks with him anyway to attempt to fix him
That right there is why it's OoC
You remove that, you remove a huge part of his arc
Maybe Dorothea empathizes with Edelgard's motivation about abolishing the noble/commoner status quo that she would believe the end justifies the means. Hating nobility's birth privilege is pretty much her whole character so I can definitely see that working for her.
Eh for Dorothea it’s more like a war on crests which she could get behind
That doesn't make it OoC, it's the same character, taking a diverging path. Just because you're more entertained by one of the paths, doesn't mean it doesn't make sense for him to take either of them.
Dorothea, much like Bernedetta, doesn't really pick a side. They just get swept along with the current and react with, "Well, I guess I have to fight now. And maybe if I fight hard enough, I won't have to fight anymore."
I've done Church, BL, and GD. I don't think I can stomach Edelgard's man.
>I want to help my friend
>so I'm gonna kill him
Sorry but that doesn't make much sense to me
>I think my friend is an irredeemable monster
>but sensei believes in him, so I guess I'll try to help him
>I think my friend is an irredeemable monster
>and sensei is fighting against him, so I guess I was right
Felix did not need much of a push to swing him against Dimitri (or Fargus, for that matter).
Since we're on the topic of diverging paths, what do you think of the datamine of fighting Annette and Felix in the BL route, what do you think was the original plan, a potential split, they won't show up at the fated reunion unless you do their paralogue, something else entirely?
His father included?
And Sylvain and Ingrid?
Sylvain is just in it for tits
I tried not using them in battle or doing thier paralogues. All that happened was that Annette's paralogue didn't even appear. That video is cut content.
Now I'm curious about what happens if Ashe/Lorenz die pre-timeskip on a route where you're supposed to fight them.
Am I screwing myself over by not clearing all enemies in a stage before killing the commander? I'm worried I may be missing out on experience for my weaker troops and will regret it later down the road.
Yeah, IF you recruit him.
You can recruit just Felix and his reasoning now looks even worse.
I know it's cut content, I was just asking what you anons thought the intent of said cut content was. I thought mentioning the datamine would have been enough to get the point across.
Magic dragon jesus vagina
You might
it's incredibly disappointing that most of the routes are almost identical
if you're afraid of missing exp just do free battles, theres hardly anything worth doing post time skip anyway
That particular map has a completely random thief spawn in with one of the better bow sin the game. Pretty gay. I circles around the map for eternity and he didn't show up.
>His father included?
Yes. He thinks his father is a cunt for thinking his brother's death protecting the royals "noble" when Felix views it as a massive loss that should be mourned.
For Felix, he's probably turn against you because Dimitir caused his father's death.
Annette is clearly fighting you because her mother and uncle are being threatening.
I think it's possible for these cut contents to occur in BL depending on the choices you make just like in BE give you two routes, for example this one choice between going to Kingdom first to retake it or go to Empire directly. It got cut eventually because you would be losing more units and make BL gameplay more harder if you don't recruit anyone at all.
Who was in the wrong here?
What is this a picture for Australians?
the dubsteppers
Abilites are pretty meh in this game.
The only ones worth a mastery are Blows and Fares.
This map was so fucking lame.
My Petra could swoop in and kill her turn 1.
Instead I tried my best to frag this battle as far as possible to have all possible dialogues with her.
Hit +20 and QR are pretty good.
>tfw cant decide if I want fembyleth or marianne to fuck dimitri
Is Claude biking to Almyra
Still it would have been cool and really make the morally grey vibe they were trying to go for be there more.
Who even is her mother and uncle? I kind of benched Annette so i never really knew much more about her outside of her relationship with Gilbert.
Felix has a lot of good ones especially with Annette, Dimitri and Marianne is probably the best one in the game
>Defend Lorenz joining Dimitri
Lorenzs entire situation was support Edelgard or be killed then Dimitri came along and gave him a way out
>because you would be losing more units
The only unit you lost in BL was Dedue if you failed to do his paralogue was it not?
Good. Abilities usually ruin fire emblem with how overpowered and retarded they can get.
Only personal skills should exist and it should be limited to one or two.
See Annette's support conversation and her paralogue (unlocked if you get her and Gilbert support to C rank before timeskip in BL route only). Short answer, her mother live with Annette's uncle after Gilbert abandoned his family and uncle is brother of Gilbert.
Yep, but Gilbert replace him which is why you only get him in one route.
Claude's version should have him gone in the last panel
You see her uncle in the worst paralogue in the game
Still better than Hubert's where you have to try and prevent the mages from killing themselves.
Hey man SS has you lose two units and CF has you lose three.
>Fine, then we're at impasse
>Gonna need you to MOVE!
Absolute kino
It's kinda of sad how the game implies that, at best, Dimitri has a couple decades of him left before he dies. He even asks Gilbert to look after his son.
Mother stays offscreen.
You fight her uncle (Gilberts's brother) in their paralogue to get her prf relic the inflatable axe she wields in that video
Ingrid is probably the toughest sell of the bunch. Mercedes and other devote believers can be handwaved with, "Religion good, but people in the church are corrupt".
Ingrid's only desire is to be a loyal knight of Fargus, so her betraying her king makes no sense. The absolute best you could say is that she's doing it as a thumb in her dad's eye, but that's pretty weak.
Ok, but what if
she always wants to be a devoted knight to a lord and that lord is (You)
>it's only 10 hours if you skip 90% of the game bro
Claude gang is slightly better than BL (which felt like FE4 but Sigurd never died and child characters dont exist), Church felt like Awakening-tier shit, and BE was WWII Germany but everybody wants to fuck each other.
Issue solved. The only way to make BE path make sense is to give Ingrid the enlightened dick.
Well that's how it works for any recruit, they crave your holy seed.